The Goddess’ Sword and Shield
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Approaching through the mountains is a massive army of monsters. Leading the army is the robed man Tio talked about.

"Nagumo-kun, Xiao Long-kun, is there anything you could do about this army of monsters?" Aiko asks.



Lake Town of Ur

Sitting at the docks just outside the Inn is Hajime, Yue, and Ruby, with the others standing behind them. Aiko, David and the Inns owner sit across from the three, Yuka stands off to the side behind Aiko.

Tio is in the Inn, resting.

"Xiao Long-kun, Nagumo-kun, would you please help us?" Aiko asks. "If you don't, they'll destroy the town, and hundreds of lives will be lost!"

Hajime crosses his arms. "Well, that's unexpected. I thought you always put your students first and foremost. Didn't think you'd ask one of them to lay their life on the line for a bunch of strangers."

Aiko looks down in sadness, before looking back at Hajime with a look of determination. "Of course, as a teacher, my students always come first. But I don't want to cast aside the many people of this world, who I've met and grown to know. I wasn't able to help either of you in your time of need, so maybe these words don't mean much to you... But I don't want you two to live a sad life where you cut ties with everyone and everything!"

Ruby then speaks. "Sensei, no matter what happens from here on out, you'll still be our teacher, right?"

"Of course!"

"No matter what decisions we make, even if it's not what you would've wanted?"

"That's right." Aiko agrees. "As long as you two listen to what I have to say before you make that decision."

Ruby and Hajime look at each other and nod. Then they stand up and walk off, their girls following. 

Aiko stands up. "N... Nagumo-kun! Xiao Long-kun!"

Hajime stops, Ruby stops a few steps after. "There's an army headed this way. I'm gonna wanna get ready."

Aiko smiles. "Nagumo-kun!"

"Only 'cause my teacher told me." Hajime glances back at her.

Hajime goes outside of town and creates two large walls. Aiko's four students help with evacuations. Ruby is off in the mountains, creating multiple Grimm Pools with a smile on her face.

Ruby heads back down the mountain and goes over to the two large walls that Hajime created and sees a bunch of Men building sandbags. Neo is doing her best to help.

She hears some yelling and looks over to see Yue, Blake, Aiko and Shea with food. 

Everyone takes a break and gets some food. Ruby sits on a log trying to eat her food, but Tio keeps trying to feed her.

Ruby would slide away from the Dragon, but she would slide right back next to Ruby, trying to feed her again. This happens a couple times before, Tio starts to moan in blush.

Neo sweat drops as she watches the scene. 

Then when the sun starts to set everyone goes home and gets some rest, but Hajime and Ruby stand on the outer wall, looking out to the mountains. 

"Nagumo-kun, Xiao Long-kun, how are preparations coming?" Aiko asks as she walks up to the two. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Nah, we're good, Sensei." Hajime says.

"They'll be here soon." Ruby mutters as she sniffs the air.

"Don't frown like that, Sensei. It's gonna be fine."

"This may sound hypocritical, given that I was the one who put you two up to this, but..." Aiko starts. "Please come back safe."

Ruby and Hajime give Aiko a smile.

A few hours later Ruby is sitting by herself on the top of the wall, she's taken apart Crescent Rose and is cleaning it. A ways down the wall Hajime is inspecting his weapons.

Ruby puts a piece of her weapon down then starts putting it together. Yuka walks up a ladder behind the disguised Grimm.

Yuka stands behind Ruby, with her hands behind her back. "Hey, Ruby!" The Grimm doesn't responds and Yuka looks to the ground.

"What's up, Sonobe?" Ruby asks, not calling her by her first name.

"Um... Thanks for what you did, back then!"

"Huh, what are you talking about?"

Yuka looks to the side. "You might not remember it, but you rescued me back in the labyrinth. I wanted to thank you for that."

"Hmm, I rescued you?" Ruby questions. "You're probably remembering it wrong."

"Even if I am... I'm not gonna waste this chance! You gave me a chance when you rescued me, so I'm not gonna waste it!"

Ruby finishes putting Crescent Rose back together. "Okay."

"I'm going, then." Yuka turns around.

"...Yuka." Ruby calls out and the girl stops. "Don't die, okay? You've got guts." Yuka smiles and looks at Ruby. "Well, kinda."

"Thanks." Yuka then hops off the wall and walks away.

Ruby changes her weapon into Rifle mode and aims it forward, then pulls the trigger and dry fires it. She then loads a magazine into the weapon and pulls the bolt back, chambering a round.

Ruby then puts her weapons into storage mode and sets it on her back as she stands up. "Hey." She suddenly says. "You're very bad at hiding. What the hell are you doing?"

Standing behind a nearby tree is Tio. She gasps and pears out from behind the tree and gives a nervous smile. "I simply missed my chance to emerge!" She takes a few steps out from behind. "A moment of your time?" Ruby doesn't respond to the dragon. 

Tio takes a couple more steps forward.


"A moment of your time?" Tio asks and Ruby ignores her again. "I have but one request to make of you. Might I ask for your ear?" Ruby continues to ignore her. "Could you be engaging me in intentional neglect to arouse me?!" She hugs herself and blushes. "This is so harsh!" Ruby's  eyes start to twitch. "I never knew such an act existed!"

Ruby turns around with an angry look. "You make torturing you, not fun at all!" She hears Hajime laughing in the distance. "SHUT UP!" She yells at him. 

Ruby clears her throat and glares at Tio. "So what do you want, you filthy pervert?"

"Oh, well, you will be continuing on your battle-fought journey, yes?" Tio asks.

Ruby nods. "Yeah."

"Id so, might I join you on said journey--"

Ruby swiftly interrupts. "Hell no, you filthy dragon!" She yells.

Tio moans. "A-An answer swifter than I had imagined! I would not join you without recompense, of course! I would call you Master and offer myself to you in body and soul!" She holds her arms out to Ruby.

"Go back to your den! Or maybe just die and return to the earth you filthy dragon! Then I could eat you!" Ruby yells as she glares at the dragon, Tio blushes. "NOT LIKE THAT! FILTH! FILTH!"

"Those eyes, so piercing!" Tio smiles. "I want you to see how fiercely I fight in this coming battle, Master!" she hops around, and in the background Neo and Blake are watching. "I promise you, my performance will be more than satisfactory!" she hugs herself. "You will surely ask me to join you after witnessing it!"

Blake sweat drops and her ears droop a little. "I have never smelled so much lust coming from one person and so much anger from another." Neo nods. 

An hour later the Party is on top of the outer walk as many people of Ur stand behind it. Aiko, Yuka and Taeko stand among them.


"There they are." Hajime states.

Approaching the two is a massive army of monsters.


Ruby smiles sadistically. "So many targets, it's hard to choose."

"Right then, let's go put the finishing touches on it." Hajime says.

"Finishing Touches?" Shea asks.

"Now's the perfect chance to make the Goddess of Agriculture, Aiko-sensei, even more important."

"That'll help protect Aiko and the other students." Yue states.

"It'll be nice not to have to worry about them." Blake says.

"And that'll mean you'll both be protected, too, since you're both her students." Shea says, talking about how Hajime and Ruby are Aiko's students. 

"Yep." Ruby says and she turns around and looks at all the worried faces of the townsfolk. She then leans over to Hajime. "I think you should give the speech."

"Why me?" Hajime whispers back.

"Doesn't look like I give speeches?"

"Do I?!"

Ruby looks Hajime up and down. "Fair point, you look like some edgy isekai protagonist." Hajime glares at Ruby. "Just do the speech."

"Fine." Hajime turns to the townsfolk and takes a deep breath. "Listen up, brave citizens of Ur! Our victory is already guaranteed! A goddess, summoned by the heavens themselves, stands in our mist! Yes, you know her well-- The Goddess of Plenty, Lady Aiko!" He motions to Aiko. "As long as she stands by our side, we cannot fall!"

"Wh-Wh-Wh-What are you doing?!" Aiko stutters.

"I am Lady Aiko's sword." Hajime motions to Ruby. "And she's her shield. Lady Aiko has asked me to protect you, and I have come to heed her command to the letter!" He holds up his hand. "Witness me!"

The townsfolk raise their arms up and cheer. "Glory to Lady Aiko! Lady Aiko!" 

Hajime raises his metal arm up and he summons his sniper rifle. "This is the power of the Goddess's blade, enlightened by lady Aiko herself!"

Hajime turns around and aims the rifle at the approaching monster army. He fires and the bullet curves upwards and takes out all the flying beasts.

The townsfolk cheer.

The robed man holds up his hand and the army stops.

Hajime summons weapons for everyone, he himself as a mini-gun with a large ammo box next to him.

Ruby laughs as she aims two M249 LMGs at her hips, both fed by large ammo boxes next to her. "Nothing can stop me!"

Blake readies an assault rifle in her hand. "I hope I'm using this right."

Neo is standing at a mountain belt feed Machine Gun, she can barely see through the sights with how short she is. Five other Neo's walk up beside the main one. 

Two Neo's lay down, one has an LMG and the other as a sniper rifle. One crouches down and she has an assault rifle and the other stays standing and aims her SMG out. The one with an RPG crouches down with a smile.

Yue holds her hand out. "It's my turn now."

Shea has a six barreled RPG. "I'm getting pumped up!"

Tio looks at a ring on her right hand, with a blush.


"I know full well she said this was a mana reserve made with a Holy Crystal..." Tio kisses the ring. "But if only she could tell me the truth!" She glances at Ruby. "How bold, proposing to me just before battle..."

Ruby glares at Tio. "It's not a proposal! I don't need you being useless for this fight, besides I'm marrying Blake first!" Blake blushes. "And I'll need that ring back when we're done!"

Tio shakes in pleasure. "Oh, no, perish the thought!"

Hajime raises an eyebrow at Ruby. "This isn't my fault!" She yells at him.

"You're the one that impaled her." Hajime mutters.

"Context." Blake calls out.

Ruby looks forward to the approaching monster army. "Use all those dragon powers of yours to drain that reserve dry!"

"You can most certainly count on me, Master!" Tio smiles and Ruby smirks.

"Take 'em out all at once!" Hajime orders.

Everyone opens fires.

Ruby laughs as she fires both LMGs. "This is awesome! HAHAHA!" 

Neo shakes violently as she fires the MMG. Her other versions are fire.

Blake grunts as she fires her assault rife.

Tio fires off a large flames spell, then she moans. "What ecstasy! I feel the love Master harbors for me!" She kisses her ring and holds up both her hands. "Blow, tempest winds; rage, torrential flame!" A fiery purple aura surrounds her. "Flame Tempest!"

Tio's flames turns into a tornado that ravages the monster army.

Yue fires off her spells at the army.

The town's folk cheer. "Lady Aiko!"

Bullet casings flies everywhere as Ruby fires her LGMs. "This is just like a wet dream I had once!"

Shea fires her rocket launcher. "Who's next?!" She fires again. "Who's next!"

Neo is still shaking as she hasn't let go of the triggers of her MMG once. Her other versions are still doing fine.

Blake reloads her gun. "There's so many!" She looks up and spots winged monsters flying towards them. "Flying beasts!"

Hajime rips them apart with his minigun.

Tio falls onto her ass with a gasp. "Seems this is where I must stop." The ring on her finger disintegrates and she gasps. "The engagement ring!"

"Did pretty good for a filthy perv!" Ruby yells. "Why not take a nap and let us handle the rest."

"She's already on it." Hajime calls out.

Ruby looks to the side and sees Tio is already sleeping. "Such laziness." Suddenly her guns click and looks down to see that she is out of ammo. "Awww, man. Hajime, I'm out!"

"Me too!" 

Ruby huffs and throws her guns to the ground. "And it was just getting good."

"Reuben, let's have some fun!" Hajime calls out as Shea hops onto his motorcycle. 

Ruby gains a sadistic smiles. "Blake!" 

"On it!" Blake yells. "Neo!" A Neo appears next to Blake and the cat hands the illusion her gun. 

The Illusion Neo grabs the gun and fires onto the monster army. Blake jumps over to Ruby, said girl puts her an arm around the cat.

Hajime and Shea ride off towards the monster army.

Ruby aims a hand out to the monster army. "Fetch me their souls!" Suddenly a bunch of Grimm run down the sides of the mountains and start to engage the monster army. 

Ruby looks at Blake. "Ready?"

Blake nods. "Yes, Mistress."

"Neo, cover us!" All the Neo's nod.

Ruby smirks and holds both her arms around Blake and they are snatch up by a Nevermore. The towns folk cry out in shock, Aiko screams.

The Nevermore screeches and drops the two over the monster army. Ruby laughs and she takes out Crescent Rose as Blake takes out Gambol Shroud, along with it's sheath. 

Ruby slams into the ground, destroying any skeletons around her. Blake lands next to her and they go back to back as the monsters turn towards them.

"Good luck, kittycat." Ruby smirks.

Blake gains a small blush. "Thank you, Mistress."

The two then lunge forward and start to take down monsters. Ruby slams her scythe into the back of a pig monster, and she fires, making the scythe pushes through it's back cutting it in half.

Bullets fly around the two as the Neo's provide covering fire.

Blake ducks under a sword swing and fires her weapon all around her. She then creates a flaming shadow clone, that pushes her away, and after a few seconds the clone blows up, killing any nearby monsters.

She uses her sheath to block a sword attack and she cuts the head off her attack. She uses a shadow clone to push her forward and she cuts a couple heads off.

She hears a laugh above her and looks up to see Ruby back flipping through the air and then landing on the back of a pig. Ruby twirls her scythe and cuts the head of the pig monster off.

Ruby jumps back and lands on the ground. She then holds her hand to the side and catches Gambol Shroud, Blake's holding its ribbon.

Ruby smiles and holds her scythe out as Blake starts to spin Ruby around, crating a large wheel of death around her.

Ruby laughs as she's begin spun around, cutting the heads off many monsters as she goes.

Up on a cliff overlooking the batter, the robed leader watches as many of his monsters retreat. He's riding on top of a large wolf.

"Sorry, man." Hajime's voice rings out from behind him and he turns around to see Hajime aiming his revolver at him. "You picked the wrong guy to mess with."

The robed man glances back and sees Shea behind him. Then he looks to each of his sides to find Ruby and Blake aiming their guns at either side of him.

The robed man panics a little and the wolf growls and turns towards the rabbit, only for it to be shot in the heart by Hajime, sending its rider to the ground. The robed man lands on the ground with a thud. Hajime and Ruby move over to him.

"He's gotta be some demon..." Hajime says to Ruby.

"But he feels familiar." Ruby says.

The two look down at the robed man's face. The two are a little surprised at who they find.



The sun rises over the mountains and all traces of the monster army are gone. Even Ruby's Grimm are nowhere to be seen. 

Neo, Tio and Yue wait for the others to return, along with Aiko and her students. Even David and Will are waiting. 

Aiko gasps as she sees Hajime, dragging the robed man, Shea, Ruby and Blake coming out of the fog towards them. The robed man turned out to be Yukitoshi Shimizu, one of their classmates.

After they reach the group Hajime pushes Shimizu forward and he falls to his knees. Aiko walks over and kneels down to him.

Tio, Blake and Now stand behind Ruby. Shea stands beside Hajime as Yue is on Hajime's back, sucking on his blood.


"Will you tell me why you went and did this?" Aiko asks Shimizu.

Shimizu scoffs and looks to the side. "I just wanted to show you how great I was!"

"I see... But, Shimizu-kun, I still don't understand. How would this show us you were great?"

Shimizu looks at Aiko. "Someone would see I was great. The demosn!" He gains a creepy smile and Aiko gasps. "I went north into the mountains to capture a monster. That's when I met a demon. They understood. They knew how great I was. So I made a contract with them."

"A contract? To do what?" Aiko asks.

"A contract... to kill you, Hatayama-sensei!"

 Aiko and her students gasp. Yue hops off Hajime's back. 

Shimizu continues. "You're more of a nuisance than the heroes. You can't be left to your own devices, Goddess of Plenty. If I kill you, the demons will hail me as a hero." He looks down.

"Shimizu-kun!" Aiko says in worry.

Shimizu looks back up in anger. "But what the hell?! I had 60,000 troops, and they lost." He looks towards Ruby and Hajime. "Why the hell do you have such powerful weapons?!" He points at the two. "Just what... what the hell are you two?!"

Aiko grabs Shimizu's hand and turns him towards her. "I understand that you want to be special. It's not wrong to feel that way. It's only natural. But you can't join up with the demons."

"Shut up! Why shouldn't I join up with the side who'll treat me better?!"

"Because it's wrong. I won't let anyone use your pure-hearted intentions for evil! You're my student!"

Shimizu looks down. "I don't get you..."

"Shimizu, why don't we start things over?" Aiko asks. "I'll be rooting for you the whole way." Shimizu puts a hand on her shoulder. "I'm so glad you understand."

Shimizu then grabs Aiko and turns her around as he stands up. He points a large needle at her throat.

"Sensei?!" Yuka yells.

Ruby raises an eyebrow at the situation.

"Don't move!" Shimizu orders. "I'll stab her neck!"


"Listen up, this needle's coated in monster poison!" Shimizu informs. "Drop your weapons and put your hands up!"

"S... Shimizu-kun, please, listen to..." Aiko grunts as Shimizu tightens his hold.

"Shut up! Shut your mouth, you hypocrite! Just keep quiet so I can get the hell out of here!" Shimizu looks at Hajime and Ruby. "Hey, you! I'm talkin' to you, edgelord and Trap!"

Ruby grows confused and looks behind her, Hajime also looks behind.

"Don't look behind you!" Shimizu yells.

"Does he mean me?" Ruby asks Hajime and he shrugs. "He can't mean me, I'm not an Edgelord."

"I'm not the trap." Hajime says.

Ruby looks Hajime up and down. "I think you are."

"Will you shut up!" Shimizu yells. "You two keep messing around, and I will seriously murder her!"

"You think you can do it, huh?" Hajime questions.

"Don't insult me!"

"So, what do you want?" Ruby asks.

"Gimme your guns, and all your other weapons!" Shimizu orders.

"Yeah, figured you'd ask that." Hajime says with a smile.

"Shut up and hand 'em over!"

"Yeah, that's not happening." Ruby says. "You probably couldn't even pick up my weapon." She pats Crescent Rose, which is on her waist.

Hajime then speaks. "Besides, when you bring Sensei back to the demons, they're just gonna kill her, right? So what'd be the point in giving you all my stuff?"

"Just shut up and give 'em to me!" Shimizu orders.

Hajime puts  a hand over his revolver.

"Look out!" Shea yells and she lunges towards Shimizu and Aiko.

Shimizu stabs the tip of the needle into Aiko's neck, just as a beam of Magic grazes Shea and hits Shimizu in the chest, it misses Aiko.

Shea lands on the ground holding Aiko.

"Shea!" Yue yells and runs over to Shea and Aiko.

"Blake! Neo!" Ruby yells and the two run over to Shea and Aiko.

Ruby swiftly brings out Crescent Rose and puts it into rifle mode and turns around. A figure is flying off on the top of a winged beast.

Ruby and Hajime fire onto the beast and the figure. Hajime hits the beast while Ruby shoots off the man's right arm.

Ruby goes to fire again, but her gun jams. "Just my fucking luck!" She throws her gun on the ground in anger and turns around.

Hajime runs towards Shea with a vial of holy water. Blake and Neo stand with their weapons out, ready in case of another attack.

Ruby runs over and sees that Shea's holding her side as it bleeds. "H-Help your Sensei first... The needle got her..." Ruby kneels down to the rabbit and puts pressure onto her side.

Hajime nods and goes over to Aiko, a purple hue spreads across her face and she grits her teeth in pain.


"This looks pretty bad." Hajime mutters. "Okay, fine."

Hajime drinks the holy water and brings Aiko into a kiss, forcing the water down her throat. Aiko's eyes snap open and she lets out a sound of surprise. 

After a couple seconds Hajime leans back and looks down to Aiko. "Sensei?" Aiko has a large blush on her face as Hajime sits her up. "Hey, Sensei!" She looks at him. "She's all right."

Hajime then walks over and pouts the rest of the vial over Shea's wound. Ruby looks down at the blood on her hands.

"I-I don't wanna die!" Shimizu says in a scared tone behind her. "H-Help me!" The smell of fear rises from him in heavy waves.


Ruby's eyes sharpen and her hands curl into fists. 

"This wasn't supposed to happen." Blood pools under Shimizu. "It can't be... happening..."

Aiko moves over to Shimizu. "Shimizu-kun!" She notices the large wound on his chest. "On, no..." She looks back to Hajime. "Nagumo-kun, give him that medicine!"

Hajime starts to move, but Ruby stops him as she walks past, with Gambol Shroud in her hands. She switches it into pistol mode.

"After he nearly just killed you?" Ruby asks as she stops a few feet away.

Aiko turns to Ruby. "I promised that no matter what happened, I'd be there for my students! Please, you have to!"

(Right here would be a good point to Play 0:53 of Enemy ( Tommee Profitt Feat. Beacon Light & Sam Tinnesz ) )

Ruby closes her eyes and huffs. "Shimizu... answer me this." She opens her eyes and glares at the dying teen. "Are you my enemy?"

"I-I'm not!" Shimizu lets out with fear riding off him. "I'll swear loyalty to you! I'll do anything, so please, let me live..."

Ruby closes her eyes. "Once someone betrays, they'll do it again." She opens her eyes. "I see who you are."

"No!" Aiko yells as she goes to stand up.


The four students and Shea gasp, even Neo's eyes widen slightly. Hajime doesn't show any emotion. Blake just closes her eyes, Crescent Rose is in her hands.

Smoke rises from Gambol Shroud as Ruby holds it out with an emotionless look. Ruby lowers the gun.

"Why?" Aiko asks.

Shimizu's wide eyes lose the light in them and his head falls to the side.

"You are my enemy." Ruby stares at the corpse.

"No!" Aiko shouts. "Shimizu-kun was..." She stops herself from falling by putter hand hands on the ground.

"Was gonna repent his sins and turn over a new leaf? Sorry, but people don't change just like that. No one every truly changes who they truly are."

"So why did you have to kill him?!"  

A breeze blows and Ruby's cape flows in the wind. "That's right, I killed your precious student. I thought over what you said, Sensei, but it doesn't change my stance on enemies. I or Hajime won't show any mercy." 

Ruby turns around and walks back towards her party.

"Xiao Long-kun..." Aiko mutters.

Ruby reaches Blake and she gives the cat her gun back, Blake accepts and hands Ruby Crescent Rose. Ruby forcefully pulls the bolt back on her gun and it ejects the jammed casing.

Ruby looks to Hajime, he nods to her. Then he turns around and walks off. The party follows him.

A few hours later the party is driving through a desert in Hajime's Hummer. Ruby is sitting in the passenger seat with Yue in the middle. The rest of the party are in the back, even Will.

Neo is sleeping with her head in Blake's lap.

"You want a reason?" Ruby asks. "I'm pretty sure I said it already. He was out enemy."

"That's not a reason." Will states. "Had you done nothing, he would have died within a matter of minutes."

"You were able to keep that close of an eye on things?"

"Ruby, you're so nice to Aiko." Yue says.

"Mistress was very nice to her, Sensei." Blake points out.

Ruby doesn't say anything and she looks out her window.

"That attack was meant to kill your Sensei, right?" Shea asks the Grimm. "Now she won't think that a student died because of her."

"It would've broken her heart." Tio says. "But now, she can still be the same great teacher she always was."

"Aiko will realize what you did." Yue says. "She's a teacher whose words still live within your heart."

"My heart's black as night and cold as ice." Ruby states. "Nothing can live there."

"You're such a good person, Master." Tio says.

"Tch! I'm not a good person, I'm an asshole!" Ruby glares at Tio, which just causes the dragon to moan.

Yue pats Ruby's head. "You are a very nice person!"

"Stop it! I'm not nice, I'm mean!"

"Aww, Wittle Wuby is getting angwy." Shea says in a baby tone.

"I'm taller than you!" Ruby yells in anger "Hajime!"

Hajime just sighs in despair."





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