Chapter 26 |Dungeon ‘The Calamity of The Past from The Future’
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{Mira's POV}

“Dungeon of 5 Basics”, even though it is one of the dungeons that is considered low in the rank of dungeons, it is still one of the hardest to get by even for C-rank adventurers.

Why? Simple. It's a testing ground for checking your 5 basics; Combat, Situation Awareness, Senses, Preparations, and Magic. These 5 tests are difficult even for a party of C ranks. But looking at the situation at hand of how these two are clearing it, is honestly dumfounding. 

There are 3 solo tests for each party member. If they don't clear it, the dungeon won't lead us to the next room. Looking at Luna overpowering her enemies through sheer force, magic, and senses was... overwhelming. I knew she was strong, but not to this stage. As for Airu, well, let's not talk about him. I, myself, did decent compared to others besides these two. 

The leftover tests were Situation Awareness and Preparation. And... I didn't even do anything and we passed it...

(What just happened?)

“Now, that was easy~” (Luna)

“Hmm, nothing hard about it.“ (Airu)

“...“ (Mira)

(What monsters...)

“Now let's go do another dungeon today.” (Luna)

“Huh?“ (Mira)

“I don't oppose the idea I suppose.“ (Airu)

“What about you Mira?“ (Luna)

“S-sure, I guess...“ (Mira)

And Like that, our chaotic adventures in the dungeons continued for another 30 dungeons as a month passed by. 


{Airu's POV}

We finished about 30 dungeons in 30 days. Honestly, it was too much as a party of 3 but looking at Luna's enthusiasm I couldn't say much. Is this the researcher's blood she inherited from her parents? 

I was currently on my way to Sir Ian's office. He sent me a letter saying it was something important he needed me for. 

*Knock Knock*

“Come in.“

“Good morning, Sir Ian.“

“Yeah, good morning. Come sit down.“


After settling down a bit, and presenting me with a bit of refreshments, we started talking again.


“What happened?“

“Really... I don't know if it's just me or does trouble always follow you.“

“Aaah... Probably the latter one.“

“Haah... Listen, from now on whatever I say, don't tell it to anyone. It is way too confidential that only a few people know it.“

“Alright, besides Luna, I won't tell anyone. So, what is it about?“

“Well, that's fine. It's about that dungeon.“

“... The one that doesn't allow energy flow?“

“Yes. In this one month, more than 25 groups of adventurers and personal armies were sent. We even sent people with firearms like guns and canons in it.“

“... How... How many survived?“

“One. Only one group of adventurers survived. Actually, it wasn't even a group. It was just 3 people of that group that survived.“

“That high mortality rate?“

“Yes. From that person, we managed to find some information. But the most interesting thing about it isn't even the monsters but its name.“

“What is it?“

“The name of the dungeon is... 'The Calamity of The Past from The Future”

“Huh? What kind of name is that?“

“Yeah... Just the name itself is annoyingly puzzling. But after somewhat deciphering it... we managed to get... nothing.“

“Damn... Wasted work.“

“Yes, there is literally no meaning to its name. What is the Calamity? What is the past and future it's talking about? We searched through every historical journal possible but still nothing. Literally, nothing we could understand.“

“... Tell me about the monsters.“

“Before that, the rank of the dungeon is set as SSS+”

“Isn't that too high?“

“No, actually it's way lower than what I imagined.“


“Because of the monsters.“


“The survivor gave us many many descriptions of monsters we have never seen or even heard about. The more interesting thing is that the monsters can use energy while we can't.“

“Interesting... Give me the description of the most common monster seen.“

“Hmm... Let me think... Oh yeah. There was one monster at the beginning of the dungeon, it had a... five-slit mouth with 3 eyes on the top of its head. It has 6 legs with 6 hands. Its skin color is pale-ish green and about its blood it's... not confirmed.“

“Not confirmed?“

“Well, you see even though it was commonly seen the most, the most interesting thing about it is that it was killed multiple times with many sacrifices, but the group that fought with the same kind of monster again said that it was the same one they fought before.”

“Huh? That...“

(Why does that seem familiar?)

“They said that when they killed that monster or just any monster in that dungeon, it never spilled blood. They couldn't retrieve the body because the dungeon absorbed it. So, from our speculations, the only thing we can conclude is that it is an undead dungeon.“

“I... don't think so.“

“Huh? Why?“

“... Let me think for a bit.“

“Uhhh. Okay?“

Split face, 3 eyes, 6 hands, 6 feet, green skin... That is the same description of a creature from the 6th hell I killed. Even the characteristics that it doesn't spill blood and revives back are the same.

Is that dungeon... a part of hell? No, from 6th hell on no creatures exists anymore. And the Gods wouldn't let a part of hell merge onto a living layer. 

Even assuming that it is a same the same creature, why is it able to revive? In hell, the ones that were able to revive were the ones I didn't absorb since they were souls, and souls can't literally be killed. Since the adventurers were able to touch and kill it then that means it has a physical body. Then how was it able to revive...

Wait... didn't I... let them fight with a physical body when I fought with them in the 9th hell? Huh? The dungeon name too. 'The Calamity of The Past from The Future'. The Calamity... Time... Myself, my skills. Don't tell me—

“Airu? Hello? Airu? AIRU!“

“Huh? W-what? Why are you yelling?“

“I am yelling because of you. Why are you panicking?“


“You... didn't even realize, you are panicking?“

“I wasn't though?“

“But you looked like you were...“

“Haah... It's nothing. It's just I was thinking way too deep.“

“Alright? So, did you sort out anything?“

“Well yes but no. I'm not sure.“

“Well, whatever. I didn't call you for that.“


“I told you before that the hero might be sent there with some other groups.”

“Yeah. So, are they going to cancel it?“

“No, they are going to proceed with it. But with way more forces. And it just won't be the hero that will be sent.“

“... Don't tell me.“

“Yes. They are going to send your group in with about 8 more groups too.“

“What if we reject?“

“Nothing will happen. They will just select another group. They will also be sending multiple Aces from multiple Empires. But still, Krawel Karvin, recommended that you must go since you have the best physical for that.“

“So, we can reject without backlash. That's good then.“

“Yes, another thing I want to talk about is... kind of an odd thing about the monsters in the dungeon.“

“There is more?“

“Yes, but it's not about them specifically but their behavior.“


“Hmm. You see, the dungeon barrier already broke.“

“Huh? Then, did the monsters come out?“

“No. That's the odd thing. It has been 15 days since the barriers broke but no monsters came out. Even if they were chasing somebody, at the entry point they always stop like they were following some kind of command. That's how the three survivors escaped.“


(I'm getting more and more suspicious about this situation. Command, they can revive, the same creatures. It's too much to be a coincidence.)

