Weight of The World
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Wings clipped by truth

The fall swift and harsh

Lies unveiled 

Fate strung a web of deceit 

A trap, snaring the victim

This bird, tied down

Voice cut-out


Never to sing

Never to cry out

Never to sing its beautiful melodies once more

Never to give sound to its pain

The world itself, what a beautiful cage-

A big and wide unknown, and sometimes deceitful place

Freedom- is only a short illusory image 


A Mirage in the desert when one is dying from thirst

Just out of reach, as though grasping at sand as it slips through your fingertips

And as the dark begins to unravel

Twist and unwind-

Mighty is the weight thrust upon the heart,
Subduing its pulse, the beating drum- a strangled ba-thump...ba-thump...ba-thump...

An anchor drowning the soul,

Just as as heavy as one that bears a crown upon their head, 

No escape is possible now 

As the strings of fate tighten, the birds wings are broken

Fragmented and shattered

Unable to never fly

Never again to soar the skies.