Chapter 26: A Quest
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Leonid stood between the two girls, who looked at him expectantly, but his heart was not there. He still had many things to do to save Lena from a terrible fate.

Leonid's body trembled slightly, unable to confirm that he should take such action. Those eyes full of affection made Leonid feel innocent and he couldn't think of anything.

There was no other choice for Leonid, he immediately let go of the two girls' advances and quickly walked away from their bodies with an aura of romance.

"I'm sorry, I have to go now!" Leonid began to forget about them, quickly walking away from them without using any magic.

The two girls were confused, their eyes could not escape Leonid, as if they could not live without him.

"Wait for me, Leonid! Where are you going?"

Leonid couldn't answer, his eyes were focused forward and he didn't turn his head at all. He couldn't have any fun with the two girls and his mind had to be twisted and sharpened for the safety of Lena and Illya.

The two girls wanted to chase Leonid, but Leonid's feet were too fast, so the two of them couldn't catch up even if they could use magic to chase Leonid.

"I'm sorry! I don't have much time to deal with you! Illya is in danger. I hope I'm not too late." Leonid ran out of the dormitory, forgetting about the two girls who liked him.

Leonid was already out of the Creo Western members-only dormitory, where the organization, under the auspices of Althera Academy, was responsible for taking care of the academy's administration and events.

While the Creo Western members were about to enter Violet Ravenclaw's dormitory, Leonid ran into the crowd of Creo Western members who had finished their work. Leonid didn't see Lena because Lena had an extra job.

There were several pairs of eyes that were surprised by Leonid's actions, when they were ready to take a break, Leonid actually stayed away from the dormitory they lived in.

"What's wrong with Leonid? Didn't he finish his work?"

"I don't know, I think someone called him again." One of the members replied, shrugging his shoulders and making eye contact with his comrades.

Leonid still quickened his pace, trying to get to the place where he could relax with Illya, hoping that Illya could be found and explain something to Lena. Maybe Illya could find out what happened to Lena a few hours later.

This could be a precaution for Lena to stay safe and avoid sharp and cruel threats.

Arriving at the park, Leonid still had some energy left, stopped running and held his breath for a while. Leonid's eyes looked vague, he could not see other people clearly, his head was down.

Leonid lifted his head and looked around. There was no sign of Illya and Raphaela in the park. He felt panicked and confused. Where was his missing twin sister? What should he do now?

His face was pale and sweaty. His legs were shaking, but he tried to stand up straight. His body was tired from running fast to find them. His breathing was labored.

He felt trapped in a situation from which there was no escape. His mind was empty and stuck. Illya and Lena were probably already far away or even in danger. Besides, Illya would participate in the duel tomorrow.

"Think, Leonid! What should I do to find Illya?" he murmured in a desperate tone.

He let out a long sigh and looked down. He longed to use magic to find her, but he knew it was useless. The academy was too big and full of obstacles. Besides, he didn't want to spend all his energy on uncertainty.

He could only sit on the park bench and rest for a while. He tried to find a way to come up with a quick and effective solution. But he found nothing.

"This is useless. I want to use magic to find them. But that might cost me all my energy. What should I do?" He said in a frustrated tone.

He tugged at her hair with his left hand while his right hand held the magic screen on his wrist. He already knew who the cause of all this was, but he had no solid evidence to deal with it. He also wanted to use magic that was undetectable by the academy system, but that was also risky.

He opened his magic screen and checked the information on it one by one. The magic screen contained the names of the academy's students, along with their strengths and inventories. Therefore, they could use Inventory Magic inside the Academy, but not outside.

"I can't find a solution," he complained as he closed his eyes.

Suddenly, he remembered something. There was one more place that might give him a clue. The place where she had casually sat with Illya before they parted ways.

He immediately got up from his seat and hurried to that place. He hoped that there would still be traces or Illya's belongings.

After arriving at the place, he used Investigator Magic with his right hand, even though the chance of finding a clue was only 0.2%. He touched the spot where Illya had leaned with Raphaela.

Suddenly, images appeared in his mind. He saw the growing romantic relationship between Raphaela and Illya. He saw Raphaela clinging to Illya and teasing him in various ways.

Leonid was disgusted and angry at this scene. He knew that Raphaela actually wanted to get close to him, but she always avoided it because she was still thinking about something important. Then Raphaela turned to Illya, although she wasn't very close to him.

Leonid bit his lip hard. Something was not right with Raphaela. What exactly was she planning?

"Maybe... Raphaela! I won't let her do this to Illya!" Leonid shouted as he ran as fast as he could. He looked around in the direction Raphaela was running, but there were no footprints of Illya anywhere. He relied only on Investigator Magic, which had a very small chance, only 0.2%.

He felt lucky to have gotten the clue in one try. Imagine if someone else had done it, they would have gotten nothing. The clue could open up other possibilities.

He had to think quickly and intelligently. She was still confused about where Raphaela was taking Illya and what her plan was. He felt that there was something wrong with Raphaela, who was always clinging to Illya and showing her excessive love.

Did she want to have Illya all to herself or was she inviting the other gang members to enjoy their pleasure with Illya?
He bit his lip hard. After that, he couldn't find any more clues. Time was running out.

"Where to next? I don't have many more clues and I don't have much time!" he muttered while he kept running. He didn't want to stop or turn around for fear of losing her trail.

He was thankful that he had above-average stamina to be able to conduct a large-scale search. This was thanks to the rigorous training he did every day.

Soon he heard Lena's voice calling to her from down the hall. Lena was carrying a large number of piles of paper in both hands. She seemed to be having trouble carrying them.

"Leonid! What are you doing here? Help me quickly! I can't take it anymore!" Lena shouted in a loud voice that echoed down the hall.

Leonid felt under pressure. He had to choose between continuing the search or going to Lena's for a while. Time was running out and his mind was getting more and more stressed.

"Leonid! Hurry up!" Lena urged again.

Leonid remembered Lena's memory of being in the apartment a few hours earlier. Maybe Lena could help Leonid after Leonid helped the girl.

Quickly, Leonid went to Lena and lightened Lena's burden by taking half of the sheet of paper and slowly walking beside Lena. Maybe Leonid could ask Lena for help after he lightened the heavy load.

"All right! I'll help you all the way. But I really need you, because something is wrong with Illya." Leonid said in a serious tone.

Lena just nodded and let Leonid lighten her load for now. She looked at Leonid's face, which looked worried and tense. He wondered what had happened to Illya.