Chapter 10: Second Attempt.
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Chapter 10: Second Attempt.

*Avariena’s POV*

We came to classroom A2. There was blood and gore everywhere. And surprise, surprise, the same ghost girl, was sitting down on a desk, eating the body of one of our fellow students. She looked to be enjoying herself… Do humans even taste that good?

That is a question that I have no intention on finding out the answer. Kaito and I were quiet, so it hasn’t noticed us just yet.

Taking aim with my handgun, I shot her head. She staggered a little bit. Once she stopped shaking around, she looked at me with a pissed off expression, but I still shot her in the head again.

Annoyingly, this wasn’t enough to kill her. She would regenerate her head each time that I shot it off. She then lunged at me, but I managed to dodge her. Kaito dodged her attack as well.

Kaito: “I don’t think that it's zombies rules with this girl, Avariena. Most of the monsters we’ve faced, requires you to destroy their heart.” Kaito explained quickly.

Damn… I wish I knew that before I wasted so many rounds on her head… Oh well. Instead of her head, I shot her chest this time. The result? Fucker was still alive…

Avariena: “Well, that didn’t work. What now?” I ask.

Kaito: “Maybe this isn’t her real body?” Kaito said after dodging the ghost girl once again.

Avariena: “And where would her actual body be?” I ask.

Kaito: “I have no idea. We should just give up trying to kill her, and try to find the dungeon core.” Kaito replied.

Avariena: “Good idea… Kaito!” I yell.

Out of nowhere, another ghost girl showed up behind Kaito. It then cut her head off in one swipe of her hand. I was ready to die with her, but I ended up waking up back in my room in the next second…

That was weird… Only she died, not me. Shit… did our Goddess scam us? I grabbed my phone and messaged Kaito.

Avariena: “What the heck happened?”

Kaito: “What do you mean? A new ghost that was invisible, appeared behind me, and then killed me.”

Avariena: “I know. I mean that, I didn’t die, but we still looped back to this morning.”

Kaito: “Are you sure that you didn’t just die quickly? I don’t remember feeling any pain at all when I died this time.”

Avariena: “Let’s ask Yuna.”

Rather than go with my driver, Kaito picked me up in her own car. It seems like she has her own driver’s license as well. Since she was the one driving.

Kaito: “You know, we have never really talked about our family situations.” Kaito said while carefully driving us to school.

Avariena: “My mom is very rich, and she loves and treats me dearly.” I reply.

Kaito: “Ah, that’s good! My mom treats me well too!” Kaito said with a smile.

Avariena: “Why bring it up now?” I ask.

Kaito: “I was wondering if us bring up our relationship to our mothers, would actually work out, or not.” Kaito replied.

Avariena: “I don’t think that my mom would be against us being together.” I reply.

Kaito: “Mine would accept our relationship as well.” Kaito said with a bright tone.

We spent the rest of the drive just happily chatting. For me, this was a welcome change to how we usually spend our time together. You know, it’s hard to have heartfelt conversations, when you’re in a situation where you can die at any moment.

Rather than head to any other part of the school, we just went straight to Yuna’s office. Honestly, I have become far too used to this. Readopting to heading to class instead of her office, will be an annoyance… Though, it would be a welcomed one.

Yuna: “Oh come on! That was the shortest loop by far!” Yuna complained.

Kaito: “Not our fault. You saw what happened. Now, why is it when I died, Avariena died as well?” Kaito asked with a serious tone.

Yuna: “She didn’t. You twos mental states fall apart once one of you dies. So, I just killed myself, which killed Avariena. A very painless death for her.” Yuna explained.

Avariena: “So… we’re linked to you?” I ask with a nervous tone.

Yuna: “That’s correct. It was the only way for you two to remember each loop, regardless of who dies first.” Yuna replied.

Kaito: “I feel like you left out something very important. Is there anything else that we should know about?” Kaito asked with a serious tone.

Yuna: “Hm… apart from that, you two won’t age at all.” Yuna replied.

What? That’s something that we should have been told! Oh well, it’s actually a benefit to us anyway.

Yuna: “Does that answer all of your questions? Good. Now, please just destroy the dungeon core. I really, really, want to get out of this loop now.” Yuna asked with a pleading tone.

In the next second, she was gone. Which was weird, since it didn’t feel like we got trapped in the pocket dimension… It looked basically normal.

Avariena: “Any idea what the theme of this one will be?” I ask with a curious tone.

Look, if Kaito can stay calm in this situation, then so can I!

Kaito: “Fuck… we might as well just kill ourselves…” Kaito said with a sigh.

Avariena: “Um… explain? I’ve never seen you give up before.” I ask with a shocked expression and tone.

Kaito: “If I am guessing this correctly, the theme, as you called it, is a death game.” She said with a grim tone.

Avariena: “What kind of death game? Maybe we can win it?” I ask.

Kaito: “No chance. We’ve had this theme 80 times. As you would guess, we can never win. It’s rigged.” Kaito explained.

Yuna: “Kaito is correct. Sorry girls, this loop is a bust as well. Let’s reset, shall we?” Yuna said, after appearing out of nowhere.

And then, I was back in my room. Fuuuuuuuuuuuck! Can we just have some actual good fucking luck!? The past few loops have been just completely impossible to fucking do! Aaaah! I am going to have a stroke!