Side Story 1: Divine Warning
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Priestess Joan stopped outside of the King's council chamber.  She knew, she Knew that her message was more important than whatever was being discussed behind the closed door, but by Kinfosh, she was nervous.  It was the King's door, after all!


"Its alright" The voice of her god spoke soothingly into her ear.  "I will open this door, as I have all others."


Joan nodded firmly, remembering how each guard she passed had moved aside their eyes, or had changed shifts at just the right time.  With the God of Lamar guiding Joan, getting through the palace had been surprisingly easy.  


She took a deep breath, placing her palms on the heavy doors, before giving them a great push.



King Erik nodded his head, fighting and loosing against the lure of sleep.  To his right, the Minister of Finance drolled on about the "deplorable" state of the kingdom's treasury.  Erik had privately checked earlier, and discovered that the kingdom's finances were as secure as ever.  Some political game was underfoot then, and a dreadfully slow one.


With load groanings, the council doors slide open a few centimeters.  Erik looked up in surprise.  Normally the guards opened the door with smooth, practiced, and most importantly, complete motions.  Also, they usually at least announced the person on the other side.  The doors moved again, and this time Erik thought he heard a child's grunt accompany it.


A thin girl then stepped through the crack she had apparently created.  She was instantly identifiable as a priest of Kinfosh, not just by her pure white robes but also by her thin and childlike build and her golden blond hair.  The god definitely favored childlike, innocent priestess.  Privately, King Erik wondered about what sort of god his kingdom was serving, since he had several men in his torture chambers for having similar interest in women.  


The Priestess then spoke,  "Kinfosh greets his highness King Erik, and sends his warning.  A catastrophe has arrived to this land.  A demon, unlike any others, will rise up from blackened robes.  Its terror shall spread across the land, and none shall be able to stop it.  By his divine command, Kinfosh commands King Erick, and all the kings of Lamar, to seek out and destroy this demon before it grows too great."


King Erik's mind spaced, unable to reconcile the appearance of the messenger with the weight of the message.  His ministers, however, were not all so inhibited.  


"Who is this girl, who let her in?"  That was the Minister of Finance.


"Its alright, I'll take care of her."  The head priest.  He looked nothing like those the god favored, the king thought that his appointment was more due to good politics than good religion.  Turning to the priestess the priest spoke, "Child, you are confused.  Here, let me escort you back to a chapel."


The priestess looked around, her face showing distress.  Behind her, guards poured in, attracted by the noice and half open doors.  The ministers continued talking over each other.  In the midst of the confusion, a bright light shined out from the priestess.  A great calm spread over the gathering, and silence fell over them all as a shining figure stepped out from the clouds that had appeared.


King Erik gulped, before hastily lowering himself into what was the first bow of his life.  His soul sang out to him, before him was a god, descended in all of his divinity.  The figure spoke, its voice a whisper, but heard by all.  


"Heed my messenger.  A demon, far more dangerous than any I have yet allowed through, has entered Lamar.  If you are not able to repel it before it regains its power, then I fear for your lives, and for all of Lamar."


Its assurance already delivered, the figure stepped back, and then disappeared.


"Ah, what, what's going on!"


The priestess' shrill voice echoed throughout the chamber as she saw everyone, the king included, bowing towards her.



The god of Lamar, Kinfosh, sighed as he observed the scene he had created.  When he saw his favorite priestess get insulted like that, he had almost lost himself descended personally, which would have flattened the whole area.  Well, he had been stretched pretty thin.  He looked out at the hundreds of other visions he was projecting, one to each kingdom.  They all delivered similar messages, with similar reactions.  The whole world was in shock, but soon, he hoped, it would be galvanized to seek out the presence he had briefly sensed.  


Kinfosh shuddered as he recalled the sensation of being repelled, of being resisted.  It wasn't the same as the flimsy barriers erected by the so-called demonologist, those had his divine power flowing through them, same as everything else.  He had allowed them too exists because some amount of rebellion was natural, and even healthy in any system.  Besides, they could only shelter one weak demon apiece, otherwise the demons would quickly wither into tortured balls, easy to find and dispose of.  So they posed no threat.  But that one demon he had briefly felt had taken his natural energies, and had fought back.  Worse than that, he recalled the smooth voice betraying no sign of pain as it resisted everything that was him.  


Kinfosh thought that the Elder Gods had long fought against and destroyed all demons of that caliber.  At the very least, those demons should be regulated to the endless Void, not popping up so far inside the god's territories!