Chapter 1:The begining
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(3° Person)

In a dark bedroom, a person is sleeping in the messy bed like a rock after a eventfull night

This person is Naila Farlay, a newbie archeologist that, by luck, won the anual giveaway of tickets to Talos 1 maded by the TransStar Corporation, and today,the day of the travel, will see her entire world upside down.


*Alarm sound*



Looking at the wall in my room, I fought off the temptation to fall back asleep. My gaze settled on the clock, and the time came into focus.

"5:00 am? But today is Saturday. Why on earth did I set an alarm for this early?" I wondered aloud, trying to recall the reason. Shaking off the sleep, I climbed out of bed and swiftly changed my clothes. Glancing at the mirror in the room, I caught a glimpse of myself, a 180 cm tall woman with brown hair, piercing blue eyes, and a slender, pale figure. "Feels like the beginning of a character introduction," I chuckled to myself as I finished getting ready.

Just as I began tidying up the bed, it hit me. I finally remembered why I had set the alarm so early. "Wait a minute, today is the day!" I exclaimed, a surge of excitement rushing through me. In a hurry, I grabbed my cellphone and opened the calendar app. There it was, the fateful day I had been eagerly anticipating—today. Internally screaming with joy, I muttered, "Yes! It's finally here! The day I've been waiting for—the day I get to go to space and enter Talos 1!", hurring up, i get my luggage that i prepared days before and got out my bedroon...


"Come on, Grace, we're going to be late!" I urged my friend, Grace, as I glanced at my watch. Grace, standing at 160 cm tall, had fiery red hair and eyes. Her strong, Amazonian physique and tanned skin perfectly complemented her confident demeanor. She had been my best friend ever since she moved to our neighborhood years ago, and I still vividly remembered the day we first met—her shy disposition and how far she had come since then.

"Relax," Grace responded, her voice oozing with nonchalance. "We still have, like, two hours before the launch, and you're just a passenger. You'll only board when they allow it. And why the smug face?"

"How can I possibly relax when I'm about to go to space?" I retorted, my excitement palpable. "And as for the smug face, I was simply reminiscing about the past."

"Why did you suddenly become so sentimental? Is this trip really that important?" Grace inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"Yes, it is," I affirmed earnestly. "And naturally, I become sentimental when I look at you, reminding me of the day we first met... Oh! And the time you confessed to that girl that worked at the mall."

Grace blushed, clearly embarrassed. "Sheesh, please stop bringing up that trainwreck of a day."

"How can I resist when you finally got someone's attention?" I teased, unable to contain my mischievous grin.

"Enough!" Grace interjected, her blush deepening. "I've loaded the luggage into the car, and if you don't get inside, I'll leave without you."

"Heheh~" I chuckled, playfully pushing her arm before opening and closing the car door.

"Weren't you the one most excited about this trip?" Grace asked sarcastically as I settled into the passenger seat.

"Of course, I am. It's space travel. The real question is, how can you not be excited?" I replied, a hint of indifference in her voice.

"With trains that can circumnavigate the world in three hours, space travel might not seem as intriguing anymore," She countered.

"Just you wait," I said, pointing at the sky. "When we're up there, I'll see if you're still not interested."

"We'll see," Grace replied, turning on the ignition, and the car hummed to life as we embarked on our journey.


(after the launch, in Talos 1)

"So, do you still find space travel boring?" I asked confidently as I grabbed my luggage and entered the connection tube.

"Alright, you win," Grace admitted, following closely behind. "It was somewhat thrilling, but the lack of zero gravity was a big letdown."

"Boo," I playfully stuck out my tongue. "You will have to wait a while for that with all the new technologies emerging these days."

Walking ahead of me, Grace replied, "Those technologies may 'the future', but they're still boring. Let's stop discussing it and hurry up. You don't want to keep your dream waiting, right?"

"Right," I agreed, trying to catch up to her pace.

As we finally made our way through the connection tube, our guide came into view. Once he noticed us, he approached with a warm smile.

"Welcome, you must be Naila and Grace, right?" he greeted us.

"Yes, I'm Grace, and she is Naila," Grace confirmed.

"Excellent," the guide, Alan, said. "My name is Alan, and I will be your guide throughout this space station. Now, if you could please follow me, I'll show you to your bedrooms. I imagine the first space travel must have made you both tired."

"You're right," I replied, glancing around the bustling bay. "But before we go, could you give us a brief introduction to the space station?"

"Sure, where to begin..." Alan pondered. "Talos 1, a space station created at the end of the 20th century through the collaboration of the Americans and the Soviets. It now belongs to the TransStar Corporation and serves as a hub for humanity's best and brightest in the pursuit of a better future. I could go on about the numerous contributions it has made to society, but I believe both of you are already familiar with them."

As we followed Alan through the station, the sight before us resembled a luxurious five-star palace hotel or one of those enormous cruisers from the time before supersonic trains became the norm. The futuristic furniture and intricate wall designs created an ambiance that felt truly out of this world. Dozens of people were bustling about, and many of them seemed to be celebrities or renowned figures. I could hardly contain my excitement, but Grace quickly intervened, preventing me from running towards them.

"Sorry for being rude," Grace apologized. "Naila is just getting overly excited by seeing so many of her idols."

Alan nodded understandingly. "No problem. However, I must ask you to keep the noise down. At this time, most of our crew members are resting."

"Apologies," Grace replied. "It's just overwhelming to see so many inspirational figures."

As I began to calm down, a question popped into my mind. "If most of the crew is resting, why are there so many people here?"

Alan explained with a hint of pride, "The commanders of our primary research projects are conducting tests this week, so many of our team members are working overtime to prepare for these tests."

Grace appeared confused. "Is this a normal occurrence? And what kind of research is being conducted?"

Alan shook his head. "No, this is one of the few times such extensive preparations have taken place. The last time was five years ago, so you can consider yourselves lucky to witness it. As for the research, I'm afraid I can't disclose any information. It's a matter of confidentiality."

We stepped into an elevator, and Alan guided us through a series of corridors, showcasing the crew's quarters. Eventually, we arrived at a moderately sized bedroom with a king-sized bed, a drawer, a TV, and a computer. The room was tastefully decorated, further adding to the ambiance of the space station.

"Why is there only one bed?" Grace questioned, echoing my own thoughts.

Alan looked somewhat embarrassed as he replied, "I apologize for the inconvenience. The other non-singular guest rooms are currently being used for storage by our crew."

"Storage? But why?" I inquired further.

"There are certain circumstances that I cannot disclose," Alan explained. "Rest assured, tomorrow the rooms will be back to normal. However, if it bothers both of you too much, we can arrange for you to stay in some of the crew's bedrooms that are not being used today."

"No, thanks. I don't mind sharing the room," I reassured him, turning to Grace. "What about you, Grace?"

Grace shrugged and replied, "It's not a problem for me either. But they really need to improve their service," she added, clearly annoyed with the situation.

"I offer my deepest apologies for the inconvenience," Alan said, seeming apologetic. "Since it seems like this situation is mostly cleared up, I'll take my leave. Have a good rest, and it was my pleasure to introduce you to our magnificent space station."

Grace muttered under her breath, "For a magnificent space station, they're lacking in the customer service department."

I sighed, trying to find a silver lining. "Well, at least we get to sleep together tonight, just like when we were kids," I said as I unpacked my belongings and placed them in the drawer. "But if it really bothers you, I can still try to find another room."

Grace looked at me with determination and said, "And risk someone attacking you? No way. I won't let anyone harm my frail princess." She added a hint of sarcasm to her confident tone.

I chuckled and replied with a stange sense of relief "Mo~ You and your gallant lines."

After settling in and organizing our belongings in the room, we both got ready for bed and started to sleep

Warning: The Fanfiction part will only be at the prologue, with only some consepts staying(can't say because of spoilers)

If you have any sugestion, be in the world buiding or some interesting fetish, make in the coments, maybe they will be used

(Spoiler)Your protagonist will be(Spoiler)
  • Minor Shapeshifter (just some body parts [dick growth goes here]) Votes: 11 5.7%
  • Greater Shapeshifter(Most parts of the body[weird trainsformations goes here]) Votes: 53 27.3%
  • Complete Shapeshifter(Complete control of her body[she can turn into non-inanimated objets]) Votes: 130 67.0%
Total voters: 194