Chapter 9: Kobold(+)
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"A Kobold?" I whispered in astonishment after catching a glimpse of the intruder. However, my whisper was enough to alert the Kobold to my presence. Despite its apparent exhaustion, the Kobold swiftly assumed a defensive stance, preparing to attack.

With caution, the Kobold slowly approached my hiding spot, stopping a few meters away from the opening. It still appeared fatigued. Panic surged through me as I contemplated my next move. I was uncertain if remaining hidden was the best course of action. "What if it's an intelligent being? The hood suggests sentience, but what if it's aggressive?" I pondered, grappling with the dilemma.

Both the Kobold and I remained motionless for a while. Suddenly, the Kobold began making unfamiliar noises, speaking in what seemed to be a strange language.

"Sheeaaaf Psiiiii," the Kobold uttered, its words foreign to me.

"Of course, it's not English," I accidentally blurted out, unintentionally alerting the Kobold to my presence. In response, it slowly started to move away from the opening. Seeing no reason to hide any longer, I stepped forward, revealing myself.

We both stayed completely still after that, the kobold moved its eyes seemingly appraising me, but with the hood, i could't really see most of the being exept for it's long mouth, the claw-like feet and scaled legs, and the red eyes that resemble that of a lizard but with an horizontal eyelid.

Suddenly, the Kobold began moving unsteadily, as if in a drunken state, struggling to maintain balance. In an unfortunate turn, it accidentally stepped on its own foot, causing it to lose balance and begin falling. Reacting quickly, I managed to catch the falling Kobold.

"Cold!" I exclaimed as I felt the chilling temperature emanating from the Kobold's body. I tried to stabilize the creature, but it remained unresponsive. I examined the Kobold closely and realized that it had become unconscious. With no immediate solution in sight, I decided to carefully drag the Kobold towards the oval opening inside the cave, placing it on a smoother surface.

"What do I do now?" I pondered, contemplating the best course of action in this situation. Observing the Kobold's coldness, I expressed my concern, "Is it okay?" as I assessed the situation.

[Kobolds have cold blood, and in this state, it enters a form of hibernation to conserve heat. However, without a heat source like the sun, it is likely that the Kobold will perish. The wet clothes may accelerate the process] the system informed me.

Upon hearing the system's suggestion, I swiftly removed the wet cloak from the Kobold's body. As I did so, I noticed numerous small injuries scattered across its form, many resembling claw marks. Surprisingly, there were no other garments beneath the cloak. Discarding the wet garment to a distant corner of the room, I pondered my next course of action.

"Okay, what do I do next?" I questioned aloud, searching for a way to generate heat for the Kobold's benefit.

[You can use your body] the system responded matter-of-factly.

"What?" I exclaimed incredulously, taken aback by the suggestion.

[You can utilize the shapeshifting power to increase the heat generated by your body and transfer that warmth to the Kobold] the system clarified.

"I understand what you're saying. It's just... ugh, I guess I have to do it," I reluctantly agreed, feeling a slight blush creeping onto my cheeks. I began searching through the customization menu for the appropriate options, finally focusing my attention on the Kobold characteristics—more specifically, on her characteristics.

Contrary to some depictions I had seen online, the Kobold's body was completely covered in smooth, white scales. There was no fur in sight. Her head resembled that of a dragon more than a lizard, with a prominent pair of large horns sprouting from the center of her head, between the nape and the forehead. Two additional pairs of horns emerged from the sides of her head, where ears would typically be found. Her face had a rounder appearance, with a medium-sized jaw.

"Cute," I found myself saying before quickly realizing I was getting distracted. Observing her further, I noted her lean anthropomorphic build, with no prominent muscle definition. Despite her shorter stature of approximately 160 cm, her form exuded a sense of grace and agility.

Her hands caught my attention next, with a reduced number of fingers compared to a human hand. She had four fingers, including a recognizable thumb. Each finger ended in large, curved claws.

Shifting my gaze to her legs, I couldn't help but notice the presence of a long and impressive tail, surpassing the length of her legs. Additionally, her legs were divided into three parts, contrary to the usual two, and feet featured a unique three-toed structure, each ending in sharp claws.

After that, I couldn't help but notice the intriguing departure from traditional lizard biology. Against the backdrop of her scaly exterior, a subtle yet enchanting contradiction emerged. Her chest bore the presence of breasts, defying the expected norms of reptilian anatomy. The delicate pink hue of her nipples stood out against the scales, hinting at their sensitivity and inviting closer inspection. In terms of size, they appeared to be modest, gracefully filling the space with a subtle curve that suggested a delightful balance between C and D cups.

Descending further, the gaze naturally settled upon her groin, where another departure from reptilian expectations awaited. Instead of reptilian reproductive organs, a human-like vagina emerged, capturing attention with its gentle shade of pink. It was an intriguing blend of the exotic and the familiar, a tantalizing fusion of reptilian allure and the delicate sensuality of human anatomy. This unexpected combination spoke to the unique nature of her being, inspiring curiosity and igniting the imagination.


The closest i could find, just change the color of the scales to all white and the eyes to red Kobold


"Oh God," I exclaimed, feeling an unexpected surge of unfamiliar desire. To combat these intrusive thoughts, I immediately immersed myself in the customization menu, redirecting my focus away from the Kobold. Navigating through the options proved challenging, but eventually, I managed to adjust my body to generate more heat, counteracting the cold and providing warmth to the Kobold.

"It is recommended for the user to maintain body contact to maximize heat efficiency," the system informed me, reminding me of a fact I had been trying to ignore.

"Do I really need to do that?" I questioned, struggling to maintain control over my own thoughts and emotions.

[While the Kobold will recover at this pace, there is a risk of contracting cold-related illnesses if left untreated for too long] the system replied in its monotonous tone.

The system's response shattered the last remnants of my self-control. "It's okay," I reassured myself, attempting to rationalize the situation. "You will simply hug her or something similar. There is no need for anything beyond that." I questioned my own conscience, bewildered by the unfamiliarity of my own thoughts and desires. I had never experienced such feelings when interacting with a woman before, but now, everything seemed different. I realized that the changes I had undergone were not merely physical but also affected my emotions and impulses.

With a mix of trepidation and longing, I cautiously approached the Kobold and enveloped her in a warm embrace. I held her close, allowing the heat from my body to transfer to hers. As time passed, I absentmindedly ran my hands over her scaled form, marveling at the surprisingly soft sensation beneath my fingertips. Gradually, I began to feel the warmth emanating from the Kobold, providing a sense of relief. However, the comforting sensation of my own body's warmth started to lull me into a deep drowsiness.

"I hope that..." I murmured, my voice trailing off as I suddenly succumbed to exhaustion, blacking out without further control over my surroundings.


(Cave, Present time, Kobold perspective)

After several hours of Naila's slumber, the Kobold began to stir. First, her fingers twitched, followed by the movement of her tail. Gradually, her entire body started to shift as she instinctively sought the source of the comforting warmth. Her arms encircled the unknown being, while her tail curled protectively around the two of them. A sense of contentment washed over her as she basked in the soothing heat.

"So warm," she thought, her mind drifting in a state of bliss, expressed in her own incomprehensible language. However, as moments passed, a realization abruptly struck her. With wide-open eyes, she took in her surroundings, attempting to piece together where she was. It became apparent that she was within a cave, cocooned in an embrace of unfamiliar warmth.

In a sudden flash of comprehension, the Kobold remembered the critical state she had been in, desperately lacking the necessary heat to survive. Yet, to her astonishment, the chilling cold had vanished, replaced by a perfect warmth that enveloped her body, despite her lack of clothing. And then, in that pivotal moment, her gaze focused on the entity she had inadvertently clung onto.

"Beautiful," she thought, momentarily captivated by the sight before her. However, the peculiarity of the situation quickly sank in. The being in front of her belonged to an unknown species, and despite her extensive knowledge of the forest and its inhabitants, she found herself at a loss as to the identity of this being. Memories of her last moments of consciousness flooded back, causing her to hesitate.

With utmost care, she attempted to extricate herself from the embrace without disturbing the slumbering being. But to her surprise, she realized that her own tail had inexplicably wound itself around both of them, firmly holding them in place. No matter how she tried, her tail refused to release its hold, stubbornly entwining their bodies. Even her attempts to move the rest of her body proved futile, as if her own body refused to let the heat source go away.

Despite her persistent attempts, the Kobold found herself unable to break free from the grasp of her own tail. Each effort only seemed to strengthen the hold, binding her tightly to the slumbering being. Recognizing the futility of her struggles and sensing no immediate danger, she ultimately surrendered to the situation, deciding to embrace the warmth that enveloped her.

As the Kobold luxuriated in the enveloping warmth, her curiosity got the better of her. She took the opportunity to closely examine the being she was holding. The first notable observation was the absence of scales—a striking departure from her own kind. While this alone wouldn't have been the strangest thing, the presence of other peculiar characteristics left her questioning the nature of this species.

Her gaze shifted to the being's hair, noticing its texture and color. The strands felt different beneath her touch, and she found herself intrigued by the small claws at the end of their arms. This sparked a thought in her mind: Could this being be an unknown relative or distant ancestor of her own species? The jet-black hue of the hair seemed unusual, even by her standards, causing her to reflect once more on the uniqueness of the situation.

The Kobold's attention shifted to the being's face, captivated by its beauty despite belonging to a different species. There was an undeniable allure to the features before her, evoking a sense of wonder and appreciation. Yet, her focus was abruptly interrupted as she became aware of a soft sensation against her chest. Glancing downward, she was taken aback by the absurd size of the being's bust. For a moment, she was rendered speechless, grappling with the unexpected sight.

As her astonishment wanes, another peculiar discovery awakens her senses. A faint, yet strangely familiar scent fills the air, stirring something deep within her. With every breath she takes, subtle tingles ripple through her body, heightening her desire and amplifying her craving for that captivating aroma.

As time passes, the sensations grow stronger, enveloping her entire being. And then, in a sudden realization, it dawns upon her. The scent that entices her so is similar to the pheromones that accompany her race's males during their time of heat. But this scent, it's magnified, its allure, far more potent and intoxicating, impossible to resist. The moistness between her legs confirms that it's too late to turn away, and a sense of acceptance washes over her. She finds herself fully immersed in the allure of this captivating scent, willingly surrendering to its irresistible call.


(Cave, Naila Perspective) (+ Warning: inflation)


As my consciousness slowly returned, I became aware of the wet sounds filling the air. The sensation of another's touch, along with a strange wetness and heat on my body, jolted me awake. Opening my eyes, I was left speechless at the sight before me. The female kobold, previously unconscious, was now engaging with my breasts, sucking on my nipples. In that moment, she noticed my awakening and paused, looking at me intently.

"What are you doing?" I managed to say, forgetting momentarily about the language barrier. However, my words seemed to have little effect as she resumed her actions, grinding her body against mine in an erratic manner. I tried to push her away, but her movements only became more fervent. Frustrated, I attempted different strategies to stop her advances, but all my efforts proved fruitless.

A strange, but know sensation began to stir within my groin, causing me to moan unintentionally. This caught the kobold's attention, and she abruptly halted her movements. A mix of surprise and curiosity flashed across her face as she slowly shifted her body attention toward my groin. In that momentary daze, I seized the opportunity to shift our positions, pinning her down and holding her arms with my own. To my surprise, she didn't resist, maintaining a fixed gaze and displaying a deep blush on her scaled cheeks. The erratic rise and fall of her breaths only added to the heightened sense of sensuality in the air.

In that charged moment, my mind went blank, consumed by desire. Without thinking, I instinctively moved my lips towards hers, and as they met, it became the most peculiar kiss I had ever experienced. Our tongues engaged in a dance, exploring each other's mouths. I encountered the sharp edges of her teeth, but my attention was quickly diverted as her own tongue aggressively responded to mine. The clash of our tongues intensified, and in the heat of the moment, I released her arms and began to explore her body. My hands moved slowly, and I eventually found my target: her breasts. With gentle kneading, I molded her supple mounds, deliberately avoiding her nipples for now. Surprisingly, she made no attempt to stop me, allowing me to continue my exploration.

After teasing her for a while, she let out a grunt of protest. Sensing her resistance, I ceased the passionate exchange of tongues and shifted my focus. Resting my head against her breast, I softly licked and covered her left nipple with saliva before moving to the other side. With a delicate bite and a suck, I elicited an unexpected moan from her, a moan that carried a mixture of pleasure and surprise.

As my focus fixated on her enticing curves, my hands ventured across every inch of her body, from her stomach down to her legs and tail. We indulged in this exploration, succumbing to an ever-increasing desire pulsating within my groin. With anticipation, I raised myself and gazed upon the eager kobold. The heat radiating from her body created a hazy mist, her eyes locked onto my figure in a hypnotic trance. Her wet nipples rose and fell with each heavy breath, a deep blush accentuating her alluring face, intensifying her erotic allure. I could feel sparks igniting down my spine, fueled by the sight before me.

Suddenly, my gaze shifted, and she, too, glanced downwards. A speechless expression overcame her as she beheld a sight that left her breathless—a member unlike any she had encountered before, a member that wasn't part of a normal womam, larger than those of her own kind, poised to enter her. The realization sent a surge of heat through her body, igniting a fire within her despite her natural disposition. We remained motionless for a brief moment, absorbing the intensity of the moment. And then, driven by instinct, I firmly grasped her legs and spread them, assuming a missionary position. My throbbing member positioned itself at the entrance of her drenched folds.

"You look beautiful," I managed to articulate amidst a fleeting moment of lucidity while studying her flushed countenance. Surprisingly, she seemed to comprehend, despite the language barrier, prompting her to cover her face with trembling hands.

And without further hesitation, I thrust my hips forward, piercing her slick passage and penetrating her depths with a rapid and forceful motion. A euphoric cry escaped her lips as an orgasmic wave washed over her, drenching my legs with her essence. Overwhelmed by a cascade of pleasure, I felt her inner walls tighten and clench around me, but before I could fully process the sensation, I unconsciously initiated a rhythm. She continued to moan in a state of ecstasy, even after her initial climax, as I relentlessly ground against her, every thrust fueling a surge of satisfaction. Time seemed to blur as I increased the tempo, pushing myself to new limits, a relentless torrent of pleasure flooding my senses.

Her cascading release drenched my body, her moans harmonizing with the splashes of liquid filling the air. With each relentless movement, she responded with yet another orgasm, the symphony of her cries and the splattering sounds surrounding us. Lost in a primal fervor, I became aware of a building sensation within my groin, a desire to push even harder. Thrust after thrust, I pounded into her slick passage, the intensity mounting until it reached an almost unbearable peak. And then, with an explosion of ecstasy, the dam burst, waves of pleasure surging from my groin to my pulsating member, enveloping me in a climactic rapture.

"Hiiiaaaaa!" she exclaimed as my release cascaded into her receptive canal, propelling her into another realm of orgasmic delight. The kobold's abdomen began to swell exponentially as my seed filled her, expanding her belly like that of a pregnant woman. It grew larger and larger, stretching to accommodate the burgeoning life within her until it was similar to a woman pregnant with sextuplets. We both remained locked in a state of orgasmic bliss as our fluids decorated the ground, an expression of our shared ecstasy.

As the haze of passion gradually lifted, I withdrew myself from the kobold's embrace, removing my weapon from her warm depths. She expressed a mild protest, her inner walls clinging to me as if unwilling to let me go. With determination, I managed to extricate myself, witnessing my member retreating back into its sheath. I remained motionless, my gaze fixated on the scale-covered orb that now formed the kobold's belly.

"Fuck," I muttered to myself.

This was my firts sex scene, hope you like it, i will probably lose my chat GPT account after asking to revise this chapter tho :')



If you have any sugestion, be in the world buiding or some interesting fetish, make in the coments, maybe they will be used.

This is bestiality?
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