Chapter 4: Goblins
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As Adam and Lancer ventured deeper into the forest, they halted upon hearing unfamiliar voices. Puzzled, Adam didn't recall any beasts in the area capable of speech. He motioned for Lancer to remain quiet and still, while he strained to make out the words. The voices grew louder, indicating they were approaching Adam and Lancer's position.

Cautiously, the duo crouched behind a dense thicket, observing the small party of goblins that came into view. The goblins were engaged in a heated discussion, clearly unaware of their observers.

[Goblin Warrior, Level 2]

[Goblin Warrior, Level 2]

[Goblin Warrior, Level 2]

[Goblin Archer, Level 3]

The highest-level goblin, a level 3 archer, seemed to dominate the conversation.

"Gnash, you's right," grumbled a goblin with a crooked nose. "This new chieftain be workin' us to the bone, he is."

Another goblin, this one with a missing ear, chimed in. "Aye, Skab, an' the food be gettin' worse too. Me belly's rumblin' like a cave troll!"

The level 3 goblin archer, distinguishable by his sturdy bow, spoke up authoritatively. "Listen, Runt, we's gotta do what the chieftain says, or it's our hides he'll be after. Now, enough whinin' and let's get movin'."

As Adam listened, he couldn't help but notice the goblins' repugnant smell, akin to a blend of moldy cheese and rotten meat. Their appearance was equally repulsive, with grimy, mottled skin and jagged teeth jutting from their mouths. Spotting a rock at his feet, Adam quietly picked it up and hurled it at a tree behind the goblin party.

The goblins, startled by the noise, spun around, their attention diverted. Seizing the opportunity, Adam signaled Lancer to prepare for the ambush. As the level 3 archer barked orders to his subordinates, instructing them to investigate the source of the sound, Adam whispered to Lancer, "Ready?"

Lancer nodded, brandishing its weapon in anticipation. As the goblins dispersed, Adam and Lancer sprang from their hiding spot, catching the creatures off guard. The sudden appearance of the duo plunged the goblins into chaos, presenting the perfect opening for an attack.

Lancer swiftly closed the distance to one of the goblins and skewered the unfortunate creature with a well-placed spear thrust. Its blood-curdling scream alerted the other goblins to the presence of their assailants.

The level 3 goblin archer quickly nocked an arrow, aiming at Adam. With a practiced hand, he let the arrow fly, but Adam deflected it with his spear. In retaliation, Adam lunged at the archer, his spear aimed for the creature's heart. The archer narrowly dodged the attack, his agility sparing his life.

Meanwhile, Lancer expertly engaged the other goblins, weaving in and out of their clumsy strikes. He disarmed the goblin named Skab, leaving him vulnerable and panicked.

Adam, undaunted by the archer's evasion, persisted in his assault. The goblin archer fired arrow after arrow, each barely missing its target. Finally, with a decisive swing of his spear, Adam brought the goblin leader to his knees and drove the weapon through its heart.

Witnessing their leader's demise, the remaining goblins attempted to flee in terror. Lancer, however, relentlessly pursued them, ensuring that none escaped.

With the battle won, Adam and Lancer surveyed the carnage, their opponents lying defeated on the forest floor. Adam couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement as he reviewed the system messages.

*Your party has slain [Goblin Warrior, Level 2]. You have received experience. 200xp rewarded* x3

*Your party has slain [Goblin Archer, Level 3]. You have received extra experience for killing an enemy above your level. 500xp rewarded *

"Man, that was way tougher than I thought. If we didn't get the jump on them, things could've been really bad. Fighting humanoids is so different from taking on beasts," Adam said, his voice reflecting his youthful age. He then proceeded to loot the fallen goblins. "Sweet! Ninety dream coins. I don't really have anything to spend them on right now, but who knows? Maybe they'll come in handy later. Let's see how many I've got."

Dream coins: 870

After checking his Dreamverse net worth, Adam turned to Lancer and said excitedly, "Okay, let's keep going buddy!"

Feeling pumped after their successful ambush, Adam and Lancer ventured deeper into the forest, their senses on high alert for any potential dangers. As they moved stealthily through the undergrowth, they came across a variety of intimidating beasts, each more terrifying than the last.

The first creature they encountered was a menacing level 7 forest wolf, its fur matted with blood and its eyes glowing with a predatory hunger as it feasted on its latest kill. Adam and Lancer hid from the beast, making absolutely sure they didn't make a sound. "No way, we're not taking on that guy," Adam whispered to himself. "We'll come back for you later, big fella." He gestured 'retreat' to Lancer, and they carefully backed away, double-checking that their footsteps wouldn't give them away.

As they continued their trek through the forest, Adam and Lancer came across several more beasts that were too high-level for them to risk fighting. They patiently searched for more manageable prey, determined to find a challenge that wouldn't be too dangerous for them to handle.

As they neared a tranquil, babbling stream, they spotted a group of four level 2 beavers, their small, furry bodies hunched over as they sipped water.

'I could try taking these beasts on alone, but no, this isn't about just improving my combat skills. I need to work on my leadership too. I can't be cocky. I have to use any advantage I can get.'

Having resolved his inner conflict, Adam glanced at Lancer, who seemed to understand his intentions. Lancer was ready to catch the unsuspecting beavers off guard. With a silent hand signal, Adam directed Lancer to flank the beavers from the left while he approached from the right.

'Is it just me, or is Lancer starting to seem less robotic? I feel like it's showing more emotion. Anyway, I need to focus.'

The beavers, unaware of the looming danger, continued to drink from the stream, their sharp teeth catching the sunlight. As Adam and Lancer prepared to strike, they couldn't help but admire the beavers' industrious nature, evident in the expertly crafted dam nearby.

With a sudden burst of speed, Adam and Lancer charged at the beavers, their spears poised to strike. The startled beavers emitted panicked squeaks, realizing their predicament too late.

The first beaver had no time to react before Lancer's spear found its mark, piercing the creature's side and sending it tumbling into the stream. Meanwhile, Adam lunged at the second beaver, connecting with a swift, clean strike.

The remaining two beavers, sensing imminent danger, tried to flee. But Adam and Lancer's coordinated efforts made escape impossible. With practiced precision, Lancer hurled its spear at one of the fleeing beavers, impaling it mid-run. At the same time, Adam closed the distance between himself and the last beaver, delivering a swift, decisive blow.

In mere moments, the four beavers lay defeated, their small bodies scattered across the forest floor. The victory, though not as challenging as their previous encounters, served to boost Adam and Lancer's confidence and determination.

*Your party has slain [Beaver, Level 2]. You have received experience. 100xp rewarded x4*

While Lancer retrieved the thrown spear from its quarry, Adam began to loot the beavers, starting with the one at his feet.

"Ahhhh!" Adam screamed, wincing in pain. He glanced down to see a level 4 snake, its fangs sinking deep into his flesh. The snake's scales shimmered in a mesmerizing pattern, belying the threat it posed. Panic set in immediately.

'Shit! Shit! Shit!' Adam's thoughts raced as he desperately tried to shake the snake off, but its grip remained unyielding.

The commotion caught Lancer's attention, but before the drone could come to Adam's aid, a group of beasts, likely attracted by the noise or the scent of the beavers' blood, swarmed around Lancer, keeping it occupied.

As Adam's panic intensified, his vision blurred, and the sounds around him seemed to fade into the background. He was hyper-focused on the snake and his own overwhelming fear. Left to deal with the snake alone, Adam knew he had no choice but to give it his all. Ignoring the pain and his dwindling stamina, he unleashed his [Stab] and [Cleave] skills with reckless abandon, desperate to free himself from the snake's venomous bite.

"GET OFF ME!" Adam shouted.

The battle was intense, each strike from Adam met with an equally ferocious counterattack from the snake. Sweat poured down his face as he strained to maintain focus and control his breathing.

'No, I can't do this. Deep breaths, deep breaths,' Adam thought. Halfway through the fight, a sudden flash of clarity overcame him. He remembered the countless drills he had undergone with the hive, the discipline, and the relentless training designed specifically to deal with situations like this. Taking a deep breath, he pushed his panic aside and centered himself, drawing on the strength of his training.

'Okay, I just need one hit with Cleave, just one on its head and it's dead. I can do this. Come on, you stupid snake. There!'

With newfound determination, Adam launched a final, powerful [Cleave], severing the snake's head from its body and releasing its grip on his leg.

Ignoring the system messages and the snake’s lifeless body flopping, Adam turned around to see Lancer struggling against the onslaught of beasts, its injuries growing more severe with each passing moment.

Noticing more beasts being drawn to the chaos, attacking not just them but also each other, Adam realized they needed to make a hasty retreat. Despite his own injuries, he pushed through the pain and sprinted towards Lancer, managing to fend off the closest beasts and create an opening for their escape.

"Run, Lancer!" Adam commanded, his voice hoarse and strained.

“You have [Sprint]?” Adam quickly turned to Lancers fleeing form, who quickly nodded back. “Use it, quick.”

Together, they fled from the chaotic scene using their remaining stamina on [Sprint], weaving through the forest once the skill was down and using it again once their path in front of them was clear of any obstacles. They did this till Adam was sure the battle was behind them and they could no longer hear it from their position. Both Adam and Lancer were battered and bruised, their injuries a testament to the day's brutal encounters.

“Ugghh, that was awful” Adam panted out.

“We need to go somewhere safe, We are too injured to be outside in the open right now.”

“Follow me Lancer, I know just the place.”