Chapter 6: More Alligators
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Xezia, led the group towards a tunnel that was practically teeming with valtite energy. However, Brian noticed that there were other entrances nearby that seemed to radiate significantly more powerful energy signatures.

Brian kept growing accustomed to the ever-present flow of valtite energy that seemed to pulsate through this alien world–also his eyes weren’t hurting that much anymore.

[Energy Level: Low]

I probably shouldn’t push this ability. He was getting better at determining how much he could use his sight. Although, the system messages also helped.

‘DING’ Your untrained potential has been harnessed. Wisdom enhanced. +1 to Wisdom stat. Untrained potential: 0.

And just like that I’m out of free points…

After an hour or so of searching for these fragments, Brian noticed that his valtite level, vitality, and vigor had all replenished slightly. Some rough calculations suggested that if he refrained from exerting any of his resources, they would return to full in a little over a day — assuming that a day here was 24 hours, that is.

At one point, Mandrix halted the group just before they entered a new section, sighing heavily and turning to Brian . "Listen, I'm surprised you can see energy signatures without V-Scanners, but as we've established you're weak, and we can't afford any screw-ups." Mandrix warned, sensing Brian's hesitation. "Stay close and keep quiet, Brian,"


Serdna gave Brian a reassuring pat on the back. "We'll protect you, don't worry," he said with a small smile.

Serdna then produced a beautiful, technologically advanced-looking lyre, and strummed a few soothing notes. It was then that Brian felt magic for the first time. As soon as the music reached his ears, a warm sensation washed over him, tingling every pore. It felt as if he had both woken up and had his morning coffee simultaneously. Brian checked his stats, and sure enough, his vitality, vigor, and valtite were all fully replenished.

There were no puncture marks where the Stalactgoyle had bitten him, and the yellow blister left by the Petraviper's venom was completely healed.

“Wow, thanks.” Brian’s eyes sparkled.

“Don’t worry friend.” Serdna chuckled. “Your total valtite energy is so low, that it barely cost me.”

“Wow… thanks.” Brian's voice faltered slightly.

Mandrix was about to continue marching when he paused again, his face took on an even grimmer expression. "Oh, and for the love of god, don't break any more fucking cores. If you do, I swear I'll leave you here and join that shitty Bull’s group." With that, he stomped forward.

Brian and Serdna exchanged a glance, sharing a silent laugh before following behind Mandrix, with Xezia at the front.

As they ventured deeper into the cave, Brian felt a sense of déjà vu. “Are you sure this is not where I woke up?”

“Fella I told you it is a different cave…” Mandrix rubbed his head so hard that his hair was about to come off. “It’s a cave, they all look the same!”

Xezia confidently guided the group through a maze of twists and turns. To Brian's astonishment, his newfound ability to see valtite energy signatures enabled him to confirm that Xezia was choosing the most potent path.

"Left or right?" Mandrix asked as they reached a fork in the tunnel.

“Second. Let me remember.” Xezia’s eyes darted between the two identical paths.

Mandrix directed his attention to her, a hint of impatience in his voice. "Come on, Xezia, focus. No pressure, but until we find those fragments, we're stuck eating rotten grivaxian meat at the outpost."

Serdna grimaced, his teeth gritted at the thought.

"Left," Brian pointed a finger at the left tunnel, trusting the energy patterns he could detect with his Valtite Vision. "I think that one has a slightly higher energy signature,"

Mandrix pulled down his goggles and scanned the entrance, grumbling. "Yeah, I see it now. These lousy goggles make it nearly impossible to tell the difference." His tone shifted, and he stared at Brian, impressed. "You know, if we can rely on your eyes like that, you might just be able to repay me… slowly."

"Nice work back there," Xezia whispered. "Your instincts were spot on."

"Thanks." A warm flush rose in his cheeks. It brought a sense of satisfaction, a stirring of pride in his chest. Yet, at the same time, a hint of discomfort prickled at the edges of his delight, a whisper from his introverted side reminding him of all the eyes on him.

The tunnel began to widen as they continued forward, and soon they entered a vast chamber filled with glowing blue fragments. The sight took Brian's breath away – it was like stepping into another world entirely. The valtite energy pulsating from the fragments was almost palpable, and Brian felt a tingling sensation run through his body.

"By the gods," Mandrix exclaimed, his voice booming throughout the chamber. "We've struck gold!" He eyed the fragments hungrily, clearly eager to get his hands on them. “Looks like we'll be feasting on fresh monster meat with seasoning!"

Serdna didn't say anything, but his face lit up. Brian, unsure whether this was good or bad, added a half-hearted, "Yay?" He could tell Mandrix was celebrating, so it must have been a positive development.

Mandrix engaged with Serdna and Xezia. "Alright, you two, let's get started." He handed Brian a peculiar-looking tool. "Your job is to collect as many fragments as possible. Just load a vial into the tool, press it against a glowing fragment, and hit the white button. It'll extract the valtite and store it in the vial."

[Valtite Extractor V-Tool (Trace)] - This tool can extract and store valtite from fragments, allowing the user to gather resources efficiently.

Based on the description, the tool seemed designed precisely for the purpose Mandrix had described. "Seems easy enough."

Mandrix appeared incredulous. "You'd be surprised... Once you've filled a vial, remove it from the tool, place it in our canisters, and insert a new empty vial. Got it?"

Brian acknowledged the instructions, ready to start gathering the precious fragments.

As Brian gazed at the valtite canister, its uncanny resemblance brought memories of the thermos full of coffee he'd bring to work every morning. Suddenly, a powerful craving for his favorite caffeinated beverage hit him. He could almost taste the bittersweet, creamy concoction coating his taste buds.

"Focus, Brian," Mandrix barked, snapping him out of his daydream. "Mind getting back to extracting those valtite fragments?" Mandrix huffed.

"Sorry," Brian mumbled, embarrassed by his lapse in concentration. He got to work, carefully collecting the glowing fragments and placing them into the canister.

Curiosity getting the better of him, Brian tapped one of the valtite fragments that looked particularly radiant. It felt cool to the touch, and he sensed an underlying energy within it.

[Valtite Fragment (Latent)] - This fragment consists of raw, dormant valtite energy. The latent rank denotes a potential waiting to be harnessed. Handle with care and use appropriate methods for extraction.

Interesting. As he finished processing the information, an intense, sinister valtite energy began to invade his peripheral vision. The cave itself remained unchanged, but the overwhelming, threatening presence of this powerful orange-yellow energy was undeniable. The blinding intensity caused Brian to wince a little, as the radiant force became too uncomfortable for his newly enhanced sight.

[5 Grivaxian Signatures Detected]

[Energy Rank: Trace]

Xezia's sudden gasps for air shattered the silence, her breaths growing more frantic by the second. Brian's body tensed, wondering if she had a medical condition. Nothing seemed visibly wrong, but her distress resembled an asthma attack. Serdna rushed to her side, his face drained of color and his hands quivering with terror.

"Xezia, what's wrong? Can you breathe?" Serdna asked, trembling.

The clothing around Xezia's stomach appeared unnatural, and an ominous sensation filled the chamber. It was as if light passed through a hole in her body, reflecting the surrounding rocks off an invisible surface. Gradually, the reflection turned a chilling scarlet.

Xezia extended her arms, grasping the reddening protrusion from her abdomen as it continued to take form.

With her hands clenched around her abdomen, Xezia choked on her own blood, managing to stammer, "Something's... inside me."

"What's happening to her?!" Brian panicked.

She coughed up more blood, Xezia struggled to yank the spear free, but it seemed impossible. Serdna's desperate hands explored the sharp object, attempting to understand the situation.

In a final act of resistance, Xezia stretched her arms to the sides, releasing a brief jet of white foam from her palms. The stream transformed into a frothy lavender liquid.

Her arms fell limp at her sides, and her life force faded away. Even in death, her body remained unnaturally levitated, held aloft by the crimson spear impaled through her.

"Stay with me, Xezia. Don't give up!" Serdna cried out.

Just then, an alert flashed in the corner of Brian’s vision.

You have vanquished [Grivaxian Soldier - lvl 11] - Valtite has been distributed amongst your party. You have gained +2 Valtite reserves.

You have vanquished [Grivaxian Soldier - lvl 13] - Valtite has been distributed amongst your party. You have gained +3 Valtite reserves.

‘DING’ Your valtite energy grows to level 5, empowering your stats and increasing your potential. +1 to each stat and +1 untrained point.

As the messages faded from view a fast and subtle tingling sensation traveled through Brian’s body. Two alligators just died. Are they invisible now? It said there were five. He thought to himself before ignoring the messages and focusing on the situation.

Brian wished he knew what to say or do, but his throat felt like it was filled with sand.

Suddenly light seemed to bend all around the group, as if they were encased in a heatwave or an invisible magnifying glass. While the exact same phenomenon dissipated on either side of Xezia's lifeless body, two reptilian figures gradually materialized.

Each of the grivaxians’ crocodile-like skulls had a hole on each side; A small, perfectly circular orifice faced Xezia, while on the opposite side, a larger, grotesque cavity oozed their characteristic purple blood.

After a second, the two snakemen collapsed onto a purple pool of their own gray matter.

"Brace yourselves," Mandrix warned.

[Energy Rank: Trace]

The message clearly informed Brian that there were more. A thought occurred to him. He had one other ability—Valtite Vision—that he had acquired with the Oculus Core. Focusing on the ability, he could suddenly discern the otherwise invisible grivaxians around him. It wasn't that he could see them per se, but rather, he could see their valtite flowing through their bodies.

[Lesser Grivaxian (Latent) - lvl ???]

[Lesser Grivaxian (Latent) - lvl ???]

[Grivaxian Sentry (Trace) - lvl ???]

Mandrix moved with inhuman precision, his left hand snapped three canisters onto his utility belt while his right unsheathed his mega sword.

"Those fucking bastards," Brian screamed, his fists clenching in rage. “Guys, there's three more around us.”

"Focus, Brian!" Mandrix commanded. He barreled towards Xezia's fallen body, another grivaxian phased into view – larger and more menacing than the others. Its arm was the grotesque weapon lodged in Xezia.

The creature spotted Mandrix's advance and effortlessly hoisted its arm, along with Xezia’s corpse, high into the air. Serdna's grip slipped from his friend's lifeless body as the beast flung her against the wall.

“Yiiiield to the grivaaaxian eeempire, we will cooonquer Valteeeria!” the grivaxian sentry hissed.

"Xezia!" Serdna screamed.

Mandrix's weapon swooshed through the air, aimed at the predator, but it evaded the attack with surprising agility.

Fury coursed through Serdna, and he drew his technological looking lyre, strumming a single, resonant note that sent a visible vibration hurtling toward their colossal enemy. The grivaxian's scaly face contorted with fear as he ducked, but he couldn't fully escape the assault. Serdna's attack cleaved off half its tail, leaving it writhing on the ground while spattering alien blood everywhere.

"Is this normal, what is the plan here, guys?" Brian called.

“Don’t die, we are busy here,” Mandrix huffed.

Two more grivaxians materialized behind Brian, but due to his ocular powers he had already sensed their presence. Even though he had been subtly inching away from them, the reptilian creatures closed the distance in mere seconds; their agile movements overshadowed Brian’s preemptive efforts.

"What do I do, what do I do?" Brian shouted, his voice strained with effort.

The grivaxians unleashed a barrage of attacks, from sweeping tail strikes to razor-sharp claw slashes that generated powerful gusts. One even lunged, attempting to sink his teeth into Brian's arm. But he dodged their assault with astonishing reflexes, moving with the grace of a scared cat. To everyone's surprise, Brian's enhanced eyesight proved to be more than just a tool for detecting valtite.

‘DING’ Your untrained potential has been harnessed. Dexterity enhanced. +1 to Dexterity stat. Untrained potential: 0.

He knew, however, that he couldn't evade them forever. The most efficient course of action would be to kill the savage beasts, but he was unarmed and inexperienced. Brian had never been in a real fight before, let alone faced off against malevolent, bipedal, alligator-like assassins from another world.

“DIE ALIEN!” one of the grivaxians hissed.

"Oh, God! Can we talk about this?!" Brian cried out as he evaded the grivaxians' attacks.

Serdna strummed another note on his futuristic lyre, while Mandrix's claymore sliced diagonally towards the massive grivaxian. The creature evaded Serdna's melodic assault, but he couldn't avoid Mandrix's blade, which severed one of his extremities.

Brian seized an opportunity and abandoned his defensive maneuvers. He relied on his college years of track and field to sprint past his attackers, positioning himself between Mandrix and Serdna.

"Please, let’s get out of here now!" Brian pleaded desperately.