Chapter 19 | By Ourselves
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Rays of sunlight were slowly peeking through the window blinds. It was now morning and Luna was snuggling up to me in my bed sheets. We really did just talk and tell each other our few little secrets with most of the stories being said by Luna. I felt relieved hearing her stories. I really didn't want this moment to end. 

And... It was also the first time that I actually slept. My subconsciousness or whatever that is, didn't record or memorize anything. I actually didn't feel so bad about it. It was peaceful, to say the least. 

As I was slowly caressing her head slowly and gently, she opened her eyes sheepishly looking at me and giving me a cute smile. She seemed to be still half asleep. 

“Good morning Princess Luna~”

“Umm~ Good morning Ai.”

“Get up and get fresh.” 


She got up and went to freshen up. I went to the kitchen and looked through the fridge. Yes, this world has a fridge. Even though operated by magic stone, it still has it for convenience. I cooked up some light porridge and some meat with bread. It's been a while since I cooked. I did cook a bit in hell... and it seemed ok(?) to me. 

As I finished setting up the food on the table, Luna came down. She looked at the with her eyes sparkling. 

“You cooked all this, Ai?”

“Yeah. Now let us sit and finish breakfast. You have to go soon.”


She happily sat down and started eating. Taking the first bite-

“So good~”


“Was your cooking always this good?”

“I'm not even sure if it is good or not.”

“Hmm? Uhy? (Why?)”

“Don't talk while eating... Well, I lost all tastes after fighting for a prolonged time.”

“Fighting... What were you fighting and when?” 

She was now giving off a fierce aura. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned it.

“Calm down, Luna. It's been a while since it ended. You don't need to worry about it.”


“No buts. Eat first and I will accompany you to the teleport gate.“

“Umm... Okay.”


Currently, we were in front of one of the teleport gates connected to Snowcry Empire in the academy. There were many people glancing at us, the Saint and the... villain? Why did they start calling me a villain? Well, it did somewhat fit my theme though.

As we were going to the teleport gates, we heard many people saying things about us. A few guys were even looking at me with envy.

It's not like we made our relationship public. We didn't. I don't know much about being lovers in the first place. 

“So... I'll see you soon.“

“Now, don't be sad. I'll become sad at this rate too.“

“We won't be seeing each other for a while though~”

“Well... I'll be waiting for you here. So, come to me quickly, okay?”


As she affirmed. She was giving me a weird gaze that was literally telling me to come closer. After we got close enough, she whispered to me.

'C-can we kiss, one last time before I go?'


In public? Not that I can deny it. Giving her a small smile, I was going to lock our lips but-



... This fucker... I really want to kill him right now. Can I? 

(I can kill him right?)


(Killing him then.)

[It is recommended that the user doesn't kill the Hero. Or something unforeseen might be plausible in the future.]

(I will fix the future myself. So, fuck off.)

“Luna-san! I-I heard you're going back to your homeland.“ (Roben)

“Does that really concern you, Hero Roben.“(Luna)

Roben was giving me slight gazes but didn't keep them up that long. It seems like he was still after Luna. Now... this leaves a bad taste in my mouth due to the... game. Those shitty scenes... 


Should I just kill him? But... I shouldn't, in front of everyone at least.

“Well, don't be so distant now Luna-san. Well anyways, these are some parting gifts for you and your family.“ (Roben)

“Sorry, but I don't need these from you.“ (Luna) 

“Please still take them. You and your family might like them. So, please?“ (Roben)

“Hero Roben-Sama, sorry but no.“ (Luna)

“Please—” (Roben)

As he was about to shove in her hands, I literally snatched it from his hand. He was quite shocked for some reason. He looked at me with an enraged glare. 

“What do you think you are doing!?“ (Roben)

“You see, Mr. Hero, Luna here doesn't want them. So, I'll be holding them for now and throwing them away. Or might be better to donate it.“ (Airu)

“YOU—!!!“ (Roben)

I interrupted him. I didn't want this nuisance to be here. So, I was giving Luna my last farewell.

“See you Luna. Be safe, okay?“ (Airu)

“Yes, you too. Don't get into any more of those weird quarrels. And also... nevermind, just be safe for me.“ (Luna)

“Hmm.“ (Airu)

“...“ (Roben)

After our conversation ended she went through the gate and completely disappeared. I still stayed there a bit and was now heading back to my residence when this brain-dead hero stopped me.

“You! Don't interfere with Luna-san!“ 


“I'll take that silence as an affirmative. If you approach her agai—”

“Hey. You crazy fucker.“ 


He seemed quite shocked. It was because I never talked back to him nor anyone really. Quarreling and talking back were two different things.

“Come talk to me again regarding leaving Luna and I'll fucking kill you.“

“... You—!“ 

“Do. You. Fucking. Understand.“

I stated while releasing a bit of my killing intent. When I say a bit, it wasn't actually even a bit. It was like 1/10000000 of my killing intent. But he was still sweating buckets. I didn't need his yes or no. If he just does that again, I really will kill him. 


After ignoring the hero and throwing his so-called “Parting Gifts” in a trash can, I was now near my house. And... I saw somebody. This somebody was here yesterday, too. But I didn't mind him since I was in the forest with Luna the whole time and just went home when it was night. 

“So... What do want, Sir Ian?“ 

“Airu... Haahh... Where were you yesterday?“

“Was just scrolling around. Why?“ 

“Some really important news. When I say really I mean a major really.“

“Come on in then.“ 


After sitting on the couch with some refreshments, he started talking again. 

“Did Miss Luna already head back?” 

“Yes... But how do you and even the Hero know that?“

“It was an attended leave. She won't be held absent due to her emergency from the empire. So, somebody from the inside probably told the hero.“

That amount of support even after all this for the Hero really still is crazy, huh?

“I see. Now... tell me what is this 'really' important news?“

“Haahh... You know the people that begged you for mercy?“

“Yeah? What about them?“

“Arma 'Cicile'. That kid, did you know who she really was?“

“Yes... and no?”


Why is he sighing so much? Wasn't Cicile from a noble family that was mainly into building knights and Magicians?

“Arma Cicile is the daughter of the Illusion Duke, Cros Cicile, an Ultimate Circle Magician.“


(That's what he is worried about?)

“But that's not what you should be worried about.“


(Why don't you just talk straight?)

“She was born in a magician family with an overwhelming talent for swords. Because there weren't any talented swordsmen in her family, she opted to learn from somewhere else. And that somewhere else is from the Crossed Lights of Dulan Empire, the hidden army of the royal. And her master is... Karvin Krawel.“

“Karvin... So, that's the issue.“

“Hmm. He, one of the few peak ultimate aura users in the whole world, is her master. And he dotes on her crazy.“ 

“What about her father?“

“Her father doesn't care much. Rather he thinks this was a perfect opportunity for her to learn about the society.“

“He sure is... thinking positively. Now back go Karvin, what is it.“

“... As I said, he dotes on her too much. So much so that, he limped a young maid due to spilling some hot tea on her dress.“

What is he? Some-

“... Lolicon?“

“... No... I think? A-ahem... back to the main topic, he literally destroyed his main office after hearing what you did. He is now coming to the academy to fight... no, Kill you.” 

“... Interesting.“

“And it will take time for him to come. At least about 2 or 3 more days.“


“He is from the main force of the royal army. He has way too much work. From what I heard, he was going to come today, but the emperor stopped him and gave us some time to prepare.“

“Haahh... So, what do you want me to do?“

“Two choices for you. One, you run away and don't look back. It's the most optimal one and you can run to Snowcry Empire. Or...“


“A-ask for an apology... He will at least not kill you. It's not the safest but has a chance.“

“No. I say no to both.“

“What!? Airu, he is a peak Ultimate Stage Aura user. PEAK. ULTIMATE. STAGE. He is literally one step away from God stage. Just him landing on the academy ground with a bit of force will destroy the whole academy ground.“

“I'll just fight him.“

“??? Air—”



“Nothing else, I suppose? If so, please leave for today. I have some work to do.“

“Haah... You... I don't know if you're strong or brave or just stupid.“

“... Sir Ian. I really am thankful for your support till now. Even my own so-called former family didn't support me these much in 16 years of my life. But... Not even you know that much about me, do you?“

“... I suppose so. Then, I will see you soon then. Stay safe till then.“

“Yes, thank you.“


I knew from the start that Sir Ian had some kind of motive for approaching me. But I didn't mind it. It wasn't the first time and I was also being cautious. But honestly, staying with him, sharing my life stories in the academy, and just getting answers to a few of my questions proved that he really did care about me. I don't even sense his other motives anymore. He... became like a father figure to me at some point. 

“Haaah... Seriously though. Just why does so much trouble follow me.“ 

That Karvin Krawel, he is the main issue now. Do I reveal myself? Or really do I just run away? 

Currently, I was sitting on a bench in the forest. This forest always gave me a sense of peace. This silence was something that I didn't crave, but I had. This black-and-white life of mine had a lot of colors now. 

I couldn't help but put up a small smile on my lips. Just how much influence can only two humans do? 

(Hey Elora. You there?)


I tried connecting with Elora (Satan). He always gave me some good advice regarding emotions. Probably because he was the God Of Emotions. 


{Hmm... I hear you now.}

(Where are you now?)

{I'm currently in an Empire named Eloq.}

(What are you doing?)

{I became an adventurer like you. I am traveling between Empires and watching their cultures and so. Also, I reached SS rank.}

(Hahaha. Are you having fun?)

{I suppose, I am. Now, what is it you're so troubled about?}

(... I recently found love.)

{... WHAT!? You? YOU found love? Are you sure you aren't being hypnotized or something?}

(Do you want to fight?)

{Nope... Ahem... Hahaha, my lil-bro found love. I suppose I'll throw a party for you.}

(Haah... You... Whatever. Recently, I am starting to appreciate these colors around me.)

{Good. That's what you should have been like.}

(But... troubles always follow me, you know?)

{What happened?}

I gave him a brief rundown of what happened till now after entering the academy. And what should I do about the fight?

{That girl Luna. I suppose I appreciate her presence around you. And also that game bullshit... it is probably a prophecy of some sort.}


{Hmm. Just like how we, the souls in hell also got the prophecy that 'The Seed' will come to destroy hell. And depending on him, the future of every time and space will depend on him. It's either going to be destruction or peace depending on him. And that he became you. It's not like it's totally wrong.}


{Even though you destroyed hell, you gave us freedom from the pain of hell. You don't overuse your power.}


{No need. Now, back to the matter of fighting... Let me ask you, do you want to protect or survive?}

(? What do you mean?)

{Do you want to fight to protect those around you or do you want to survive with life at stake?}

(... I... want to protect these colors around me. I want to keep these colors around me.)

{Then easy. Fight. But instead of fighting to survive, this time fight to protect those colors.}

(Fight to protect...)

{You don't have to overwhelm him. You can just barely win against him to show those around you that you are able to protect. That you aren't that easy. And that you are that strong. But for maximum effect, I recommend ripping him apart.}

(... Thanks. Really.)

{Haha no problem. I said this before too. We are brothers. And I will help you in everything I can. So never hesitate.)


{I gotta go now. The party I'm currently in is going to go on a dungeon. We are going to leave now.}

(Alright. Stay safe.)

{Yeah. You too.}


Our connection was now cut. Elora, I really am glad that I took him as my brother. Let's go to the market. I should atleast buy some light protection and a staff or a sword for this fight.


{Ian's POV}

Airu, the first time I saw that kid was when he was 15. His stats were overwhelming for someone of his age. But he almost looked emotionless. I couldn't feel anything from him. 

Talking to lord Heathen was... honestly, disappointing. He didn't care about a genius like that. Why? I never found the answer. 

He finally came to the academy. He was now 16. He didn't look any different from before. Besides his face looks much better. I'm sure that if he did his hair properly, he was probably more good-looking than the Hero. 

After I talked to him in the academy, he still felt the same emotionless. I don't know why but he reminded me of my friend. 

My best friend was almost the same as him. He didn't have any life goals. We both graduated from the same small academy but we headed to different paths. He had no parents. He was an orphan but I didn't mind it. He was my best friend, Rov. His recent letter to me indicated he was fine. 

He became an adventurer, an SSS rank one at that. He is also the party leader of Dragon Riders or whatever. I'm proud of him honestly.

The resemblance between Rov and Airu wasn't much. Yet, it looked like they were similar.

That's why I let go of my motives and just supported him. He started to come to my office and we just talked about my daily lives and just strolled around. And I really did start to care for him.

The recent incidents made me a bit worried about him. But it seems like due to Miss Luna, he was in good condition. 

I honestly didn't know he was this powerful. The scan went way too much his way. It seems like the plan made by Miss Luna worked. 

But after hearing about Karvin Krawel, I started to panic. I went to his home straight away but couldn't find him. The next day I calmed down a bit and talked to him. But he said.

“I'll fight him.“

Honestly, I didn't know how strong he was. But I definitely knew, he wasn't weak. Was he that strong that he could defeat Karvin Krawel? I wasn't sure. But-

“Sir Ian. I really am thankful for your support till now. Even my own so-called family didn't support me these much in the 16 years of my life. But... Not even you know that much about me, do you?“

I was really happy about his appreciation but was upset about that I didn't know him much. 

I hope you stay safe, Airu. Don't die, please.



The interactions between Airu and Elora is one of the best parts regarding their brotherhood. Airu while being young doesn't understand much about humanity, while Elora was supposed to be one of the true absolute Gods, the God of Emotions. He understands living beings more than any humans or Gods. 

Elora in character won't be introduced to others anytime soon. You might get these types of interactions for a bit, but my goal for him is different. He isn't a necessary character for at least another 2/3 arcs. 

Regarding Ian, he is one of the precious characters to Airu. The fact that Airu wasn't broken in that 1-year span of the academy was 1/3rd due to him. The parts are due to his experience in hell. There will be a lot of other POVs in the future. As their inner thoughts, sometimes relate to the main story. While other times, it is just a filler :3

Well, this chapter was mostly about Airu's character development. He is starting to become protective and not a pushover anymore. Well, comment and share if you can <3