Book 4 – Learning Chapter 12 – Modes of Transportation
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Despite the immense size of the metaverse with hundreds of thousands of worlds spanning across multiple universes and layers of realities, travel between worlds is not an issue. The vast majority of movement between the worlds isn’t with high tier magic or expensive enchanted vehicles made by specialists or even the Interconnections, conquests, and expansions of blackzones and other dungeon-like distortions but rather through the four modes of transportation provided by the outer between space: the trios of World Bridges, the Hidden Cities, the Babels, and the Breakwaters. Every world has four-hundred-fifty of each with two major exceptions: the hubs these modes of transportation are from which have twice the amount of their respective one and stabilized lesser worlds and its counterparts such as conceptual reflections, grand-captured, and otherworld-captured which only have one-hundred-fifty of each, all secret and existing in bubble-spaces overlaying normal space. 

Each mode of transportation is noted to have populations of two million minimum, barring unique circumstances, causing them to be natural hubs due to the magic that both facilitates travel and attracts people for various reasons. Because of this they naturally form cultural centers that coincide with their nature as transportation hubs. Depending on whether a mode of transportation is public or secret determines the reach of its connected: public ones only connect to other public ones within the same universe groups except for ones in the outer between space hubs which will connect to other public ones within their set of universe groups while secret ones connect to other secret ones across the entire metaverse.

The most commonly used mode of transportation are the World Bridges as while they only possess three connections to other World Bridges per set, they exist as larger singular routes and only fifty of the four-hundred-fifty per world are secret. World Bridges make use of the Vox System in the formation and maintenance of their special locales. The Vox System is an influenced-shared-and-connective-type system that uses relics, aptitude, and tarot to make use of the Voxes and draw power indirectly from the wills of various concepts and existences. The unique attribute of the World Bridges is that these half kilometer rings distorts space and layers of reality around them, making related magics more inefficient in and around these special locales. Compared to Hidden Cities, the instance of the Vox System that World Bridges use emphasize the connective side of the system: encouraging the use of proxy bodies and real-to-proxy transformations and allowing the user to use their normal spellcraft with less strain to them and their system slot’s connections.

Compared to World Bridges, Hidden Cities are less used but arguably more famous as they come in the form of large cities with each of them connecting to six other Hidden Cities in a series of different routes. Their ratio of public to secret is fifty public to four hundred secret. Like World Bridges, Hidden Cities also use the Vox System with their instances emphasizing the influenced side of the system: causinges the Voxes to have greater impact on the ongoings of the Hidden City and influencing the magics being used. The unique attribute of the Hidden Cities is that even the public ones exist in bubble-spaces and the vox reborn that act as intermediaries for the Voxes naturally have large say in the ongoings of the special locale, helping govern the system with the children of the locale and maintaining the routes between Hidden Cities. It is noted that a small number do exist on other celestial bodies within their designated world’s solar system.

Following in popularity and usage are the Babels, giant multi kilometer omnistructure towers that are a minimum of five kilometers high and half kilometer wide at its base. Each Babel connects to five other Babels and commonly used for travel as only one-hundred-fifty are secret. Unlike World Bridges and Hidden Cities that make use of the Vox System, Babels make use of the Tower System, a facsimile-influenced-regional-medium-and-integrated system that makes of relics, aptitudes, and tarot to draw power directly from the gods of the system known as the Architects. The instances of the Tower System deployed by the Babels emphasize the influenced and integrated sides of the system: causing the Architects to physically exist in some form or fashion at all times within the Babel, making them distinct to other gods who generally can only exist in any major layer of reality for short periods of time without greatly limiting their power, and having a close connection to the derivative and related Hybrid Systems that make use of the Tower System in their composition. The unique attribute of the Babels is that the descended architects that act as intermediaries of the Architects have major positions in maintaining the Babel and the systems it employs, Tower and otherwise, and that all Babels naturally employ spatial compression to become larger on the inside and help keep the omnistructures from collapsing. It is noted a small number do exist in outer space, still being within their designated world’s solar system.

Finally there is the least used mode of transportation from the outer between space hubs: the Breakwaters, giant satellites or structurings that don’t exist on the world’s surface but rather on other celestial bodies or outer space within the bounds of that world’s solar system. While these are technically more easy to use due to their four connections to other Breakwaters existing as singular giant portals, the fact they aren’t in their world’s lower atmosphere or surface makes them more difficult to find and reach when combined with the fact that only one third of them are public. Breakwaters use the Tower System similar to Babels but their instances emphasize the facsimile and medium side of the system, making it so that facsimiles are generally needed in some capacity and the use of proxy bodies, real-to-proxy transformations, and similar vessels and techniques are effectively required.

All modes of transportation experience three different special phenomena: End Vein Phenomena, Pulmonary Clustering, and Crossover System Effect. End Vein Phenomena influences public modes of transportation and causes over a quarter of them on any given world to be found within one set area, usually a continent, and over a fifth of all worlds have this phenomena to such a degree that it is over half over all public modes of transportation. Pulmonary Clustering is the phenomena where modes of transportation can be found adjacent or in close proximity to each other with one third of them experiencing this and one fourth of these clusters being made of four or more modes of transportation: this leads to special additional connections across modes of transportation. Finally the Crossover System Effect is where modes of transportation serve as locations for Hybrid and or Derivative Systems made from the systems of special locales that are only connected via the modes of transportation: the Vox and Tower Systems are not needed as components in these systems.

Notably with the Realigning, new modes of transportations have appeared out of a place in space time known as the neither between space. Each universe group’s neither between space has hubs equal to the number of wills, both greater and lesser, related to magos and the heretical wills connected to insania and abyssus, currently eight in total, with each hub being sixty worlds worth of space. Each world in these hubs possess neither variants of modes of transportation from the outer between space plus its own, the Neither Corridor Anchors, with the total amount being equal to thirty times the amount of heretical and lesser will universe groups in lieu of having modes of transportation from the outer between space, currently having four-hundred-fifty of each type. Uniquely the hubs duplicate the amount of modes of transportation they possess and disperse across the universe group they are connected to and of all these modes of transportation only one tenth is public.

Neither Corridors Anchors, connecting to eight other instances of itself, make use of one of the six different cornerstone systems that originate from the neither between space plus six Hybrid Systems with it: the same goes for the other neither variants of the modes of transportation, although they also use the systems of their counterparts plus an additional hybrid system along with four additional systems. These modes of transportation share the attributes of having three quarters the normal population and connecting to spiral corridors, counterparts to habitable quarter-worlds the size of four worlds and possessing fives times the amount neither between space-based modes of transportation compared to a normal hub world plus five times the amount of the normal ones compared to stabilized lesser worlds, each having a different ratio of them being secret: 100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, or 0%. Each neither between space hub has five spiral corridors in addition to their normal worlds and are used to forge contracts with the worlds of artificial world clusters to give them access to modes of transportation: each hub can possess up to one-hundred-twenty contracts at a time. Half of all connections of spiral corridors’ modes of transportation connect to these contracted worlds, meaning they aren’t always active as these contracts don’t have metaverse-given permanence, being destroyable.

With the vastness of the metaverse, all these modes of transportation are considered valuable lifelines and places of economic importance. Without them only the strongest would be able to move between worlds, but even with them long distance world hopping is not common due to the complexity of mapping out the routes of modes of transportation throughout the metaverse. It is unlikely the entire metaverse will be mapped, particularly the major layer of reality groups that can only be accessed from the prime physical layer of reality through certain types of hubs, due to its sheer size and how much is obscured by karma and the other wills of the metaverse via info-karma, but people will ever continue to travel and explore.