Chapter 11 – 1 | It Started With A Slime (1)
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Yo, it’s Becca, your favorite hero. The last time I wrote to my fans there was a startling revelation about my home planet Earth. Seems that strange things keep following after me wherever I am.

So I thought to myself, what if I just stay away? Currently the RV is traveling through the other world of Arcoul, piloted by a sentient doll I instilled Qi into and molded with psychic energy. I think I’ll name him Steward.

Steward is driving the RV that I’ve designated a Gate at so I don’t have to travel through that world. This not only saves convenience but also decreases the likelihood that I’ll get involved in some business since my presence is absent. Well there’s no guarantee that something won’t crop up but this is an experiment at least.

Man, being a hero means I never get a vacation, huh?

Speaking of vacations, I decided on a whim to visit the local underground casino again. What can I say? When my funds start to run dry I need to fill her up again. Of course, I use illusion magic to disguise myself.

The last time I was here I cleaned several players out so I got banned by the management. I pick a card table and exchange what I have left into a meager pile of chips. All it takes is mind reading and some illusion magic, and I have a winning streak.

The funny thing is, my opponents are betting that my winning streak can’t continue forever, so they keep upping the ante and losing more and more. I guess it’s true what they say, that as the more a gambler loses the more they are desperate to win it back.

I try to keep a low profile while I increase my winnings but eventually I sense eyes on me and slip away. I don another disguise and proceed to find confident albeit easy targets to dupe into playing me. This time I lose a couple of matches on purpose to lower their guard and then go all-in and win back everything and more. I leave the casino my pockets feeling full.

I drop off the money in a bank account and back in the apartment I see that the girls’ bakery is doing well as usual. One of the girls looks worried about something so I speak to her.

「 Boss! Oh you’re here! Good timing. 」

Becca 「 What’s the matter? 」

「 I can’t seem to find your puppy. He usually saunters into the store at this time looking for a bite, but today I haven’t seen him. I’m sure no one else has fed him yet today as well, so I can’t help but worry about the fellow. 」

That reminds me, lately I’ve been lax and just let my companions roam about without supervision. I’m not really worried about them so much as I’m worried about what they’ll do. But of the members, I haven’t really looked for Mu and Fu.

I remember the slime and wolf pup I picked up. If I recall, shouldn’t Pip the golem be trailing after them? Mu the slime is usually riding with Pip so Fu should be near them. I spread my senses with Qi out to find traces of Fu.

It looks like he hasn’t been around here today. I wonder if Mu knows where he is, since the two get along so well.

I look around for Mu and Pip but no one has seen them either. So Mu and Fu and Pip are missing it seems. I smell some hero business.

I use Clairvoyance to peek across space and find them. Mu, Fu, and Pip are all together at the moment and they are currently chasing some people down alleys.

More specifically bald ruffians dressed all in black with shades.

Excuse me?