Chapter 12: A black dot in the universe
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In a realm that exists deep beneath the ground and high above the sky, a place that transcends both past and future, lies an immense garden cradling an equally vast structure. This is the abode of the goddesses, a place of such breathtaking allure that even the most bloodthirsty creature would halt to admire its splendor. Yet, if we peer into one of the rooms within this grand structure, an uncommon scene unfolds – a colossal woman paces restlessly, her murmurs carrying traces of frustration. This woman is Deusa Mechanica, the Goddess of progress, creation, and conscience. She stands as the youngest among the triumvirate of goddesses that grace this world.

"I can't believe they've assigned me to surveillance duty again!" she exclaims in an ethereal voice, her frustration evident in her muttered words. Her demeanor contradicts her colossal appearance – a giant standing at 46 feet in height


big For scale, Very big lady


. Her skin bears a copper hue with a metallic texture, akin to machinery. The absence of a mouth contrasts with her voice, which resonates seamlessly through the air. Her eyes lack conventional pupils, radiating a fiery, luminous yellow akin to burning embers. Adorning her head is a halo reminiscent of a crescent moon, accompanied by metallic, flame-like tresses cascading down her back. Her body follows a similarly mechanized yet flawlessly structured form, with pronounced muscles hinting at her divine might. A formidable aura exudes from her, a testament to her divine essence, yet her current disposition threatens to shatter that façade, revealing her youthful nature.

"I can't fathom the need for 'dangerous' surveillance assignments," she mutters with exasperation in her ethereal tone. "I'm quite convinced they're stationing me here due to my mere 2000 years of existence. Those old hags," she grumbles, her annoyance apparent. Her gaze shifts to the colossal screen within the room, displaying a satellite-esque view of the world.

"Just you wait— what's this?" she remarks, curiosity overtaking her as a new dot materializes on the screen.

"Another summoning?" She inquired, her attention fixed as she zoomed in on the screen to focus on the dot. "Hasn't that kingdom already summoned a hero just about two years ago? Goodness, their greed knows no bounds," she remarked, a hint of exasperation coloring her tone. However, her train of thought was abruptly disrupted as the dot, against her expectations, deviated from its anticipated trajectory upon nearing the world. "What?" she exclaimed, genuine surprise replacing her exasperation.

In rapid succession, the dot finally descended to an unusual location. "The Emerald Forest? Why would someone choose to perform a summoning there?" she questioned, her confusion evident. Drawing nearer to the camera, she aimed to discern the landing site. Yet, upon seeing what appeared on the screen, her surprise eclipsed her confusion. "A natural summoning? Can such a thing even occur?" she mused aloud. Laden with numerous inquiries, she observed as the cocoon-like structure, previously the dot, opened to reveal an occupant before gradually vanishing. "Whatever the case, I'll just investigate the sys—" [WARNING, UNREACHABLE SYSTEM] Her words trailed off, her gaze locked onto the warning displayed on the screen.

"...Should I just eliminate it? Oh, she's awakening," she contemplated, strategizing on how to address the situation. 'Whatever disturbance occurred in the system could pose significant danger, and her sudden appearance raises suspicion,' she pondered while studying the mortal who was gradually regaining consciousness. But as she examined more closely, an unexpected sense of surprise overtook her at the being's undeniable beauty. "Oh," she involuntarily uttered, her astonishment apparent. Suppressing the unfamiliar thoughts, she observed the being who appeared to converse with the air. "Is the system working?" she inquired aloud.

As the being moved, she didn't realize her gaze had fixated solely on the being's visage. Only when she became aware of this did she notice the being standing by the river. "She seems taken aback, peculiar," she remarked, watching the being's appraising gaze running up and down her own form. Unbeknownst to her, this unintentional display inadvertently offered an alluring spectacle to the divine observer, prompting a faint blush to grace the goddess's cheeks. Just as she began to recover from this view, she too noticed a distinct appendage in the being's groin area. "What—what is that?" she exclaimed, her astonishment unfiltered. Struggling to comprehend the unfamiliar sight, she showcased her suprising inexperience in this aspect. Coupled with the relatively "uncultured" state of her world, this discovery landed like a metaphorical brick, causing her complexion to redden intensely while steam emanated from her form, reminiscent of a machine under strain.

The layers of inexperience she had accumulated over time, owing to her sisters' protective measures, the standard censoring carried out by the system, and her own disinterest, rapidly crumbled. In their place surged a powerful, consuming curiosity that rendered her incapable of tearing her gaze away from the screen, despite the conflict between her sheltered upbringing and the profound desire to explore what lay before her.

Afterward, her initial intent became a distant memory as she remained engrossed in the unfolding scene. Similar to an adolescent who had just encountered explicit content for the first time, she found herself utterly bewildered by what she was witnessing. "That—That is a p-penis?" she stammered in a mixture of embarrassment and fascination, though her hands only partially shielded her eyes, creating a small gap that allowed her to continue observing the erotic display. "M-Maybe this task isn't that bad after all," she mumbled with a deepening blush.


(Naila's Perspective)

After my "encounter" with Shia, I noticed that the rain had finally ceased. "At last," I murmured as I exited the cave. The sky had cleared, and I speculated that it might already be the next day. "Around 1 pm, perhaps? It's challenging to estimate time accurately in a different world," I mused. Using the river to cleanse myself, I glanced over to see Shia emerging from the cave to do the same.

Completing my ablutions, I repeated the question, "So, what should we do now?" directing it toward Shia. Utilizing the elevated temperature of my body to expedite the drying process, we collaboratively brainstormed potential courses of action and essential tasks to ensure our survival in this enigmatic forest. From what I'd gathered, I considered myself fortunate that the creature I'd encountered turned out to be a solitary Flesh Bush. This forest reportedly harbored monsters of much higher levels, often congregating in groups, making my encounter a less daunting one in comparison

Using a stick, we crafted a rudimentary list on the ground, a mix of my knowledge of writing and the understanding I'd gained from my conversation with Shia. Our list comprised the necessities and potential goals we deemed crucial for our survival:



3-Water (Checked)

4-Shelter (Checked?)

5-Find civilization (Priority)

6-Understand my powers better

7-Learn magic (My powers excluded)

As we discussed strategies for addressing these challenges, our deliberations came to a halt. Uncertainty lingered as we debated whether it would be wiser to remain here with the cave as shelter or venture into the forest, even if it meant risking exposure to the elements.

"Should we take the risk?" I mused, my uncertainty evident. The idea of delving into a potentially treacherous forest with no clear direction left me feeling stuck. My survival skills were practically non-existent, a far cry from the safety of my previous world.

Shia chimed in, "I'm up for whatever you decide, but just so you know, I've got some experience living in the wild." Her confident tone initially boosted my confidence, but then she added, "Well, 'experience' might be a strong word. I've mostly lived in the clearings." Her gaze shifted around our surroundings, and I couldn't help but feel less assured as her confidence seemed to wane.

"Let's worry about that stuff later. Right now, we need food and clothes, no matter what," I said, kicking off our little adventure with Shia right on my heels. We snagged the piece of cloth from the cave and then decided to stick to the riverside, following the flow as I had been doing, all in search of some grub.

As we strolled along, I noticed Shia wasn't thrilled when I used my Shapeshifting mojo to switch my... well, let's just call it "equipment" back to its "normal" form. Having just two legs was definitely more convenient for moving around, even if the change made things a bit itchy as everything rearranged itself. Noticing the tentacle-like appearance and sheath returning was quite the sight. Oh, and yeah, it seemed like things down there had grown a bit too. I still kept the Kobold appearance, though; those scales seemed like they could take a beating better than regular skin.

While we walked, I focused on getting more at ease with this new body. It was a major switch from what I was used to. Plus, I was dead set on figuring out how to make the most of that tail – seemed like the most versatile thing I had going for this form.

After a while, we stumbled upon a tree that bore resemblance to a palm tree, albeit with large individual leaves replacing the usual smaller ones. I wondered aloud to Shia if these leaves could be fashioned into makeshift clothing, given their apparent toughness. She took a closer look at the tree, assessing the situation. Unfortunately, she concluded that while the leaves seemed durable, we'd need some form of rope or binding to keep them in place. Their shape wasn't ideal for staying securely on our bodies.

With our clothing venture abandoned, we carried on alongside the river. However, our progress was swiftly interrupted when a nearby howling sound shattered the tranquility, indicating a potential threat. [WARNIN-]"I KNOW," I promptly cut off the system's warning, aware of the situation. The atmosphere grew tense as various sounds in the surroundings began to emerge, a clear indicator that we were likely surrounded by something.

In an instant, a massive red wolf leaped out of the closest bush, soon joined by four smaller ones that formed a menacing circle around us. "Feral Ravagers," Shia identified with a sense of readiness, bracing herself for the confrontation. The Ravagers mirrored her posture, their bodies tensed as they readied to strike.

Prepared for battle, I took up a stance, although my lack of training was evident in my posture. An uneasy stillness hung in the air, everyone poised, waiting for the clash to commence. In that charged moment, a flurry of thoughts raced through my mind as I desperately sought a means to extricate us from this perilous situation. Then it clicked – a potential strategy that could turn the tide.

"Shia, do you specialize in sound magic?" I whispered, receiving an affirming nod from her. "What can you do?" I inquired further.

"I can launch various smaller attacks, but they won't inflict substantial damage. These creatures are incredibly resilient to most types of magic," she replied, a touch of worry in her expression.

With a plan forming, I posed a final question, "Can you create a distraction?"

"Yes, but it might only buy us a bit of time," she answered, her demeanor shifting into one of readiness as the wolves grew impatient, sensing the impending clash.

"One last question, can we make a run for it?" I blurted out urgently, not bothering to lower my voice.

"No," she replied, her focus shifting to channeling her magical power. Recognizing the urgency, I swiftly scanned through my status and abilities, searching for any potential solution to our predicament. Unfortunately, it seemed our options were limited, leaving us with a risky gamble as our primary course of action.

The wolves closed in on us rapidly, and just as they drew dangerously near, Shia unleashed her magic: [Sound Magic: Hurricane of Blades]. Hundreds of blade-like projectiles shot toward the approaching wolves, momentarily halting their advance. However, it became apparent that these blades were strikingly ineffective against the creatures, a fact not lost on them as they quickly assessed the situation.

The brief pause provided by Shia's sound blades was the window I needed to activate an ability I had yet to employ: [Green Dash]. In the blink of an eye, I materialized just above one of the smaller wolves. With the tumultuous sound blades disorienting their senses, I relied on the only weapon I knew I possessed – my claws.

*Swish* The sound of the rushing wind filled my ears as I unleashed all my strength, aiming to pierce the wolf's neck. However, in a sudden, unexpected move, the wolf swiftly veered to the right, narrowly dodging my attack. My claws missed their intended target, instead leaving a deep, but not fatal, gash along the creature's body.

"GRRR," the injured wolf snarled in pain, assuming a cautious stance as it alerted the other wolves to my presence. In a heartbeat, it became evident that the collective attention of the pack was now squarely fixated on me, a perilous predicament I found myself in. "NAILA!" Shia called out in alarm as the larger wolf obstructed her view.

With the wolves encircling me, I swiveled my head rapidly, my gaze darting in every direction. The four unwounded wolves closed in, while the wounded one trailed behind, following the lead of the larger wolf.

"Crap," I muttered under my breath, steeling myself for a fight that I knew would leave its mark on me. Sensing the direness of the situation, I desperately activated the [Green Dash] ability, instantly relocating myself near the smallest wolf farthest from the alpha. In my haste, I used my tail as a distraction, attempting to strike the wolf with it while simultaneously launching an assault on its body with my claws.

The tail diversion proved effective, as the wolf initially struggled to comprehend my presence below him and attacked my tail in confusion. Sharp pain shot through my body as his jaws clamped down, but with my life hanging in the balance, I disregarded the pain, driving my claws into the wolf's body between its ribs. Shocked and writhing in agony, the wolf made frantic attempts to retaliate with its claws.

Meanwhile, the other wolves sprang into action, attempting to dislodge me from their wounded pack mate. Seizing another opportunity with a [Green Dash], I boldly materialized beneath the other injured wolf. Employing the element of surprise once more, I quickly slashed at his lower body, eliciting cries of pain as the remaining healthy wolves rushed toward me in a frenzy.

[mp: 20/50]

The system's warning made it abundantly clear just how precarious our situation had become. Fueled by a sense of desperation, I continued my assault on the wounded wolf, intent on removing him from the equation. He writhed in paralyzing pain as I inflicted my blows, getting dangerously close to ending his life. However, just when I was on the brink of success, a searing agony shot through my tail. I was forcefully yanked away from the wolf, sent hurtling toward a tree as if I were nothing more than a ragdoll.

Instinctively, I activated [Green Dash], diverting my course and narrowly avoiding a collision with the tree.


Upon hitting the ground, I felt the impact reverberate through my body, further aggravating my existing wounds. Despite the pain, I quickly scrambled to my feet, my gaze scanning my injuries as I braced myself for the wolves' impending assault.

Inspecting my body, it became painfully evident that my tail had borne the brunt of the damage. Numerous open wounds marred its surface, and some scales had been bitten off in the fray.

[hp: 80/100]

Oddly enough, it appeared that my tail wasn't the hp top priority, though it still throbbed with pain. A strange, dark liquid oozed from the open wounds, revealing an unfamiliar composition beneath the scales, as if my body was structured differently from typical flesh and blood.

Setting aside the peculiarities for the time being, I focused on the immediate threat before me. It seemed I had managed to extricate myself from the circle of wolves, and from my vantage point, I could see Shia harnessing her magical power while keeping a watchful eye on the wounded wolves. Their agony appeared to have incapacitated them to some extent.

"Only three left, huh?" I quipped with a weak laugh, my attempt at levity masking the urgency of our dire situation. In the impending clash with the larger wolf and its cohorts, I desperately needed a strategy to ensure my survival.

[hp: 79/100]

[mp: 10/50]

Glancing at my status once more, I couldn't help but envy my past self, who had haphazardly stumbled upon that enigmatic shapeshifting ability without even understanding how to use it properly.

"Shapeshifting," I mumbled, my attention fixated on the oncoming large wolf that was sprinting toward me, leaving the smaller ones behind, presumably to protect their injured comrades or engage Shia.

Suddenly, like a flash of inspiration, a rush of memories flooded my mind – every instance in which I had used the Shapeshifting ability played out before me in a rapid succession. I was left momentarily stunned, my gaze locked onto the approaching beast. "This could be really dangerous," I whispered to myself, fully aware of the perils that lay ahead.

With precious little time before the wolf lunged at me, panic was evident in Shia's eyes as she shifted her magical focus toward the larger predator. Seizing the fleeting moment, I frantically cycled through the Shapeshifting tabs, searching for the right transformation. Just as the beast was about to pounce, a circular blade-like object struck it from behind, landing a mere scratch but successfully distracting it long enough for me to execute my ridiculous plan.

Intense pain and tingling sensations surged through my lower body as my tail underwent a transformation from the inside out. The timing was impeccable, coinciding with the large wolf's imminent attack. With a swift turn, I swung my transformed tail in a slashing motion, unleashing something from the newly-formed hole at the tip directly into the wolf's face. As the beast reeled in confusion, I leaped out of the way, narrowly avoiding its now erratic strikes.

"Short-horned lizard was right all along!" I exclaimed, confidence surging back into my veins. Seizing the opportunity presented by the wolf's blindness, I promptly leaped onto its back, repeatedly clawing at it while using my clawed feet to anchor myself in place.

We engaged in a ferocious battle, the blinded wolf relentlessly attempting to dislodge me while I clung desperately to its back, striving to pierce its surprisingly resilient skin and aiming for its neck. The skirmish stretched on for what felt like an eternity as neither of us was willing to yield. Just when fatigue was beginning to exact its toll on me, a resounding crack echoed through the air. In a climactic moment, I finally breached the wolf's neck, delivering a fatal blow. The creature emitted one last, mournful howl before collapsing to the ground, dead.

{Alpha Feral Ravager defeated, Gained 20 EXP}

{Feral Ravager defeated, Gained 12 EXP}

{Feral Ravager defeated, Gained 11 EXP}

Level: 1 (Main Class)

EXP: 064/100

"Oh," I breathed out, the adrenaline coursing through my veins finally receding. Taking a moment to survey my surroundings, I noticed that the two healthy wolves had fled, leaving behind their injured companions to meet their demise. It seemed that Shia had taken care of them, providing a grim but merciful end for the wounded creatures.

As Shia approached me, I couldn't help but notice the mix of deep sadness and relief that played across her face. "We did it!" I exclaimed, a surge of relief coursing through me as I observed her uninjured state.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you more," she murmured with her head lowered, a heavy cloud of sadness settling over her.

"What? But you did—" I began to protest, but she cut me off abruptly. "No, I did NOT," she retorted, her expression filled with deep regret. "You charged headfirst into battle, and what did I do? Look at your wounds! I should have protected you! I should—" She trailed off, her words choked with emotion, but I didn't let her continue.

"Shia, you absolutely helped me!" I emphasized, my voice filled with conviction. "Can you imagine what would have happened if I didn't have your distractions? And what about that blade at the end that saved me?"

"But—" she tried to interject, but I cut her off before she could continue. With a barrage of praises, I managed to coax her out of her moody state.

"Look, it was just a bad synergy," I reassured her. "I know you'll be able to protect me from other enemies, right?"

"Yes, I can protect you," she replied, her confidence returning. Yet, in that fleeting moment, I caught a strange gleam in her eyes, one that left me slightly uneasy. "It's probably nothing," I told myself as we began assessing the state of our battleground.

Shia then inquired about the power I had used to blind the Alpha wolf.

"Oh, that?" I explained how it wasn't actually a power but a natural defense mechanism of an animal from my world. I went on to detail how I had modified the transformation, simplifying it from eyes to tail.

"Then why does that liquid seem so familiar?" she wondered aloud as we approached the fallen creature's body.

"Ah..." I blushed slightly, recalling the other alteration I had made to the ability. "The thing is... I didn't use blood," I admitted.

"Why not?" she asked, curiosity piqued.

"...While I was in the process of transforming, I realized I was losing health due to bleeding. So, if I used blood as a projectile, I'd probably lose even more health... And then I remembered that I had an almost infinite source of liquid that I could shoot without losing health," I explained, my blush deepening.

"What is that-" she began to say before realization struck her mid-sentence. "Oh."

"It's... well, it's cum," I stated bluntly, my shame evident.




If you have any sugestion, be in the world buiding or some interesting fetish, make in the coments, maybe they will be used.