Chapter 13 – 1 Verbeau, Capital of Yorland Part 2 (1)
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Hello, resident hobby hero Becca, reporting in. My current location is in the crowded capital in Yorland, Verbeau. The royal wedding of the Yorliss family’s princess is upon us so people are drowning in festivities and lining the streets.

But my mood is anything but cheerful. I feel like a deflated balloon. My role as the gorgeous elegant heroine is in peril. You heard right, I’m having a hero identity crisis.

The Oracle Velphia was called to the garden in the royal castle to find the Grand Priestess Dionyss, Dragon God Abaleyn, and my party in the wing.

The Oracle gives us an introduction to the princess’ fiance, Prince Derrick of the fallen kingdom of Neroctis. And surprise! Prince Derrick Neroctis has triumphantly returned possessing the one and only hero class.

His death and the fall of his kingdom is so well known that no one expected him to survive. He has acquired strength and companions and returned to settle things it seems. One of which is his dream to marry his childhood sweetheart the Yorliss Princess.

I have to admit, his story as a hero sounds more convincing than mine; I just simply popped up. If someone were to ask why I became a hero, all I can say is that I was bored?

The prince plans to resurrect his dead kingdom by marrying the princess and borrowing the Yorliss Kingdom’s strength. Comparing me to Prince Derrick makes me wonder if the title of Hero is not for me.

Although Dionyss and Granny Abaleyn seem confused to hear that someone else also possesses the hero class, they listen to the Oracle further.

It clicks in my head that the hero the Oracle Velphia saw in her visions wasn’t me. There’s a bit of solace in knowing that I wasn’t the target of her voyeurism. False alarm.

Wait, I almost forgot there’s another Oracle on Earth belonging to the Vile Brotherhood. That seer is probably still searching for me in vain. I doubt their sight can find this world of Arcoul.

Oracle Velphia has foretold that Prince Derrick would return and propose to the princess, and that’s how word of the wedding spread. The king and the royal family have allowed things to come this far so they must be in agreement.

Dionyss trusted them to arrange the marriage without her so she is learning all of this for the first time. As a cursed human/demon God who has lived for a few lifetimes, marriage may not be such a big deal to her. She seems more intrigued than worried about this stranger that will wed the princess.

Velphia turns her attention to me and the others with her blindfolded stare, making me think she has some kind of sixth sense.

Velphia 「 Grand High Priestess Dionyss, who might these young ones be? 」

Maybe the Oracle recognized Granny Abaleyn so she only inquired about my party. I can’t just say that I’m a hero when she’s already verified the current hero. I’m more of a bug than a hero, seeing as I’m not even a native of this world to begin with.

Dionyss 「 This girl and her friends are my guests, same as Sister Abaleyn. They’re quite the interesting fellows. 」

Somehow, before I noticed it Dionyss had put away the alcohol keg and piles of ale mugs. Her personality has shifted back to her saintly and dignified persona. In front of other people she presents the refined noble temperament expected of a Priestess.

She can change from a drunken slob to the perfect image of holiness in less than a second flat. It’s scary how well she does it and if I hadn’t seen the transformation myself I wouldn’t have believed it.

Velphia 「 Greetings. I am Oracle Velphia, servant of the Church and devotee of the Goddess. 」

The team introduces themselves with their name. Of course, their rehearsed lines leave no mention of demon maids or earthlings. I’m up last to speak.

Becca 「 Becca Thorn. An absolutely normal person, not at all related to heroes. 」

Telling a white lie at this point is to avoid headaches and conflicting pitfalls. Trying to insert myself in this story is bound to cause friction with the hero. The child in our group, Alice, seems confused and speaks out without any filters.

Alice 「 Doesn’t Becca always say she’s a hero? How’s a hero a normal person? 」

Poor little Alice’s comment undermines my humble lie so I can only nervously laugh and cover it up. The oracle accepts my excuse that she’s too engrossed in hero stories and Alice can’t help but admire and deify me.

I send a glance to Alice’s sister Cheshyr who nods in agreement. She whips out a bag of chips and practically shoves them into Alice’s mouth. This appeases the little girl but that leaves one more demonic troublemaker, aside from Envie the demon maid.

Maeve is snickering and holding her giggles back but I notice the sinister glint in her eyes. Before she can speak up and cause more confusion I stop time with my magic and appear in front of her.

With the Non-lethal Strike skill, I knock her out with my hand chop and then prop her up with an invisible chain of psychic energy. Back in my initial position, the time stop is lifted and Maeve is frozen in place with a pale face and white eyes.

No one seems to notice except I can feel the gazes of Granny Abaleyn and Priestess Dionyss. Their power is out of the realm that I can affect with my time magic, which is a little surprising. But it seems they don’t want to bring up my covert actions.

Dionyss dismisses Velphia as the talk draws to a close. I decide that my party should also make an exit and leave Abaleyn and Dionyss alone to chat.

Dionyss 「 I won’t hold you anymore. Finish up your business quick so you can go have fun around the city. I hope you’ll come by again so I can introduce the princess to you, or you’ll only be able to see her on the day of her wedding. 」

I nod and leave with my party. As a side note, Envie reminds me to not forget and leave behind Adder. The poor chap has had his mind blown and his horizons extended til he’s passed out. The Golem Pip is carrying him as we leave the castle, while Envie carries out the unconscious standing Maeve.

I thought we’d be able to meet the royal family but I suppose a meeting without prior appointment isn’t proper.

The tea party with Grand High Priestess Dionyss is over so I lead the group to the headquarters of the Keeper Guild.

I was originally all excited to visit the guild HQ and show off like a hero. In a short span I met a big time figure like Dionyss and was replaced as hero.

My original goal was to charge into the Keepers Guild, astonish the guildmaster, and upgrade my glass Keeper rank up to Volcanic or Star rank. A backdoor like this exists for heroes to exploit after all. But I feel like being a top ranked Keeper has lost its appeal now.

I might as well get this over with soon so I don’t have to be embarrassed about my middling rank anymore.