Chapter 6:Predator
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Name:Naila Farley hp:100/100

Race:Primordial Typhon mp:50/50







"Whoa!" I exclaimed in surprise as a peculiar screen materialized before my eyes. No matter where I looked, the screen remained fixed in my vision, following my gaze.

"This is strange," I mused, attempting to calm myself down. After all, considering the bizarre events of the day, this screen was just another unexpected development.

"It's like those isekai novels I used to read when I was younger," I chuckled.

Examining the screen, I noticed familiar elements such as my name, HP (health points), and MP (magical points). However, there were other sections that intrigued me, like the enigmatic purple "Status" tab, along with the abilities and equipment sections that appeared somewhat self-explanatory but left me uncertain.

Curiosity got the better of me, and I turned to the System for an explanation. "Can you please clarify the purpose of each tab?" I inquired.

The System readily responded, [Of course! From top to bottom, the tabs are as follows:

Name: This displays your given name, unchangeable even if you identify with a different name.

HP: Health points represent your overall well-being. It determines how much damage you can sustain before facing potential death. While it offers protection against many attacks, it won't save you from a fatal blow.

MP: Magical points represent the energy required for most active abilities.

Race: This tab showcases your specific race. You can activate it for a more detailed description of the race it represents.

Class: Your primary source of power. Depending on your class, it can shape your destiny.

Sub-Class(es): Any secondary or special classes you possess will be listed here. Many supplemental powers stem from sub-classes.

Abilities: This section displays all the abilities granted to you. They are typically categorized as active or passive, with an additional tab reserved for racial abilities.

Equipment: Any special items or gear you possess will be listed here.

Status: Born from your class, information regarding it cannot be retrieved from my database.]

The System's explanation provided me with a better understanding, but it also left me with further inquiries. "But where are the levels and stats?" I asked, still puzzled.

The System expressed its ignorance, admitting, [The levels can be accessed in a separate screen by thinking 'level,' but I apologize for my lack of knowledge. What exactly do you mean by 'stats'?]

"Stats are numerical values that you can increase to become stronger. Typically, they grow as you level up or through various means," I tried to explain to the System.

However, the System apologized, stating, [I'm sorry, but what you're describing is unfamiliar to me. I have no knowledge of such stats in this context.]

Pondering on how one could become stronger without traditional stats, I voiced my question to the System. "If we don't have stats, how do we become stronger?"

The System responded, clarifying its mechanism. [Each time you level up, you will receive passive boosts tailored to your class and sub-classes. For instance, a warrior would gain strength-based enhancements, while a mage would receive magical power boosts.]

As the System elucidated, I began to realize that the emphasis was placed on the passive growth and specialization based on one's class and sub-classes, rather than the explicit numerical stats I had been accustomed to.

As I concentrated on bringing up the level screen, it materialized before my eyes, displaying a simple and straightforward design.


Level: 1 (Main Class)

EXP: 000/100

Level: 0 (Sub-Class)

EXP: 000/000


Observing the screen, I couldn't help but chuckle at its unassuming appearance. It was far less flashy than the complex stat screens I had imagined based on my past experiences with games and novels.

"So, if I understand correctly," I mused, "when the EXP bar fills up, I will level up, right? And the primary method of gaining EXP is by defeating enemies?"

The System confirmed my understanding, stating, [That's correct. Defeating enemies is a common way to gain EXP and level up, but depending on your class, there may be other means of acquiring EXP as well.]

"Interesting," I said, becoming fully engaged in this new reality. The questions surrounding how I arrived here and why I had undergone such a transformation still lingered in my consciousness. Nevertheless, I was gradually adapting to the workings of my new body, including my... *cough* new appendage. Closing the level screen and reopening the Status tab, I came face to face with the stark realization that I was no longer human.

"I'm really not human anymore, huh?" I murmured, focusing intently on the Race section to learn more about my new identity.


Race:Primordial Typhon

Description: ???(Nothing is know of this species history)

Fhysical Caracteristics: Only know caracteristic is it's tall stature, unusual eyes , pure black arms and legs, and a porcelain skin.

Racial Active Abilities: {???},{???}...

Passive: {???},{???},{???}

Obs: You are the first


"..."I groaned when I saw the screen; most of it didn't explain anything. However, at least I learned that I'm the first of my species, which basically means that no matter how much I search, I won't find any information about what I am. Even the abilities listed on the screen were represented by question marks, unfortunately.

Putting aside my concerns, I decided to explore the system further and discover my abilities. But just as I was about to delve into the abilities section

[WARNING, unknown being detected, please be careful.] I closed the status screen and focused on my surroundings. As I turned my gaze to the left, deeper into the forest, a strange creature emerged from a bush.

It appeared as a humanoid figure made of vines adorned with flowers. Its wooden mask featured a vertical mouth opening, creating a disconcerting sight. The creature let out a piercing shriek, 'KIEKIK,' shattering the silence and sending a wave of panic through me. I immediately began to run in the opposite direction, desperately trying to escape. But with every passing second, the creature closed the distance between me rapidly.

Just as it was getting closer, the creature abruptly sprinted toward me in an odd manner, leaving a trail of green behind. Fearfully, I shielded my face with my arms and closed my eyes, bracing myself for impact...

However, no impact ever came. Slowly, I cautiously opened my eyes, only to be met with an entirely new perspective. Everything around me had become ridiculously larger, as if I were a mere pebble on the ground. As I attempted to move, I realized the peculiar state of my bodyβ€”or rather, the absence of it. Struggling to observe myself, all I could see was a small rock lying on the ground. Trying to know what just happened, i was finnaly met with a new screen.

{Racial Acive Skill Activated: ShapeShifting, Integrating to the Race Database...}

As I observed the small rock that apparently represented my shapeshifted form, the realization struck meβ€”I possessed the ability to shapeshift. "So, I managed to escape that monster," I thought, relieved that I had evaded its clutches. Despite being transformed into a rock, I discovered that I could still communicate, even though no audible words escaped my stony form. Observing the confused plant-like creature, which was still searching for me, I gradually calmed myself, though remaining vigilant.

Just then, the System interjected, reminding me of my limited resources. [You have escaped, but please be alerted to your MP. Almost half was used to activate this ability, and your HP was reduced to accommodate this state], it warned, making me aware of my newfound fragility. I opened the status screen, only to be confronted with the absurdity of my current state.


HP: 25/25

MP: 25/50


"Oh no," I exclaimed, worry creeping in as I contemplated the possibility of being inadvertently crushed by the monster. As if in response to my concerns, I noticed the creature sniffing the air, much like a dog, and slowly making its way toward me.

"Fuck," I muttered, panic surging through me. The monster continued its gradual approach, inching closer and closer. Desperately, I formulated an escape plan, deciding to make a dash for the nearby lake. However, just as the creature came within two feet of me, an unexpected sense of calm washed over me. Without any conscious effort on my part, my body swiftly reshaped itself, assuming its original form, and I instinctively used my hand to strike its vulnerable neck. The blow proved effective as my claws pierced the creature's neck, tearing through its inner parts. Caught off guard, the monster couldn't even react or defend itself as its life rapidly faded away.

{Flesh Bush defeated, Gained 11 EXP}

The screen displayed a notification, acknowledging the demise of the being, but I couldn't process it. Overwhelmed by an intense hunger, my focus was solely fixated on the lifeless body before me. With a clouded mind and driven by instinct, I withdrew my hand from the creature's neck and began licking off the greenish blood that coated my fingers. Each drop I consumed brought a perverse sense of satisfaction. But it wasn't sufficient.

"Not enough," I muttered, my hunger unabated. I meticulously cleaned every part of my hand, ensuring not a trace of blood remained. Without hesitation, I directed my attention to the body itself, consuming the blood that continued to flow from its neck. Still, it didn't satiate the insatiable hunger that consumed me.

"Not enough," I repeated to myself, a voice lost in the depths of my ravenous thoughts. Without restraint, I proceeded to devour the vines and flesh of the creature's body, tearing into it with a primal ferocity. The desperate craving within me drove me to consume every morsel, my senses overwhelmed by the taste of flesh and the satisfaction of appeasing my hunger.

As I devoured every part of the being, consuming blood, flesh, plants, and bones, my teeth proved to be more than ordinary, effortlessly breaking through the bones as if they were nothing.

Once I had consumed the very last drop of the being, the insatiable hunger that had consumed me was finally sated, and my senses returned to me. I sat there in a strange state of bliss, contemplating the gruesome act I had just committed. Strangely, I found myself unbothered by it. "I can't even say that I have any humanity left now," I murmured, examining my hands. "I just killed a being and ate it raw without feeling any remorse." I found it ironic that I was more concerned about the transformation of my new form and what i did earlier with my new body part than the atrocious act I had just committed. "But both were very satisfying," I admitted honestly to myself.

After some time had passed, I finally noticed a new purple screen appearing in my vision.


Predator Activated:

Consumed: 1 Flesh Bush

Abilities Taken:

Passive: {Pleasant Body Fluids}, {Lesser Addictive Body Fluids}

Active: {Green Dash}

I'm unsure if i need to be more descriptive while writing, so i will leave up to the readers



If you have any sugestion, be in the world buiding or some interesting fetish, make in the coments, maybe they will be used

Should I be more descriptive?
  • Yes Votes: 61 64.2%
  • No, keep this way and leave to the reader own imagination Votes: 34 35.8%
Total voters: 95