Chapter 9: The Time Traveler
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The tension was thick around them as they progressed further. Brian noted how Mandrix, usually calm, was now making a fist so tight his gloves squeaked. He tried to break down the abrupt transformation of the landscape, but it just wouldn't compute. Every path looked the same, and every direction seemed just as disorienting as the next.

Lana was unconsciously gripping her bow's handle. Did she even notice? Or was it a habit born from countless battles? In contrast, Ilex seemed unperturbed, his gaze steady and analytical. Brian wondered how he managed to stay so cool, but then again, Ilex seemed like a guy who was good at hiding his cards.

Brian didn't know what to make of all this... this was something else.

“Brian, which cave radiates the most energy?” Mandrix asked.

His Valtite Vision darted across the mountain.

[Energy Rank: Flicker]

Brian pointed slightly up and to the right, “The one above that hill”


[Grivaxian Sentry (Trace) - lvl ???]

[Grivaxian Beta (Flicker) - lvl ???]

Two powerful grivaxians stood before them – one bearing an uncanny resemblance to the creature that had killed Xezia. Noticing the regrowth of the grivaxian's once-missing limbs, Brian took deep breaths to try to steady himself.

The second grivaxian, though outwardly calmer, emanated an even more formidable presence than his partner. His eyes held a calculated intelligence, and his posture hinted at a quiet, deadly confidence. The air around the pair crackled with palpable tension, setting everyone on edge.

Mandrix sized his opponents. "Looks like I'll get to avenge Xezia's death after all," he remarked, his voice tinged with both anger and satisfaction.

"So, this is the one who did it?" Lana’s fingers deftly reached for an arrow in her metallic white quiver.

Brian held up a hand, urging restraint. "Let's not be hasty. That one looks even stronger than his friend," he said. Brian had noticed the 'flicker' designation when he identified his enemies. But he didn’t know if that actually meant the creature was stronger; after all, 'flicker' sounded like a rank above 'trace'.

The one with the calm demeanor turned to his partner, who had regrown his limbs. "Gravx, are these the invaders that have been stealing our valtite?"

Gravx responded with a fierce hiss, eager for bloodshed. "Yeees Sylas. Leeet meee dispooose of theeem."

"I'd rather resolve this without conflict. Too many grivaxians have already perished," said Sylas.

Brian, unable to bear the interaction, stepped forward. "We would prefer not to fight, either.”

Mandrix, agitated, drew his sword and stepped up next to Brian. "Wait, wait, wait. You can understand them?" he asked. "Can you talk back to them? Do they understand me?"

Surprised, Sylas offered a stern condition. "For that, you must leave and never return."

All Mandrix, Ilex and Lana could hear was a series of guttural growls and screeches escaping the two grivaxian’s throats.

Brian asked Sylas why they were expanding. Turning to Mandrix, he explained, "It's not that we can understand each other exactly. It's hard to explain, but it feels like the valtite between us is speaking… or translating."

Sylas conveyed their predicament: "Aestari have been disrupting our environment for far too long, and the balance is broken. The other races are on the move, leaving grivaxians with no choice."

Brian, after a deep breath, addressed Sylas, "Do you believe we can work together?" Brian felt a spark of hope. He glanced at Mandrix, Ilex, and Lana, noting their confusion at the one-sided conversation.

Sylas pondered for a moment, then admitted, "I don't know. I've never met anyone who can communicate with grivaxians. But I will report this to the Alpha and return." He turned to Gravx, instructing him with a low growl, "Watch them until I return. Don’t do anything!"

"Guys," Brian whispered as Sylas disappeared deeper into the cave, "Gravx is going to watch us."

Sylas just upped and walked away, swallowed by the cave's darkness in an instant, leaving Brian and the others in the intimidating company of the Gravx.

As soon as Sylas was out of sight, Gravx bared his teeth at Brian, a sinister hiss escaping his throat. "Dooon't wooorry abooout Syyylas. I'll eliiiminaaate youuu aaall."

Brian stumbled back. "He's planning to attack us," he warned.

"Perfect!" Mandrix growled, clenching his fists. "I've got a personal score to settle with this one."

Ilex raised an eyebrow, a wry smile on his face. "Can I do it?"

"Fuck no."

"Let's play Amp, Gen, Dom for it," Ilex suggested.

Mandrix rolled his eyes, but reluctantly agreed. "Fine. Let's do it."

Lana, shaking her head, chuckled. "You two are unbelievable."

Gravx, clearly puzzled by their antics, growled at Brian. "Whaaat areee thooose foools doooing?"

"They're deciding who gets to fight you." Brian explained with a hint of embarrassment in his speech.

Gravx growled. "Theeey waaant to fiiight me one ooon one? Haaave theeey forgoootten whaaat haaappeneeed laaast tiiime?" He shrugged. "Fiiine by meee."

Meanwhile, Mandrix and Ilex played Amp, Gen, Dom. With a triumphant thrust of his thumb, Mandrix won the game.

"Fuck yeah! I'll be the one fighting the grivaxian!" he boasted, puffing out his chest.

"Ahh," Ilex said, unfazed by the loss.

"Ask that lizard if he's ready for me," Mandrix said, elbowing Brian.

Brian looked slightly flustered by the request, but glanced at the looming Grivaxian. "I, uh, don't think he cares"

The grivaxian flicked its tongue and responded with a dismissive hiss.

Mandrix stood in front of Gravx, his colossal sword gleaming in the dim light as he unsheathed it. The air was electric, the two fighters were in a trance, each waiting for the other to make the first move. Gravx hissed menacingly, flexing his sharp claws, clearly hungry for the impending battle.

From Brian's perspective, it looked like Mandrix roared and his sword cut through the air, aiming for Gravx. The enemy, quicker than a streak of light, avoided the hit. It countered with a swift tail swipe towards Mandrix, who managed to dodge, displaying enhanced speed that almost matched the Gravx's.

"Mandrix is holding his own, but he'll need to find an opening soon." Brian muttered under his breath, “Should we help him?”

“Respect the duel,” Ilex said firmly.

Mandrix charged first, bringing his sword down in a powerful arc. Gravx dodged with surprising agility, retaliating with a swipe of its talons that narrowly missed Mandrix's face. The two clashed in a blur of metal and scale, their movements so fast that if it weren’t for Brian’s Oculus Core he wouldn’t be able to follow.

Lana cheered from the sidelines, "Keep it up, Mandrix! You've got this!" Her enthusiastic encouragement echoed through the cavern and bolstered Mandrix's resolve.

Gravx lashed out with his claws seeking to exploit an opening. Mandrix, however, was a step ahead, parrying the strike with his large blade. Sparks flew when steel clashed with claw, the sound of their struggle reverberated through the cavern. Brian, Ilex and Lana watched as the evenly matched opponents continued their deadly dance.

Brian recoiled after every hit, while Ilex observed the scene with a calm detachment.

As the battle raged on, Mandrix's breaths grew labored, Gravx seemed unfazed. Driven by desperation, Mandrix unleashed a devastating swing, his amplified strength propelling the sword towards Gravx's head. The reptilian combatant leaped out of the way, barely evading the lethal blow as it whistled past.

Panting, Mandrix retreated a few steps, trying to catch his breath. “Ok Ilex, do you want to give it a shot?”


Gravx charged toward them with a ferocious snarl, but Ilex stepped in front of Mandrix.

Brian braced himself for the deadly clash that he was about to witness.

Lana gasped, "Ilex, what’s the plan?"

"Humm." With a swift motion, he pulled out a technologically bound grimoire, its pages glowed with an eerie light.

Mandrix grinned, "Well, this should be interesting."

As soon as Gravx was within range, Ilex unleashed a torrent of lime-colored liquid from the grimoire. The ethereal fluid completely drenched Gravx, who after a quick moment started screaming in pain.

"Make it stop!" cried Gravx, thrashing about in a futile attempt to escape the searing pain.

In the grim scene, the defeated grivaxian lay dying, each labored breath bringing him closer to the end. Scales bubbled and hissed from liquid's lethal touch, while the stench of burnt flesh filled the air. Agony clouded the creature's eyes, his once-powerful tail weakly thrashing. Haunting moans echoed, painting a dark symphony of pain.

Is he an acid mage? The scene was too brutal for Brian, who could understand Gravx's agonized words.

Brian winced, while Lana covered her mouth in shock.

After his enemy was utterly defeated, Ilex closed the grimoire, ending the acid torrent.

Gravx remains laid on the ground. The predator's form deteriorated, unrecognizable in his torment, his fierce jaws limp and teeth corroded. The grivaxian's life extinguished, leaving a tortured husk behind.

You have vanquished [Grivaxian Sentry - lvl 15] - Valtite has been distributed amongst your party. You have gained +5 Valtite reserves.

Only 5 reserves for a level 15? Dang, I’ve got to somehow participate in these fights. Brian was certain that the system must distribute experience based on one's contribution to a fight.

Mandrix chuckled, "Well, I guess Gravx is a little... under the weather. Holy Fuck Ilex, I didn't know you had that up your sleeve."

"Yeah," Ilex said, failing to suppress a snicker that hinted at his amusement.

Lana giggled. "And here I thought Gravx was the one with the scaly exterior."

A disembodied voice echoed, "Good job, we got him."

They all whirled around as a serious guy forced his way into their focus. Around Ilex's age, Brian guessed, and swaddled in a bulky blue jacket thrown over a thinner, red one. But Brian couldn't tear his gaze away from the guy's gear - a Buddhist-style staff decorated with a couple of rings on top, the whole thing covered in smaller ones. It didn't just look like a weapon in his hand, it looked like a part of him. The metal had a gleam in the dim light that gave the man an eerie, mystical vibe.

"Who the fuck is that guy?" Mandrix asked.

The newcomer stepped forward. "Hello, I am Shinmu. Ilex's friend."

Everyone turned to Ilex, who simply confirmed, "Yes."

Lana beamed, "Well, it seems like we've got a strong squad here. Welcome to the team, Shinmu! So, what's your Valtite ability?"

Shinmu blinked and scratched his head, "Uh, sorry—what was that? I was adjusting my gear."

Lana's smile wavered, but she contained her annoyance. "Your Valtite manifestation. What is it?"

"Oh, right! Sorry," Shinmu replied. "My affinity is alteration, and my ability would be… humm… time manipulation."

A grin, pure and full of excitement, spread across Brian's face, his thoughts racing ahead with each new idea. But a twinge of regret pulled at his lips. Ah, he thought, that's the kind of skill I'd kill for. It's so damn good. Despite himself, he sighed.

Ever since he was a kid, Brian had been hooked on sci-fi, lost in worlds of space travel, time twists, and unreal adventures. Anything to do with time control had him completely sold. The idea of bending time at his whim was more appealing than your run-of-the-mill superpowers like strength or flying.

A mischievous smile snuck onto his face as he pictured himself with his very own 'reading steiner,' navigating time and space effortlessly. So caught up in his fantasies, he hardly noticed his friends' amused looks and snickers at his childlike enthusiasm.

Mandrix slapped Shinmu on the shoulder, grinning, "Shit fella, That's fucking cool!"

Shinmu turned his head, “Sorry, what was that?”

“Don’t worry, let’s just move on. We might be able to stop the grivaxians ourselves, especially now that we have Shinmu.”