#024 Creativity and Past Experiences
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"Now that I think about it, I think I know another scrying spell." Nick announced.

"Really? Where'd you learn that from?" Seraphina asked, not hiding the surprise on her face.

"I just came up with it at home by looking at things and-"

"Use it on me," she interjected.

Nick shrugged and complied, casting Observe on his teacher.

Seraphina Azurelith (Level 76) (Age 35)
OSA Water Elementalism Instructor
RS: 72

"That's pretty shoddy. I could tell immediately that you had cast something."

"It told me that you're about 20 times stronger than I am, and that you're 35 years old." This was the first time Nick had used Observe on her but wasn't 76 the highest number he's seen so far? There was also a case with his primary bladework instructor where it didn't show any information. Either way, he felt it was a wise idea not to mention the whole relationship score part of his ability, which wouldn't be easy to explain.

"You must have messed up. Try again."

Messed up? Was that even possible for him considering the way he cast spells? Yet, he followed the order anyway.

Seraphina Azurelith (Level 76) (Age 18)
OSA Water Elementalism Instructor
RS: 71

Nick's worry quickly vanished as he looked at the updated information. She didn't even look her age. Why was she worried about that of all things?

"I think the age information is more accurate now."

"Mhm!" She responded with a wide smile as she nodded her head repeatedly. "What's it saying now?"

"Eighteen," he replied, playing along with her trick.

"That's more like it! Hopefully that shows you how easy it is to fool a scrying spell like that when you're expecting it."

"Oh." She was teaching him something important and he hadn't even realized that was the point she was getting at until she mentioned it. Were spells that disguised or changed information common? Maybe she was just more impressive than she let on. "I guess you're right."

"But I'm impressed! A homemade spell from my very favorite student! You're just full of surprises aren't you? Though it could benefit from a lot more refinement, I'm still blown away." Seraphina praised. "Keep trying to improve that spell. I think it'll serve you well."

"I will, thanks."

"I'll be honest I haven't heard of a spell that tells you how powerful someone is. 20 times stronger than you is a low estimate, but it's still better than no information. You know, I was really impressive back when I was young!"

"But you're still young."

Her smile grew wider as her face turned red. "Hehe~ a man after my own heart! That's the right answer!" she exclaimed.



Only a brief while longer, Seraphina would excuse herself, saying she had to run some errands before the end of the day. This left Nick back in his dorm room alone for another night. A night he was determined not to waste. With a full mana bar, he repeated the formless exercises he'd seen his teacher demonstrate. Create a ball of water, separate it into as many pieces as possible, and manipulate them without losing control.

Checking his status screen showed that any amount of movement, no matter how small or delicate, advanced his XP bar for Hydrokinesis, which was close to level 4. Aqua Arrow on the other hand was level 2. Thinking back to farming in the slime forest, Nick noticed that Aqua Arrow contributed XP to itself and Hydrokinesis. This likely meant that taking advantage of it would be more efficient for leveling them up. It really was a shame that there wasn't something he could spam his volley of nearly endless arrows at. Especially if it was an enemy that rewards XP towards his level. Level 4 was an embarrassingly low number. But then again, nothing was stopping him from using the ability in the nearest open field and shooting towards the sky. Either way, if everything works out well with the expedition team then that should solve a lot of those problems.

Skill Level up!
Hydrokinesis has reached level 4!
25% increased damage and cost reduction
to water spells.



Bright and early, Nick found himself in the courtyard where he was supposed to meet Max and the rest of the team. Today was the day he had to impress someone he had never met so he was at least thankful for the level up he got last night.

"We're here!" Sitting on a bench under a large tree's shade, Max called out to grab Nick's attention as he noticed him approaching. With him was a surprisingly small group of students. Most notably, a white-haired guy standing about Max's height but that was much thinner. On the bench, sat 2 girls very close side-by-side. One with white hair that reached down just past her shoulders, and the other with much longer blue hair.

"This is the guy I wanted to introduce you to. Nick, meet Zane. Zane, meet Nick. "He's a first year, but I can tell he's very talented!" Max introduced the two to each other to Nick's relief. It would have been much more awkward otherwise.

"A first year AND you look useless... Do you understand what you're getting into? It's not a field trip. It's fighting actual monsters. It's not fun, it's not easy, and if you can't work in a team, you'll kill someone." Zane chided, taking a step forward as he looked down on Nick. It was quickly apparent that he wasn't the friendliest of people. Was the threat inside these gates as frightening as he said it was? Or was he just intimidating him? Either way, he was wrong about at least one thing.

"I've worked in a team before. Small teams of 3, large teams of 50, and everything in between. I know enough not to endanger the people around me." Nick replied. He wasn't completely lying. All those years of playing MMO's and fighting massive raid bosses in his old life with dozens of others had to pay off today. Especially since he had spent a lot of time playing the support classes, which he would spend countless hours arguing with strangers on the internet that they weren't as easy as everyone made them out to be. 'Just heal off-cooldown', 'Stay in the back and don't die', and lots of ill-advised tips were more common than they had any right to be. No, Nick knew that as the most fragile person on the team, he couldn't afford to take it easy. He had to stay sharp and attentive to make up for his teammates' mistakes. He would prove to this annoying bastard today that he could bring something to the team.