6-Birthday and Gifts
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"Happy Birthday Rudra !!!!" exclaimed everyone wishing the birthday boy. Rudra was happy to see that everyone in the village had come for his birthday party.
They started singing the Happy Birthday song for Rudra as he blew the candles on his cake and started cutting it. He fed the cut cake to his mother first and she fed the cake to him in return. He did the same with his father and siblings.
After all the celebration it was time for gifts !! His Father and Mother came forward first with a weird-looking fruit with them. Looking at the weird swirls it had on it, Rudra realized that it was a Devil Fruit. He looked at them with his eyes wide open.
"Here's your gift Rudra, these are the rest of your wishes," Parvati said.
Rudra understood what it was and took it from them excitedly. He was about to eat it when he was stopped by his father,
"Calm down Rudra, have some patience. Eat it after you receive gifts from everyone."
Rudra nodded and calmed down. Ganesha came forward with an incubated Pokémon egg in his hands. Rudra became excited again and started clapping in joy. He had always loved Pokémon and had learned how to take care of them from several Professors that were present there. He was a little bit jealous of Cynthia too who already had her Gible for a few years now. He had helped her take care of it since it was a baby and the Gible loved him too. But he always wanted his own partner Pokémon too, and he was finally going to get one today.
"Here you go, Rudra. Now now, handle it with care. It's a very special egg, Rudra. It's going to be your partner for life, and you have to promise me that will take really good care of it now and after it's born. And here you go something special that you and your Pokémon can use in the future if you have take good care of it." Ganesha said as he handed him a spherical stone.
"Yes, brother. I will take very good care of it forever and ever." Rudra said excitedly nodding his head.
"Good, Happy Birthday Rudra," Ganesha said and hugged his little brother.   
After a while, everyone had given him his gifts. He had received a custom glove, black and red in color, in which he could embed a keystone and a z crystal in the future. It could even act as a Dynamax band but that too was for the future. He had received a Vanilluxe necklace from Cynthia, some delicious food from Luffy, an extra large Snorlax plushie from Ash, a white and orange cap from May and so many other gifts from everyone else.
With so many gifts received, Rudra was elated. But now was the time for the most important gift, the Devil Fruit. Everyone was with him and they were preparing for him to eat the fruit. He was holding it in his hands and asked Paimon, who was sitting on his shoulder to analyze it. They had a mental connection between them so she could display everything he wanted to know to him directly.
"Here you go, Rudra, the details of the fruit
Name:-            The Ultimate Devil Fruit of Creation, Destruction, Protection and Matter and Energy Manipulation
Rarity:-            @$@#%#@!
Description:-   A divine fruit created by the The Gods Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shakti themselves for someone special. The natural weakness of a normal devil fruit has been nullified i.e the special someone cannot be weakened by seawater and sea stone.
Powers:-         Grants the special someone, powers of creation, destruction, protection and matter and energy manipulation.
Weakness:-    Tastes like sh*t.  "
Rudra looked at the details in front of him and was not surprised. He knew the fruit was going to be special. He looked at his parents and said,
"I am going to eat it now Dad, Mum"
His parents nodded in reply.
Rudra brought the mango-like fruit near his mouth and went in to take a bite. As soon as he took the first bite he felt like he had to throw up fast. It was the most vile and disgusting thing he had ever eaten in his life. He forced himself to swallow it and made a cringed face after he had swallowed. He forced himself to eat the entire thing and finally let out a burp.
"You didn't really have to eat it whole you know?" Shiva said with a smile.
Rudra looked at his father and then at everyone with horror. Seems like they had pulled off a successful prank on him and the ringleader was his father.
"You- ugh," he wanted to say something but he felt a weird tugging feeling in his stomach. It slowly started creeping through his whole body and in a matter of seconds, his body was filled with energy. But then everything went south as the energy was being released continuously and his special body couldn't handle it anymore. It started to hurt him. He looked at his mother and asked,
"Mum, the energy is too much for my body to handle. what should I do?"
"Don't panic Rudra, just release everything through one outlet," Parvati said.
Rudra heard what his mother said and he decided to let everything out through his mouth. He opened his mouth and screamed. A massive purple ray of energy was released from his mouth and shot through the sky into space. He unknowingly released massive blasts of sound waves around him. The waves went throughout the world dissipating clouds in the sky. Everyone present there shielded themselves and the kids from harm. Parvati erected an energy barrier around them and looked at Rudra with a smile.
"Rudra!" screamed Cynthia as she was trying to get to him but was held back by Garp.  Cynthia had met Rudra a few months back when she had come to Hoenn with her grandmother. At first, she didn't want to come here and wanted to stay at home to study the Solaceon ruins and train with her Pokémon, but her grandmother insisted that she should come and try to make some friends as there were going to be families of other Professors too. So she reluctantly accepted and had come here.
After coming here she met Rudra, Ash, Gary, and May who had already formed their own little gang. They had gladly accepted her into the gang and the days spent with them were some of the best she ever had. And Rudra, she was closest to him amongst everyone here. She always enjoyed time spent together with him. They had similar interests in Pokémon and the history of this world, so they frequently spent time with Cynthia teaching him everything she knew. They always nagged her grandmother to tell them more stories and legends together. She wanted this relationship of theirs to never end.
When she saw Rudra screaming in pain, she got very scared and started crying. She ran towards him to help him but was soon caught by Gorilla Grandpa Garp. She tried escaping from him but he was too strong. Then she felt someone pat her head and she looked towards them. She saw Aunt Parvati patting her head looking at her with love and heard her say,
"Don't worry, Rudra's fine. His body is getting used to his devil fruit so he will be fine soon."
Cynthia calmed down a bit and Garp placed her on his shoulders and they continued watching Rudra. He looked towards Shiva and Parvati and then Rudra and said,
"You gave birth to a monster huh, brats. Well didn't expect anything less from the two of you," and shook his head.
The others couldn't help but nod as he stated facts.
"Rudra is not a monster, Gorilla !" Cynthia said as she pulled on his hair annoying Garp until there were visible ticks on his forehead.
"Say that again brat! I think you need to be punished, take this. FIST OF LOVE!!" Garp said as he knocked Cynthia on her head.
Cynthia just took the punch like a champ as she had already gotten used to it. She then humphed him and again climbed on his shoulders to watch Rudra.
By now the ray had dimmed and the sound waves had decreased significantly, and after some seconds Rudra closed his mouth and sat down taking deep breaths.
"Everything ok now? Feeling good?" he heard his mother ask.
He was about to reply when he was crashed into by someone. He looked sideways and was surprised to see Cynthia hugging him tightly and shedding tears.
"Cynthia?" he asked.
"Please don't do that again. Please. Please. I thought I lost you. Please" she said, a bit panicked even though she had been calmed down by Parvati.
"But -" Rudra was about to say something but was interrupted again by her.
"Please, just promise me."
"Umu, I promise that I'll never do something like that again," Rudra said.
He expected her to release him from the hug but she was nowhere near willing to release him, so he just hugged her back and looked towards his parents and the others present there. Everyone was just looking at them with a smile.
"Well, today was an eventful day, wasn't it?" Oak said.
"Certainly Hah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha" Garp replied and laughed out loud.
"Well we'll just leave now we have to get some sleep, tomorrow is a work day after all. Let's go, Cynthia." Professor Carolina said and smiled at everyone before walking towards the door. Cynthia reluctantly released Rudra from the hug. She smiled at him, said goodnight, and left running after her grandmother. Everybody else said goodnight to each other and left for their respective homes.
Rudra too was very tired and went to sleep while hugging his Pokémon egg. It was his best Birthday Party Ever!