Chapter 8: ShapeShifting and Rain
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Opening my eyes, I gazed towards the outside, only to find that the rain, which had started before I slept, was still pouring relentlessly with no sign of stopping.

"Ugh, how long do I have to stay here?" I grumbled in frustration. "This is ridiculous."

I repeated the process of complaining and resting multiple times, but the rain persisted. Luckily, my new body didn't experience any discomfort or chilling cold, even as I sat on the cold and hard ground of the cave.

While waiting for the storm to pass, I decided to explore the final skill I had. "I hope it's not actually a degenerate skill like the others," I thought to myself


Ability: Shape-Shifting

Type: Active


The Shape-Shifting ability grants the character the power to alter their physical form at will. With a focused effort of concentration, the character can transform their body, changing their appearance, size, and even mimicking the characteristics of other beings or objects.

It offers two distinct modes: Automatic and Manual, each with its own advantages and considerations.

In Automatic Mode, the character can swiftly transform into pre-set forms they have acquired. This mode allows for rapid shape-shifting, enabling the character to adapt to situations quickly. However, the Automatic Mode comes at a higher cost, requiring more energy and mp to execute. Additionally, the character is limited to the pre-set forms they have.

On the other hand, Manual Mode offers more flexibility and control. In this mode, the character can shape-shift freely, transforming into a wide range of forms limited only by their imagination and skill. Manual Mode consumes less energy compared to the Automatic Mode, allowing for longer transformations and sustained use of the ability. However, the manual transformation process takes more time and concentration to execute.


"Huh, interesting," I said, intrigued by the Manual Mode mentioned in the skill description. "But how do I choose between on-" Before I could finish my sentence, I decided to repeat the process I used to activate the system but applied it to the skill. Fortunately, it worked smoothly.

A new screen appeared before my eyes, displaying only two buttons: Auto Mode and Manual Mode. Curiosity piqued, I clicked on Manual Mode, and suddenly, my mind was flooded with an overwhelming sea of information. The intensity of the influx caused me to exclaim in unknown pain, "Ugh, my head!"

[Detecting Overdrive, Changing the menu for user comfort], I heard the system's voice, but I couldn't fully process what was happening. Just as suddenly as the pain began, it started fading away.

"This is worse than a migraine," I muttered, relieved as the pain finally disappeared.

[Modification complete, user can now use the manual menu without consequences], the system reassured me. This time, I could clearly hear the system's voice, and with a hint of worry, I cautiously reopened the menu.

What appeared in my vision resembled a game-like character customization screen commonly found in RPGs. On the left side, there was even a projection of my own body. However, what caught my attention was the ridiculous number of options available for customization. It was as if this menu had an endless array of bars and sliders that could be adjusted. Even a life simulation game filled with mods would pale in comparison to the sheer complexity of this customization system.

Size, shape, color—every aspect could be customized in this extensive menu. As I examined the top of the screen, I noticed additional tabs: the Customization tab, where I currently was, and the Preset menu, which seemed to be where customized configurations could be saved. Adjacent to these tabs were two buttons: Complete and Cancel.

"This looks just like a game," I chuckled, my curiosity piqued. I decided to explore the Preset menu. As I opened it, I was greeted by a multitude of blank boxes. However, upon closer inspection, I discovered that two of the boxes were already filled with something. I clicked on the first filled box, revealing an image of my own body with the title {Primary Body} displayed. Intrigued, I proceeded to open the second filled box. To my surprise, it revealed a projection of the monster that had attacked me earlier, even labeled with the title {Flesh Bush}.

"Weird, so I can transform into the monster that I've consumed?" I asked, intrigued by the possibilities.

[Yes, additionally, everything you consume will provide more options for customization and improvement in the Customization tab] the system replied.

"Wait, so that mess of bars and sliders is not the ultimate extent of customization?" I questioned as I reopened the customization menu. Upon further exploration, I discovered that some of the sliders were grayed out and couldn't be adjusted. The first one I encountered was the "Legs Type," but surprisingly, I could still modify its size. The same applied to several other "----Type" bars that couldn't be changed.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but while I can't create entirely new types for my body parts, I can still modify them...?" I inquired, pondering the peculiarities of this skill. "So why did I transform into a rock earlier?"

[Correct. For the Customization tab to function, you need a base model, such as your own body, along with the collected data from other living things, like the Flesh Bush. As for the second question, while the foundational level of that power revolved around this ability, the actual use and origin of the power stem from your own racial capabilities] the system clarified.

"Wait, my own racial capabilities? Am I some type of mimic like the ones you see in RPGs?" I asked, curious about the nature of my abilities.

[Response unknown. No data was found. I'm sorry, user, but I couldn't find any information on a being named "mimic" or any other living creature with the ability to transform into non-inanimate objects] the system responded, unable to provide further insight.

"..." After that, I continued exploring the extensive Customization tab, searching for any peculiar characteristics or abilities that could aid me.

"This menu sure is vast," I commented, marveling at the sheer breadth of options. As I delved further, I came across an intriguing section: the reproductive organ sliders. Curiosity piqued, I tried to locate a specific bar. "While it's not necessarily a bad thing, I think I still prefer the usual absence of a weapon in that area," I thought to myself while scanning through the options.

Scrolling down even more, I finally found the specific set of sliders for the reproductive organs. There, I could adjust the color, shape, type, and various minor characteristics. However, I noticed something strange—there was no option to alter the size or remove the appendage entirely.

"No luck, huh... I should have known it wouldn't be that easy," I muttered to myself, acknowledging the disappointment of not finding a solution to my previous concern. I decided to let go of that particular issue and focus on the enjoyable aspects of my newfound ability.

As I patiently waited for the rain to cease, I thoroughly explored every section of the customization menu. I even experimented with the Flesh Bush preset, which turned out to be a less-than-pleasant experience. I then attempted to recreate the mimic ability, but without any guidance, my efforts proved fruitless. Despite all my endeavors, the rain continued unabated.

"How long will I be stuck here?" I asked aloud, growing increasingly annoyed by the prolonged downpour.

[Sorry, user. WARNING: Unknown entity detected and approaching.] The system's sudden alert jolted me into action.

I peered outside the cave and could faintly make out a figure swiftly running in my direction. I hastily pressed myself against the cave wall, concealing my presence and hoping the being would just pass by.

The figure drew nearer, and as it came into view, I could discern that it was cloaked or hooded, obscuring much of its features. Opting to stay hidden, I retreated deeper into the cave, finding a secluded spot near the oval opening. I remained still, patiently waiting as the sound of footsteps approached the cave entrance. The footsteps ceased, followed by the faint sound of dripping water and uneven breathing.

"It seems like it has stopped," I thought, contemplating whether it was safe to investigate. Curiosity got the better of me, and cautiously, I leaned my head out to catch a glimpse of the intruder. What I saw surprised me even more than the earlier encounter with the monster.

"A Kobold?" I whispered in astonishment.




If you have any sugestion, be in the world buiding or some interesting fetish, make in the coments, maybe they will be used.