Programs, Pregnancies, and Shattered Glass
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Surprises and Advancements


“What...but” Marie asked, looking down at Tillie.

It had been a few weeks since they returned from the Gascon estate, and Marie had been feeling nauseous the past couple days when working out in the morning. So, she had seen if Tillie had any remedies she could give her.

Instead Tillie had some...surprising news. “I've seen this hundreds of times, and you're showing the same symptoms as everyone else.”

Marie shook her head, “But, I lost the ability to a few years ago...”

Tillie shrugged, “I've heard cases before where woman lose the ability to have children due to trauma, stress, or any number of things, only for it to come back later if their situation improves. That kinda fits the situation with you, doesn't it?”

Marie closed her eyes in thought, It does. Of course, the reason is also what led to this... Ever since she had become lovers with Mac, no fiances with Mac, Marie had felt more relaxed, and could definitely tell she was feeling less stressed all the time, now that she had somewhat filled the hole in her heart left by her late husband. Of course, since Mac was up for it, she had been having sex with him with wild abandon whenever it was her turn with him, so if she had regained the ability to have children, this result wasn't very surprising.

Tillie sighed, “Are you not excited?”

Marie shook her head, “No, it's not that, it just doesn't feel real.”

Tillie chuckled, “Well, you better go tell the father.”

Marie nodded, before heading out of Tillie's office and walking to Mac's. I mean, he will be excited, right?

Quickly getting to Mac's office, she knocked before entering.

Mac smiled upon seeing her enter, “Got something else for me?”

Marie's heart fluttered. Of course he will.

Mac, noticing she was hesitating, walked over. “What's wrong?”

Marie shook her head. “Um...nothing's wrong...”

Mac seemed like he had a realization, and started to unbutton his shirt. “I'm up for it, but let's make it quick since I still-”

Marie grabbed his hands to stop him. “Mac...I'm pregnant.”

Mac stopped undressing, blinking a few times as if trying to comprehend what she was saying. “...I thought...”

Marie shook her head, “I did too, but I confirmed it with Tillie, I've been having all the symptoms.”

After a pause, Mac grabbed Marie and held her close. “This is amazing!”

Marie started to tear up. “I'm sorry...”

Mac held her shoulders, “What's wrong? Why are sorry? Did you not want too?”

Marie smiled, wiping her tears, “No, of course I did. I just told you I couldn't, and here...”

Mac gave her a kiss. “You don't need to apologize for something so amazing.”

Marie nodded. “I was so confused, I had been feeling sick, and went I went to Tillie, she immediately thought I might be, but I didn't believe her...”

After holding each other for a few minutes, they went to tell the others.


After a celebratory dinner for Marie, Mac and Melissandra were talking at the table while the others went to the bath.

“This is...amazing...” Melissandra said, still surprised by the announcement. “I'm so happy for Marie.”

Mac nodded, “Me too. I mean, it's partly my doing, so...”

Melissandra giggled. “Well, she was already part of the one-night schedule, so I guess that won't change anything. What about the others?”

Mac shrugged, “I'm doing what I can...”

Melissandra giggled again, “I'm sure...”


That night he was scheduled to be with Charlotte. Since they had returned from Kay and his' wedding, his nights with Charlotte had been...interesting.

Sometimes he would fall asleep in her workshop while she was tinkering with the steam engine (or one of her other projects she would get distracted with). A couple times, he had shown up, only for her to already be asleep, so he would just crawl in across from her (usually giving her a momentary fright when she woke up in the morning).

Tonight, however, she seemed to be making an effort. Or, at least, what was considered an effort for Charlotte. Laying across the bed from him, she was blushing heavily while they looked at each other.

“What's wrong?” Mac asked. While he enjoyed making love to his wives and fiance's, Charlotte's timidness towards romance was actually a bit refreshing.

Charlotte shook her head. Scooching herself over, she slowly wrapped her arms around him, face blushing even more.

Mac reciprocated and wrapped his arms around her, and she buried her face in his chest to hide her embarrassment.

“Do you like this?” Charlotte asked, looking up at him with face still blushed.

Mac nodded. Deciding to take the lead a bit, he leaned his face down and gave her a quick peck.

Luckily, they had kissed a few times now, and Charlotte wasn't as taken aback. She even leaned back in, sticking her tongue in a bit sloppily to make out with him.

Pulling her head back and breathing heavily after just a few moments, she squeezed him tighter. “Let's trying sleeping like this.”

Mac, trying to remain 'calm' for Charlotte's sake, nodded. Pulling her up for one final kiss, he then closed his eyes.


Charlotte, however, watched Mac as he closed his eyes. Staring at him as he slept, she had trouble keeping her emotions calm.

Why is he so nice to me? His other wives do it all the time, but with me he's fine with just kissing and hugging a bit. I wonder... she stopped her thought, shaking her head. No, he must find me attractive too. He even said so.

Resolving herself, she decided, Alright, we'll do it...soon. Next time, maybe. I should try one of those...pieces Kay gave me...


The next morning, Mac was working when Emma came up, stack of papers in hand.

Knowing it could only be one thing, Mac asked, “Finished this draft?”

Emma nodded, dumping the stack on his desk. “I think I've got a pretty good plan this time.”

Mac picked it up, skimming through the papers as Emma watched. He had read a couple dozen versions, and the plan they had formed was now much more refined. Farming techniques, price controls, transporting food around the kingdom (if needed), and the required resources to facilitate all of it.

“I think we're ready,” he smiled, setting the papers down.

Emma wiped her brow, “Phew, glad that's over with...”

Mac chuckled, “We'll probably need to modify it once we see how people and the economy react, though...”

“Oh I know, I just meant we can travel now, right!?” she asked, looking at him expectantly.

Oh, that's true. I knew we'd be going eventually, but with everything that's been going on... “Yup, once we're done with the next wedding, we should have some time to go somewhere.”

Emma jumped on him, getting a short make-out from him before he gently pulled her shoulders away.

“I love you Emma, but I still have a lot to do.”

Emma giggled, “It's okay, I'll have you for a whole trip soon...”


Later, he was supposed to be spending the afternoon with Daisy. He was surprised, however, to find her lugging a chest out of her shack by the forge.

“Um...are you leaving?” he asked, a bit worried.

Daisy set the chest down, chuckling, “Haha, you gonna miss me?” she asked, leaning up and giving him a kiss.


Daisy chuckled again. “No, I'm not leavin', I...well, I wanted to be a more 'proper' Queen, so I'm moving into the palace with everyone else.”

“Ohhh, okay. That's wonderful!” he responded, giving her a hug.

Daisy smiled, “Yeah. Lord Harald talked to me 'bout setting a good example for all the dwarves of the kingdom...” she said, a bit of hesitancy in her voice.

Since that was very unlike Daisy, Mac immediately noticed. “Do you not want too? I don't mind if you just keep living here.”

Daisy shook her head. “No, it's not that. I wanted to be closer with you and the rest anyway,” she said, giving him a squeeze. “It's more, the...uh...'good example' part I'm worried about. I'm just a blacksmith, not a noble.”

Mac smirked, having had this conversation before. “That's not an issue. Come on, let's go talk to Marie after we move these chests.”


That night was to be spent with Kay. However, on the way to Kay's room, he was called out to.


Only one person calls me 'sire' that aggressively... he thought, turning around. Walking briskly towards him was Fawna, the newest member of the royal maid staff. She had taken it upon herself to be Mac's personal maid, cleaning up after him and fetching anything he needed.

“Fawna,” Mac replied, giving her a nod.

“Sire, do you need anything?” she asked expectantly.

Errr... “Um...not really. I was just about to go to Kay's for the night. Could you maybe...make sure my room is clean?”

Fawna looked a bit sad, “I already cleaned your room. Since you're rarely sleeping in it, it doesn't get that messy...”

Well, that's true. He knew Fawna would feel dejected if he couldn't think of some way to make her feel useful. “My office! Could you organize my office? I've been bad about keeping it clean, since I'm in and out so much, so can you make sure everything's sorted properly?”

Fawna nodded vigorously in excitement. “Of course! I'll get right on it.”

“Make sure you get enough sleep, too!” he shouted at her retreating frame. She turned around, quickly bowing again, and then continued briskly walking away.

“Nyahaha, what was that?” he heard from behind him.

Kay, wearing a sexy pink negligee, came out of her room a bit behind him, leaning over sneakily.

“Nothing, Fawna just wanted a task to do,” Mac explained, walking over and planting a kiss on her lips.

Kay kissed him back, before wrapping her arms around him and pulling him in. “Are we going to have another maid-wife soon? I know how you feel about them,” she giggled, poking his side.

Mac rolled his eyes, “It seems that way...”

Kay seemed a bit surprised at his response, “Really? I mean, I figured that might happen, but I thought you would put up more resistance.”

Mac shrugged, “It's kind of my fault she got like that, so I feel like I have to take responsibility.”

Kay giggled. “I'm sure her being cute doesn't hurt...”

Mac stroked her ears a bit and gave her another kiss. “You would know about being cute...”

Kay blushed, pulling him on the bed, before having a realization. “Oh wait...I got distracted by you and Fawna, so I forgot to say. I'm pretty sure we did it!”
Mac, having been through this a few times now, instantly knew what she was referring too. Clasping her tightly, he responded, “I'm so glad!”

Kay was laughing, “Nyahaha, me too. Although, I was hoping we'd get to continue doing it longer...”

Mac was confused, “What do you mean? We can keep spending the night together even if you're pregnant, assuming you want too. I figured Mel would have told you...”

Kay blushed a bit, “I know. I mean, I'll be put on the lower-priority schedule since I'm pregnant now...”

Mac winced a bit, once again feeling the pain of not having enough time for everyone. “Well, we just need to make the most of the time we have together,” he said, pulling down her negligee.

Kay giggled, pulling him down onto the bed.


The next day, Marie was meeting outside with Felicia. I haven't had much time to deal with this lately, what with...everything with Mac, but hopefully today...

Felicia was already outside, talking with Emma. Emma had been diligently practicing her dirt-moving magic, and had been able to scoop out larger and larger chunks recently.

Greeting them, Marie then snapped a couple branches from a tree, as well as grabbing a fist-sized stone off the ground.

Emma, wiping sweat from her forehead, seemed confused. “What are you doing? I thought you were gonna test Fe's magic?”

Marie smiled knowingly. “We are. Here, you can help me actually.” Holding out the two branches, she had Emma hold the other sides, before placing the rock in the middle, supported by the branches.

Felicia seemed as confused as Emma. “What...what am I supposed to do?”

“I believe your magic might be to add weight to items. It's just a guess though, so we're going to see. Try imagining the rock getting really heavy. Emma and I will be able to tell if it works.”

Felicia seemed confused still, but Emma nodded in support. Looking at the rock, she closed her eyes, looking as if she was thinking intently.

Nothing happened.

“Hmm, maybe it's something else...” Marie mused.

“Are you sure I have magic?” Felicia asked.

“For certain, the Drain Stone wouldn't have reacted the way it did if you did not. I thought for sure it was getting heavier...”

Emma shrugged, while Felicia rubbed her stomach, which was showing through a bit.

After a few moments, Marie instructed, “Try...try imagining the rock dropping to the ground.”

Felicia raised an eyebrow, but then looked at the rock.

The rock smashed through the branches, falling to the ground and even digging into the ground a bit with a 'thunk'.

Marie and Emma looked at each other, holding the remains of the smashed branches.

Running over, Emma gave Felicia a hug. “Nice job!”

Marie smiled, rubbing her chin. Excellent.

Having Felicia try a few more times, and replicating them successfully, Marie had her stop so as to not exhaust herself.

“You can practice with me from now on!” Emma said.

“Yes, but please be careful, don't stress yourself out too much while you're pregnant,” Marie explained.

Felicia playfully poked Marie in the stomach, “Same to you.”

Emma was a bit upset, giving a 'hmpf' behind them.


While this was going on, Mac was spending the afternoon with Melissandra. Since she was getting far along with her pregnancy, they didn't go out much anymore, mostly spending their 'date' time in one of their rooms, either cuddling or talking over tea.

Today was talking over tea, as Mac had some papers he wanted Melissandra to read.

“What do you think?” Mac asked.

Melissandra finished reading, then sat the papers down. “I think it's a good idea,” she said with a nod.

“You're okay with it, right?” Mac asked, wanting to make sure.

Melissandra smiled, “Why wouldn't I be?”

“Well, they're going to be on your land...”

Our land,” Melissandra corrected him.

Mac slid the papers back over to himself. They were a plan he had written up to resettle the town and surrounding countryside of Toulouse. Right now, they were mostly abandoned. They had been filled with bandits, but they had been cleared out by the bandit subjugation. He hoped to incentivize some of the war refugees to return to their former land, along with any other homeless people who wanted a new start for themselves.

The plan was thus: Anyone who had been lucky enough to survive the Provent invasion would be able move back to their land or dwellings (or what remained of them). For any unclaimed land, every family that wanted a plot of land could have one at no charge, but in exchange they would need to give a third of their harvest to the kingdom as payment. Of course, Mac wasn't going to be selling it for money, but instead using their cut to plug gaps in the food supply using Emma's agricultural program. If any food somehow was left over, they would sell it abroad, and put the money in a separate fund.

Or at least, that's what the plan was.

The actual town of Toulouse would need to be re-established. Mac didn't have any good ideas here, besides throwing some money at service providers in the capital. It was all well and good to have farmers, but they needed a town for merchants to shop at. And merchants needed inns to stay at. And all of them needed clothing, doctors... It's actually a lot to establish a functioning town from scratch...

And because of all this, Mac needed to make sure the local noble would be okay with it. Which was technically...Melissandra.

Mac responded, “I know. I just...I wanted to make sure we're in agreement.”

“Of course. I'm actually...” she paused, a couple tears in her eyes, “I was just thinking, my parents would have loved you.”

Mac came over to embrace her. “I'm sure my mother would love you, too.”


After dinner that day, he headed over to Eleanor's room for the night.

Entering the room, he saw Eleanor laying on her side, napping.

That's surprising. She's usually all gung-ho during our nights...

As he got onto the bed and crawled over, Eleanor woke up. “Mac...”

“What's wrong? Sleepy?” he said, moving the bangs out of her eyes.

“Sorry...I just... I don't think I can today...”

Mac was surprised. Even while pregnant, Eleanor had been relentless in their lovemaking sessions. “Are you okay?”

Eleanor nodded, “Yes, I'm just really tired.”

Mac curled up next to her, holding her hands. “That's okay. Just take it easy.”

Eleanor sleepily nodded. “I love you Mac.”

Mac gave her a peck on the lips, before curling up next to her, wrapping his arm over her hip. “I love you too.”


Wedding Day – Felicia


Another week passed, and the day of Mac and Felicia's wedding had come. And Fiona and La Hire's.

Marie had seemed confused at first at the concept of a double wedding, but they had worked out the logistics during the wedding practice, and they were confident it should go off without a hitch.

Mac was woken up by a furious knocking at the door. “Come in Fawna.”

The door burst open, Fawna coming in. “Sire! We must get you ready!”

Mac got out of bed as Fawna rushed around. First scrubbing his face before stripping off his tracksuit and helping him get his royal regalia on.

After she tied the prism beast cape on, she put her hands on her hips and did a nod of approval.

“Thanks Fawna,” I feel bad sometimes, but she is very helpful.

Fawna bowed, “Of course sire.”

Mac thought for a moment, then gave her a quick scratch behind her ears.

Fawna gave out a 'yip' before covering her mouth and blushing.

Mac chuckled, “Just a reward for doing such a good job.”

Fawna nodded vigorously, still blushing, before opening the door for him.


Walking down to the main hall, Marie was waiting there. Grabbing his arm in hers, she gave a huge smile.

As Fawna took her leave, Mac asked, “Who's gonna walk me down the aisle at our wedding?”

Marie giggled. “You know, you do have mother-in-laws now. And you'll be getting more. You could always get Lady Sophia to do it.”

“Wow, talk about shoving it in her face...” Mac responded. “Although, I think she's gotten over not seducing me.”

At that moment, the music started and the doors opened, and Mac and Marie slowly made their way down the aisle. Due to this being the king's fifth wedding in as many months, many nobles opted not to attend, although a sizable crowd had still come, if only to get in front of the King or to socialize with the other nobles.

Once they reached the end, they walked up the stairs, where Mac took his place and Marie readied herself in the back.

Due to the nature of this particular wedding, every other person was being walked down the aisle by someone not on the stage. The two participants on each side would be acting as each other's groomsman and bridesmaid, to help simplify the proceedings, but also because they would have been chosen anyway.

Next was La Hire, who was being walked down by his other fiance, Kelly. At the end, Kelly gave him a peck on the cheek, before walking over and sitting next to Fiona and Felicia's siblings which filled out her side's pew.

Mac looked over to the other side, at the rest of his wives and fiance's sitting there (including Rhea, sitting in Eleanor's hair).

Next down the aisle was Fiona, being walked down the aisle by her brother Finn. Fiona was wearing a traditional wedding dress that emphasized her cuteness. He noticed La Hire tense up a bit as Fiona walked up. She gave him a small smile before heading over to her spot.

Finally, the door opened once more and Felicia came in, wearing a...fairly scandalous (by noble standards) dress with a deep cut in the middle, and her baby bump protruding out slightly. She hadn't known who to have walk her down, but Emma had been really excited about doing it, so Felicia accepted. And now, Emma and Felicia walked arm in arm down the aisle. Mac thought they looked to be giggling as they made their way down.

Once Felicia was up, Mac gave her a smile, which was reciprocated a bit...sensually. Yeah, that's the Felicia I fell in love with.


The ceremony went as normal, just with the addition of a bit of position-switching taking place. First Fiona and La Hire said their vows, before Mac and Felicia did the same. Mac slid the black-stoned ring onto her finger, and Felicia claimed the middle finger next to Emma's on his right hand.

“I now present, King Mac and Queen Felicia!” Marie shouted, after setting the ceremonial crown on Felicia's head.

A smattering of applause came from the crowd. A few of the younger of Felicia's siblings were pointing and shouting at Felicia, seeming a bit confused.

After that, they headed down the aisle towards the door. Once through it, Felicia pulled him down for a passionate kiss. “What a naughty king, marrying a prostitute you already knocked up...” she said, before giggling and putting her cheek in his chest.

Mac chuckled, “What can I say, it was love at first sight...”

Felicia blushed a bit, before starting to make out with him again.

As this was going on, the door opened again, with Fiona and La Hire coming in. La Hire blushed seeing them, while Fiona giggled.

Fiona leaned over and gave La Hire a quick kiss. “That's all I can get out of him right now,” she sighed.

Felicia giggled, “You're gonna need to do a lot more than that if you want to have kids...”


Walking to the reception together, they took their seats as the food was brought out. Fawna was hovering behind them, filling their wine if it got half-empty and taking any clean plates away immediately.

Mac, as always, listened to what his family was talking about (although it was a bit hard to hear on the ends of the tables, their family had gotten so large).

Kay and Melissandra were talking to Rhea, who was tearing off bits of bread to chomp on (sitting in small form on the table).

“We've been spreading the rumor around for a while now. Do you think we should continue?” Kay asked.

Melissandra nodded. “Yes, if it persists it's more believable. Then we just need to find the right time to announce it.”

Marie was talking with Eleanor about their zipper-clothing business.

“We already sold most of the first run of tracksuits,” Eleanor explained.

Marie nodded, “We may need to hire more seamstresses.”

Daisy and Charlotte was whispering about something, as usual. Charlotte even had a diagram on a napkin she was drawing.

Emma was busy stuffing her face with chicken.

Felicia whispered something to Fiona, who in turn leaned over and whispered something to La Hire, which caused him to almost drop his wine goblet. Whatever it was though, he nodded, a look of determination on his face.


After finishing their dinner, it was time for mingling with the guests. Fiona and La Hire were also walking around, which earned some giggling from Kelly as they awkwardly conversed with the guests.

Mac noticed there seemed to be a lot more guards on the outside of the hall than normal. Hopefully unneeded, he thought, trying to push it out of his mind. He also noticed Gabriella, wearing a dress, was chatting up some of the guards. I guess she came, at least.

As they were walking, a booming voice called out to them. “Sire, could I speak with you?”

Mac turned to the side where a tall, large man was sitting. Generally people in this world were not overweight, the worst often being someone like Lord Gascon who was a bit rotund, but this man looked near immobile. He had two women sitting next to him, but looking down and not touching their plates.

Mac, of course, tried not to judge. “Sorry, I don't believe we've met.”

The man chuckled, which caused his body to jiggle. “Of course, this is the first wedding I managed to attend. I am Lord Safur.”

“Good to meet you, Lord Safur.”

“Likewise, sire. I was talking with my good friend Lord Arpitan, and he mentioned you had given him a tax exemption in order to buy more food for his peasants. My domain is having the same issue, so I was hoping I would be able to obtain an exemption as well.”

Mac suppressed himself from saying the obvious joke, and closed his eyes. I don't want to do this when we're gearing up the agricultural program. But if I say no after I accepted Lord Arpitan's proposal, he might get upset. Hmm...

“Is that not acceptable, sire?” he asked, before looking at one of the two women next to him. They grabbed their plate, then stuffed one of the rolls into his mouth.

Really? Come on... “I...have an edict I'll be announcing soon, which affects what you're asking. I'll need to delay any decisions around food and taxes until then,” Mac explained.

Lord Safur nodded, “I understand, sire. I'll submit my request and will await an answer until then. I assume I will know the edict when I hear it?”

“Oh yes, it's...quite long,” Mac said, giving a slight smirk.

Lord Safur took the smirk as friendly, and smiled back, before motioning to be fed another roll.


Saying their goodbyes, Mac and Felicia kept walking.

“You're so kingly,” Felicia said in her seductive voice.

“I should hope so,” Mac said back, chuckling.

“Is that how it normally went with the other girls, too?” she asked.

“More or less...” Mac replied. “Depends on who you're talking too. Some are...less stressful than others. Speaking of which...”

As he trailed off, Lord Cartegna came up, clapping him on the shoulder. “Son, good to see you! Another joyful wedding.”

Mac smiled. Lord Cartegna and he had always gotten along well ever since their trip to Cartegna estate to first visit Eleanor, but since the bandit subjugation Lord Cartegna had seemed more and more like a father figure to him.

“Good to see you as well, father.”

Lord Cartegna turned to Felicia, “And you look lovely as well my dear.”

“Thank you,” Felicia replied, giving a smile.

Turning back to Mac, he lowered his voice a bit. “I actually...I had something I wanted to mention to you in person.”

Mac was a bit confused. “Something you couldn't write about?”

Lord Cartegna shook his head, “No, I didn't want to risk the info leaking out,” he said, glancing at Felicia.

Mac shook his head, “I trust Fe as much as I trust Eleanor.”

Lord Cartegna gave a wry smile, “Understood. My scouts have run into several scouts from the Navar kingdom.”


Mac flashbacked to his lessons with Marie regarding the geography of Ositania.

“Ositania roughly looks like an isosceles triangle, with the rounded point in the northwest, and the base in the southeast,” Marie explained, pointing to a map. “The northern border is bounded by the ocean. The southeast border is the great river, and the border with Provent. Our southern border is the Deshuvan mountains, with several countries on the other side.

One of those countries, the southernmost that also shared a border with Provent, was Navar.


Zapping back to the present, Mac frowned. “Was there any confrontation?”

Lord Cartenga shook his head, “No. When my scouts kindly pointed out they were on Ositanian territory, they apologized and headed back. Of course, unless their scouts are the worst on the continent, there's no way they were lost. They had to go through the mountain passes to get here...”

That's not good. I don't want a conflict with Navar right now.

“May I give my opinion, my lord?” Lord Cartegna asked.

“Of course.”

“The Navarran's are opportunists. I'm sure you learned this in your history lessons, but they, among other's, attacked Provent during the last war while they were besieging Pearie.. Not because they had some secret alliance with us, but they, correctly, sensed weakness in Provent's rear and attacked. I believe they heard about our bandit subjugation 'campaign' and are testing our defenses, seeing if we are weakened, and testing where they might be able to get through them.”

Mac as a bit in awe. This is the mind of an experienced military leader. Even if he's not 100% correct, he put together the pieces well. “Let's step up the patrols near their border, then. Get with Lord Harald, and see if he can send a contingent of dwarves to help scout the mountains as well.”

Lord Cartegna smiled and bowed, “As commanded, my lord.”

After that, they had a bit of a small talk, before Lord Cartegna left to go spend time with Eleanor.


Continuing on, they didn't get far before Mac stopped dead in his tracks as someone approached them.

It was a beautiful woman, tall, with long hair, fairly large breasts, and a long tail behind her, and antlers similar to Fawn's on her head, thought a bit smaller. Her body was wrapped in a white robe that looked like it was one long sash wrapped around her body in an intricate pattern.

She was also blue, while her hair was green.

“King Mac, it is good to meet you,” she said, giving a bow.

“You as well...” Mac responded, trying not to appear fazed.

“I am Saphoa, daughter of Queen Haliya of Arkanta...”

Arkanta? I don't remember where that is at all.

“...My mother wishes to discuss relations between our countries. She'd like to cordially invite you to visit at your earliest convenience.”

Well, no sense not entertaining a potential ally, although I don't think leaving the country right now is a good idea. “Of course. I am busy in the near future, but if you send the details to my Magistrate, we should be able to arrange something.”

Saphoa smiled and bowed again. “Thank you, King Mac.” After a pause, she added, “It is good to see you holding beast-humans in such high regard,” with a smile at Felicia.

Felicia smiled back.

That seems a little loaded. Is that why she wants to talk? Or do they just not like countries that discriminate against beast-humans? Well, either way, this could be to our advantage.

As she left, Mac could see her bright blue tail, with scales that looked like shimmering sapphires.

Felicia elbowed him in the side. “You enchanted by her tail?” she asked, a bit snarky.

Mac wrapped his arm around her, briefly squeezing her tail as he did. “Maybe I just like tails?”

Felicia blushed a bit, “I think it's time to go...”


Mac and Felicia then made a big show of leaving. Is this really necessary when she's already, and very obviously, pregnant!? Of course, he went along with it anyway, as Felicia pulled him down the hall.

“We're going to your room for the night,” Felicia stated.

“I'm fine with that, but why don't you wanna go to yours?” he asked.

“I'm letting Fiona borrow it, since she normally sleeps in the maid quarters, and La Hire in the barracks, so they don't have anywhere to have their first sex.”

Mac chuckled a bit. “I remember when I was like that...”

Felicia blushed a bit, “Thankfully you saw reason. Or maybe I was just too sexy.”

“Maybe the latter...”


Once in the room, Felicia got down to business immediately, slipping herself out of her dress while Mac slowly undid his regalia.

“Come on...” Felicia teased, standing there in her black lingerie.

“Hold on, hold on,” he said, pulling his undershirt over his head.

Felicia held him close, making out with him, and grabbing his member, stroking it gently. With her other hand, she pulled him down onto the bed. Straddling on top of him, she lowered herself onto his member, before starting to push herself up and down.

“I'm impressed you can still do that,” Mac said, squeezing her breasts as they bounced in front of him.

“Enjoy it while you can, soon I'll be as big as Lord Safur...”

“Don't be mean...” Mac said, although with a laugh. Mac grabbed her waist as he was about to finish, holding her tight as he released.

He sat up, pulling her in for more gentle kissing.

“How long do you wanna go?” he asked.

Felicia thought for a moment. “ much as I'd like to go all night, I don't think I'll last that long.”

Mac chuckled, “That's fine. We'll just make up for it when we're trying for the next one.”

Felicia blushed, playfully pushing him down and making out with him again.


Preparing the Agricultural Plan


The next day, Mac, Marie, and Emma were sitting in the council chamber for a meeting.

Now that Felicia's wedding was done, there wouldn't be another royal wedding for a while. Charlotte and Daisy's would be hosted by their respective houses with no date set yet, Marie wasn't in a rush to have hers, and Rhea's was still in the 'spreading rumors' phase due to her...circumstances.

With that being the case, Mac was freed up for a while to work on other things. Right now, his main priority was the implementation of Emma's Agricultural Plan.

Marie set down her copy, “Alright, let's-”

Mac cut her off. “One moment, I wanted to ask something,” he said, looking at Marie.

Marie raised an eyebrow at him.

“Who was that person from Arkanta at the wedding? I don't remember Arkanta from our lessons at all,” Mac explained.

Marie sighed. “Yes, I probably should have, but to be honest...I forgot about them.”

Now Mac raised his eyebrow.

“The Kingdom of Arkanta is a...supposed country off our northern coast. It's made up of a sea serpent-human race that live underwater, and led by the royal family that Saphoa is a part of.”

“'Supposed?'” Mac asked.

Marie nodded. “We don't know how large it actually is, it could be small village or it could be larger than Ositania. And it's not like we can go underwater to check.”

Oh, yeah that's a bit hard to verify.

Marie continued, “A lot of them stay underwater most of the time, but some occasionally travel up to coastal towns to trade. They learned of your upcoming wedding to Felicia, and sent a request for an invite. I...I thought it might be a joke, or fake, but I sent one anyway to the coastal town and...well, you can see the result.”

Mac was in a bit in awe, imagining a vast underwater city. “Saphoa said she was the daughter of the Queen, and that she wanted to talk to me. Actually, I think she said their Queen wanted me to visit.

Marie nodded, “That makes sense to a degree, although I don't know why they picked now to decide to start negotiations with us. Or how we'd visit them underwater...”

“Saphoa specifically commented about holding beast-humans in high regard. I mean, I am married to two of them, so maybe that means something to them?” Mac suggested.

Marie thought for a moment. “I...I know you don't want to hear it, but it's possible she will try to marry Saphoa off to you to link our countries together. That would also explain why she sent her specifically to the wedding.”

Mac just shook his head. I need a clone for these diplomatic marriages. “I won't deny that, but let's not jump to conclusions. I mean, we don't even know if they're really a 'country', right? I'm not saying we shouldn't try to form good relations with them, but a diplomatic marriage to form an alliance with a village isn't exactly needed.”

Marie nodded, before looking down at the table, deep in thought.

After a few moments, Emma let out an “Ummmooooo...”

Mac and Marie snapped back to the task at hand.

“Sorry, I just wanted to-” Mac started.

“No, it's okay,” Emma cut him off, shaking his head. “I'm just...excited to talk about this!” she exclaimed grabbing her papers.

Generally these types of high-level Kingdom discussions involved Mac and Marie, and some combination of Eleanor, Melissandra, or Kay. Of course, since Emma was ostensibly going to be in charge of everything involving today's topic, and had written most of the plan herself (although with help from Marie and Mac), she was an integral part of today's discussion.

“Alright, so what questions do you have? I know you both have read over it already.”

Marie asked, “Where is the money coming from for buying and distributing? It says here just the 'treasury'.”

Emma blushed a bit, “Um, I was just going to ask Mac when we need some.”

Mac nodded, “I'm hoping we can the cost until the resettlement program starts giving us crops to use for filling in shortfalls elsewhere.”

Marie nodded, “What if there's a shortfall in the resettlement crop harvest?”

Emma didn't have a response. After a few moments, she replied, “I guess, we would just do the best we can...” looking a bit embarrassed.

Marie nodded again. “That's fine, I just want to know where we might need to look for alternative solutions.”

Mac added, “If we get to a situation where the Kingdom is doing everything it can and we still have shortfalls, we'd need to look for food supplies through other avenues, and it would fall out of her purview anyway.”

Marie set her pen down as if in deep thought again. “Have you considered having other positions similar to Emma's made? Obviously the food situation is one of our bigger issues, but I could see this being useful in other areas as well.”

Mac gave a sly grin. “Yes, that's the plan, actually. I was going to use Emma as a pilot to see how it goes, and then assign others accordingly.”

Marie chuckled, “You work your wives to the bone...”

Mac shrugged, “A lot of it is stuff they're already doing, it'll just be more formalized and a better allocation of resources besides just 'Mac, I need more money for this'.”

Marie gave a sly smile, “I'd be out of a job eventually! Is that why you wanted to marry me, so you had an excuse to keep me around?”

“I mean, I do want to keep you around, but the Magistrate would have the important job of being in charge of all the other appointments.”

Marie chuckled, “Haha, isn't that your job?”

“My job is to keep everyone happy,” Mac explained.

Marie chuckled some more.

“Ummmoooo,” Emma said.

“Sorry, sorry...” Mac said. “I had a question, or maybe a concern...who are we going to send to enforce some of these policies? The royal guard?”

Emma nodded, “That's who I assumed.”

Marie started writing, “Why don't we hire people specially to help enforce the policy?”

Mac scratched his chin, “What if we did that but kept them under the guard's purview? I'm sure La Hire wouldn't mind the extra recruits.”

Marie nodded, writing on her paper.

Emma smiled, “Anything else?”

Marie nodded, “Yes...about these inspections. Are you going to be doing all of them, Emma?”

Emma nodded. “Yes, at least for now. I'd like to hire some people so I don't have to go on all of them eventually, but starting out, I think it's best I do them. Then I would be able to train others to do it as well.”

Marie smiled at her, “That makes sense. Actually, we just received an invite to Lord Arpitan's wedding, so you could combine attending that with your first inspection trip.”

“Do you think I should attend, what with...” Mac trailed off.

Marie grimaced a bit, but nodded. “Yes, with a large force for protection, of course. I think showing yourself out and about sends a message to any who would sense weakness in our country.”

Mac nodded, remembering his conversation with Lord Cartegna the day before. He then looked at Emma, worried she was going to be upset because they got off topic again, but she also seemed deep in thought. “What's wrong?”

Emma snapped out of it, “Oh... I was wondering what I should wear to the wedding. I'm assuming you'll be taking me, right?”

Mac smiled, “Of course. Actually, we should see if anyone else wants to come.”

The three of them finished discussing some of the minutiae of the plan before adjourning for the day.


At dinner, Mac brought it up, “We got invited to Lord Arpitan's wedding, and I planned on attending with Emma since we'll be doing some inspecting as part of her job on the way. Does anyone else want to come with us?”

Melissandra, Eleanor, and Felicia all held their baby bumps and shook their heads.

Charlotte replied, “Um...I feel like we're making a lot of progress with the steam engine, and I want to keep at it.”

Mac nodded, “I completely understand.”

Daisy blushed a bit, “I was uh...gonna do some etiquette lessons with Marie, so I think I should do that before attending any more weddin's...” she explained.

Emma hugged Daisy. “She's a great teacher!”

“For that reason I planned on staying as well,” Marie said.

Kay seemed thoughtful, “I'd like to go, it could be a good way to extend my contact network.”

I wonder if Kay would explain her spy network, or whatever it is, to me? Not that I don't trust her, but I'm just curious how it works...

“Oh, pick me! Pick me!” Rhea said. She had been sitting in Eleanor's hair, but was now flying in front of Mac, raising her hand.

“You can just...come if you want Rhea...” Mac said, smirking.

Rhea flew over and hugged his cheek, giving him a kiss.

“We can't reveal you yet, although I'll feel safer having you along, anyway.”

Felicia giggled, “That's a good point, they'll need to make sure you don't pick up any new woman.”

Melissandra nodded, “I should have a talk with Fawna about watching you...” she said, causing everyone but Mac to giggle.


Conflicted Thoughts


Gabriella sat in in her room, propped up against the side of the window, looking out, and holding her sword. Her window faced the mountains behind the palace, with a thick forest covering its side until it stopped near the top of the slope.

Of course, that just leads to the sea. No escape there... she sighed.

Gabriella had been less and less motivated to enact an escape plan over time. She wasn't allowed to leave the palace, but she was allowed onto the grounds, and the royal guard had let her train with them (she was an especially popular sparring partner given she could beat most of them).

They had let her out during the King's wedding to the cat-human Queen, and allowed her to stay with the guards, who had also been keeping an eye on her.

She had also been worried when an assassination attempt had been made on the King, but they hadn't seemed to accuse her at all. La Hire had even taken her with him to arrest the actual perpetrator.

And, of course, the King hadn't made a single move on her. He hadn't even come to talk to her in weeks. The only ones who did were either Marie, the Magistrate turned fiance, and Melissandra, his first Queen. I think she's the one really running things behind the scenes. She seems more like royalty than anyone else here...

She grabbed her whetstone and started running it along the edge. It didn't actually need sharpened, but it helped her to move her hands while she was alone.

However, she was broken from her concentration by a knock at the door. Gabriella set her stuff down, walking over and opening the door a crack. They hadn't done anything to make her distrust them, but she felt like she shouldn't show any cracks in her personality.

Outside was Marie. “May I come in?”

Gabriella opened the door, walking back to the window with her sword.

Marie seemed unperturbed. As usual, she jumped right into the purpose of her visit, “The King has been invited to a nobles wedding. Would you like to attend as well?”

Gabriella gave a 'hmpf'. “Doesn't he have other woman to attend with him?”

Marie shook her head, “I didn't mean going with the King, just as a representative of Provent. Part of you being here is to show our counties are at peace. At least, currently,” she added, a bit coldly.

Gabriella suppressed a grimace. She had learned that Marie's former husband had died during their countries' war. She was honestly surprised she hadn't tried to harm her, as if the situations were reversed, she didn't know if she could hold herself back. Regardless of what Uncle says...

“I don't wish too. I'd rather not have anybody associating us as being together,” she responded.

Marie shook her head. “Are you sure? You don't seem too enthused staying in the castle all the time.”

Despite her attempt to suppress it, Gabriella trembled a bit in frustration.

“You could travel with the guards again, if just want to be separate from Mac. It's not like he's going to make a move on you anyway,” she added, a bit of a smirk on her face as she looked to the side.

Gabriella trembled again. Marie was basically implying she was too unattractive for the King to bother, but since Gabriella didn't want him too, she couldn't say anything, so instead she quietly seethed with rage.

After a few moments, she calmed herself. No, I can't let them get under my skin.


Marie sighed internally. She seems to still think Mac is going to try and make a move on her, despite the fact he's run so ragged by his wives and fiances he's constantly exhausted. It's a shame too, she's very beautiful. She looked over at Gabriella, who was seething a bit before seeming to attempt to calm herself. Well, looks aren't everything. Especially to Mac.

As Marie stood there, Gabriella grabbed her whetstone again, rubbing it down her sword once more. After some contemplation, Marie asked, “May I ask why you are so against an engagement to Mac? It would most likely secure peace for your country, at least in the short-term. Probably the long-term, unless Provent were to provoke us.”

Gabriella kept rubbing, taking a few moments, before answering, “Would you want a marriage sprung on you like that?”

Marie shrugged, “My first one was.”

Gabriella stopped, looking up at her. “And? How did you feel about it?”

“I always knew I would have one arranged for me. My father secured a marriage with the captain of the royal guard at the time, since I was already working at the palace.”

“Yes, but how did you feel about it? You weren't upset? Mad? Angry?”

Marie shook her head. “No. I was a bit worried, but my husband was...charming. If maybe a bit too dedicated to his work. I wish we'd been able to spend more time together...”


Gabriella visibly winced, stopping her sharpening. Am I just digging myself a hole? No, I have to press on...

“Well, that's nice yours worked out, but I don't, I won't be used as a pawn. My place is on the battlefield, giving orders, and swinging my sword. Not used as some foreign King's plaything.”

Marie chuckled.

Gabriella was taken aback. What is she on about?

“Do you really think Mac-...the King would do that?” Marie asked, shaking her head.

“Yes...all our reports said he's a lecher and a womanizer. Didn't he force himself upon you as well?”

Instead of chuckling, Marie gave a 'pfft', and started bursting out laughing. Wiping tears from her eyes, “What would you say if I told you I was the one who came onto him?”

Gabriella's eyes went wide, confused. “Wh-what?”

Marie nodded. “Well, to be fair, he is just as enthusiastic now, but it doesn't change that I initiated the relationship. Actually, I think most of them were like that, now that I think about it...”

What even is this royal family...? Deciding to give in, Gabriella shook her hand, “Alright, fine, fine, I'll go...”

Marie seemed a bit surprised, but then smiled and nodded. “Excellent. I'd recommend you pay attention to Mac and his wives, and then see if he's really the type of person you think he is.” She then left, closing the door after herself.

Gabriella just sat there a moment, before setting down her sword and whetstone. I guess we'll see.


Night with Daisy


The night before they left, Mac was spending the night with Daisy. When he went into her room, she was sitting at her crafting table (which had been moved up into the palace from her hut). When she realized Mac had come in, she quickly covered whatever she was working on. Looking over her shoulder at him, she gave a grin, “Hold on, you're not supposed to see it yet!”

Mac, assuming it must be something for him, turned around, “Sorry, sorry...”

After a few moments of shuffling and drawer opening, Mac felt the strong arms of Daisy wrapping around his midsection.

“You gonna miss me?” Daisy asked, a bit of a chuckle in her voice.

“Of course I will,” Mac said, turning around and giving her a kiss. He went to grab her sarashi and pull it off, but Daisy stopped him. “Wha-.”

Daisy shook her head, “We can in a minute, I just had a couple things to say first.”

Mac nodded and sat down with Daisy on her bed.

“Err...Lord Harald wants to have our wedding in Stromvurk. Is that okay with you?” Daisy asked.

Mac nodded, “Yeah, what about you? Do you not want to?” he asked, seeing she seemed a bit uncomfortable.

Daisy smiled weakly, “No I do, normally dwarf weddings are held underground. I'm just...worried, because he wants to make a big deal out of it.”

Mac chuckled a bit, “It is a big deal though!” he exclaimed giving her another kiss.

Daisy nodded. “Yes but...I think he's making it too big of a deal.”

Mac thought he knew what she was getting at. “You're worried it's gonna turn out like my wedding with Kay?”

Daisy nodded again. “Yes. Just with less cat-humans and more dwarfs.”

Mac thought for a bit. “Well, just talk to Lord Harald about it. And if he isn't listening, tell him I'll be unhappy if he's not listening to you.”

Daisy smiled, giving him a tight hug. “You're too nice to me...”

Mac, feeling the moment, gave her another tender kiss. “Daisy, you know I'm always here for you, right?”

Daisy blushed, looking up at him. “What are you trying to butter me up for, I'm already gonna have sex with ya!”

Mac chuckled, “No, no, I mean...I love you, Daisy. I just...want you to know that.”

Daisy looked at him, a bit shocked, then teared up a bit, hugging him even tighter. “Oh, I love you too, you big hunk.”


However, Mac didn't have time to think about the compliment as Daisy pushed him onto the bed, pulling off both their clothes. Roughly making out with him, she pressed him down and stuck his member inside her.

Mac chuckled, “Are you trying to get pregnant before I leave?”

Daisy stopped, thinking for a moment. “It'd be nice to tell my parents when we meet them at the wedding.”

Mac wasn't sure how he felt about that, but as Daisy started pumping herself up and down, he didn't really have time to think about it regardless.

After a few moments of violent thrusting, Mac released inside her, holding her tightly as they kissed some more.

“Hold me...” Daisy said, panting as she laid on top of him.

Mac pulled her up close, their bodies intertwined as they caught their breath.

After a few moments, Daisy said, “I'll do my best.”

Mac chuckled, “What do you mean?”

Daisy looked at him, “I'll do my best as a Queen. Really I just wanna marry ya, the Queen part is...”

Mac shook his head, rolling her bangs back and kissing her. “You'll be fine.”

Daisy smiled, laying her face on his chest and closing her eyes.


Heading Out


The next day, Mac was in the front yard while the carriage and wagons were being loaded, listening to La Hire explain the trip. Due to the assassination attempt at Kay's wedding, they were bringing a larger contingent of guards than normal along.

“We've already scouted out the locations we're stopping at. I'd also prefer if we didn't spend too much time in the cities, although I understand it's part of the trip,” La Hire said, looking over a stack of papers one by one.

Mac nodded. Yeah, I'll try not to do anything stupid...

Behind him, La Hire's wife and fiance were helping to load the maid carriage, with Kay talking to them. While Kay was pregnant, she wasn't far along yet (not showing at all through her dress) and Tillie had given her the okay to travel.

“How are things going with your wife?” Mac asked.

La Hire blushed a bit, but nodded. “Fine...I believe.”

Mac nodded in understanding.

Fawna, who was also coming as Mac's assigned maid, came over and bowed. “Everything has been loaded, sire.”

Mac smiled at her and nodded, “Thanks Fawna.”

Fawna blushed a bit and scurried to the maid carriage.

As Mac got in to the royal carriage, he saw Emma was already inside sitting at the table, going over her papers.

Rhea was also inside, seeming to have just transformed into big form, pulling a dress on. When she saw Mac, she ran over and hugged him, squishing her breasts onto his chest. “I can kiss you properly like this,” she said, before leaning up and doing just that.

Mac hugged her as well, glad she was so upbeat. He then felt someone hugging him from behind.

“Hey, I want some too!” Kay said behind him.

Mac rolled his eyes and gave her a kiss too.


As the carriage started it's journey, Mac took his normal seat next to the window, watching the familiar (at least for now) scenery roll by.

Emma was still reviewing her papers, while Kay and Rhea were giggling about something on the bed.

When they hit a lull in their conversation, Mac decided to ask. “ exactly does your info-gathering operation work?”

Kay crossed her arms, looking over at him.

“Do you...not wanna tell me?”

Kay shook her head, “No, it's not that. I trust you and everyone here, I'm just not sure where to start.”

“Oh. Well, you're going on this trip to develop more contacts, right? What's all involved with that?” Mac asked curiously.

Kay tapped her cheek. “Well, it depends. Sometimes we bribe them. Usually with gold, but sometimes with random trinkets or other valuables they wouldn't be able to normally get. Oftentimes we trade info for info. If they can bring something useful to their master, they're willing to tell us something about them in exchange.”

Mac nodded slowly, Makes sense.

“Sometimes people will just offer up info, expecting a future favor. Or on some occasions just because they want to be helpful.”

“Really? That almost seems too good to be true.”

Kay shrugged, “We've discussed this before, but you're very popular amongst the maids of the realm. For reasons I'm sure you're aware of.”

Mac blushed a bit.

Kay giggled. “And then we also have our Gascon network. My sisters and cousins in different houses provide us info all the time, and us them.”

Mac was taken aback. “You give them info about us!?

Kay nodded. “Of course. Not anything that would harm the country, of course, but we need to provide them with info in order to get any back. It can't just flow one way.”

I guess that makes sense. “Are the houses aware of this? Why do they even let your family in, then?”

“Well, some don't, which is when we need to contact other people. Some are aware of it, to different degrees, but since they are doing, or at least attempting, to do the same thing, it's tolerated, again to different degrees.”

Mac scrunched his face, trying to wrap his head around it.

Kay giggled, getting off the bed and giving him a peck on the lips. “Don't worry, I'm here to take care of it.”


Eventually, as dusk neared, they stopped at an inn. While their entourage wasn't as large as the trip to Kay's wedding, they still had rented out the entire inn for safety reasons.

Rhea gave him one more kiss, then shrunk into small form and went into Mac's pocket. They (well really the three women) had decided Rhea would get to spend the first night with him.

Once at the inn, they gathered together at a table to eat, while Fawna attended them.

As she was eating, Emma said, a bit introspectively, “I feel weird, having gotten used to this,” she said.

Mac chuckled, “Why are you thinking about that now?”

Emma blushed a bit, “Being like this reminds me of the first trip together.”

Kay giggled, “I wished I had been able to go on that.”

“Sorry...I-” Mac started.

Kay cut him off by stuffing a roll his his mouth. “Don't be sorry. You needed to get with Mel before I stood a chance anyway,” she added, poking him in the side.

Rhea, who was sitting in Mac's pocket, munching on a carrot, asked, “What did you do that on that trip? I've heard bits, but not the whole thing.”

Mac gave a brief summary, with a couple additions from Emma, about the first trip he had made.

After finishing, Rhea nodded, “Wow, that sounds like a fun adventure.”

Emma blushed a bit, “Yes, we had so”

Mac chuckled, “We've done way more serious stuff than we did on the trip...”

“Yes, was all fresh and new then.”

Mac shook his head, pretending to be disappointed. “What? Are you tired of me now?”

“You know that's not what I mean!” Emma said, playfully punching him repeatedly.


After dinner, they went up to their rooms. After giving Emma and Kay a good-night kiss, he (with Rhea still in pocket) closed the door on his own room.

Rhea immediately went into large form, wrapping herself around him. “Hehehe, I've been waiting all day for this!” she exclaimed, making out with him to the point he almost fell over.

“Rhea...hold...on...” he said, trying to stop her.

“What's wrong?” Rhea asked, disappointed.

“I just wanted to wash first,” he said, pointing to the steaming tub. “Fawna probably lugged that up for us, so I'd feel bad not using it.”

Rhea nodded in agreement, floating over with a light splash while Mac undressed.

“Do you like Fawna? She likes you a lot...I think,” Rhea explained, as she leaned up again Mac after he slid into the tub.

Mac sighed, “She's nice enough. I just feel like I should have handled that situation better...”

Rhea seemed confused, “What do you mean? I don't see how getting another cute wife after helping them out is a bad thing,” Rhea said, teasing him a bit.

Mac chuckled, “Now you sound like Elly.” After thinking for a bit, he nodded, “I guess I'll see how she feels at some point.”

Rhea nodded, before turning to straddle him in the tub. “You know how I feel, though.”

Mac leaned over and kissed her, sliding his member into her while grabbing her purple breasts.

Rhea giggled a bit. “Why are we always doing this in tubs?”

Mac shrugged, “I feel like that's partly on you.”


After finishing in the tub, they dried off and went to the bed to continue.

Mac laid down while Rhea floated on top of him, slowly grinding against him until Mac eventually finished inside her.

After he had, Rhea fell down next to him, kissing him gently. “I hope we have babies soon.”

Mac smiled. “Me too. I still wanna know if our babies will be purple though.”

Rhea shrugged, “Do you want them to be?”

Mac shrugged back, “If they're as cute as you, then why not?”

Rhea blushed a bit, before jumping back on top of him. “Guess we need to make sure we have them then!”


In the morning, Mac felt incredibly exhausted. He had actually been having less sex lately, since some of his partners were getting along in their pregnancies, which either limited or precluded their lovemaking sessions.

Of course, Rhea was not one of them (at least as of yet) and so they had gone for a while last night. As enjoyable as it was, his body now didn't want to move.

He heard Rhea next to him, giving him a gentle shaking.

“Sorry, sorry, I'll get up,” Mac said, reaching over and kissing Rhea.

However, as his eyes adjusted, he realized the person he had just kissed was not, in fact, Rhea, but instead Fawna, who had been standing next to his bed trying to wake him.

Quickly realizing the mistake, he let go.

Fawna was blushing intensely, and trembling slightly.

“I'm so sorry Fawna, I thought you of my wives,” he said, remembering in time to stop himself from revealing the existence of his spirit companion.

Fawna slowly nodded, “It's okay sire, I assumed that was the case. It's my fault for waking you so...”

Mac shook his head, as he looked out of the window. “No, I'm guessing it's time to leave, so you needed to.”

After a moment of awkward silence, she quickly helped Mac get dressed. She had seen him naked multiple times now, and besides some blushing the first couple times, got used to it as part of her job. Mac had resisted the first few times, but eventually he decided to just let her dress him if she was doing it as part of her job.

After finishing, Fawna took her leave and headed down.

After she left, Mac heard a soft laughing from under the pillow. “Hehehe, I saw something good...”

Mac looked over at Rhea, who climbed out from under the pillow (in small form) and flew over. “You seem a lot more serious about her now than you did last night.”

Mac thought about being angry, but then just sighed. “Do you think she really likes me? Or is she just infatuated with the King?”

Rhea nodded, “Oh, her Mac-love points are off the charts. Maybe even more than mine.”

Mac rolled his eyes, “Well, I know how high that is.”

Rhea giggled, “I love you, Mac.”

Mac was a bit taken aback at the sudden bluntness, but then smiled, “I love you too, Rhea.”

Rhea blushed and gave him a kiss, before jumping into his pocket.


That day went much the same as the first, although the three girls kept looking and giggling at him occasionally.

Mac shook his head. She must have told them about Fawna. He still had conflicted feelings about Fawna. It wasn't that he didn't find her attractive, or that she didn't appreciate her help around the palace, or even that he didn't value how she felt. He was more concerned Fawna was doing everything out of a sense of obligation as opposed to genuine feelings. Of course, several of his other relationships were due to obligation, but that didn't mean Fawna's had to be as well.

I'll just need to talk to her about it.


That night, instead of stopping at Loren, they instead headed towards Emma's family farm. As they rolled in, Mac could see their current crop of plants growing nicely. I wonder if I need to send the guards to help harvest again? I doubt my wives would let me do it...

Emma burst out of the carriage once they stopped, running up and hugging her parents.

Ernest pulled in Mac for a hug, “Good to see you, son.”

Emilia also gave him a tight squeeze. “An honor to have the King visit us again,” she giggled.

The younger twins came up, giving Emma a hug, before coming over to Mac. “Let's play Rocks big bro.”

Mac chuckled before following them inside.

Emilia went over to Kay, “Good to see you again, mmm...daughter? Niece? I'm not sure how to refer to you.”

“Nyahaha, whatever you want is fine,” Kay said, rubbing her cheek on Emilia's.

“Oh, and who's this cutie?” Emilia asked. She was looking at Fawna, who was about to follow Mac inside.

Fawna did a curtsy. “I'm Fawna. I'm King Mac's personal maid.”

Emilia giggled, “Oh, so you'll be the next wife, then.”

Fawna blushed as the other girls giggled.

Ernest was a bit bewildered, just smiling awkwardly and nodding along.


After a few games of Rocks, everyone gathered in the kitchen to eat some of Emilia's home cooking (with some help from his wives and the maids). Dinner was a large pot of vegetable stew, with several baked loaves of bread.

Ernest turned to them, “So, who is this wedding you're going too? Someone important?”

Mac did a half nod. “Sort of. It's more to show me out and about know...”

Emilia and Ernest gave a serious nod. The news had spread like wildfire about the assassination attempt, although since Mac had been seen as fine almost right away, there hadn't been as much of an uproar as they thought might occur, since the news had been 'there was an assassination attempt but the King is just fine'.

Emma jumped in to cut the somber mood, “We're also testing out our new Agricultural Plan!”

Since her parents seemed confused, Emma launched into an explanation of everything their Agricultural Plan entailed.

After she was done, her parents had forced smiles on.

“Um, that's great Emma. I'm sure you'll do a fantastic job!” Emilia replied.

Emma hugged her, “Thanks mom!”


After they finished eating, they sat around the table, chatting (except Emilia, who had gone out to cook for the guards, with Fiona and Kelly's help).

“Are you going to be come back tomorrow night?” Ernest asked.

Emma shook her head, “No, we're only spending the morning in Loren, then we need to continue traveling to stay on time.”

Ernest smiled, rubbing Emma's hair. “That's my princess, being all important now.”

Emma gave a 'hmpf'. “What are you saying, I'm a Queen now!”

Ernest seemed surprised, “Oh yeah...”

This earned a laugh all around.


After that, Mac played a few more rounds of Rocks with Emma's brothers, while the rest of them settled in for the night.

After Mac was soundly beaten for the dozenth time that day, Emilia chased the brothers off to bed, and Mac headed up to the top bedroom. He didn't see Emma downstairs, so assumed she was already upstairs.

Heading into the room, Emma seemed to be already asleep in the bed (the same one Emma had paid a nighttime visit to him the first time they had been to the farmhouse). That's surprising, usually Emma is...rearing to go on our nights.

Carefully getting into his tracksuit and into bed, he sidled up next to Emma.

Emma then turned around to look at him, seeming a bit worried.

“What's wrong?” Mac asked, noticing something was off.

“I'm just...nervous. I don't want to mess up.”

Mac shook his head, “Everything will be fine. You'll do great.”

Emma seemed a bit placated, giving him a kiss and snuggling into his chest.


Browsing Loren


The next day, after saying goodbye to her family once again, the group headed the short way to Loren. Outside of the city, the wagon train stopped, and Mac, Emma, and Fawna got into a smaller carriage to head into the city (Kay said she was going to nap in the royal carriage, and Mac had asked Rhea to keep her company). They were pulling a trick from the original trip Mac had been on, and dressing the guards in regular armor while in Loren, instead of the royal guard armor, so as to not draw too much attention.

Once inside the city, they got out of the carriage, followed by their several guards accompanying them. While they did get some looks, it wasn't uncommon for nobles or merchants to walk around with maids and guards, so Mac was hoping they wouldn't have any issues.

Emma immediately got to work, walking around the stalls recording different prices.

Mac followed behind her a bit, letting her work. He turned to Fawna, “She's really intense when she's concentrating, isn't she?”

Fawna fumbled a bit in surprise when he talked to her, but quickly recovered and nodded. “Yes, she's very amazing.”

Since they were just following Emma around, with some guards a bit behind, Mac decided to take this chance to talk to Fawna more.

“Have you gotten used to the Palace?” he asked.

Fawna nodded. “Yes. Tillie and Marie are very nice. Some of the other maids were upset I was being assigned as your personal maid, although Tillie gave them a scolding when she found out.”

Yeah, I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that. The head maid of the palace generally gave off a motherly aura, but that in itself made it even more scary the rare time she was upset.

“Well that's good. Have you gotten a chance to get to know the Queens?”

Surprisingly, Fawna blushed a bit. “Um...yes. Melissandra talks to me sometimes, giving instructions, and...” she trailed off.

“What's wrong? Did she...tell you something that you're not supposed to tell me?”

Fawna shook her head. “No, she didn't tell me not too...”

Mac chuckled, “Well, what is it then?”

Fawna poked her fingers together. “She...told me to make sure you don't pick up any more woman on the trip.”

Mac chuckled, a bit louder this time. “I think she told me that too.”

Fawna seemed a bit confused.

“So, have I been good so far?”

Fawna nodded. “Yes, I haven't seen you talking to any woman besides your partners or family.”

Deciding to tease her, Mac asked, “What about you?”

Fawna blushed a bit, “Um, well, I'm your maid...”

After a couple minutes of silence, Mac decided to just bluntly ask, “What do you want our relationship to be, though?”

Fawna almost tripped, and Mac reached out an arm to catch her. “Sorry...”

Mac shook his head as if to say 'it's okay'.

After a few moments, she said, “Um...I want to pay you back for saving my mother.”

“I know, and I appreciate that, but your paying me back isn't a 'relationship'. It's just transactional.”

Fawna seemed to think on it a moment, then nodded as if understanding. “Please, um...let me think about it.”

Mac smiled, “Of course. I'd prefer that, actually.”


After that, they continued in silence while Emma kept walking around. After a while, she turned around. “Let's take a break! I'm thirsty...”

Finding a cafe, Fawna went in to buy drinks while Emma and Mac sat at one of the tables. (The guards awkwardly sat down at the table next to them in their armor).

“So, what do you think so far?” Mac asked.

Emma frowned, “I think they're still price gouging.”

Ugh...I figured that would be the case, but it's still annoying that their doing this... “Alright. What do you think we should do?”

Emma crossed her arms. “I want to finish inspecting, but we'll probably need to force the prices down manually with a price cap edict.”

Mac nodded. “Well, that's why we brought the seal with us. I'll have one of the guards take it to the local lord before we leave.”

Emma nodded back. “Okay. Once I finish getting the prices on all the different crops, I'll write up the edict.”

Fawna returned with their tea, pouring it before standing next to them.

“Fawna, just sit down with us,” Emma whispered (so Mac could hear but not any other table).

Fawna blushed a bit, before bowing and sitting down, causing Emma to giggle.

After some small-talk over tea, they continued on, until Emma was satisfied with her research. They then headed back to their carriage, and out of the city.


While Mac, Emma, and Fawna, were in Loren, Kay was napping in the bed of the royal carriage, with Rhea napping on top of her.

That is, until a knock at the door came.

Kay rubbed her eyes, “You can come in.”

“Nyahaha, I don't think I'm supposed to.”

Kay, remembering where she was, got up and walked over to the door. Outside was Kelly, with Fiona standing behind her.

Still rubbing her eyes, Kay asked, “Did my husband do something stupid?”

Kelly laughed again, “Nyahaha, no, but it does concern him.”

Kay woke up quickly at that. Sitting down on the step, she waited for Kelly to continue.

“We got some reports of trouble in Lord Arpitan's domain. Based on what I've gathered, at least, the soldiers have been kicking out any homeless people in the city, including war refugees,” Kelly explained.

Kay got a dark look on her face. “He must be 'cleaning' up his city before his wedding guests arrive...”

Fiona trembled a bit, and Kelly put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

Kay thought for a moment, then asked, “Where are the refugees going? Are they complying?”

“Supposedly there is a tent camp some ways out of the city, although the contact said they hadn't actually seen it.”

Kay nodded, “Okay. Fiona, have Captain La Hire procure an extra wagon and load it with foodstuffs. Just anything cheap that will last a few days so we can take it with us.”

Fiona nodded and left.

“Kelly, do you think our 'contact' in Arpitan could check in on something for us?”

Kelly smiled, “Nyahaha, I'm sure she'd love too.”


Continuing to Arpitan


A bit later, the town group arrived back at the makeshift camp where the royal carriage, maids, and guards were. There was a lot of activity going on, although Mac was distracted by Kay leaping into his arms.

“I missed you so much,” she said, showering him with kisses.

Mac chuckled, “I was just gone for a few hours...” but kissed her back anyway.

“I need to speak with you,” Kay whispered in his ear.

Mac gulped at the serious tone and nodded, being led back by the hand to the royal carriage.

Once inside, after Emma closed the door, Kay turned around. “There's a...bit of a problem.”

She then explained the info she had gotten from Kelly.

Mac was barely able to contain his anger. “He said he was trying to help people...”

Kay patted him in the head. “People lie sometimes.”

“He's probably lying about using the tax exemption money to help them, too, isn't he?”

Kay nodded, “I have a contact looking into that.”

Emma butted in, “Oh, oh, he was supposed to use that money to buy food, right? So doesn't that fall under my jurisdiction to investigate?”

Kay and Mac looked at each other.

“I...yeah it should, actually...” Mac agreed.

“Do you want me to...” Kay started.

Mac shook his head. “No, it's possible she might get something different. They might get suspicious when Emma starts looking into things, too.”

Kay and Emma nodded.

“Are we still going to the wedding?” Emma asked, seeming a bit disappointed.

Mac thought for a moment, “Yes. I think we should try to keep this on the down low. If we confront Lord Arpitan privately, then have him pay us back, and let the refugees back in, that would make this easy.”

Kay seemed to think for a moment. “I wish Mel or Marie was here...”

Mac wrapped an arm around her with a chuckle. “It's okay. We can make decisions too.”

Kay smiled, “I know, I just feel better when I bounce ideas off them.”

Emma walked over, putting a hand on each of their shoulders, giving a confident grin. “Don't worry, we got this!”

Mac gave a smile in return.

Kay, however, seemed to go deep into thought. “I think we just need to have a plan...”


While they were coming up with their plan, all the carriages and wagons were loaded (including the newly-gotten food wagon), and they continued on their journey.

The way to Arpitan differed from the journey to Cartegna at this point, as instead of heading slightly northwest, they headed slightly southwest.

The afternoon went uneventfully, with the news they had received putting a damper on the mood. Mac decided partway through to lay and rest on the bed, which quickly turned into him being surrounded by girls napping next to him.


Eventually, they stopped at the designated inn for the night. It had gotten a little darker than when they normally stopped, due to having taken more time at Loren then originally planned. Of course, since the inn was being completely rented out by them, there wasn't an issue with getting rooms, but they were exceptionally hungry.

After going in and sitting around a table, Mac looked over to see Gabriella eating with the guards. When he saw her, she quickly looked away, seeming as if listening to the story of one of the guards next to her.

What is she looking at me for? I'm not acting weird...right?

A few minutes later, and food was brought out to them by Fawna, who was also making sure their drinks were always topped off. I guess this is her normal environment.

During dinner, Emma was instructing Kay on some of the finer points of food pricing.

“Normally, the farmer will sell it to the merchants at the same price every year.”

Kay seemed thoughtful. “What if you have a bad harvest?”

Emma grimaced. “It depends. If you just have a bad harvest and everyone else is fine, then you just have to eat the loss of crops. If everyone had a bad harvest that year, then usually there is less to go around and the merchants are willing to pay higher prices.”

Kay nodded. “Then what do the merchants do? Mark it up and sell to everyone?”

“Yes. Some try to make bigger returns by taking crops to places they aren't normally grown. For staple crops grown everywhere, usually it's most cost-effective to just sell in the nearest towns.”

Mac was listening in, as he was also curious. “Is that why you were hoping to source food locally when there's shortfalls?”

Emma nodded. “Right, it will end up costing us too much if we have to try and take stuff all the way across Ositania, plus you risk the food going bad. It's better to minimize transport as much as possible.”


That evening was to be spent with Kay, but Mac went up to his room ahead of her since she and Emma were having fun talking. Seeing that Fawna had drawn a bath, he got in and washed himself off while he waited.

Mac felt...slightly abnormal. A feeling he hadn't had often, especially since coming to this world.

Mac was a bit horny.

Feeling a bit ashamed, he held his head. I can't believe I'm like's only been two days. No, I shouldn't be like this... As he thought about it, he realized that going two full days without sex was very abnormal for him nowadays. He usually did it with whatever partner he spent the night with, unless they were too tired or too pregnant, and it wasn't uncommon for him to have a quick session in the afternoon with one of them, either. However, he and Emma had fallen asleep last night, and he had done nothing during the carriage rides.

Mac shook his head. I need to control myself. Plus, Kay is coming anyway, so it's fine. Drying himself off and putting his tracksuit on (one of the new ones made by Eleanor and Bella) he sat on the bed.

After a while, and feeling even more frisky, Mac decided to go find Kay. It's kind of embarrassing, but...

As he opened the door, standing right outside was Fawna, who jumped back in surprise. “Fawna?”

Fawna seemed extremely nervous. “Um...sire...Queen Kay wanted me to tell you...she's going to sleep in the room with Queen Emma tonight.”

Mac was a little irritated, but then calmed himself and sighed. I guess that's fine, they seemed to be enjoying themselves. “Thanks for letting me know.”

Fawna still seemed nervous.

“What's wrong?” Mac asked. “Was there something else they said?”

Fawna nodded. “Um...they...said to watch over you tonight...and keep other woman away....”

Mac facepalmed. Why are they doing this... Looking over this shoulder, he saw there was a servant bed in the corner. “Alright, alright...”

Fawna nodded again, following Mac in before closing the door.

Mac sat down on the bed, but Fawna stood there right inside the door.

“What's wrong?” Mac asked, seeing she was still nervous.

“ it okay if I bathe? I...I haven't gotten a chance to since we left the palace....” she asked nervously.

Mac was about to blush, but took a deep breath and centered his thoughts, trying to find an inner zen. “Yes, that's fine. I'll look this way.”

Fawna blushed more but nodded, walking over to the bath.

Mac laid on his side. As he heard Fawna undress and dip into the bath, he got an intense sense of deja vu. This only intensified as Fawna started talking.

“Sire...I...thought about what you asked me today,” she started.

Having to strain his mind away from the situation to what she was actually saying, after a moment he remembered their earlier discussion. “And?”

“I...I like being your maid, so I can serve you...”

Well, that's fine, it's not like-

“ think I want something more than that.”


Mac didn't say anything, only the light splashing sounds of Fawna washing breaking the silence. After a couple more minutes, Mac heard her get out and dry off. He tensed up a bit, thinking she was going to come over to the bed, but instead he heard her maid outfit zip up, and she walked over in front of him instead.

“Thank you for allowing me to use your bath, sire,” she said, bowing.

Is she just gonna move on from that? she waiting a response from me? Dammit...


“Sorry, give me a sec to-”

“Do you need me to...service you tonight?”

Mac's train of thought was once again interrupted. “Wha-what!?”

Fawna blushed, “I know you've told me you only sleep with your wives, but...oftentimes when you're sleeping alone, I hear...” she blushed even deeper. “I hear you doing it...yourself. If you want, I can take care of it for you while your wives are away.”

Why is this ha-...wait wait wait, when I'm by myself? But I don't...I know I never masturbate anymore, I don't usually need to. Well, except tonight, of course... “Um, I don't know what you're talking about . I'm not...I'm not saying I never have, but I don't on my alone nights.”

Fawna shook her head, blushing even more. “But...I cab hear you...sometimes, and then when I go in come morning, you're the only one in there. happened again two nights ago.”

Mac had to stop himself from facepalming. It's Rhea! She doesn't know about her, so she thinks I'm...Rhea is probably laughing right about now.

While he was trying to think of an excuse, Fawna came up closer. “Um...I know you like maids, and you said I was cute...and you said if I did a good job...”

Mac took a deep breath. I did, didn't I? But I thought we talked about this? Unless... “Fawna.”

Fawna jumped up straight, a bit startled at being suddenly called out too, despite the situation.

Mac patted the bed next to him. “Did you already talk to my wives and get their approval?”

Fawna nodded and sat down. “Um...I think so?”

Mac was a bit confused, but shook his head. “Well, just let me know what they said. Even if they told you not to tell me,” he added.

Fawna nodded, closing her eyes as if reciting from memory. “Both Queen's Kay and Emma told me I could be your partner too if I kept other woman away.”

Mac nodded.

“Magistrate Marie also said it was okay as long as I keep other woman away from you, unless they're important. And to try and get pregnant.”

Mac sighed. Sounds like Marie.

“Queen Felicia told me to seduce you the first chance I get.”

Mac coughed a bit in surprise. Dammit Felicia...

“Future-Queen Charlotte told me she looks forward to working with me.”

Yeah that sounds like Charlotte.

“Queen Eleanor hugged me and called me her little sister.”

Yeah that's Elly.

“Future-Queen Daisy told me to request a massage from you if my shoulders hurt.”

Of course she would.

“Queen Melissandra...” Fawna trailed off.

“Did Mel tell you not to tell me?”

Fawna, to his surprise, shook her head. “No, it's not that, she...” she blushed harder, “...she said she approved of me, and wanted to try and convince you to take me as a concubine in the future.”

Mac sighed.

“So when you asked me that today, I...I thought...”

Mac looked at her. “What do you want to be?”

Fawna blushed again. “I...I just want be of use to you.”

Mac's head started spinning in overdrive. Why would Mel say that to Fawna? She's not the type of person to lie, but she knows I don't want to take concubines. she testing me? No, that can't be right, she wouldn't do something like that. Is she actually testing Fawna? Why would she tell Fawna all of that, then? Unless...she thinks Fawna would make a good concubine? That seems unfair to Fawna, though.

Thinking he had it figured out, Mac stood up and called her name again, a bit softer this time. “Fawna?”

Fawna bolted up to her feet, standing up straight once more. “Sire!?”

“What do you really want? I know you said you want to be useful, but that can't be all.”

Fawna blushed, “I....I...I want to have sex with Sire so badly, I can't help it!”

Mac blinked a few times at the sudden, blunt confession.

“After listening to you every night, I...I can't help it. I started touching myself...and...”

Mac held his temples. Now I just feel bad... As he stood there, looking at the squirming Fawna, he reached a breaking point. Ah, screw it. Everyone likes her, and I'm tired of holding myself back, especially if it's just hurting her anyway.

Leaning forward, he wrapped his arms around Fawna, pulling her in closely. “Fawna?” he asked one more time.

Fawna shivered a bit in his arms, and looked up at him “Yes!?”

Mac, trying to act seductive, asked, “You know I like marrying my cute maids, right?”

Fawna blushed once more, nodding.

“It might be a while, since I've still got a few left to get through, but I'd like to marry you, too,” he suggested.

Fawna was silent for a moment, then replied. “Um...are you sure? I...just wanted to be a concubine. Actually, I really just wanted to be lovers with you...”

Mac chuckled, “Yes. Maybe it's a bit rushed, but that happens to me a lot. Do you not want too?”

Fawna seemed conflicted for a moment, but then shook her head, “No, I want too, if it means I can have sex with you, but I like being your maid, too...”

Mac shook his head, “You can't be my maid and my wife.”

Fawna thought for a moment, “Um...can I at least stay your maid until the wedding?”

Mac chuckled again. “Fine, fine, you're a little too dedicated...” Reminds me of someone.

Fawna looked up at him. “Um, okay, then. Please take care of me.”

Mac smirked, “Shouldn't I say that to you, miss maid?”

“No, I's my first time...” she blushed again, but smiled.

Mac slowly leaned down, kissing her gently.

Fawna leaned up for another one, almost ramming into him in her eagerness. “Um...can you kiss me like you kiss your wives?”

Used to this request, Mac leaned down, delicately sticking his tongue in, which Fawna reciprocated, quickly picking up the gist of making out.

After a couple minutes, Mac's shaft was poking into her stomach.

Fawna grabbed it over his pants. “Let's-”

Mac held a finger to her lips, shaking his head. He sat down on the bed, pulling her down onto his lap, facing away. Unzipping her maid top, he watched as her chest flipped out. Reaching into her bra, he started massaging her breasts and kissing her neck. After a few moments of this, Fawna started spasming in his lap.

Fawna covered her face in embarrassment. “I'm sorry, I've just been dreaming about this...”

Mac kept kissing her neck, affirmed he had made the correct decision. He whispered, “You're such a great maid, Fawna. And so adorable.”

Fawna shuddered, “Stop! It's too much!”

Mac chuckled, spinning her around. Taking off her bra, he started sucking on her nipples, while Fawna started spasming again, her face beyond tomato-level in blush.

Mac gently grabbed her antlers, pulling her in for another kiss.

Fawna was going crazy, squirming around in his lap, unable to sit still.

“Are you ready?” Mac asked.

Fawna nodded, standing up and taking off her skirt and undergarment.

Mac stood up and took off his tracksuit and undergarment as well. His shaft was incredibly hard. Despite having seen it before (when it was in a 'normal' state), Fawna couldn't help but stare at it.

Laying her down gently, Mac got on top. Slowly sliding himself in as Fawna winced. “Are you okay?”

Fawna nodded. “This is so wonderful. It's even better than what I imagined.”

Mac leaned over and gave her a kiss again, this time shoving his shaft in the rest of the way.

Fawna screamed in delight, before breathing heavily and smiling.

Mac took that as a sign to start moving, and slowly started moving back and forth, with Fawna crying out with each thrust. After a couple minutes, Mac felt himself coming. Holding onto her hips, he thrusted deep inside her, releasing in several spurts.

Catching his breath, Mac leaned over and kissed Fawna.

“Keep going! Keep going!” she pleaded.

Mac chuckled. “Hold on...”

Fawna wasn't listening though, turning around and putting Mac's still-recovering member in her mouth, causing Mac to wince at the pleasure.

Seeing her tail bob back and forth as Fawna went up and down, he gently grabbed it, causing Fawna to shiver in delight as he stroked it.

After a couple minutes, Mac felt himself coming again. “Fawna, I'm about to burst.”

Fawna shook her head, turning her tail around and waving it in his face.

Unable to hold back, Mac stuck it in, grabbing her breasts from behind as he rammed into her.

After a few moments, he grabbed her tightly too him, jamming her against his body and onto his shaft as he released into her again.

Fawna smiled, leaning back and making out once more.


Because of Mac's two-day horniness, in combination with Fawna's pent up lust for Mac, they went at it five times before both were too exhausted to continue.

“No wonder your wives talk about this so much,” Fawna said, once she had caught her breath, and draping herself over Mac to lie her head on his chest.

Mac grinned, pulling her close. “Are you happy now?”

Fawna nodded. “I was already happy, I'm really happy! ...But could I request one more thing?”

Mac raised an eyebrow, “What's that?”

“Could you...scratch behind my ears like you do for Queen Kay?”

Mac chuckled, putting his hands up and scratching.

Fawna got a relaxed look her her face, snuggling into his chest.


In the morning, Fawna woke up, feeling a bit heavy. Where- she began to think, before realizing the heaviness was Mac's arm around her. Her breasts were up against his chest, his sleeping face just above hers.

Looking at it a few moments, she worked to contain the giddy feeling of happiness inside her.

That was so amazing. Queen Melissandra was right, it's the most exhilarating experience I've ever felt.

After watching Mac sleep a couple minutes, she realized she needed to get up and start her maid duties. Carefully, and reluctantly, she unwrapped herself from Mac's embrace and got back into her maid outfit. Then, she silently pranced over to the door, opening and exiting out.

On the other side of the door, Fiona and Kelly were waiting for her. Fiona had a soft smile on her face, while Kelly had a devious grin.

“Nyahaha, your hair tells the whole story,” Kelly laugh-whispered.

Fawna blushed, grabbing her hair, realizing it was unbrushed and bit unkempt after the previous night.

“Did sire treat you well?” Fiona asked.

Fawna looked down, still blushing, and nodded.

Fiona and Kelly gave each other a high-five.

“I didn't expect sis to give you an opening, but nice job seducing him!” Kelly giggled.

Fawna shook her head, “Um, I didn't really. I just offered, and then he asked me some things, and then he...took the lead.”

Fiona and Kelly looked at each other. “You'll have to tell us about it...”


By the time Mac awoke, their wagon and carriage train was ready to go, and he was one of the last ones down. He was still feeling a bit tired from the night with Fawna, and his head was still in a bit of a daze. As he went into the royal carriage, Emma, Kay, and Rhea were sitting on the bed talking. When he entered, they started giggling.

Mac just rolled his eyes. As he walked over, Kay started playfully poking him, “Having fun with your maids again?”

Emma giggled. “Did you enjoy yourself?”

Deciding to tease them, Mac nodded, “Yeah, I think I'm gonna have Fawna join me every night for the rest of the trip.”

“Hey!” Emma laughed, playfully punching him,

Rhea wanted to join in, so she (in big form) wrapped herself around Mac from behind.

As Mac was getting (playfully) assaulted from all sides, a knock came at the door.

Mac turned around as Rhea popped into small form and dropped in his pocket. Walking to the door, he opened it, only to find Fawna, blushing and poking her fingers together.

Mac blushed a bit too, but asked, “What's wrong?”

“Um... Fiona and Kelly said I couldn't ride with them anymore,” she explained, looking up at him.

Mac grabbed his temples, those troublemakers! Several of the guards nearby were giving curious looks. “Come on, come on...”

Fawna nodded and came in, only to be mugged by Kay and Emma.

“Nyahaha, nice job!”

“I'm not surprised, I could totally tell Mac was into you.”

Rhea whispered in his ear, “Hey, don't you need to introduce me!?”

Oh shoot, “Yeah, may as well do it now instead of waiting,” he whispered back.

“Wahaha!” Rhea started laughing, flying out of Mac's pocket.

Fawna, who was still getting mobbed by the other two, looked over confused.

Rhea seemed put-off by the lack of reaction.

Mac whispered, “Show her your big form!”

Rhea nodded, before expanding out, taking her larger (and naked) form.

This seemed to garner the reaction Rhea was looking for, as Fawna's eyes went wide and mouth slightly agape.

Rhea, happy now, flew over and rubbed cheeks with Fawna. “Hehehe, I can do this now.”

Fawna blinked a few times, before turning to Mac.

“ should probably explain yourself.”

“I! Am the great Spirit of the Forest! Arborhea!” she announced while flying back a bit and glowing brightly from her purple skin.

Fawna gave an 'Ooooohhh' and clapped, so Rhea gave a floating bow.

“Thank you, thank you...”

Mac just shook his head.


While they traveled that morning, Rhea, who never missed an opportunity to tell the tale, recanted how she and Mac had met. And then some of their adventures, up through Rhea's proposal in the royal bath.

Fawna was blushing, hands on her cheeks, by the end. “That's so amazing. It's like a book!”

“Hehehe, Marie said she wrote about it in the country's Records.”

Fawna turned to Emma and Kay. “Do you have stories too?”

Emma chuckled a bit, “Haha, Mac was entranced by me when we first met in Loren.”

“Your voice shouting over the crowd was the first thing I noticed,” Mac teased her.

“Hey! That's not romantic!” Emma teased back, throwing a pillow at him.

Kay tapped her chin in thought. “Hmm, mine was...spying on him an Mel in the gardens?”

Fawna blushed, “Really?”

Mac shook his head, “No, it was before that. You were waiting outside my room after my first night to take me to breakfast.”

Kay smiled, “That's right! And you told me it was mean to have me stand, and to get a chair to sit on, nyahaha.”

Mac nodded, “Yes, and then you fell asleep while Mel and I had snuck out.”

Kay blushed in embarrassment, “Oh yeah...”


As the four of them reminisced to Fawna about past events, the morning passed quickly, and they made it close to Arpitan in the afternoon.

As they approached, Kay had Captain La Hire send the wagon with gathered food towards where they thought the camp of people kicked from the city was.

“Send a few of the guards, too, to make sure nothing happens to them.”

La Hire saluted, before going off and talking to a few of the guards.

Emma asked, “Are we still going through with this? What if he finds out we sent some food over? Or the rest of our plan?”

Mac nodded. “I still wanna give him a chance to come clean. I won't fully trust him, but it's still the easiest way to resolve this.”

Entering the city (which, while decent sized, was much smaller than Loren or Pearie) they quickly made their way through to the manor of Lord Arpitan.

Parking out front, a contingent of soldiers and servants greeted them, with Lord Arpitan out front, with a woman he recognized from the maid staff, whom he presumed to be her fiance.

“My sire, I'm so glad to see you here safe and sound,” Lord Arpitan said, giving a flourishing bow, while his fiance next to him curtsied.

Mac smiled and nodded. Kay, Emma, and Fawna followed after (Rhea was in Mac's pocket again). Kay smiled and nodded, Emma gave a forced smiled, and Fawna did a normal curtsy back.

Lord Arpitan seemed to linger his gaze on Fawna for a few moments, before looking back at Mac. “Would you like to join us for dinner?”

Mac nodded, and followed after him. Emma walked by his side, while Kay amicably chatted with the fiance, since they had been on the royal maid staff together for a time.

“I thought you might be here sooner. Did you get to sightseeing in Loren?” Lord Arpitan asked. not to broach the food or taxes yet. “Yes, Emma's family is from Loren, so we stopped and visited for a bit.”

Lord Arpitan briefly glanced at Emma, before nodding and continuing on in silence.


Inside, they were led to a table, where food was already being brought out. Mac noticed they were one placement short, and realized they probably weren't setting up for Fawna.

Luckily, Fawna wasn't trying to sit with them anyway, instead, whether instinctively or because she read the room, went over to the other maids and helped in preparing.

Sorry Fawna, although I guess you did say you still wanted to be a maid for the time being...

Sitting down, they started eating the pheasant that had been laid out (Mac discretely brought a hunk to his pocket for Rhea), while Lord Arpitan went back to talking.

“Were you impressed by Arpitan, sire? I believe I've done a lot to turn it around and increase it's wealth the past couple years.”

Mac stopped himself from sighing. He looked over at Emma, who luckily was busy stuffing her face and not listening in. “Yes, quite.”

Lord Arpitan thought for a moment, seeming to want to continue to keep Mac talking but unsure of what to say.

As Mac was deciding whether to say anything himself, he stopped as a familiar-looking maid filled his cup. A cat-human maid, she was a bit taller than Kay, but a bit shorter than Kelly.

Mac smiled at her, and the cat-human maid smiled back. Kay said that's the signal, so...

“Lord Arpitan, have I told you about my new Agricultural Plan?” Mac asked.

Lord Arpitan's train of thought was broken, but he looked over at Mac. “You have not. I'm quite curious about it now, though.”

Mac nodded, “Of course. Well, it's not entirely my plan. Emma is doing much of the work.”

Lord Arpitan's eyes shot to Emma, who was dabbing her mouth with a napkin before nodding.

“Yes. I was actually hoping I could talk with your magistrate, as I'd like to use your situation as an example. If giving tax exemptions to Lord's in exchange for them purchasing more food is proven effective, we'd like to implement it on a large scale,” Emma recited.

Masterfully done! Mac smiled at his wife.

Lord Arpitan immediately nodded. “Of course, I'll have him talk to you after dinner.”

Wha-...what!? Really? Did we make a mistake?

Emma, however, seemed fine, and smiled and nodded at Lord Arpitan.


After dinner they split up, Emma going to meet with Lord Arpitan's magistrate, while Mac and Kay (and Rhea and Fawna) were shown to their room.

Waiting inside their room, making the bed, was the cat-human maid from earlier.

“Kylie!” Kay said, running over and hugging the maid.

Kylie hugged her back. “Kay, it's good to see you. And the little one, right?” Kylie teased, poking Kay's stomach.

Kay smiled and nodded. “We can catch up later. Did you get the info?”

Kylie nodded. “Yes. None of the food merchants in Arpitan sold more food than normal to the Lord over the last few months, discounting some extra purchases for the wedding tomorrow.”

“Just like we feared...” Kay said, looking at Mac.

Mac thought for a moment, “I guess we just need to wait for Emma to find some hard evidence, then.”

After finishing talking with Kay, Kylie had gone over to Fawna. “Who's this cutie?” she asked, looking back and forth around Fawna, and gently poking her.

Kay giggled, “That's our king's newest maid-fiance.”

“Ohhhh,” Kylie responded. “So the rumors are true, then.”

Fawna blushed, “Umm...”

Kylie instead walked over to Mac, fluttering her eyes. “Would you like another cat-human fiance? Just one isn't enough, right?”

Mac, taken off guard, held up his hands, “I already have Kay...”

Kay giggled, “Father would be so disappointed in you, Mac.”


  • At the same time, in another part of the manor -


Emma was briskly walking down the hall. Behind her was Captain La Hire, whom Mac had instructed to keep safe. La Hire had taken two other guards, as well as Gabriella, with him to protect her.

Reaching where Lord Arpitan had said to go, she knocked on the door.

“Come in,” came a gruff, deep voice.

Emma entered, followed by her guards.

An older man inside looked up, before getting slightly angry. “What is the meaning of this, I-
Captain La Hire walked forward. “This is Queen Emma of Ositania. I ask you to be more respectful in her presence.”

The older man, whom Emma presumed was the magistrate, was shocked for a moment, looking at La Hire and the other guards in armor. After a moment, he calmed down. “Did my lord send you?”

Emma, trying not to act too haughty, nodded, before giving the same explanation she had given Lord Arpitan. Unlike Lord Arpitan, however, the magistrate instantly looked nervous.

“As such, I'd like to see your accounts, and make some notes on the transactions and effects for future reference,” Emma explained.

The magistrate bit his lip. “Right now?”

Emma smiled and nodded.

After a moment, the magistrate stood up. “Very well.” Walking over to the side of the room, he sat down on a sofa.

Emma took out a parchment, and immediately started rifling through the book of accounts the magistrate had laid out. While she wasn't trained on the level of an actual magistrate, she had learned the basics in her lessons with Marie, and had experience with simple accounting from selling crops.

Since she knew what to look out for, it became evident within just a few minutes their was a problem.

They got permission to not pay taxes this year, but even looking at last year, they underpaid what they should have based on the money they took in. And there's no extra food expenditures this year. She started writing some notes on what she saw, including amounts. Eventually, she found something that forced her to stop writing, doing all she could to not shout in anger. They even have notes about taxing the refugees extra!

Calming herself, she continued writing, noting down anything that she thought be useful for their investigation. Hmm...he seems to be stocking up on gold bars? Well, I guess he needs something to do with all the money he stole...

After a few more minutes of note-taking, the magistrate was visibly sweating.

Emma set down her pen, folding the paper she had written on in half. “Thank you, magistrate, that was very helpful.”

The magistrate gave a nervous smile, wiping the sweat off his brow. “Of course, of course, I'm glad to be of service.”

Leaving the room, Emma let out a sigh. I figured this would be the case after talking with Mac and Kay, but... she shook her head.

“Do we need to do anything, my dame?” La Hire asked her after seeing this.

Emma shook her head, “No, I'm going to consult with my husband and sister.”


A bit later, Mac, Kay and Emma convened in his room. Kylie had to return to her duties to avoid suspicion, and Fawna, who had just finished acquiring hot water for a bath, was off preparing a different room that she and Emma would be using.

After all of them reported on what they knew, they sat in a triangle on the bed in silence.

Eventually, Emma asked, “Should we arrest him?”

Mac seemed unsure. “We have the evidence, but...”

Kay shook her head. “Wait until the guards who went to the camp of kicked-out citizens return. If things take a turn for the worse, we would want everyone together.”

Emma seemed a bit scared. “You think he'll try to fight us?”

Kay shrugged, “I don't know how loyal his guards are.”

Mac nodded in understanding. “Should we do it before the wedding?”

Kay thought for a moment, then nodded. “I think that's a good idea. If we catch him off guard while he's preparing for the ceremony, we might be able to avoid any fighting.”

“Alright,” Mac turned to Emma. “Can you let La Hire know the plan? And...make sure he has some extra guards on our rooms tonight?”

Emma nodded, giving him a kiss and then heading out of the room.

“Rhea?” Mac asked.

Rhea flew out of his pocket.

“Can you keep tabs on Emma tonight? It sounded like the magistrate wasn't suspicious when she left, but I'm still worried...”

Rhea saluted, before flying out the window.

Kay giggled. “Look at how kingly you are now, giving out orders.”

Mac nodded. “I gotta be when it counts.”

Kay nodded back, before giving him a seductive grin. “Come on, the bath's getting cold...”


Things Go Sideways


Mac felt cold air blowing on his face. He didn't want to get out of bed, the feeling of a (naked) Kay wrapped around him, but the breeze was beginning to get annoying.

Urgghhh, I must have forgotten to close it after Rhea left.

The breeze then stopped for a moment, and he heard a light tap, followed by the sound for the window being clicked shut.

What the- Mac's eyes shot open. The candle had burnt out, and in the almost darkness he could make out a figure next to the window.

Jumping up, he held out his hand, palm outward. “Who-...who are you?” Mac asked. I want to just zap them, but if its someone I know...

Whoever it was did not reply to Mac's question. Instead, Mac heard the 'shink' of a sword being drawn, the steel glistening in the near-darkness.

Mac was still hesitating, when he realized Kay was in the bed between them. Or, she should be, but Mac didn't see her.

As Mac looked back up at the figure, he held out his palm. “Answer or I'll zap you.”

There was still no response, but the figure took a step towards the bed.

Maybe they don't know what 'zap' means? “I'll use my magic to-”

Mac stopped as he watched in shock as blood started spurting forth from the figure's neck. They dropped their sword, clutching their throat, before falling to their knees and then onto the bed, wriggling.

Suddenly, Kay reappeared where the figure had been, holding a bloody knife.

“Kay!” Mac shouted, running around the bed and holding her close.

Kay gave a weak smile, “Thanks for distracting him.”

“Was that your magic?” Mac asked. Kay had always been coy about what her magic did, only saying it let her 'hide' and seemed to not want to talk about it too much,

Kay nodded. “Yes. Gascon members aren't supposed to talk about or show it off, except in emergencies.”

“I think this classified as one,” Mac said, fumbling around for a lantern. Kay wiped the dagger off on the bedsheet next to the intruder.

Rhea! Are you okay? Mac thought.

After a few moments, Rhea flew in the window, before stopping in surprise.

“Uh...” Rhea said, looking at the body, then at Mac and Kay as they hurriedly got dressed.

“I'm glad you're okay. Someone attacked us. Are Emma and Fawna okay, too?” Mac said, talking quickly.

Rhea nodded. “Yes, they were both asleep when you called me. I thought I heard some people outside their room when I left, though.”

Kay, having finished dressing, was inspecting their would-be attacker. Off his belt, she took a length of rope.

Mac was confused. “What's that for? Were they going to kill me and capture you?”

Kay shook her head, “Probably the other way around. You're worth a lot more than I am.”

Mac was even more confused. “What are they going to do once they capture me? Most of the royal guard is here, and once the others nobles here heard, Lord Cartegna at the least would burn the Arpitan estate to the ground.”

Kay shrugged. “He might have thought he could smuggle you out before anyone noticed. People under pressure don't always make good decisions.”

Mac nodded. That makes sense if we threw him off balance.

They then heard some arguing outside.

Mac opened the door to see several of his guards, including La Hire, arguing with some guards in the armor of House Arpitan. “What's going on here?”

La Hire explained, “These guards are accusing us of causing problems, and telling us to leave the manor.”

One of the Arpitan guards, with a Captain's plume in his helmet, got angry. “Our Lord said as much. Are you accusing him of lying?”

“Did your Lord also send someone to kill me and capture my husband?” Kay asked tersely, nodding to the body in their room.

The Arpitan captain was about to rebuke her, but stopped as he saw the body. “George!?”

Mac and Kay got out of the way as the captain charged in.

“George!” he said, turning the body around. “What...”

La Hire stepped in. “Why is one of your men in my sire's room, with a length of rope and their sword drawn?”

The Arpitan captain was speechless. “I...”

Kay whispered something to La Hire, who nodded and ran off clanking in his armor, taking two guards with him.

Mac turned to the Arpitan captain. “I think your Lord has some explaining to do.”

After a moment, the captain stood up, nodding, before heading out the door.

Walking down the hall, a similar argument as before was playing out between the royal guards and Arpitan guards. Gabriella and several more royal guards were walking down the hall from the opposite direction.

As they neared the other group, the Arpitan guards turned to their captain, looking confused.

“Stand down men, and secure the manor. We've been lied too.”

One of the approaching guards said, “Captain La Hire told us to come up here, sire.”

Mac nodded at him, then opened the door,to find Emma and Fawna lying in bed, rubbing their eyes as if they'd just woken up.

Mac ran over and wrapped an arm around each of them, who both seemed a bit confused.

“I'm so glad you're okay,” he said, tearing up a bit.

Emma hugged him, “I'm not sure what's going on, but I'm glad you're okay too.”

Fawna just looked at them, before hugging both of them.

Kay, giggled a bit. “This is touching, but we need to go.”

Mac nodded in agreement. “Emma, grab your notes.”


Now, the four of them, plus all the royal and Arpitan guards in attendance, went to the room of Lord Arpitan. Mac motioned to the Arpitan guard, who nodded, before knocking on the door. “My lord?”

There was a bit of rustling in the room, before it was opened not by Lord Arpitan, but by his fiance.

“My lady...” the captain started.

Rubbing her eyes, she asked. “Captain? Oh, he's not here, he's probably in his office.”

Mac nodded, and they all took off down the hall, following the captain again.

“Kay?” the fiance asked, looking at her worriedly as she walked by. “What's going on?”

Kay gave a pained expression, “You should probably stay in your bedroom tonight.”


Walking towards Lord Arpitan's office, Mac turned to Kay. “Do you know what Lord Arpitan's magic is? Just in case.”

Kay nodded. “I've never seen it, but supposedly he can crumple metal. He used it to smash through enemies armor on the battlefield.”

Mac raised an eyebrow. Crumple metal? I wonder if he can manipulate it somehow? I guess we'll need to use rope instead of shackles, he thought, the irony not lost on him.

A minute later, and they got to Lord Arpitan's office. The Arpitan captain was about to knock, but Mac stopped him, motioning for the royal guards to enter.

Kicking in the door, they ran in, swords drawn. Mac followed in after.

Inside, Lord Arpitan was standing by the window, wearing a coat and hat, as if ready to leave. When he looked at them, he sighed, “I thought it was taking George too long...”

The Arpitan captain spoke angrily, “My Lord, why is George dead? What is the meaning of this!?”

Lord Arpitan shook his head. “George took the gold I offered him to take the king hostage and kill whatever woman he was with. He failed, evidently.”

Mac responded, “So, you admit to it then? We don't even need to show the proof of your stealing?”

Lord Arpitan chuckled, “What's the point? You're the King anyway.”

The Arpitan captain, enraged, walked up to him, grabbing him by the cuff and lifting him off the ground. “ bastard! I thought you had some shady dealings, but to go this far! Your father is rolling in his grave.”

Lord Arpitan just smirked. “My father was an idiot and a failure of a leader. Well, maybe I am too, now...”

The guards, both royal and from House Arpitan, both looked at each other, and at the Arpitan captain, unsure what to do.

“Captain, do you have a cell you could put him in?” Mac asked.

The Captain nodded, grabbing a rope and tying Lord Arpitan's hands behind him.

Lord Arpitan smiled, “Going to sell me in Navar, too?”

Mac shook his head. “That was the punishment for trying to kill me. Since you tried to kill one of my wives, you'll be getting the most painful execution imaginable.”

For the first time, Lord Arpitan's smile faded a bit, a look of fear filling his eyes. However, he soon forced a smile, stepping back towards the window.

It happened in a fraction of a second. Glass flew everywhere as the window shattered into innumerable pieces.

Mac barely got his arms up to cover face. The room was filled with the clinking of the glass hitting the armor of the guards who had surrounded Lord Arpitan.

As he lowered his arms, Lord Arpitan was nowhere to be seen.

Mac ran over to the window, pushing the guards out of the way. Down below, he could see who he presumed was Lord Arpitan, sprinting into the darkness. Dammit, not you're not. He held out his palm, readying himself.

Ever since he had learned of his magic, he had occasionally practiced a lighting attack, the same one that had given him Magic Fatigue and when he first used it. He had shot lighting into the prism beast, but that had just been wildly emptying his magic into the creature. This attack, he had practiced many times, trying to control the level of lighting used, but this was going to be his first time using it on something living.

Facing his palm, his arm shook a bit. Alright, don't kill him, just knock him out. Just take him off his feet. Taking a deep breath, he unleashed the lighting from his palm, arcing towards the fleeing figure of Lord Arpitan, and nailing him right in the back.

He gave out no sound, only a slight 'thud' as he slid headfirst into the ground.

Turning to the Arpitan captain, Mac explained, “He should be knocked out, but I don't know how long. Get him in a cell that he can't use his magic on.”

The Arpitan captain nodded, grumbling, “It doesn't do much on stone.”


Meanwhile, in the maid quarters of the manor, a commotion was occurring. The Arpitan magistrate had a dagger out, threatening Kylie, who was trying to keep her bed in between the two of them. The other maids of the household were lining the walls, either watching silently or shrieking in fear.

“You...bitch! I told master letting you in as a servant would be bad. You must have tipped off the King and Queens about our money usage,” he said to her, trying to jump over the bed.

Kylie kicked the bed into his knees, causing him to stumble, before running for the door as the other maids ran away from it, terrified.

Kylie got the door, but fumbled a bit, giving the magistrate time to rush at her.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and Kylie flew out...into the arms of La Hire, who wrapped an armored arm around her, holding out his sword with the other.

“Stop right there!” La Hire shouted.

The two other guards with him held up their swords as well.

The magistrate paid them no mind, continuing to charge with his dagger at Kylie.

La Hire turned her around, shielding her with his body, while the other two guards cut down the magistrate before he could reach them.

The maids in the room shrieked even more.

Kylie, finally able to breathe, looked up at La Hire. “Th-thank you,” she barely got out.

La Hire gave a half-smile. “Of course. Your sister was worried about you...and looks like she was right to be.”




A week later, and they were back in the royal palace. Lord Cartegna, who Mac trusted and had come into town for wedding, had called for several administrators to temporarily run the Arpitan estate. The rest of them had headed straight back to the capital, with Lord Arpitan in chains, having converted one of their wagons into a cell.

“I still don't understand why he did it, though,” Mac mused aloud. He, Emma, Kay, and Marie were sitting in the council chamber.

“He was taking a bunch of extra money,” Emma said, pointing to her notes again.

Marie nodded. “Yes, but what's important is what he was doing with it. I think buying up raw gold bars is telling.”

Mac raised an eyebrow. “How so?”

“Bribes. Of course, normally if you want to pay a bribe you can just use gold coins. But what if you're paying a bribe to someone in a country that uses a different currency? If he wanted to bribe, say, someone in Provent, they wouldn't be interested in Ositanian coins. But they most like would be in gold bars they could turn into Provental currency.”

Mac nodded in understanding. “You think that's why he wanted to take me hostage as well?”

Kay shook her head, “I think that was a knee-jerk reaction to him thinking we were onto him. Which, we were of course. But instead of coming clean, and possibly salvaging the situation, he decided to take a...ridiculous option.”

Marie nodded. “Mac, were you going to strip him of his titles?”

Mac shook his head. “No, I was going to force him to pay back what he owed, and take the refugees he kicked-out back. And he would be on a short leash, of course.”

“Well, now he has,” Marie confirmed. “We didn't find any evidence implicating anyone else besides him and the magistrate, so as you instructed they've been left in their positions.”

Emma shook her head, “I feel sorry for his fiance...”

“We offered her her old maid position in the palace back, but she said she was going to spend time with her family for now,” Marie asserted.

“Probably for the best...” Mac added. “What are we doing with all the gold coins and bars?”

Marie smirked. “Well, you're the King. My advice would be to confiscate it and put it into your agricultural fund. His distant relations will have a hard time claiming a share in that case.”

Mac nodded, and Emma rubbed her hands together with a smile.

“Regarding Lord Arpitan...” Marie started. “I think it best we don't execute him yet.”

“I'm assuming you have a reason?”

Marie nodded, “Yes. I believe we should leave him alive until we can figure out who he might have been working with.”

Kay asked, “You think he was working with Provent? Kylie couldn't find any connection.”

Marie shrugged, “Provent, Navar, could be any of the countries who might want a piece of ours. If there's any chance he might spill the beans in exchange for sparing him, I think it's worth keeping him around for now.”

“Alright, I'm fine with that. Anything else?” Mac asked.

Kay giggled, “We did net ourselves a new maid out of this trip.”

Kylie, after the incident with the magistrate, had asked to be taken back with them to the royal palace, since she didn't feel safe in Arpitan anymore. Since Lord Cartegna was currently in charge, he of course happily approved, and so she had come.

Marie nodded, “Good thing too, since our King keeps marrying them...”

The news of Fawna becoming a fiance went about as Mac expected, with them being happy for Fawna while teasing Mac to no end.

“Well, she did say she wanted to stay as my maid until the wedding. She might try to be after as well, if we let her.”

Marie responded “Isn't that your dream? A maid-wife?”

Mac blushed, “No! It's just...I think that's all she wants to do right now.”

“About that...” Marie started, before sighing. “I believe I'll need to have nobility etiquette lessons with her as well. I guess it won't be so bad if I just have Daisy and her at the same time.”

Mac scratched his head, before walking over and kissing her cheek. “Sorry...”

Marie blushed a bit and smiled, causing Emma and Kay to giggle.


Side Stories


Maid to Maid


The day before they left for Arpitan, Fawna walked towards Melissandra's room, holding her hands to try and keep herself from shaking due to the nervousness.

What does Queen Melissandra want? Am I doing something wrong? I know she used to be one of the royal maids before she married sire. Oh, maybe she has some tips for me!

Stopping in front of Melissandra's door, she carefully straightened her maid outfit, before knocking.

“Come in.”

Fawna entered and bowed, as she saw Melissandra sitting on the veranda, drinking some afternoon tea.

Melissandra smiled at her. “Come, sit down with me.”

Fawna, still nervous, carefully walked over, pulling out a seat. As she sat down across from her, she watched Melissandra as she took a sip of her tea, before looking out over the surrounding forest. Her skin glowed, and her blue twin-tails fluttered softly in the slight breeze. No wonder the King married her, she's the most beautiful woman in the Kingdom.

Melissandra saw that Fawna was staring at her, and giggled. “Something wrong?”

“'re just...very pretty,” Fawna stammered out.

Melissandra smiled at her, “That's quite a compliment coming from you.” She then grabbed the teapot, pouring a cup for Fawna and sliding it over. “Have some.”

Fawna just blushed and grabbed the teacup, too embarrassed to reply.

Melissandra continued, “Have you been getting along well? It's been almost a month now.”

Fawna slowly nodded. “Yes. Everyone is very nice to me.”

Melissandra nodded back. “Good, good.” She took another sip, before asking “Have you tried sleeping with Mac yet?”

Fawna was so startled she almost dropped her tea. “What..No! I haven't!” she stammered out, embarrassed, before mumbling, “I don't have everyone's permission yet...”

Melissandra giggled at her response. “Oh, I thought you might have...”

After a few moments, Fawna asked, “Is it true King Mac likes to seduce his maids?”

Melissandra smiled and shook her head. “No, it's actually the other way around. I tried to seduce him. Kay probably would have, too, but she never really got the chance before their marriage was arranged,” she added, reminiscing.

Fawna just nodded, nervously sipping at her tea.

Melissandra, coming out of her own thoughts, shook her head slightly. “Well, since we're already on the topic, I called you here today because I wanted to talk about Mac.”

Fawna got nervous again. “Am I...not doing good?”

Melissandra shook her head. “No, you're doing very well. Mac never used to have a personal maid before. I think he is...quite fond of you,” she added with a sly smile.

Fawna nodded.

“But...what are your thoughts on Mac?” Melissandra asked.

“Um...he's very kind, and...” she paused, then after thinking a few moments, “...he treats all of you so well. And me. And I think he's a wonderful King. I don't really understand all the stuff he talks about, but it sounds amazing, and-”

Fawna continued on for a bit as Melissandra smiled, crossing her arms and nodding.

As Fawna stopped, Melissandra replied, “Yes, I think you'll definitely do.”

Fawna looked at her, head titling slightly in confusion.

“Would you be interested in being one of King Mac's concubines?” Melissandra asked.

Fawna held her face while blushing, “What!?”

Melissandra sat her tea down. “Mac doesn't want to take concubines, but I think it's going to become necessary in the future.”

Fawna was still blushing, but seemed a bit confused. “But...he has all of you Queens, why would he” she said, her voice barely getting out 'me'.

Melissandra shook her head. “It's not something I like to think about, but being's a possibility not all our pregnancies will turn out well. Luckily, everyone seems fine so far, but that could change. Some of us could die in childbirth. It's not a guarantee we'll have a large, healthy family yet.”

Fawna nodded glumly in understanding.

“And there's other reasons, too. He may need to take concubines from houses to secure alliances. Some of the houses may offer us enough that accepting an offer is worthwhile.”

Fawna nodded again. “That makes sense, but...why do you want me too then? I'm just his maid...”

Melissandra giggled again, “It's because you're his maid. I think he likes you, and just wants to get to know you first. Mac...” she blushed as she trailed off, grabbing her cheeks, “...he values feelings. A lot. It's...quite wonderful, as his wife. But it doesn't equate to him taking concubines at all. I've tried talking to him about it before, but he thinks it's not good enough to just be a concubine.”

Fawna was trying to comprehend what Melissandra was saying.

“I think if you become his concubine while still being his maid, after only a month, it will make it easier to get more in the future,” she explained, before grabbing her tea again for another sip. “That is, of course, if you agree.”

Fawna couldn't stop herself from nodding vigorously. “I...I would very much like to have that kind of relationship with him,” she confirmed, blushing again, but this time smiling into her tea.

Melissandra giggled, “Good, good. Now we'll see how Mac reacts...”


Maid to Maid - After


“I'm so sorry!” Fawna said, bowing deeply. While the others were talking, Fawna had gone to visit Melissandra.

Melissandra giggled, before carefully getting up and walking over to Fawna. “Why are you sorry?”

“You wanted me try being a concubine, but he just wanted to make me a wife instead. I...” she blushed heavily, “...when he offered, I couldn't refuse.”

Melissandra gave her a hug. “It's not your fault at all! If anything, it's mine. I underestimated my husband's resolve...” She sighed, looking over at him. “I guess we'll just have to wait and see for now.”



Dwarven Etiquette


Daisy was doing a curtsy in Marie's office. She blushed a bit as she finished, before sitting back down.

Marie nodded. “That is...good.”

Daisy shook her head. “I know I ain't proper noblewoman material.”

Marie held up a hand, “No, it's not that. It's just...I am not use to seeing a woman of your build do curtsy's, so it's hard for me to judge. I believe you are doing well, though.”

Daisy nodded. Most noblewoman didn't have thick muscles, and while some were as short, most weren't as broad.

Marie continued, “Continue practicing that in your spare time, and I believe you will be in good shape for your wedding. Speaking of which, tt's not like it's an issue when it's just us wives and Mac, but burping isn't allowed in these settings, especially when you're the focus of the head table,” Marie explained.

Daisy was confused. “What do you mean? In dwarf society it's normal to belch. Sometimes it's even a competition.”

Marie put a hand to her forehead. “I understand that, but this is is a royal wedding.”

Daisy blushed, “It's also a dwarf wedding, though.”

Marie sighed. “That is true. I guess...use your best judgment.


La Hire and his Wives


La Hire woke up at his normal time, a bit before dawn. However, he quickly realized he was in a different spot than normal. Looking down, the naked, slender frame of Fiona was curled up next to him. His face became red, remembering the passionate night he had shared with her. It had been...a bit awkward at first, but they had both gotten the hang of it, and their affection for each other had been on full display.

I'll need to thank Queen Felicia for allowing us to borrow her room, since we haven't purchased a house yet.

His squirming seemed to have woken up Fiona, who opened her eyes, smiled, and gave him a kiss. “Good morning, husband.”

La Hire blushed again, wrapping his arms around her once more.

After a few moments, Fiona pushed him away.

“What's-” La Hire started, before Fiona smiled and put a finger to his lips, shaking her head.

Fiona got out and put on a dress from one of the drawers. “Kelly?”

The door opened, and Kelly, wearing her maid outfit, slipped in.

Fiona and her shared a hug, smiling at each other and holding hands.

Then Fiona came back over to La Hire, while Kelly started stripping her maid outfit off. Giving La Hire a kiss, she whispered, “Make sure you treat her like you treated me,” before heading out of the room.

Kelly, now naked, was blushing and standing next to the bed. “Umm...are you ready?”

La Hire, still trying to grasp the situation, “But...we have a bit longer to our marriage...”

Kelly jumped on top of him, pinning down his shoulders. “I'm tired of waiting!” and kissed him. “Or do you not want me?”

La Hire shook his head quickly, as he was already getting aroused. “No, I very much do.”

Thank you all for reading, and hope you enjoyed this installment!

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