#004 Systems and Power ups
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Due to a certain action, a new skill has been created!
Ejaculate: Increases the amount of cum per load, allowing you to recover faster after doing so. Bonus: 5% Level: 1

The contents of the somewhat translucent box in front of Nick surprised him. It looked just like the many game windows he'd seen playing countless amounts of MMOs in his previous life. The box followed where his eyes looked and disappeared as he wished it to. Nick quickly wrapped up his shower, finding clothes in his closet and wearing what looked comfortable.

System Unlocked! As a reward for creating your first skill, the System is now available to you!
Please call the Status Screen!

Another box appeared as he sat down on his bed. All he had to do to call the 'Status Screen' was to think about it, and the old window disappeared with a newer, bigger window. Nick knew exactly what he was looking at, but it still felt unreal to him to really see this as his reality. On the left side of the window, he found his stats, equipped items, and level.

Strength: 10
Controls your physical power and ability to exert force.

Agility: 10
Controls your physical speed and the ability to be nimble.

Endurance: 10
Controls your physical health and the ability to take damage.

Intelligence: 10
Controls your magic capacity and the ability to learn.

Wisdom: 10
Controls your magic perception and magic recovery.

Charisma: 10
Controls your personality strength and physical beauty.

Libido: 10
Controls your physical sensitivity and lust.

Even stats all across the board. Although no MMO he's played had a 'Libido' stat, it was interesting to see his sex drive quantified along with the rest of him. Least impressively, he looked at his level at the top of the list with a small disappointed sigh.

Level: 1
Hp: 100
Mp: 100

Nick really was starting from scratch in this new life. This would usually be the step where he would check the game's wiki on what sort of builds were meta and aim for one of those. Except for this time, he was on his own. He could be anything he wanted to be. It was just that he didn't know what he wanted to be just yet. On the right side of the window, he found his items, skills, and an extra tab that had a lock sign over it.

His only skill was the one he had just earned in the shower, which was a bit embarrassing. He had no items aside from the clothes he was wearing and it looked like the final tab was locked for the time being. Nick started pacing around the room, thinking about how exactly to handle all this new information. His new life was now a game, and still felt out of place in the world. 

Nick saw a desk at the end of his room, presumably his own, which he started investigating. The first thing he found was an open letter. He took a moment to read through it as he sat down in his chair.


It is good to hear that you are doing well. As I have mentioned, considering the relationship between us and your house your admission was greatly welcomed. You will be sent a letter detailing when your classes will be starting. You've been enrolled in the water elementalism class as requested, and upon your Father's recommendation, you will also be taking sword fighting along with a few other classes. Please send your regards to your family. We look forward to seeing you in our classes.

Regards, Principal Novalius


This was probably what Amelie had mentioned earlier. It seemed like a big deal which was why she was so worried about him. Nick put the letter down and looked around at what else was on his desk.

Due to a certain action, a new skill has been created!
Observe: Views simple information about the target. Level: 1 Cost: 1 mp

Nick just unlocked his second skill. While it was much nicer than his first, it still felt a bit underwhelming. Still, it would be worth using. He cast Observe on the letter he had just read and learned that he had received it about 2 days ago, but nothing else. He picked up the thick open book on his desk and Observed it as well.

"Hydrokinesis for Dummies!"
Would you like to learn this skill book?
Requirements: 10 int