Commandment 1: Third Tryfing Judge
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Hall of the Heroes.


A yawn erupted from a silver haired deity, he cradled a lance as he sat on a chair. The deity himself pushed back on the table, balancing the chair on its back legs. It's clear to see that this deity was a very "easy going kinda guy", as the humans would say.


Next to him was a bald deity who stood dumbfounded.


"Achilles, is it possible for you to take deity hood seriously once and while?"


"Seriously? There's nothing to do. The humans have started to waver in their faith in us, I barely get any prayers!" Achilles snorted, jumping up from his chair.


"Patroclus, how long ago was the last Tryfing?"


"Human years or our years?"




"Hmm… I say fifty-five years."


"That's like 2,500 eons for us! Ughhhh." Achilles threw his spear in frustration.


"Achilles, even if another Tryfing did start, there's no guarantee either of us would be selected. There can only be seven chosen deities per Tryfing," Patroclus said as he picked up Achilles's spear.


Achilles' frustration quelled a bit;, what Patroclus said was true. After the first Tryfing took place in 1840 AD, God implemented a new rule for the game, the first deity to lose in the game will return for the next Tryfing. Obtaining first round role pick.


So while there are eight Participants, only seven of them would be randomly selected among the copious amount of deities. Greek hero deities in particular, like Achilles and Patroclus, had always wanted the chance to show their mettle in the Tryfing.


"When do you think God will send Damaris back down?" Achilles said back on the chair, this time sitting backwards on the chair. Leaning on the top rail of the chair.


"Sigh… Don't tell me you're lovesick too?" Patroclus shook his head side to side. "Are you complaining because you want to fight or to see the cute angel girl?"


"Why can't it be both?" smiled Achilles.


The two eternal battle brothers laughed together, soon the laughter sounded stronger. As if someone else was laughing with them.


"So who's the cute angel girl? The mysteriously sassy voice said. The battle brothers turned to see Damaris smiling at them. She knew they were talking about her, she just wanted to "bust their chops", as humans would say.


Achilles looked at her a bit annoyed that she was eavesdropping. " You, little miss angel, maybe next time you can probably introduce yourself and not eavesdrop into stranger's conversations."


"Awww I was just having fun," pouted Damaris. It didn't dawn on either of the deities that THE messenger of God was right next to them. It took a few moments but Patroclus reacted first.


"Wait, miss, if you are here does that mean the third Tryfing is officially going to start?" Patroclus looked at Achilles as he said "third Tryfing".


Damaris nodded her head smiling the whole time. "I'm looking for Achilles. You guys look like Greek deities, can you point me in his direction?"


The two battle brothers simultaneously pointed dumbfoundedly, Patroclus at Achilles and Achilles at himself.


"LUCKY! I was floating all around looking for you, people kept staring at me! Can you believe how rude some deities are?"


Patroclus sighed, either Damaris was a major idiot or a conning mastermind of trolling.


Achilles stood up "does this mean I'm one of the seven selected deities?" Joy sparkled in his eyes. Only to be immediately shot down by the pink haired angel in front of him.




Achilles sat back down, depression sinking in. Patroclus patted his battle brothers back, as if to say "there there, y'all get picked next time."


"So then why are you looking for Achilles?" He said as he was comforting Achilles.


"Papa has appointed Achilles as judge for the third Tryfing." Immediately after saying this, Damaris bought out party poppers and popped them in front of Achilles.


The confetti and streamers landed on his face, Achilles didn't look amused in the slightest. "Congratulations! What an amazing honor!" Shouted Damaris.


The judge is always picked first before the seven deities that will participate in the Tryfing. The judge role is a powerful role, being embedded with power directly from God, they can intervene in the battlefield if things get out of hand.


The Tryfing itself has its own set of rules; or Commandments, that the judge must have the eight retainers and their deities uphold.


At the same time, they have jurisdiction to create special commandments and objectives the retainers need to follow. So long as they don't contradict the established commandments, the judge could come up with anything.!


"Me? The judge?" Achilles looked shocked then disappointed. "I really wanted to participate in the Tryfing."


"Papa thought you would say that, he knows how you heroic deities are, so he told me to tell you this!" Damaris shifted her voice to mock her Papa again. "Promise Achilles, that if he can be a fair and amazing judge I will select him for either the fourth or the fifth Tryfing."


Achilles jumped up from the chair and laughed a joyous laugh. "I'll take that deal!" Patroclus smiled at Achilles and asked, " So when does the selection for the seven start?"


Damaris turned to him and gave a cute smile, "it already has! Papa should be sending the invitation telepathically once Achilles accepts." She turns back to Achilles. "Judge Achilles, we need to get you up to speed so come with me, I'll be your assistant." She posed cutely to him, winking at him.


"So count on me if you need help!"


Achilles looked at her and gave her a thumbs up. As they were about to leave, the pink haired angel suddenly stopped. "Oops, I almost forgot, I have to say this or it's not official!"


The angel had what looked like a fanny pack behind her. Searching around, she pulled a scroll and opened it.


"The call has been asked. Do you, the heroic Greek deity Achilles, answer this call? To judge the sacred battle that is known as the Tryfing?"


Damaris demeanor completely changed, she took this deadly seriously.


"To uphold the commandments of thy Father and hold honorable duels between deities and their human retainers? Do you accept this sacred call?"


Achilles smirked, grabbed his lance from Patroclus, and twirled it like only a heroic Greek deity like he could. And responded the only way a crude, easy going deity like he could.


"You bet your angelic ass, I accept."


Third Tryfing


Official judge: heroic Greek deity, Achilles.


Support judge: Angel, Damaris.


Chosen deities: Not yet picked.


Fantasia world: not yet created.


Starting year: not yet decided.