Commandment 15: The Tug of War To Determine the Fate of The Human Race Part 3
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“This has to be a bluff! Father was too much of a coward to face me years ago!” Lucifer snarled. He and his Nepillim pulled the chains with more ferocity and urgency. “Show yourself you sorry excuse for a Father!”


A subspace portal appeared in the ceiling of the cell, positioned in the center of where the chain currently was. A figure broke through the portal, shards of the portal exploding over the cell. It looked like broken glass scattering the ground, like stained glass from a church.


The figure let out a battle cry that erupted all throughout the jailhouse, as he fell from the ceiling into the chain. He prepared to stab the object he was holding into the middle of the chain.





A common Greek battle cry, one that Lucifer has heard many times. “You Greek deities always get in my way!” Lucifer growled. The object pierced through the chains. It didn’t break the chains though, instead, the figure stabbed the object all the way into the ground and held it in place.


“Sorry, Lucy, there's no way in Hell we are going to let your ass take that human as your vessel!” Achilles held what looked like a standard rusted spear. He was flexing and using his might to tame the evil ather in the chains. This caused Michael to be relieved of the attacks Lucifer was sending to him.


“Achilles! Why are yo—” Lucifer eyes widened and his nostrils moved as he smelt the foul ather again. “Father is embedding you with his power… But why?”


Achilles stood up from his crouched position, it was taking a lot of his strength and mental fortitude to hold the old spear in place. “Oh? You don’t know what is really going on, do you?” Achilles smirked.


Lucifer bit his lip thinking about what he just heard. The new angel girl and all the angels somehow were here to take his vessel. Why? Why would they want to take his vessel away at this moment? They had no way to sav— And that was when it finally crossed his mind.


“The Tryfing, that forsaken game of his! I couldn’t see or sense what has been happening the past two days in Elysium.” Lucifer let his left hand go and started to move his fingers in strange patterns. A dark aura appeared to swirl around his fingers.


“Trying to break the seals on your other Nephilim? Not going to happen. Warden Hades is in the underworld blocking the rest of your losers from appearing,” Achilles said. Hades was in the underworld, at the Earth’s core. He stood near Lucifer's prison, a stone shaped like a sphere. It laid in the core and was held with chains and religious objects from all the different religions the deities helped create.


He had his eyes closed and his arms outstretched in front of the sealed sphere like he was praying.


Achilles looked to the angels and shouted to them. “This is it! You angels aren’t alone! The Greek heroic deities are here as well!” Rushing out of the leftover portals from Elysium the three Greek deities that were trusted by Achilles to help protect and create the Fantasia world from Lucifer influence had arrived. For them to appear now meant only one thing…


The Fantasia world had finally been finished. They had to rush the job once Damaris gave Achilles the spear from the Ark of the Covenant. But these three were efficient deities, able to get quality work done in a rushed manner.


Achilles had picked his two eternal battle brothers, Patroclus and Hercules. He also chose his mentor Chiron for the role of guardian, as well. The three Greek heroic deities grabbed the chain and quickly got into position. It was a sight to behold; deities and angels working together again like their Father had always intended.


“You accused, Greeks. You always get in my way. First, that wretched Hades kidnaps my Persphone, then in the rebellion you all were the hardest to defeat! NOW THIS?!” Lucifer said. “I wouldn’t let any of yo–” While he was speaking he tried to pull on the ethereal chain but it wasn’t budgeting. He looked at the old rusted spear that was stabbed in between the chains.


“That spear, the spear that killed Father’s vessel.” Lucifer’s anger had turned to an intense rage. The spear of Longinus, the holy lance created for the one purpose but to rid the world of Jesus Christ's bones and body. The spear was the living embodiment of God's will, it was as if God himself was pulling the chain from Lucifer.


“Longinus… Damn you, Father!”


“This is for Lady Persepone!” Achilles screamed.


“FOR LADY PERSEPONE!” The three Greek deities shouted in unison. Back in the underworld, Hades still had his eyes closed and his hands out holding the dark aura trying to reach the seals.


“For Lady Persephone,” Hades whispered, with tears rolling down his face.


The heroes all braced themselves. Micahel looked towards Uriel and Rapahel, the two he sent on this mission. He smiled at them and nudged his head. “Give the Call, Uriel and Raphael”


The two angels took this chance for redemption, to end this together.


“On three!” Raphael screamed at the top of his angelic lungs.


“One…two…three!!!!” Uriel counted and yelled. The four Greek heroic deities, and even Hades himself alone in the underworld, screamed after Uriel. They screamed the Greek battle cry that was ingrained into their souls.




They pulled together, moving Luther back inch by inch. He tried to worm his way out but nothing worked. “No, he's going to hurt me more. Please stop this! LET ME G—”


“AGAIN!” Raphael screamed over Luther, with Uriel counting to three after Raphael screamed.


“ELELEU!!!!!!!!!!!!!” shouted the Greek heroic deities, pulling with even more might, closer and closer. Lucifer and his nephilim couldn’t hold the chain back any longer. Raphael screamed another time as Uriel counted down to prepare everyone.

The Greek heroic Deities shouted their battle cry one last time. The last big pull was the mightiest of them all. It caused the angels and the deities to fall backwards into the portal. Luther, who had accepted his fate to die and was in Uriel’s arm, stared at Lucifer who stood with his eyes narrowed in rage. Luther reached out to Lucifer with his hand, as if he wanted Lucifer to grab it and take him back.


“Please, I'm sorry don’t hurt me!” he shouted.


Achilles blocked Luther’s vision as he made his way into the portal next.


Achilles entered the portal and grabbed the right side of it. Michael returned to the entrance of the portal after making sure Luther was secured. He grabbed the left side of the portal.


The two deities began to seal the portal, and as they moved to do so, Michael looked at Lucifer straight in his eyes.


“That's what we got, Brother.”




The subspace portal disappeared, cutting the length of the ethereal chain that couldn’t reach Elysium. Lucifer and his nephilim stood in the destroyed cell. Outside, a barrier had been created by Raphael to keep humans away. It finally disappeared and officers rushed in to see the cell in shambles and their criminal gone.


They couldn’t see the three fallen angels but could feel the cold and sickening aura they radiated. Baphomet and Asmodeus’ arms returned to their “supposed sealed prisons.”


“What now, my Lord?” Baphoment telepathically said to Lucifer.


“I’ll look for my vessel and reach him one last time. If that fails,” Lucifer began, slowly disappearing back to his physical body.


“There’s always next Tryfing.”


Lucifer smiled wickedly; his smile was the last thing to fade away.


3rd Tryfing


Official judge: Heroic Greek deity, Achilles.


Support judge: Angel, Damaris.


Chosen deities:

Ra: Demi-God: Darren Donaldson

Lugh: Knight: Ariel Morales

Zhong Kui: Exorcist

Inari: Polymath: Kento Sanosuke

Freya: Assassin: Charlie Wilson

Nuada: Conqueror

Minerva: Tactician


Team Arc-Angel: Hero Luther Satenly


Fantasia world: The world known as Helioan


Starting year: not yet decided.

