Chapter 1 | Always The Outcast
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Before waking up, the only thing I remember is that I Died

I died? Yes. How? I... don't know. Why? Same, I don't know. What was my name before? Kamino Haise. At what age did I die? I don't know... again.

Even though I understand that I died, for some reason it felt more like I just inherited some memories or rather experiences or maybe common sense.

Then I woke up. My eyes opened, as everything I see is hazy. Like I just woke up after drinking too much and I still am drunk. Then I heard faint noises yet I couldn't understand them. 

My head... It... Hurts...

And I closed my eyes.

•8 Years Later•

My name in this world is Airu. Rather, Airu Heathens. My family is of noble standing. And I hadn't even learned any of the noble etiquette.


Because no one forces me. 

After 8 years, I understood one thing. I was an outcast, again. Again? Yes. 

It feels like or rather like a fact that makes me think that I was an outcast before, too. 

I came from Japan. I know that but I still don't understand many things, or rather remember I suppose. They are like instincts or common sense rather than memories that I unconsciously understood. 

Now, why am I an outcast in this? Well, again I don't know.

Nobody from my family talks to me. Yet, they look at me with disgust like I came from a slum or something.

I might have an idea about why they outcasted me. Maybe, because of how differently I look?

I have pure snow white hair with violet coloured eyes. Whereas, my parents have golden blonde hair and my mother has green emerald-like eyes and my father has blue oceanic eyes. 

I was the only one different in this family. I have 1 brother and 2 sisters. I am the second-born child. I have an older brother, a younger brother and two younger sisters. Out of them, I am the only one different. And we are all from the same mother and father.

I am an outcast, yes. But it's not like they disturb me or bully me. They don't. Or rather, it's like I don't exist at all in their eyes. They ignore my entire existence.

The only ones who talk to me are some maids and some butlers just for some necessary things, besides that nothing.

How do I feel about that? ...Absolutely shit.

Even if I want attention they don't give me any like I'm some kind of... 

I feel absolutely terrible. At some point in life, I thought that this is just a dream that will soon come to an end soon. But oh well fate, it isn't.

•1 Year and 11 Months Later•

Usually, around the age of 10, every child awakens something called a Class. A class is related to our experience and expertise. 

“Young master, in 30 days from now an appraiser will come and appraise you for your class. You must show absolute etiquettes and not disrespect the Lord and the Lady.”

“Yes, I will keep it in mind teacher.”

I was given some teachers to teach me some common sense and etiquette of this world.

From those sessions of tutoring, I understood some history and common knowledge of this world. 

This world is called Koronos. A world focused around fantasy and adventures. There are so many hidden and undiscovered things in this world, that it can make one's heart pump more than they can imagine.

The strongest beings in this world are the First Demon God 'Devash' and The First Hero God 'Arkhas'. 

It's like the usual demon and hero cliche. But unusually the demon god is not dead but semi-eternally sleeps in some hybrid dungeon or labyrinth created by the hero king.

Both the demon and the hero couldn't kill each other and always were in a stalemate.

So the hero came up with an idea of creating this dungeon-like thing and ended up trapping him to sleep. Unless there is an outsider influence, he will never wake up.

And where is this place where the Demon God is sleeping? No one knows. It was so well hidden that even Gods can't find it—

“Young master? Are you listening?”

“Hmm? Ah, yes.”

“Okey, I guess. That's it for today you can go now.“

”Alright, thanks for your hard work teacher.“

”Yes, you too young master.“


It's still kind of early. There is still light outside.

'Let's go into the forest again I suppose.'

Being an outcast, nobody pays attention to me. So, I can go out and in the mansion without anyone saying anything. That's a plus I suppose?

And I don't do much in the forest. I just lurk around, sleep and just watch some animals minding their business.

And like that a month passes by—

Today an appraiser arrived. And he will check my class in a short while.

”Young master, are you ready?“

”Yes, butler“

*Door opens*

“Hello there, young master. My name is Dave Rukan. I will be your appraiser for today. Nice to meet you.“

“Yes, please take care of me.“

“Then shall I begin Lord Heathens?“

The butler asked my father. It is quite surprising to see my father attending anything related to me, but he was not the only one present. My mother and siblings were present too. Quite surprising indeed.

“Yes, you can begin Sir Rukan.“

“Then I shall not waste any more time. Young master, I need you to totally leave all your senses to me and not think of anything.”


“Then we are beginning.“

After saying that the appraiser starts saying some chant. A chant I have never heard before. Yet, for some reason, I can understand it?


-The nature, being merciful show us this child's nature.

??! Why was I able to understand it?!



| Name: Airu Heathens

| Age: 10 Years 0 months 0 days 3 hours

| Class: The Seed

| Skills: Language Understanding, Inception, Knowledge Input, ...

|Title: The blooming seed


*Blink Blink*

[Villain Card Initializing]

[Progress 0.1%]

'Huh? What's this—'

“The seed? That's a class unheard of.”

“What about the skills Sir Rukan?”

“Uhh, they are common I suppose? They are some suffixes and some words by which I don't understand, but they do feel like common skills.“

“Can't we see the other skills?“

“I'm not that capable Lord Heathens. For more skills to show, I need to be an 8th class magician at least.“

“Oh well, I suppose it's alright. You're dismissed then and thanks for your effort.“

“It is my duty, Lord. Then I shall take my leave and I wish for your safety and well-being.“

“Yes, you too!”

Although these talks are happening behind me, I can't seem to be able to focus on them as I just keep on staring at the Window thing in front of me.

[It may take time for initialization to finish.]

[Showing available informations.]



Hello there, my (pen) name is Ai. So, well this is my first time ever writing a novel. This novel might be weird and intense in a few chapters with tragedy close by. It will intensely be focusing on the action and romance section. The romance will be really sugery. So, please stay tuned for more chapters. 

Also, I'm not a daily writer. I wrote, edited and pr'd this chapter by myself. Took about 3/4 hours. If there are any fault please point it out. So, it might take time to publish even 1 chapter. So I'm currently going to post 1ch/1week. There might sometimes be more chapters out on the same day or it might get slow updates sometimes. So favorite this novel for future updates.