Arc 4 – Chapter 4: Steamy Hot spring
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Within the bustling confines of Hololive HQ, the shrine maiden wandered through the corridors, seeking a suitable spot to rest. Amidst her contemplative steps, a familiar voice rang out, capturing her attention.

"Iroha!" Reimu's expression brightened as she turned to face the approaching blonde samurai.

"Iroha-chan?" Reimu's curiosity was piqued as she awaited the arrival of Iroha and her companions.

The blonde samurai led a group of four individuals, each one bearing their unique presence. Iroha's voice held a touch of excitement as she introduced her genmates to the shrine maiden.

"The grey-haired girl with the mask is Sakamata Chloe," Iroha announced, prompting a greeting from Chloe, who offered a simple, "Hello."

Pointing out the next individual, Iroha continued, "The pink-haired girl is Takane Lui." Lui chimed in with her introduction, saying, "Hi, my name is Takane Lui."

As the introductions continued, Iroha gestured toward another member of the group. "The pink-haired girl is Hakui Koyori." Koyori's cheerful voice added, "Yes~ I'm Koyori!"

Finally, Iroha's attention shifted to the person standing somewhat concealed behind Lui. "And the person hiding behind Lui is our leader, Laplus Darkness." Laplus offered a reserved greeting, "Nice to meet you..."

With introductions concluded, Reimu extended a warm welcome to her new acquaintances. "Nice to meet you, everyone. My name is Hakurei Reimu, and I hope we get along."

"Iroha-chan, I thought you had a collab or something," Reimu remarked with a quizzical expression.

A sudden realization seemed to strike the group collectively. "We forgot it!" they exclaimed in unison, a sense of urgency suddenly filling the air.

Without wasting another moment, the four individuals hurriedly dashed away, their hurried footsteps echoing through the corridors as they rushed to make up for their lateness—forty minutes late, to be precise.

Apologizing to Reimu, Iroha turned her attention back to the shrine maiden. "Sorry, Reimu. We forgot we had a collab, so I'll have to catch up with them."

Reimu offered a reassuring smile. "It's okay."

In a spontaneous display of encouragement and affection, the shrine maiden leaned closer to the samurai and planted a tender kiss on her lips. "Do your best!" she encouraged.

"I will!" Iroha replied with newfound determination, her spirits lifted by the shrine maiden's gesture.

With that, Iroha set off to catch up with her companions, her determination propelling her forward. Meanwhile, Reimu gracefully took to the skies, making her way back to the Hakurei Shrine, where her duties and responsibilities awaited her.


Hmm... spicy.


In the tranquil surroundings of the Hakurei Shrine's hotspring, Reimu felt the need to relax and refresh herself. With a determined expression, she made her way toward the soothing waters, her intention clear. Little did she know that another presence was already there, concealed by the steam rising from the spring.

"Wait!" a voice suddenly called out, breaking the silence.

Turning her head, Reimu was met with the sight of Marisa, who appeared to be taking a dip in the hotspring as well. A sense of surprise flickered across her features as she addressed her friend. "Marisa, you're taking a dip too?"

Marisa's urgency was evident as she responded, her voice slightly strained. "Yeah, that's why... cover yourself!"

Baffled by Marisa's insistence, Reimu tilted her head in confusion. "Why should I?"

A hint of exasperation colored Marisa's tone. "Because I can see your body!"

Unperturbed by Marisa's concern, Reimu explained her rationale. "I'm planning to dip into the hotspring, so I don't want my clothes to get wet."

Marisa's frustration grew. "At least use a towel or something!"

Reimu, however, remained steadfast in her decision. "I don't think I will."

With that, the shrine maiden stepped into the inviting warmth of the hotspring, paying little heed to Marisa's protestations. The magician, on the other hand, fell into a perplexed silence, avoiding direct eye contact with the seemingly carefree shrine maiden.

Amidst the steam, Reimu's voice drifted toward Marisa, teasing and lighthearted. "This is a rare sight, seeing you so flustered."

Closing the gap between them, Reimu reached out and gently touched Marisa's shoulder, the warmth of her palm radiating through the water.

With an unexpected yelp, Marisa's attempt at escape was met with resistance as Reimu firmly grasped her hand and drew her into an embrace. The magician's struggles to free herself proved futile against the shrine maiden's determined hold.

"Let me go!" Marisa's voice rang out, a mix of surprise and protest evident in her tone.

However, Reimu's expression transformed into a mischievous smile as a sudden idea crossed her mind. "You hate me now?" she taunted playfully.

Marisa's attempts to break free came to an abrupt halt as she gazed into Reimu's eyes. A moment of stillness passed between them, the tension palpable in the air. Then, in a moment of vulnerability, Marisa confessed, "No! I love you!"

The shrine maiden's lips curled into a knowing smile as she posed a question that seemed to hold a deeper meaning. "Really? Then why were you trying to leave when I was entering?"

Caught off guard by the inquiry, Marisa hesitated, her train of thought coming to an abrupt halt. Before she could formulate a response, her words were silenced as Reimu leaned in, capturing her lips in a sudden and passionate kiss.

Marisa's initial shock was replaced by a mixture of emotions, and her resistance began to wane. As the seconds ticked by, her struggle faded, and a sense of surrender overtook her. The magical bond between them seemed to deepen, and Marisa's heart echoed the truth she could no longer deny.

As their kiss deepened, a fiery passion ignited between them, causing Marisa's cheeks to flush a deep shade of red. The shrine maiden's fervent kisses began to trail from Marisa's lips to the sensitive nape of her neck, prompting soft and involuntary whimpering from the magician.

Amidst heavy breaths, Marisa found herself seated on the edge of the hot spring, her senses overwhelmed by the intensity of their intimate exchange. Reimu's lips continued to explore every inch of her being, sending shivers down her spine. The shrine maiden's touch grew bolder, her fingers tracing along Marisa's delicate curves with a tantalizing grace.

A sudden gasp escaped Marisa's lips as Reimu's fingers brushed against a particularly sensitive area, causing her to tremble. Her cheeks grew even redder, and her attempts to contain her pleasure were met with only limited success. Tears welled up in her eyes, a mixture of emotions taking hold of her as she found herself swept up in the intensity of the moment.

Reimu's smile remained playful and almost mischievous as she skillfully inserted a finger into a particularly tender spot, eliciting a helpless whimper from Marisa's lips. The shrine maiden's gentle movements sent waves of pleasure coursing through Marisa's body, causing her to arch slightly in response.

However, the magician's overwhelmed senses finally reached a breaking point. Her panting breaths were accompanied by a weak plea, "Reimu... stop..."

To Marisa's surprise, the shrine maiden's response was a cheerful and unyielding "Nope." The smile on Reimu's face seemed to express her delight at the moment, reveling in the newfound connection they were forging.

"You devil," Marisa managed to gasp out amidst the whirlwind of sensations that Reimu's skilled touch was creating. Her body responded to the increasing pace of the shrine maiden's finger, and the magician's soft moans grew more frequent and uninhibited.

The hot spring's tranquil ambiance was now punctuated by the wet, rhythmic noises that echoed their shared desire. Marisa's grip on the edge of the hot spring tightened as her breathing quickened and her body arched in response to Reimu's ministrations.

Time seemed to stretch and warp, their connection intensifying as each moment passed. The world around them faded away, leaving only the shrine maiden and the magician entwined in their intimate dance of pleasure and longing.

As their desires intertwined, a sense of vulnerability mixed with a powerful intimacy enveloped them both. Their bodies moved in harmony, each movement reflecting the growing crescendo of their shared passion.

The hot spring's gentle steam swirled around them, creating an ethereal atmosphere that mirrored the intensity of their connection. In this private realm, Marisa and Reimu surrendered to their desires, allowing their emotions to flow freely and binding them together in a moment that felt like an eternity.


Well, look at that. My attempts at being family-friendly are about as effective as a leaky bucket. Guess I'll just roll with whatever leaks out next. Enjoy the unintended twists, I suppose.

Ina and Ai entered the dining room, greeted by Reimu's unexpectedly cheerful demeanor.

"Welcome back!" Reimu's voice was filled with an unusually happy tone.

Ina couldn't help but be intrigued. "This is rare. I always thought you were perpetually bored. Did something good happen?"

Reimu's smile grew wider. "Yes, I had a great meal today."

Ai's curiosity was piqued as well. "A great meal, you say?"

As Ai's gaze shifted, she noticed Marisa leaning weakly against Reimu, her face flushed and her posture slightly awkward. Marisa's discreet discomfort did not escape Ai's keen observation.

"I think we should start cooking, Ina," Ai suggested.

Ina nodded in agreement. "Sure thing, let's get to it."

The two of them headed into the kitchen, leaving Reimu and Marisa alone.

Marisa glared at Reimu, a mix of resentment and embarrassment in her eyes. "I told you to be gentle."

Reimu shrugged nonchalantly. "You did? I must have forgotten."

The magician's gaze bore into the shrine maiden with an intensity that could almost be felt. She seemed to be hoping that her stare alone could convey her feelings, perhaps even summon some form of retribution.

Reimu couldn't help but laugh at Marisa's intense glare, seemingly unfazed by its intended effect.

With a mischievous smile, the shrine maiden leaned in and planted a kiss on the magician's lips, causing Marisa's earlier frustration to dissipate into a mix of surprise and affection.

"Honestly, I didn't think you could look any cuter," Reimu teased.

"Stupid," Marisa huffed, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush.

As the two of them brought out the food and began to eat together, the atmosphere became more relaxed. They enjoyed their meal, sharing moments of laughter and conversation.

The night passed without any troubles, the tranquil surroundings of the Hakurei Shrine providing a peaceful backdrop to their shared moments.


The shrine maiden soared through the skies of Alaya, her companions Patchouli and Marisa flying alongside her. As they navigated the vibrant surroundings, Reimu's focus was on their mission.

"What ingredients are we looking for?" she inquired.

Patchouli's voice held a note of authority as she responded, "We're in search of a rare mushroom that can typically be found in the wilderness continent."

Marisa chimed in, her tone confident, "There might be some in the cave system, although the chances of finding one are low."

"Very well," Reimu nodded, determined. "Let's head to the caves then."

However, their conversation took an unexpected turn.

"Marisa, did you and Reimu... you know?" Patchouli's words carried a teasing tone.

Marisa seemed momentarily caught off guard, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "What do you mean?"

Patchouli's response was blunt and direct, "I can sense her scent all over you."

Marisa's face turned an even deeper shade of red. "You're imagining things!"

Unwilling to let the topic linger, Marisa quickened her pace to catch up to the shrine maiden, leaving Patchouli behind.

The magician's mind raced her thoughts a mix of embarrassment and surprise. "I didn't think she could be so easily flustered... Does that mean she wasn't the one who initiated it?"

As Patchouli trailed behind, lost in her thoughts, a realization began to dawn. "Wait, that means... Reimu did it?"

Patchouli's voice carried a contemplative tone as she mused aloud, "Could it be that she's been influenced by human entertainment?"

The thought lingered in the air, unanswered, as Patchouli realized she couldn't provide a definitive response on Reimu's behalf.

Intrigued by the conversation, the librarian adjusted her flight to catch up with the others, her curiosity evident in her expression.


And here we go, the grand finale of me attempting to type a sex scene. But who can say? Maybe I'll surprise even myself and do it again someday. Or maybe not, who knows? I'm just here, riding the wave of my questionable writing choices. Oh, and as for the rating, well, let's just say it's as mature as a fully ripened-banana. Enjoy the slightly-too-ripe adventure, I guess.