#014 Preparations and Temporary Goodbyes
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Having gotten some rest from what felt like a small brush with death, Nick was ready to get back to farming. He had to get as strong as he could before he had to leave for his Academy. How strong were others expecting him to be? He was only level 3, but how high of a level should he be by now? Amelie was a year younger, but she was level 9 last he checked. Just how fast did people get stronger in this world?

His sister maybe three times his level, but it looked to him like his own attack felt more potent. Nick couldn't check her stats, but he figured they were likely higher. Assuming the way stats were measured was even accurate. His intelligence had gone up quite a bit since he was reborn into this world but he didn't feel like he was any smarter. At least with the higher intelligence, he would be able to learn the many skill books he was bound to find in the Academy.

Shaking his head, Nick brought his mind back to his current goal. Farming as much xp as he could before tomorrow. The weird deer monster gave him a lot of xp, but it was too dangerous to go and seek out more of them. If there were more of them anyway. His Observe said it was a slime-mutated deer, were those common monsters?

Either way, it was slimes or nothing for now. He would be leveling up soon anyway which should refresh his mana back to fool. So what better time to try his healing spell out than now? Focusing on his injury, a bubble of water suddenly appeared around his shoulder. It was soothing, like waves on the beach, as he watched his small injury completely disappear until it was no longer there.

It was a surprisingly effective spell, not too expensive but pretty valuable. He'd have to make sure to use it often to level it up for more value.

Potential Unlocked!
Once you master your current Potential, more options will be available for you!

"That probably has something to do with healing." He was getting more and more options for his potential system and wanted to focus on mastering his current option. The sooner he mastered what he had now the sooner he could pick his next option. Making the right choice was probably the most important choice he could make to improve his abilities faster. 

Back to full health and with most of his mana bar intact, he started raining Aqua Arrows on the helpless slimes in the outskirts of the forest. One arrow, one slime. It was efficient. The cost refund on hit was probably one of his biggest power spikes yet. It essentially doubled the total damage he could do. He would have to remember to thank Amelie for the idea.


You have reached Level 4! Health and Mana have been fully restored!
+5 stat points

There it was, not a moment too soon. Slimes were too inefficient. There had to be some sort of monster in between slimes and monster deers that he could farm. Either way, he now had to spend his 5 newly acquired points wisely.

Libido and charisma were out of the picture for now, being mentally marked as unnecessary for now. Strength and agility would be good, being able to run faster in case he got into a similar situation with the deer would be valuable. Endurance seemed to be getting points by itself from his achievement system so there was no need to spend his points there now. Leaving intelligence and wisdom as his favored stats.

Nick was already really enjoying the whole mage playstyle. Magic was real in this world and it was fun to use, so why not use it as much as possible? He needed to pick between more mana and damage or more regeneration. More mana regeneration also meant he could get much better value out of Invigoration. That was enough to convince him. He put 2 points into intelligence to round his total up to a nice 25 and put the remaining 3 into wisdom, now totaling 13.

An Intelligence milestone has been reached!
+10% increased damage when using skills
+10% total mana

Now THAT was a very welcome buff. His 250 mana pool now reached 275, which wasn't the biggest deal for now, but it would greatly add up as his mana pool got larger and larger. Maybe wisdom was the wrong move? His mana per minute went from just 1 to 1.3, indicating it wasn't the most efficient use of points he could have done. It would likely become more worthwhile once he hit the wisdom milestone, likely at 25 points. Sadly, that wouldn't be for a while even if he only spent his points on wisdom.

Earning points from achievements was another option, but one he had no control over. It felt like the system was rewarding him however it wanted to for whatever it wanted to. More concerningly, it seemed to love giving him libido over anything else.

"What a weird and horny system." he thought as he closed his popups. It was time to spend the rest of his mana pool killing more innocent slimes before going back home. He had to get ready for his big day.