12. How to kill it?
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How does one describe the way fools have fun?

More or less, it's doing things that they hardly know are silly for fun.

'This is completely meaningless, how can I reach that bastard?'

With the help of a 'little' gear, Hazel built her body like a rock. It was hard, sturdy, and could only stay stupidly still when others started to hammer her. Try not to be too rash in fighting with something, which has many advantages over you. In its case, it can fly and maneuver through the air like a fighter plane. Throwing a few rocks won't make a significant difference, she'll have to bring the rocks to it herself.

Jumping, leaping, and rolling she did to avoid several tons of crystal chunks. It was constantly being thrown with no end in sight, making her sick and impatient. Hazel devised a simple plan on how she was going to get the flying lizard down properly. That would ensure that she wouldn't accidentally crush the dragon too much. Of course, she knew the dragon could regenerate, she just didn't know how far it could go.

So just in case, Hazel checked how much energy she had now. It was plenty enough to fight for a whole day, but her life energy would dry up afterward. If Branik could speak now, he would spontaneously utter the worst insult of his entire lifetime at her.

Stand still, relax, don't panic, and don't hesitate. Enjoy the tickling, shocking, chilling, and burning sensations given by the beautiful magical rain. Some of the projectiles managed to find their way into her eyes, forcing Hazel to keep her eyes closed. She wanted to enjoy the rain for a few moments, but it was bound to stop soon. It only took a few minutes for the rain to stop hitting Hazel.

Fire, ice, wind, acid, spears, swords, arrows, lightning, and you name it.

Baked with the warmth of the sun, the heat evenly burned her insides to perfection. Opening her eyes only made her find an artificial sun flying towards her. Would she avoid it? Of course, she would, if the noose of the cursed light chain was not wrapped around her.

"I seem to have experienced this before..."

Somehow she always fell into traps like a dumb animal. Sometimes Hazel would blame her sensory abilities for failing to detect traps. But then again, she was also the one who was incompetent in taking the time to look around.

The firestorm rushed at her, burning her until her blood began to boil. The powerful explosion from the giant sun sent her flying far away. She stopped flying when she felt the harshness of the glass wall that confined her. Her ears stopped working and kept ringing. But the good thing was that she was no longer entangled, and that was good.

Without another thought, she quickly crawled away from that place. Her vision was restored and it only took a few seconds for her to return to her prime. Hazel was using a ridiculous amount of energy, she felt that her heart reactor was starting to choke her life force. Knowing her limits made her kinda wise in determining how long she could fight.

"This isn't good... hmmm?"

Not far from her was a platoon of knights in charge of the rain. They fell silent in fear as Hazel stared at them deep into their souls.

"Where are you looking, buddy?"


A sharp pain came from her chest. A crystal trident was sticking out of her chest without her realizing it. It was fortunate for her that the trident missed the reactor heart by a little, she didn't want it to explode for some stupid reason. The dragon chuckled and started throwing some taunts at her. Although it was in the form of a gesture, it managed to spark Hazel's short fuse.

'Uh oh...'

"Just watch out for you..."

"Be careful with that body of yours miss, you don't want to give it permanent injuries."

"Fuck you!"

The dragon made as if the attack was a trivial thing. But Hazel could tell that the dragon used a lot of compressed mana energy to penetrate her armor. It wasn't very effective knowing the time it took just to cast one.

Desperate, Hazel pulled out the trident and threw it back to its owner. It missed as expected, but she seemed satisfied with the result. The trident that was already charged with destruction energy crashed into one of the pillars and caused a chain reaction of destruction. The dragon seemed to know her plan, so he decided to keep raining down on Hazel unrelentingly. No matter how sturdy her armor was, there would be a stage where it would start to erode.

Directing her emotions at the dome wall, she smashed the dome with all her might. The sound of shattering glass accompanied by explosions accompanied the troops with fear. The commander of the troops realized the titan's intentions as she walked menacingly toward them. He gave the signal to his troops, telling them to go to a safer place. The unison motion of the knights' footsteps made Hazel pay a little respect to them. They maintained their order as if death had never stood behind them.

"That's just professional..."

But for her, it was just the attraction before the chaos. She lunged, running with both her legs and arms quickly. A considerable distance was covered in a fraction of a second by her without breaking a sweat. Every step she took sent up black dust, causing panic among them. They trembled as the cloud of dust blinded them, but their faith held them tight.

Clinking his shield, the commander roared. "Don't be afraid, get rid of the dust quickly!"

The pyramid-headed knight created a blue ball that exploded into a stormy wind. Hazel would consider the action futile if she no longer stepped on one of the mines. Finding herself in an awkward situation, she was at a loss as to whether she should be angry or embarrassed. Not only that, some other trident found its way to her knee, she was screwed.

"The rain is getting heavier..."

What had been a trivial sprinkle was replaced with a pinch. The sun blessed her existence as much as it hated it. Hazel saved the energy expenditure she used to strengthen her armor. It was rather unfortunate for her that most of it was converted into heat. Every cell of her body had already reached the limit of heat tolerance they could handle.

'Damn, you dragon...'

The dragon pointed at her and created a few simple spears from the crystal. It hurtled towards her like a homing missile that wouldn't let go of its target. Hazel let out a long breath as she saw the spears aimed directly at her. Crawling was useless as her hands were also paralyzed. Instead, she tried to wriggle and roll on the ground, so that at least it wouldn't hit her vital organs.

"Ugh... blech."

It ended up embedding itself in her abdomen. Although it was not too fatal for her, the damage dealt already exceeded her regeneration capacity. Blood poured out of her mouth as her body could no longer keep up with the corrosion of its destructive energy. Her body slowly began to fall apart and could not maintain the existing cellular structure. Blood oozed out between her armor as well as her eyes and mouth. Dark red blood was the first sign of the poisoning symptoms that Hazel avoided as much as possible.

'My body... can't hold it anymore.'

Reducing the intensity of the flowing energy, Hazel used the remaining organic components in her body as a healing compound. Using all the time and opportunity given by her opponent to recover, she knows the fight doesn't go as she planned. There was no need to tell her that the dragon was up to something. All he had to do is to bait her as much as possible to waste her time. Hazel got some ideas about the scenario the dragon was going for. Surrounding him and showering him with attacks when he knew it was futile.

With the sun, the dragon would never run out of fuel to bully her.

Hence, the dragon decided to be Hazel's most annoying asshole.

"That pillar again?"

The experience was the most meritorious teacher, but that expression did not apply to everyone. The dragon repeated the most asshole attack he could give her.

"Same old same old, Hazel. Remember Mr. Pablo?"

"Why are you doing this? You know it's a waste, don't you?"

She shouted confidently, hoping that the dragon would get a slight sense of doubt.

"I don't know, who knows if it will work this time?" He said as he raised both front legs. "If it works, what will you do?"

It took a moment, but she replied shortly. 

"Suck your father's dick?"


She was trying to be cocky in that way, but she knew she had just made a mistake.

'Supposedly, now would it be okay?'

If it wasn't for her parents, she would definitely start every morning with one. Pretty sure everyone who had the same job as her, would do the same.

"A civilized girl like you doesn't deserve to say such vulgar things." reprimanded the dragon in a worried voice. "Don't you put honor and dignity on your body?"

Turning her brain around, Hazel discovered that she had unconsciously spat on herself.

"Ah, that's right..."

'So civilized... what a fucker.'

A trumpet sound rang out as the four giant pillars came with dazzling light. Lined up neatly on their owner's back, the pillars created a unified ring of magic. The sight made Hazel wonder if she should change her plan. There was a possibility that she wouldn't be able to absorb whatever was coming her way. An endless rain of flechettes? Easy, but a barrage of mass destruction beams focused on her?

Man, this girl is dead.

'Well done, Hazel... you and that brilliant plan.'

"It's ridiculous and incredibly stupid."

Looking around, she didn't even see the troops from before. Even come to think of it, the rain had stopped.

"Oh, so that's the plan?" she thought resignedly. "No wonder... it's still the same tactic."

Hazel did not bother trying to escape, as dozens of magic circles formed above her. The dragon didn't feel strange about her seemingly arrogant behavior, he was just worried about what she was thinking.

"No resistance? I don't mind if you... Do you know? Escape from those chains or something. You're making things awkward..."

"Well, if I fight you in earnest. There won't be anything left of you for me to eat." The huntress grumbled.

The dragon didn't show a disgusted expression or anything like that, he seemed to believe her words a little.

"Well, your loss then. [Rain]!"

Destruction was an inappropriate word to use to describe it. Terraforming was a better word, but it had a different meaning. Pillars of light soared into the sky as the land was eroded and destroyed. The dragon chuckled at his successful recycled creation. It was not easy to improvise in battle, especially when his opponent could bite his face off at any time. There was no satisfaction on his face, something held him back from doing that.

Scooping up an unimaginable amount of soil left what was once a mountain, a crater. It was hard to imagine how anyone could stay alive after all that.

"Huh... she's still there isn't she?"

Blowing a cold breath from his mouth, Flerdrest did not have the right words to describe the atmosphere.

"It was really hard to kill."

The charred flesh wrapped in a layer of hard shell let out a low groan. Psychologically she was out of his mind, spiritually she was still okay, but physically she was ruined. Kicking off her senseless regeneration will explain her boundless vitality. Rising from where she was, she charged into the dangerous skies of the world. Her thick, plump thighs were made to take life, not save it. Every single muscle fiber within her screamed as they violently contracted.

There was no intelligence reflected behind her completely reddened eyes.


There was no need for him to overreact or panic. The sound of cracking glass and breaking bones was what he expected. Unfortunately, Hazel still had some momentum to continue sliding toward him. Hazel hoped that she could at least get in a few hits. This was her last attempt to turn things around.

"Hm! What a stupid move."

A crystal shell stopped Hazel completely. The sound of the collision between two hard objects echoed out loudly. Her consciousness began to fade, and her body already beginning to self-destruct.


'Ah... he still didn't do it?'

There were countless loopholes Hazel had deliberately given the dragon. But not once did she use it to end her life. Hazel began to think that perhaps, her opponent had set too many expectations on her. Maybe he thought of her as an immortal creature that couldn't be killed, she couldn't blame him. Whenever Hazel faced an opponent who was superior to her, she would only use a fairly risky defensive tactic. Just keep defending and rising until her enemy tired itself out, and if that time came. She would execute the rest based on her mood.

'I'm screwed...'

Her body was in free fall, knowing no limit to when she would break. Slamming and lying on the ground, she saved what little energy she had left to manage her power. Her armor began to fall off piece by piece, leaving her naked on the dusty ground. Ash covered her brown skin which was stained with dark blue blood. It was a good sign for her, but at this moment it was not expected. Hazel couldn't move her limbs properly, too many joints and bones had healed unnaturally. With the cooling of her reactor heart, Hazel quietly rested awaiting her demise.

Her armor was already completely damaged, it was no longer even in shape at the moment. The girl was far from dying, she was indeed battered but she was not dying. If there was someone who could make a world guardian very cautious. Then Hazel was the one who liked to make them look like jokers.

"W-was it... this fast?" She asked herself, blood continuously coming out of her mouth. "I don't want to be... like this."

People who knew when they were going to die were dangerous. But, Hazel was not one of them.



The low-resolution squeaky voice echoed in her head. She quickly figured out who it was, a voice that had always tickled her brain.

[You left your gauntlet in the dimension pocket, go get it quickly.]

"Wait a minute, Branik?"

[Yes, yes, it's me. Quickly grab that thing and finish off that lizard.]

"Ba-how? I don't know how!"

[Just imagine dumbass, just like making armor. Think and focus your mind].

"Alright, I'll try, just watch out if I can't..."

[Whatever, at least we know how far anger can take you.]

Using every one of her remaining brain cells, Hazel gathered the remnants of energy into her left hand. Just as her companion had said, a gauntlet quickly formed. It was her beloved gauntlet of destruction, the only weapon that could properly channel her power.

"This easy!!?"

Hazel felt as if her blood was starting to boil again, she also clenched her jaw as hard as she could. Squeezing her hands together as hard as she could, the reactor heart was reignited.


A huge grin was plastered on her tiny face, giving an idea of how much she could bite.

"Shit face! Damn you fucking dog, why didn't you tell me about this earlier, Branik!!!"

Letting out all the stored-up wrath, she swiftly stood back up. She noticed some differences in her gauntlet, it was more alive than it used to be. Several red veins supplied it with thick destruction.

"Now... just need to find a medium to-"

Hazel felt an unfamiliar feeling coming from her tailbone. As she recalled, she did have a steel-scaled tail that was extremely sensitive. 


She was confused because before, she hadn't felt or seen it as long as she was wearing her armor. Her tail tapped on the remnants of the armor, which was more properly called an exoskeleton. After she saw some of them that were slab-shaped, lightning and laser light struck her head. It wasn't enough to hurt her, but it was enough to push a few buttons in her head

"Ah, got an idea..."

Yeah, some comments will help me brighten the day.