Prologue: The Descendants of a Curse
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Initiator Summoner's Academy, hallway, first year.

It was afternoon, exactly 4:00 PM. A long line extending from the cafeteria to the hallway could be seen, befuddling some uninformed students.

"Huh? Senior, why are you lining up here?" A 1st-year student asked in confusion, glancing at the long line that spans even the hallway.

Meanwhile, the 2nd year subjected to the question showed an impatient impression; before turning and realizing, it was his acquaintance.

"Oh, it's you. But what are you doing here? I'm pretty sure there's an orientation for 1st year today." The 2nd year narrowed his eyes at the 1st-year before flashing a knowing smile, "Ah, so you decided to cut your orientation, huh. You're quite brave despite your looks, kid."

The 1st-year looked embarrassed but didn't say anything, further confirming the conjecture of his Senior. For fear of the subsequent teasing, the 1st-year wisely changed the topic, "More importantly, Senior, why are you standing here?"

"Hmm, it's because of the limited cuisine from Radsercrias Empire. I heard it's an absolute delicacy you should never miss, or you'll regret it for a lifetime."

"That exaggerated?" The 1st-year was skeptical, but after seeing the pamphlet handed by his Senior, he immediately retracted his doubt.

With an audible gulp, the first-year asked his Senior with a hint of embarrassment, "... Senior, can I cut in the line and wait with you?"

Hearing the request of the first-year student, the Senior sneered and bluntly chided, "Heh, I waited this long to get here, and you want to jump in the line? You better line yourself at the end, or these hands will teach you to do so."

But before the 1st-year could respond, his Senior immediately covered his mouth, solemnly looking at something behind him. Although confused by the sudden change, the 1st-year tacitly kept his silence, feeling something amiss in the atmosphere in the hallway.

Utterly silent, to the point that not even the buzzing of a fly could be heard, making it seem that the previous lively ambiance in the hallway was nothing but a lie. 

It's as if someone pushed the paused button in the hallway, save for the sound of the heels of a solitary girl wordlessly passing by the lined-up students.

The sounds of her heels were awfully grating to its listener's senses, as if a rusted blade was slowly chipping their nerves, making the students unhinged in varying degrees.

Soon, the harsh sounds subsided. The Senior woke up right after and heaved out a sigh of relief. But after recalling the 1st-year, he immediately turned his head and saw his soulless look.

"Tsk, damn it. Kid, you better attend your orientation honestly from now on." After whispering a curse, the Senior stepped back, and a crisp sound of something being slapped resounded.

The 1st-year has forgotten how many times he desperately prayed for the torture to end; he only woke up from his stupor after a violent wake-up call from his Senior.

The 1st-year instinctively caressed his reddened cheek and stared at his Senior in a daze.

"Finally awake? Good. It seems your first encounter with her is a bit too stimulating." The Senior sarcastically uttered, with a hint of pity in his eyes.

"... Senior, what happened earlier?"

"... Frankly, this is something that the orientation you skipped should've explained." A 2nd-year male student frowned, but after recalling that the first year missed his orientation, he eventually relented.

"Tsk, fine. But the next time you do something stupid like this, you'll have to fend for yourself, kid." The 2nd-year student impatiently scratched his head and continued, "Haa, I won't repeat myself, so you better listen well. The girl who nearly took your sanity away is the abandoned daughter of a Marquis."

"... The abandoned daughter of a Marquis?" The 1st-year student tilted his head in a puzzled manner.

"... It looks like you enrolled in the school without knowing a thing." Instead of clarifying, the 2nd-year student said something; that seemed irrelevant to the question.

Although uncomfortable after being called out, the 1st year still nodded.

".... You seriously won't last long if you keep doing this, kid." The 2nd-year student cursed under his breath and spoke, "For the public, mainly the commoners or even those low nobilities, she was an orphan. But for the high-ranking nobles, she's a well-known center of a specific incident revolving around the Marquis Aurelias."

"... An incident?" The first-year iterated.

The 2nd year student affirmed, "Yeah. And not just your everyday incident, but something so big it nearly shook the position of the Marquis."

"What!?" The 1st-year subconsciously yelled, but realizing his mistake, he immediately covered his mouth, looking at the amused expression of the 2nd-year student with a hint of wariness, "Senior, isn't this bad? Talking behind those nobles like this."

The 2nd year snorted, "You asked this now? But kid, it's too late." He ominously laughed. Only after seeing the terrified expression of the 1st year he finally stopped his teasing.

"Don't worry, kid. This talk is not the kind that would put you into the gallows." The 1st year was skeptical, but after recalling the scene earlier, he finally decided to continue and listened.

After convincing the 1st year, the 2nd year student restarted, "Based on what I've heard from the others, the reason for that incident was the prophecy. A Royal Gazer personally visited the Marquis. Apparently, this Royal Gazer saw something and decided to warn the Marquis in advance."

"Out of respect to the royalties, the Marquis entertained the Royal Gazer personally and inquired about his matter. Then the Royal Gazer responded, starting the prelude to the tragic story of the Household of Aurelias."

"In the fifth descent of the entire moon, the vessel born of a curse will descend."

"After hearing those cryptic words, the Marquis suddenly became unsettled. But no matter how much he asked, the Royal Gazer didn't elaborate further."

"No one knows what the curse was, maybe not even the Royal Gazer himself."

"Until one day, the household of Aurelias welcomes its fifth member, Sensia von Aurelias, also known as The Vessel Born of a Curse."

"Her birth was the true beginning of the tragedy."