Chapter 4: A Gentle Respite
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By design or coincidence, our paths crossed again. Time rewove back into itself, and an opportunity of a million eons was served upon my platter; this I thought as I made my way into the tent of the IX Batallion, my battalion.

Perhaps it is due to fate, that we should meet again. Broken promises that were left unfulfilled, and vanished dreams that would never be completed, all swimming right back into the sea of possibility. Perhaps fate had yet another cruel twist in store for us.

Recalling the moments of their deaths made my body feel frail and weak. Me and Naia had been among the last two survivors of the entire battalion, and we took it upon our hands to make sure the rest of the Kingdoms were warned of the fall of Bastala, and the imminent invasion that would befall us all.

But no longer did I care to dwell on such things that have yet to pass. This time, I was ready to take the right steps forward.

A storm of emotions swelled inside me as I approached the tent.

I saw her, standing outside the tent, gathered around a small campfire, speaking animatedly amongst my closest comrades─my friends. They joy on my heart expanded all across my body as I watched them laugh and joke with each other. It was hard to believe they were here… alive.

I didn't realize how much I missed hearing their voices until I finally caught sight of them again. Their familiar presence calmed some of the tension in my heart─even if only slightly.

Naia turned her head the moment she heard my slow footsteps approaching. She gave me a warm smile and stood up to salute me. My eyes welled with tears as I returned her gesture.

"Captain Lai!" she exclaimed, holding her hands steady against her sides.

The others stopped talking when they noticed my arrival─their gazes full of anticipation and excitement. As they expected good bearings from the High Command─news which would surely put a spring back in their step.

"Admiral Naia, Colonel Istar, Lieutenant Yonn, Lieutenant Mor'rak" I addressed them "I'm glad to see you are enjoying yourselves," I added with a grin glaring at the bottles of liquor on the ground behind them.

Yonn blushed furiously, attempting to hide behind Istar as he replied "It wasn't my idea, Captain! We were just drinking to celebrate the safe return of the troops. Not even I could stop them!"

We all laughed at his feeble attempt to deny his involvement.

"Worry not, Yonn," I told him "I know it wasn't your idea"

He sighed in relief as I continued "Walk to the tent and grab some more booze for us" I ordered Yonn, who immediately jumped to obey. We all watched patiently as he struggled to stand up and walk in a straight line, his movements unsteady. His legs wobbled uncontrollably until he finally collapsed onto the ground, unable to hold himself up anymore.

"Get this drunkard back to his bedroll before he hurts himself!" said Istar as he bursted out into contagious laughter. It managed to get everyone else laughing too, including Yonn himself─a little embarrassed by his actions.

"Help him up, see him to the tent," I instructed Mor'rak.

Mor'rak nodded, helping Yonn stand up and guiding him into the tent. She followed after Yonn with a wide smirk on her face as she shook her head in amusement.

"You've got a knack for keeping the soldiers entertained, Colonel" I remarked.

"These poor children are no soldiers" Istar replied with a chuckle "Not yet anyway. I don't want to see the sour taste of war claim their souls before necessary, Captain" He replied with a shrug that said he wouldn't take any responsability for getting my men drunk. "Besides, you could do with a little fun yourself. You deserve it" He added with a beam as he motioned the inviting bottle of wine towards my face.

I couldn't help but smile at his words. "I'm alright" I refused with a wave of my hand.

"Bah!, have it your way" Istar shrugged, pouring himself a comically large amount of wine in one go.

"What news do you bring of the High Command?" Naia asked eagerly.

"The situation is complex " I responded looking defeated, abruptly shifting the mood of the conversation.

Naia frowned, disappointed there wasn't any good news for once.

"We've lost Admiral Arleth" I admitted "Along with most of her entire batallion" I added bitterly.

They exchanged glances, unsure of what to say next.

"What's next then?" Istar asked, washing the disappointment away with curiosity.

"There has been orders from Commander Tartarus himself" I answered "The High Command wants us to infiltrate the enemy lines and recover whatever intelligence we can gather."

"That's suicide" Istar scoffed, taking another swig of his drink.

"We're not riding head on into battle, Colonel" I countered "We'll make our way through the woods, avoiding the main road entirely."

They both pondered over my words, trying to find holes in my plan.

"What about the fog?" Naia questioned, looking concerned.

"The fog will be our greatest ally" I explained "The thick mist of the forest makes it near impossible for enemies to spot us. We'll creep up on them slowly and complete the mission without any bloodshed"

Their faces remained sceptical─not convinced that my plan was foolproof.

"A plan based on luck, berefts of any forethought" Istar snorted in disapproval "The woods of Bastanos are no place to gamble with destiny, Captain. The fog may hide us from our enemies, but it also hides us from each other."

"We won't ride into our death's unprepared, Colonel" I insisted "Each of us five shall carry a soul compass to guide us through the darkness."

Surprising news to hear─soul compasses being issued to us by the High Command.

"How many of these things have we got?" Istar asked curiously.

"Just the five the High Command gave us" I answered, waving my hand around me to indicate the rest of the group. "One for each member of our team"

"The gods only know where they came from" Istar chuckled "But far be it from us to deny such a gift"

With the soul compasses in our possession we would have a stronger sense of coordination amongst ourselves─knowing exactly where the others were located at all times. If an emergency arose during our journey, we'd know instantly who to turn to.

"It's strange though, isn't it? Soul compasses are usually given out to those who have already proven themselves worthy of such power" Istar commented with a frown "However did you come in possession of them?"

"Burden yourself not with questions, Colonel" I replied, waving him off "The sooner we return them, the better."

"Hah! You slick Vix'tar!, I should have known you'd pull one of your stunts" Istar laughed heartily.

"Gather two of our best scouts, meet me in the west stable in an hour's time" I ordered, dismissing them with a wave of my hand.

The bowed heads bobbed as they departed.

As soon as they had gone, I turned my eyes to the wine on the floor. A few sips might calm my nerves.

The distant forest of Bastanos loomed darkly beyond the small fire pit; its towering trees stretching endlessly above the horizon line. Thick, heavy clouds blanketed the sky, hiding the stars from view. In contrast the moonlight shone brightly enough for us to navigate by.

Yet, a sense of uneasiness still lingered within me. As if some unseen force was waiting just beyond the veil─waiting for us to step outside our comfort zone.

I felt a presence slowly creeping upon me. Something dark and sinister. A darkness that clung to the shadows.

I could not control my hands any longer, shaking violently as they reached for the item in my pouch. My mind was consumed by madness, my thoughts became muddled and unfocused. I tried to think clearly, tried to take back the reins of my body, but nothing worked.

Its crimson-red glimmer was hypnotic, unconsciously drawing my finger closer and closer to the sharp, glinting tip. With a quick flick, I sliced open my palm, cleansing my eyes and soul from the madness with one swift strike that sent a sudden adrenaline rush throughout my body. Blood dripped down my wrist like a waterfall.

<What the hell am I doing?!> I thought to myself.

My hand trembled as I held the dagger in my hand, and my head ached. A cold sweat broke out over every inch of my skin. My heart beat harder than ever before as I closed my fist, gripping tightly the bloodied dagger.

<I shouldn't take this cursed thing with me...> As if sensing my thoughts, the dagger began to glow brighter and hotter until finally it turned to a white-hot flame.

"Fool..." The voice from within the dagger said to me with a gravelly tone "How dare... you... defy... my will."

It was suddenly too hot to hold. I dropped it onto the floor and watched as it melt the snow beneath it.

As oppossed as I was to the idea of taking it with me, leaving it behind would have been unthinkable. So I reached down and picked it up again, wrapping it inside a piece of cloth and stuffing it deep into my pocket.

"What do you want from me?" I asked silently to the dagger, as to avoid being heard by anyone else.

"A seal away your sins..., the sins of the past. Your future is mine to decide...." It hissed menacingly.

A puzzled look crossed my face as I listened to the dagger reply. It sounded more real now than anything else around me. Was it really talking or did I imagine all of this?

But there was something about the way it spoke─the words seemed to be coming directly from its blade itself. But the resonant echo of it's voiced tumbled off the walls of my head with hauling force.

"What are you?... Who are you?" I whispered softly.

"You shall meet me... when the time arrives... child of man, servant of Ek'Dikon..." came the reply.

And with those final words, the dagger's glow ceased to exist─leaving me with an otherworldy faintness that lingered my senses.

Whatever twisted nature that lay within the blade was no doubt gone now. The curse of the dagger had saved my life once already, but I still couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right here.

I held no knowledge of what the dagger was truly capable of. What sort of powers it possessed. Or how exactly it had come into my possession. Only one thing was certain: I needed to get rid of it. And fast.

I slowly made way to the half frozen lake near where we camped, the dagger clutched tight in my grip and hidden underneath a layer of clothes. I looked out through the corner of my eyes, making sure nobody followed me here.

A strong breeze blew across my face, ruffling my hair and blowing strands of it into my mouth. I spat it out angrily and wiped the taste from my lips with the back of my sleeve.

"A mistake...that you will regretttt...." The voice muttered again, its sound now distant and faint.

A rope hung limply on the side of the crates next to the lake. I cut a small section free and tied the end securely to the dagger. The other end I tied to a small heavy rock lying on the ground, its rough surface cold and hard to the touch.

I looked at the dagger for a moment longer, then tossed it into the water without second thoughts. The dagger hit the icy-cold waters with a loud splash and sunk below the surface instantly; its red glimmer fading into nothingness.

A wave of relief washed over me as I watched the dagger disappear beneath the freezing depths of the lake. It was as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders, a burden released. The thought of that weapon, which had allowed me to remake my existence anew now submerged and forever out of reach, brought a sense of closure to my freshly woven soul.