Hanami Chp.21
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The school principle Ms Mitashi sipped at her cup of chamomile tea. She found herself very much in need of something to steady her nerves, having just had a rather fraught conversation with the genuinely distraught teacher Mr Hibaki, over the incident with Shoko.

She’d had to reassure him that she was convinced that he hadn’t intentionally discriminated against Shoko on the basis of her species, that she understood he’d missed the orientation and awareness briefing before school started entirely by accident, specifically a minor car accident that had unexpectedly taken up that day. She had to admit, she hadn’t checked back with Mr Hibaki that he’d read the summery he’d been sent, and thus hadn’t realised it omitted details on Shoko’s age. Which in hindsight was perhaps not wise even though it was school policy not to include students personal details in documents that would leave the grounds and thus their confidentiality couldn’t be assured.

Now she was mentally preparing herself to discuss matters with Shoko and convey the sincere apologies of her teacher to her… hopefully forestalling any further upset. Inari was a quite understanding parent, but Ms Mitashi really didn’t want to find out the limits of that. Aside from anything else, for all that she was an ancient fox goddess, she was also a warm and likeable young woman who was doing her best to overcome some serious problems of her own. Ms Mitashi did not want to cause her trouble.

Deciding that it would be better to go and talk to Shoko, rather than ask her to come to her office, Ms Mitashi finished the last of her tea and walked down to the nurses office and the school sick room.

She stopped just outside her destination as the faint sound of laughter drifted though the green painted door. Ms Mitashi looked thoughtful, wondering what the source of hilarity was. She knocked, and entered.

Inside Shoko and her friend Chihiro were sitting on the same bed, being watched by Mrs Fubuki the school nurse. Between the two girls was a young fox cub, almost mummified in a bright yellow blanket. Shoko was holding the cub still while Chihiro was holding what looked like a bottle of milk and attempting to feed it… although quite a bit of the milk had been relocated over them both.

Both young girls looked guiltily at Ms Mitashi, while the school nurse looked ready to leap to their defence.

Ms Mitashi sighed, shaking her head.

“I am going to assume there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for this, which I’m sure we can discuss after that young cub has eaten it’s fill. Chihiro, that is not how you feed a young one. Shoko, for now I will say that your teacher is rather upset at their mistake and wishes you to know that he apologies sincerely. Now… pass me the little one and let me show you how this is supposed to be done… Oh and Mrs Fubuki, could you fetch us some more towels, as I rather think they’ll be needed.”

Wordlessly Chihiro handed the bottle to Ms Mitashi who sat herself on the edge of the bed between the two girls, and put the wrapped up cub on her lap. She tested the temperature of the bottle on her wrist, and nodded.

“I hope this isn’t baby formula?”

Mrs Fubuki shook her head.

“No, I ran out to the vets surgery nearby and bought some puppy formula milk. I was told it’s close enough for a young fox cub.”

Ms Mitashi nodded, smiling as she deftly manoeuvred the cub into a semi-upright position and presented it with the bottles nipple, by inserting a finger to open it’s mouth and slipping the nipple in.

Moments later the young cub was happily suckling. Without taking her eyes off of the young thing in her lap, Ms Mitashi quietly asked.

“Now, perhaps one of you might like to tell me why we have a young fox cub here? This isn’t a relative of yours Shoko, is it?”

Shoko grinned nervously…

“Mayyybe… I’m not sure. I mean, she is a Kitsune. But she isn’t anyone I know, and she’s too young to talk so I can’t ask. Chihiro found her.”

“Chihiro, would you like to tell me how that came about?”

Chirhiro took a deep breath.

“It started when Shoko got upset in class Ms Mitashi, you see when she ran off, I ran after her...”

By the time Chihiro had finished recounting the tale of her adventure through a magical portal into another realm, and how she found her way back with what she’d thought at the time was her friend Shoko, the little cub had finished the bottle and fallen asleep again.

Ms Mitashi looked at the pair of young girls thoughtfully.

“Well, I must say. You have had quite the day you two. Shoko, if you are upset at anything in school, could you promise to come to me please? Rather than running off to hide somewhere.”

“Yes Ms Mitashi!”

“And you Chihiro, were very brave and resourceful… but perhaps in future you might consider enlisting some adult assistance first?”

Chihiro nodded, slowly.

“I’m sorry Ms Mitashi… I only thought of that after I wriggled into the bushes and then it was too late to turn around.”

“I see, well I’m sure this has been a learning experience for both of you, so I shan’t record your absence from class. However, that leaves us the question of what to do with this little cub? Shoko, I don’t suppose you’d know how likely it is that her parents will be looking for her?”

Shoko shrugged.

“I’m sorry Ms Mitashi sempai, I thought there weren’t any other kitsune outside of Hokkaido! But I do know if they’re alive they won’t ever stop looking for her. No kitsune would.”

Mitashi considered what she knew of Inari, and nodded slowly.

“Yes, I can believe that. So… until proven otherwise I think we should assume she’s possibly an orphan, although we should definitely make all efforts to find her parents, But it does raise the question of who should look after her, at least for the meantime.”

Chihiro raised a hand slowly.

“Ms Mitashi sempai… she trusts me. I could make her a sling and take her to class with me, she won’t be any trouble I promise! Please!”

Ms Mitashi smiled slightly.

“I somehow doubt that… quite apart from anything else I’m sure your friends would be thrilled to see her, and will likely want to spoil her. But the school does have a policy regarding students with children in their care, younger siblings and so on, permitting them to bring them into school if no other alternative daycare is available. Although we’ve never actually had to put it in action before. I think this may count as a test run, if you wouldn’t mind helping us with that?”

Chihiro made a quietly little ‘Eee!’ sound and nodded. Then asked;

“Ms Mitashi sempai, may I have permission to rummage in the lost and found box, to find something I can make a sling out of for her?”

“You may indeed. I believe it’s home economics next for you two? So I will come with you to class and explain to your teacher that this counts as a class project. I would also suggest you find a few minutes to phone your mother and inform her of who you’ll be bringing home with you. I’m sure she’d appreciate that.”

Chihiro nodded, then looked slightly crestfallen.

“Oh… but she won’t be home tonight since she’s working the evening shift…”

Ms Mitashi considered for moment.

“I take it you’ve never had a puppy in your family, have you?”

Chihiro shook her head. Ms Mitashi sighed.

“Very well then, if you wouldn’t mind waiting in my office for a little while after school, I’ll drive you home and help you get set up and see that you know what you’re doing. A kitsune can’t be that different...surely?”

Ms Mitashi looked inquiringly at Shoko who shrugged.

“I don’t think so… I don’t remember being a baby of course, but Mother Inari has told me stories. She said that the first year or so all they do is eat, sleep and play, more or less in that order. You’ll need toys to keep her entertained, and lots of hugs… she’ll want to sleep next to you, Chihiro. Oh.. and she said that little kitsune are smart and very curious, so she’ll probably figure out doors and things quickly.”

Ms Mitashi smiled fondly.

“Not so very different than some puppies I’ve raised then. Very well, I’ll help you get her settled in Chihiro, I’ll call the vets once you’re in class and arrange for them to meet us at your home to check her and don’t worry about the bill. Then we shall all have to think about finding her parents. Shoko can you ask Inari for me..”

Shoko shook her head.

“Mother Inari is in Tokyo. I have her number but she said not to call unless it was an emergency because she and Paul-san would be busy. Kiko is looking after me, but I don’t think she’d know how to find them.”

Ms Mitashi paused a moment, thinking, as she pressed her lips together to avoid saying something thoughtlessly. She had to remind herself that not only were they Kitsune, but Inari and Shoko stemmed from different eras, with different attitudes. Evidently Inari expected Shoko to be capable of looking after herself, with a little help, at least for a day or two. She nodded to herself.

“Very well. Hm… Kiko-sama is acting as Inari’s archivist isn’t she?”

Shoko nodded, frowning, then her face lit up as she realised what Ms Mitashi was suggesting.

“Oh! Of course! Kiko-san might not know herself, but I bet she’d know how to look in the archives and find answers there! She might even be able to discover who her parents are!”

Ms Mitashi smiled.

“Exactly right Shoko. Now do you see the importance of keeping records, girls?”

Shoko and Chihiro both replied.

“Yes, Ms Mitashi sempai!”


Lunch time found Chihiro and Shoko on the roof of the school building, sitting at a table surrounded by what seemed like most of the girls at school, while the young cub stood on the table, absolutely glorying in the amount of attention she was receiving. She’d also proven old enough to be eating solid food… and so far her appetite appeared to be both omnivorous and endless. Shoko was fairly sure the small cub had eaten almost her entire body weight in titbits from everyone’s bento boxes.

She’d been cosseted and fussed over to her little hearts content, and pampered until her coat gleamed a glossy chestnut red, with golden highlights and cream colouring on her round little belly. Tomiso had even shyly produced from his pocket a hairclip in the shape of a tiny pink bow, and clipped it in the cubs fur next to her ear.

The collective sigh at that sight was almost enough to ruffle her tail as she sat there, proudly beaming at everyone it seemed. The next few minutes ended up being devoted to taking pictures, until the cub grew bored of that.

Shoko noticed that Usagi-chan, as she’d dubbed Haruko Isobe when they first met and the nickname has stuck, was sitting off by herself with a large sketchpad on her knees and a spill of coloured pencils on the bench next to her.

“Whatcha doing?”

Usagi-chan startled, nearly dumping everything to the floor, her long rabbit ears instinctively going flat. She still kept them hidden outside of school but when she was with her school-friends she now freed her ears from their hiding place among her braids.

“Oh! Shoko! Don’t sneak up on me like that!”

“Wasn’t sneaking, I waved at you twice!”

Usagi-chan sighed.

“Sorry, sorry… I get so caught up in drawing sometimes.”

Shoko tilted her head looking at her friend.

“You a part of the art club as well as music?”

“Sort of… promise not to laugh at me?”


Usagi-chan smiled timidly.

“I draw anime and manga art… I want to be an illustrator when I grow up.”

Shoko grinned.

“That’s cool!”

Usagi-chan nodded, then sighed, causing Shoko to frown and ask..

“That is cool, isn’t it?”

“My parents don’t think so. They think I should get a proper safe job in an office. They say artists never make any money and it’s not a respectable profession.”

“Ha! Inari is.. or she was… a patron of artists and poets. Or so she’s told me. I bet she’d be your patron too… you can’t be more respectable than that!”

Usagi-chan giggled, looking down at her sketch book and stroking her ears.

“That’s silly… Inari being a patron of a manga?!”

Shoko shrugged.

“Well, why not? It’s art isn’t it? Besides, I bet she’d like manga or anime more than she likes what they call ‘modern art’… She likes funny stories you know. Um.. can I take a look?”

Usagi-chan hesitated, then shoved the sketch book at Shoko.

The book was open at the sketch of the young cub with her bow in her fur. It was only a rough unfinished sketch but it caught the proud and pleased expression she’d worn quite well. Shoko lifted the corner of the page, then looked at Usagi-chan

“Can I look at the rest?”

Usagi-chan hesitated, then nodded, although Shoko could see she was nervous. As Shoko leafed through the pages, she saw sketches of her friends, of places around town, but also of fantastical things even by her standards, like vast whales swimming through the sky above the familiar skyline of the port, or what she guessed was perhaps Amaterasu leaning down from a cloud to buy an ice cream from a cart.

Then Shoko stopped, staring at a portrait of herself in Miko robes. Usagi-chan peered and then realising what page Shoko was looking at tried to grab the book away from her. Shoko reluctantly handed it back as Usagi-chan went bright red and started to stutter out an apology.

“Usagi-chan, it’s ok! I like it!”

Usagi-chan stared at Shoko, blinking, her glasses making her look more owl-like than rabbit.

“You… you do?”

“Umhm! Yes! One question though… when did you see me in robes? I don’t wear them to school.”

Usagi-chan ducked her head and mumbled something even Shoko’s sharp fox ears didn’t catch.


“I said.. Halloween!”

Shoko’s eyes widened..

“Oh! That long ago?! Wait… why would you sketch me then? You didn’t know me?”

“No but I wanted to! Eep! Ah! Umm… Pretend I didn’t say that!”

Shoko grinned.

“Ohhhh…. You saw a fox girl and wanted her to chase you did you? Did you find the idea of being caught thrilling? Maybe I should gobble you up right now. Hmm…?”

Usagi blushed all the way up to the tips of her ears, and hiding her face behind her sketch book stammered out in a half-strangled whisper.

“I..I..I… I m-might like being...ah.. being eaten.. if it was you!”

Shoko blinked, and belatedly took a look at Usagi-chan’s aura… and was hardly surprised to find it suffused with the bright energies of love and desire, as well as an undertone of budding, unrealised-as-yet carnal feelings but over all that was the sense of longing, the overwhelming need to be close and belong to her. In other words, a serious crush.

Shoko took a deep breath, and let it out slowly, as Usagi-chan sat trembling, hiding her face behind her sketchbook. Shoko was suddenly glad that the young cub was the center of everyone else's attention, and that if anyone glanced over their way, Usagi-chan would blocked from view by her.

Shoko focused on her innate magic for a moment, weaving a ‘look elsewhere’ spell around the pair of them. Turning her attention back to the cringing Usaki-chan, she lowered her voice.

“Haruko, look at me, please?”

Usagi-chan peeked over the edge of her sketch book, on the verge of tears. She gasped softly as she looked up and stared into Shoko’s eyes, who’d leaned closer unnoticed.

“It’s ok little rabbit. I’m flattered. This is your first time, isn’t it?”

Usagi-chan nodded, hope beginning to leak into her gaze. Then she bit her lip, and in a voice that shook like Sakuranbo, cherry blossoms in the wind

“But you, and Chihiro…?”

Shoko chuckled.

“Oh, I tease her but we aren’t like that. It’s just pretense. She’s my friend, I could even see her as a sister… but nothing else, even though she’s like you. Because it’s not something she wants.”

Usagi-chan lifted her head, and in a voice barely above a breath, asked.

“Could you, maybe… want me?”

Shoko smiled.

“I hardly know you… but yes. I’d like to know you more, as friends first. We have lots of time. Maybe we could hang out first?”

Usagi-chan nodded.

“Yes please! Um… after school, today?”

Shoko laughed.

“Eager! Yes.. ah…although tomorrow, Saturday. I think I’m going to be busy after school today. But yes, a coffee date it is. Do you know the Yokai cafe?”

Usagi-chan nodded, a smile lighting her face like the sun coming out from behind rain clouds.

“Yes! I.. I’ve never dared go in there, but I know where it is. I’ve stood outside often enough!”

Shoko grinned.

“Ok then, as long as you don’t mind me working at the same time?”

“Working? You work there?!”

Shoko nodded.

“Yup! Part-time, but yes. I have a shift there tomorrow afternoon. So you’ll get to see me in my maid-dress. Meet me there at Eleven and we can hang out before my shift. ”

Usagi-chan’s eyes went wide as her jaw dropped, scarlet staining her cheeks.

“M..ma..ma.. maid-dress!”

Shoko laughed, as Usagi-chan looked like she might faint from an over-active imagination.

“Bring your sketch book Usagi-chan, I’ll pose for you if you like.”

Usagi-chan’s eyes were as wide as saucers, as she nodded hard enough to send her twin braids flying.


Shoko grinned..

“Ok, I’ll talk to Kokoro-sama, she’s the boss there, and if we’re not too busy I’ll ask if Etsu wants to join in. She’s a neko, cat spirit girl. She’ll probably like the idea of being drawn, she’s kinda like that, she craves attention.”

If anything Usagi-chan’s eyes went even wider, as she nodded until her glasses slid down her nose.


It was at the end of the school day, when they were sitting outside Ms Mitashi’s office, waiting for her to finish and drive Chihiro home, that Shoko got chance to talk to her friend in private. The wait had given Shoko time to think, and possibly over think. What if Chihiro really did like Shoko ‘that’ way? What if she was only pretending not to be interested, because she was embarrassed?

Shoko knew she could get hints from Chihiro’s aura, but there was a couple of problems with that. Firstly, it was only hints, and secondly it didn’t feel entirely right to peek into her friends feelings like that.

So, she waited until they were alone, before bringing it up.

“Um… Chihiro, can we talk?”

Chihiro sighed slightly, Shoko had been acting weird ever since lunch break. She probably thought she hadn’t noticed it, but Chihiro had caught her looking at her oddly, as if she was trying to puzzle something out and she’d looked like she was almost on the brink of saying something once or twice, but then they’d been interrupted.

“What’s the matter Shoko? What’s bothering you?”

Shoko didn’t answer right away, she scuffed at the floor with the toe of her shoe as they sat in silence. Then she stilled, evidently reaching some sort of decision.

“How do you feel about me Chihiro? I know I tease you… but would you call me your girlfriend?”

Chihiro stilled, her mind racing. Shoko being serious was unusual… No, that’s not quite fair. Chihiro thought, she’s always serious, even when she’s joking. She just doesn’t always appear to be. Which means she must really be serious now!

“I.. honestly, I don’t know. We’re friends, best friends even. Maybe if we were older we could be girlfriends. But now.. I just don’t feel that way.”

Shoko sighed, sounding relieved, and she nodded.

“That’s what I thought. That’s the problem… when you’re old enough to want a girlfriend, I’ll still be like this. I won’t look old enough for you.”

Chihiro looked wide eyed at Shoko. She hadn’t even thought of that problem! But Shoko was right, she tried to picture them in a few years time. Shoko wouldn’t look that different, as she didn’t age as fast. But Chihiro tried to imagine herself as a nearly collage girl, dating someone who looked like she belonged in middle school, lower middle school at best...

“Um… yeah. I didn’t think of that. If we tried doing the things couples do in public, people would call the police!”

Shoko chuckled, a small mirthless bitter sound.

“Yeah… that happens.”

Chihiro sighed.

“This isn’t the first time is it?”

Shoko shook her head.

“No, there’s a load of stories Mother Inari’s told me. Kitsune and human love affairs are incredibly difficult in some ways. Plus, just being a kitsune is hard some days… I mean, I’m eighty years old, and I still can’t just go and buy a beer!”

Chihiro giggled, then bit her lips.

“Sorry, sorry… I know it’s not funny for you…”

Shoko grinned.

“Yeah, It’s ok. It makes me laugh too sometimes. Although sometimes it’s either laugh or cry. You have any idea what it’s like, trying to make friends knowing they’ll grow old and die before you’re even fully grown up? Humans are just like sakura to Kitsune.”

Chihiro said nothing but she turned in her seat and pulled Shoko into a hug, resting her chin on the top of her head, Shoko’s ear tufts tickling her cheeks.

“It’s ok Shoko. We’ll always be friends. And so what if our time is limited, it’ll still be fun. We’ll make the most of it while we can.”

Shoko sighed into Chihiro chest, and nodded slightly.

“Yeah… there’s something else Chihiro. Um… I don’t know quite how to say this, and please don’t be offended. But I can’t be your girlfriend for another reason… there’s someone else.”

Chihiro leaned back, looking Shoko in the eyes.

“Shoko...are you.. breaking up with me?!”

Shoko’s eyes went wide, panic stricken suddenly, until Chihiro started laughing at her expression.

“Oooo! YOU!

Chihiro made an urgent “shh!”, nodding in the direction of where the young cub lay sleeping. Shoko clapped her hand over her mouth and nodded.

“Sorry Shoko… that was just too good an opportunity. Payback for all the times you teased me.”

Shoko smiled ruefully.

“Yeah, ok. I deserved that. For a moment there I was afraid you’d been serious all along and only pretended to be joking…”

“Couldn’t you tell if I was doing that?”

Shoko shrugged.

“Feelings are complicated to read sometimes, especially if you were lying to yourself as well. Plus, we’re friends. It’s not right to peek like that, I think.”

Chihiro nodded slowly, then smiled, a sly look on her face.

“Soooo…. Who is it? Tomiso?”

Shoko shook her head.

“Oh no… he or she’s still trying to figure themselves out. No, it’s Usagi-chan.”

Haruko ?!”

Shoko nodded.

“She has crush on me… has done since she saw me during Halloween.”

Chihiro’s eyes widened.

Really? But… she’s a rabbit girl and you’re a kitsune…”

Shoko smiled a naughty little grin.

“Yeah… I teased her about being chased and eaten and she said she wouldn’t mind being eaten if it was me. I have to admit.. I think I like the idea of eating her too..!”

Scandalised Chihiro exclaimed in a whisper.

“Shoko! You…. You really are such a kitsune sometimes!”

Shoko giggled, grinning cheekily.

“I know, and you still like me!”

Chihiro sighed, shaking her head.

“I do… so, you two planning on dating? Or are you planning on skipping right ahead to the.. ah.. ‘eating’ part?”

Sobering up slightly Shoko nodded.

“Yeah, thought it would be best if we got to know each other first. I think we’ll stick to hand-holding at most, for now anyway. I’m following Inari’s advice. It’s the first time for her, so we’re taking it slow and doing it right.”

Chihiro frowned slightly.

“Um… Shoko… does that mean it’s not your first time? I mean you don’t have to say anything if..”

“It’s ok Chihiro. I already made up my mind not have secrets with you. So.. yeah.. I had a boy friend once, about twenty years ago. It..it didn’t end well. I was still too young for sex, and he kept getting older, and wanted more...um… physical stuff.”

Chihiro stilled, hardly daring to ask..but still she found the words trickling past her lips, out of concern for her friend.

“He.. he didn’t…”

“Oh! Oh no.. no nothing like that. He got frustrated and left me. Found a girlfriend, a human girlfriend, near his own age. It just got rather… shouty, towards the end. That’s all. He never tried forcing me into anything. Never even touched me. We did try ‘it’ exactly once but… well he couldn’t get.. you know… because I was too young looking, and I just couldn’t… So we just stood there, looking at each other naked, then got dressed and didn’t talk about it ever again.”

Chihiro sighed in relief.

“I was worried there for a moment.”

“Yeah, no.. the problem was that he wasn’t a pervert! And once we realised we couldn’t do that, he lost interest. Teenage boys… you know.”

Shoko shrugged and laughed, and if there was trace of bitterness to it, Chihiro pretended not to notice.

Chihiro’s face brightened and her eyes went wide as an idea burst into her head like summer festival fireworks! She smiled and looked sidelong at Shoko.

“You know… we could try being sisters instead?”

Shoko blinked, startled out out of her gathering melancholy, glancing in surprise at Chihiro.


“Yeah… I mean I said I would earlier, but we don’t need something tragic to happen first. Instead we could just sort of informally adopt each other. My big sister Aoi has a best friend and room-mate at collage who’s family moved abroad. Aoi adopted her, brings her home for holidays and so on… they’re more than best friends, but since they’re not into girls that way, they decided they were sisters. Inu’s nice, nothing like Aoi, but they kinda.. match, you know. Complementary pairs. We’re a bit like that.”

Shoko nodded slowly, thoughtfully, then flashed a smile bright as summer sunlight on waves.

“So, if the cub is littlest sister, which of us is the big sister?”

Chihiro gave Shoko a slow smile.

“You really need to ask? Call me Oneesan, Imōto!”

Shoko had to put both hands over her mouth to muffle her laughter, as she nodded in agreement.