Dream 8- Traveling
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The next day, Ai, having remembered Shibukawa’s scent, she went to his dojo early in the morning.

"Hello! I came by so I could learn Aki!" Ai said in a cheery mood.

"My, you’re a real diligent girl, huh!" Shibukawa said taken by her enthusiasm.

"You don't mind if I keep my jacket on do you?"

"Not at all but may I ask why you want to?" he asked.

"I like it, and it’s the only one in the world! So let’s get started!"

"Ha-ha! Very well!"

She diligently followed his teachings, all the while hiding her fox features.


After learning from him, she left the dojo when Olivia was waiting for her.

"It’s a go." He nodded. "I’m going to bring you there."

"Alright, but can I go and get something really quick back at Tokugawa's? It’s my second most valuable thing."

"Sure, what is it?"

"My sword."

"Alright, we'll swing by."

"Thank you!"

They get into a car and drive to Tokugawa's home.

When they reached it Ai quickly went inside to find the home empty of people.

"Guess he must be out or something."

She grabbed her sword, her gear, and the like were still in the bag. As she was getting her stuff she felt a soft gaze on her, she sniffed the air to find a foreign scent in the home. It was out of place in a home that smelled of smoke.

"… Shinobi hiding in the rafters. Should you look through my stuff, I will bury you in the mountains, understood?" She let out a bloodlust. "If you agree, knock on the wood once."


"Good, tell Lord Tokugawa I will be heading out for a while." Ai then takes her leave.

When she got back to the car Olivia had a small device.

"What is that?" she asked.

"Oh it's just a iPod. I figure you could learn English on the way to the airport and on the plane."

"English? Is that the language of America?"

"Well officially no, but it is the primary langue of most of the world."

"Is that so? Did everyone agree to learn the langue to get to know one another?"

"Uhhh... no. That is a whole other bag of worms. Anyway, I'll show you how to use it."

Olivia showed Ai how to use it and she begun to learn English through audio lessons.


Taking a first-class private plane to America, it amazed Ai at how people found a way to fly.

‘Fafnir is far faster… It’s a shame we can’t have these back home. Far too slow and big to avoid any monsters.’

"So, how do you like it? A luxury not many can say they got in one!"

"Are there more like these planes?"

"They sure are! Many, many more kinds! Some are made for war, cargo, transportation, and, like this one, travel."

"Oh… very interesting."

"Do you really not know what your plans are? Where the hell did you come from?"

"A very secluded place. I only found myself in Tokyo one day."

"Is that so? Well, you certainly made your way up in the world."

"Yes… moving up in the world." She looked out the window to see the slow passing clouds.

It reminded her of home.

"Say, do you know anything about clouds?"

"Sure I do! You want me to tell you the name of the clouds closest to Earth?"

"Go on; new knowledge is always welcome."

Olivia had a big smile on his face.

"I really like you, Ai! Few people are as open as you to new things! Very well!"

She listened to him talk about clouds until he reached the type highest in the sky.

"Now the cirrus clouds are the highest in the sky! With the Cirrus cloud itself, the Cirrostratus, and the Cirrocumulus! Of the three, the Cirrus cloud is one you can see just about anywhere! Even on planets like Mars and even on the planets from the outer ring!"

"That is amazing."

"Very! So how are the English?"

"*Good, stirr getting hang it!" she said in broken English.

"*Alright how about some lessons?" He said in English.

The two would go over the language. To his surprise Ai got a good grasp in the language, her sense of hear made it easier to get the inflections and the sound right.


She eventually arrived on American soil, where several men in neat black suits and glasses waited with black SUVs.

"Is this how they greet people?"

"Only the important ones!"

They get into separate cars, given Olivia’s size, and drive off. Ai looks out the window to eventually see the landmarks of Washington, D.C. The Washington Monument didn’t impress Ai, as it just looked like a joke the builders made. Across from it was the Lincoln Memorial, which caught her interest.

‘I’ll have to go and see what’s in that later.’

They eventually reached a building of pure white; she could see several more people dressed like the people who came for her.

"Right this way." They lead her in.

They took her in, where she saw several portraits of people.

‘Are these former presidents? Hmm, I wonder if the Japanese-to-English audio lessons were good enough?’

They eventually arrive at the presidential office, where President Barack Ozma was in.

"Ah! Miss Ai! It is a pleasure to meet you!" he said with a smile on his face while extending his hand.

"It is for me as well, Mr. President." She shook his hand.

"Now I’m sure you’re a busy person, so let’s finish this quickly! And it is a shame my term is ending soon." He takes out a Bible and pledges her friendship and non-aggression.


While in front of the Lincoln Memorial, Ai ponders what she would do if she were truly stuck in this world.

‘The food is nice, and the views are amazing but... I can hear so much racket, and the smells are disgusting, with the smoke from the cars stinging my nose. Maybe I need to make plans if I am truly stuck here. as saddening as that may be.’ She looks again at the statue.

"I wonder if you die. Would they build a monument like this, Cirrus? Fuyukusa would no doubt make one, but what of Orario? Would I also get one? No… I would be buried with him; it will be a tomb for us... if I can return home." She takes her leave, exploring the city by simply walking around.

She then saw several kinds of cars, and what caught her eye were motorcycles. A woman driving pulled into the park.

"Excuse me, where did you get this bike?" Ai asked, coming up to her.

"Oh, I bought this motorcycle at a dealership. It’s rather expensive."

"I see… thank you very much!"

"Not at all! Have a good day!"

One of the best things she found in this country is that just about everyone is willing to talk to you, in Japan, they really do mind their own business and avoid anything unnecessary.

‘Guess every country has its pluses and negatives.’

She then took out a smartphone Olivia gave to her. It had two numbers: Olivia and Strydum. She called Strydum, as he was the one who would be the middleman between the U.S. and her.

"Sorry for calling, but do you think I can get a motorcycle? I saw one, and it looked really fast!"

"Not at all. We’ll send one to you. Head to a park nearby and wait, oh I forgot to mention we can track you with this phone, so apologies in advance."

"That is fine. You are to assist me now, so knowing where I am is necessary."

Strydum very much appreciated her kindness.


She waited at a nearby park and enjoyed the scenery for a bit before a man in military attire came up to her, riding it.

"Ma’am! We have it ready!"

"Thank you! Oh, wait, how are you gonna get back?"

"It's fine, ma'am; my friends will come to pick me up."

"Well, alright then, thank you!" She waved at him as she got on. "Oh, can you show me how to ride it?"

"Of course! It's really simple!"

The military man told her all the things she needed to know, such as the brakes, acceleration, hand signals, and the like.

"Thank you again!

"No problem! Oh uh c-could I get a picture?"

"Not at all!"

They took a quick picture together before she left.

"Bye! Thank you again from delivering it to me!" She then rode off.

"She is very nice! And pretty too!"

Riding around on the motorcycle, Ai left the city and began traveling. She had heard of New York from Olivia and decided to go there, but,

‘Traffic fucking sucks! Screw this!’

She broke several traffic laws, but she was above the law now, and even if they wanted to arrest her.

"Hahaha!!!" She laughed as she rode her motorcycle recklessly through the streets of New York.

Her skills on the motorcycle was impressive, to say the least, for how little experience she had. It was partially due to her being a level 7 but nonetheless it amazed many who saw her.

"Yahooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She weaved and rode off several landmarks with such skill and talent that people quickly took to her enthusiasm.

She also became famous on the internet, with people calling her various nicknames as she was riding on a motorcycle and performing life-and-death stunts.

Manny were now coming up to her wanting picture's.

"Can we get a picture!!" Shouted a crowd of people.

"Of course!"

Ai happily obliged.


While she was eating some pizza at a small diner, she saw it on the international news.

"Earlier today, a man named Musashi had begun a killing spree, resulting in the deaths of several police officers. This all came from when he was in an interview and he 'Killed' the interviewer live on air, the interview said he was cut down."

Ai looked and listened to the news, and all she could say was:

‘Why did they try to arrest him when that man is still alive? This is simply unwanted bloodshed they brought on themselves.’


Once she was finished exploring the city and taking pictures, she went to a military base where Strydum told her he was stationed.

"Would it be possible to head to Greece?"

"Greece? I see no problem, but are you going to go sightseeing?"

"Something like that."

An easy request for sure. Ai’s expenses were undoubtedly far cheaper than those of the Ogres, that’s for sure, and even her kindness made them far more willing to help her.


They took her on their fastest plane to Greece. Some soldiers even made her a list of places there are to see in Greece, but there was only one that she wished to go to.

"So this is your temple, huh?"

Ai stands where once stood one of the wonders of the world, the Temple of Artemis.

"Had to ride a long way from Greece to Turkey, but here I am. It seems Japan tends to its shrines a bit better than here." Ai looks around to see only the ruins of a building. "If you were here, I’m sure you would be furious at the state that it's in while the goddess Athena still has the Parthenon. Let’s hope my prayer can somehow reach you, Art."

She gets down on her knees and puts her hands together.

As she prays, she could feel her back heat up a bit, and a number came to mind: 336.

"… 336? Minutes? Seconds? Hours? Days? Years?" She thinks about it for a bit. The number remained as if lingering in her mind as this amorphous concept permeated her mind. "Well, it seems I can check on it whenever I want, so the only thing I can do is wait. Good thing they have audiobooks!" She gets back up on her feet. "I should tell Cirrus to make them for me when I get back!"