Chapter 61 – Deals
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Amy was on her knees, and there were roars in the distance. I was stuck between putting the vehicle in reverse and getting the fuck out of there, or slamming the gas and running over the girl. Both were choices I didn’t like. I didn’t want to waste time searching for another route to the building, and I especially didn’t want to run over a girl who already looked like she was run over by five military tanks.

“I know her,” I said slowly.

“Of course,” Tara grumbled. “Why am I not surprised?”

“Hey, Maria asked me to fuck her and I politely refused. At least trust on that.”

“Now’s not the time for bickering,” my sister jumped out of the jeep. “If you don’t feel like running her over then I’ll drag her out of the road.”

“Wait, Alyssa-”

But before I could finish the kneeling Amy suddenly sprang at my sister like a tiger. Within minutes Alyssa was in her grasp, her arms wrapped, and her pistol fallen down.

“Nobody moves,” Amy snapped.

Tara aimed her pistol but Amy turned towards her, my sister in front.

“Oh fuck,” Alyssa groaned. She slammed her foot back straight at Amy’s crotch and turned around and punched the girl in the face. She fell down but was back on her feet again. Tara fired a bullet, but it ended a few inches to the left of Amy.

“Bad shot,” Tara muttered, aiming again.

My sister plunged towards her gun, but Amy was behind her. She gripped her from the pants, and both girls fell back to the ground.

“You dumb bitch!” Alyssa snapped. Amy rolled over her, did what looked like a very inexperienced somersault, and ended near the gun. She pulled it up and aimed it at Alyssa.

“Don’t move,” she snapped.

Why do I always get into trouble with women and guns? I got out of the jeep, signaling Tara not to move.

“Amy,” I spoke slowly. “We can help you.”

“No, you fucking can’t. So stay the fuck away.”

I met Alyssa’s eyes. I just needed a little distraction for her to grab Amy’s gun.

“Don’t move!” A new voice came behind me. When I turned, two young boys, at least two or three years younger than me appeared from behind, each holding a shotgun. They had the same fat faces with puffed cheeks and deep brown eyes. One of them was topless and the other wore a torn blue shirt and khaki pants.

So those fucks were the twins. I thought them to be tender wimps, but judging by their slightly toned bodies and the blood stains on their shirts, these weren’t people to be messed with.

“Let’s calm down,” the guy wearing the blue shirt calmly. “No one except Maria needs to get hurt. And hello to you Alyssa. What brings your sweet booty this way?”

Alyssa growled. “Han. All of this is because you can’t stick with the rules.”

“No, I know how to bend the rules. All I need is to press this one button,” he showed his watch. “And the beast will be in here. It’ll rip everyone here to shreds except me, Mel, and good old Alyssa. But you don’t want that do you Alyssa? So you’ll shut the fuck up and play the game with us. Amy, keep the pistol aimed at her.”

“I’m doing it,” Amy snapped. “You promised me Maria, give me to her.”

“Shut it bitch,” the guy called Mel growled. “We are getting there,” then her eyes moved to Tara, who recoiled and grabbed her gun. “But I think we can stop for a good fuck along the way.”

Getting out of the jeep without a gun was a bad deal. I should have known this was a fucking ambush. I just didn’t expect Amy to be the bait. How the fuck did these two even meet Amy?

I stared at Mel. I’d rather go on a suicidal run rather than let that bastard keep a hand on Tara.

I just need a plan….a quick plan.

“There is no plan,” Hal said as if reading my thoughts. “There is a choice. I offer you a deal…Alex. We know exactly where Maria is, but if we walk there she’ll probably find a way to escape since she can’t shoot us dead. But if you were to go there before us and then bring her out, that’ll make our plan much easier. She’s in the abandoned building to the east. You walk there, shout her name, and bring her out. We handle the rest.”

“You can’t kill another player,” I snapped.

“They aren’t the ones killing,” Amy voiced behind me. “I do the killing.”

Their plan slowly started to dawn on me.

“We were planning to come find you,” Hal grinned. “How nice of you to visit us along the way with a really loud jeep.”

I swear Tara was staring daggers at me.

“And what do I get in return?” I asked.

“The lives of whoever this girl is, and your sister,” Mel said, his hand rubbing his dick. “It’s sad I can’t fuck them. Can’t we fuck them and hand them over Hal?”

“Shut up,” Hal snapped. “The deal is what Mel mentioned, except the fucking. You go out with the girls and leave Maria to us. Everyone’s happy.”

Except they won’t be. I knew it from his voice. It was just a fairy tale promise. But if I took Amy out of the equation then the twins had no way to hurt my sister. Then I only needed to worry about Tara.

“Fine,” I said. “But I need assurance. If even one of the girls is hurt I’m going to fucking kill both of you.”

“Oooh, bold words. But don’t worry. You bring Maria to us and we set the girls free,” he grinned. “Now, everyone gets on the jeep. Prisoners first. And then our merry bunch will drive along to kill the most cunning woman in this entire game.”