A Game of No Hands Chapter 44
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“Mew should have asked that gnome to mewchant a pair of panties.” Angelica whispered when she slunk out of the front door of the manor wearing a leather jacket over a wedding dress. Both fit her shape perfectly, the dress concealing her rear and udder while the jacket tamped down the formality of the dress. Still, despite the tailoring, the dress looked like something designed for an upright person, giving Angelica the appears of a pet in a Halloween costume. The thick dark fur hid any hint of blush but Steve could practically feel the heat radiating from her nose and ears.

“You look adorable.” Steve said with a smile and a wag. Steph nodded.

“Mew know. Mew prefer mexy, melegant and svelte.” Angelica said then mimed biting her tongue, “Mew knows what mew means.”

“Those last two are hard to pull off with breasts the size of basketballs.” Steve giggled softly.

She growled, “They’re not that big.” After a pause she huffed, “Not right now at least, I just emptied them out the best I could.” Looking out into the front of the house she cocked her head as she finally noticed the scene in front of her. Tina talking up at the huge statue of an octopus woman, except she wasn’t a statue anymore. Still, she moved minimally, only turning her head to face Tina. “Mewt is mewing on?”

Steve opened her mouth to explain, but two quick buzzes forced her to swallow down a startled yip. Steph still squeaked and her cheeks were brightening as they hurried off the porch toward Tina. 

“Mistress? You…” Steve and Steph both glance at each other. “Rang?”

“Yes, heh.” Tina failed to suppress her own snicker. “I’ve invited Madam Kymopoleia to tea this afternoon. See that it's taken care of.”

“It will be done.” Steph and Steve answered with a curtsy. 

The octopus woman nodded and said nothing. Tina bid her goodbye and together with the maids to their Suv parked near the entrance to the circle. Angelica followed, giving the fountain as wide of a berth as possible.  Tina climbed in the back, her weight significantly narrowing the clearance of the rear wheels. Angelica hopped in after her, while Steve and Steph clambered into the driver's seat.  After a few fumbles with the seat and experimenting with their pawed feet so they didn’t hit both pedals at once, they slipped the car into drive. 

Thanks to the remoteness of the manor and the twisting of the country roads, it took nearly thirty minutes to reach the store. Tina had been fiddling with the remote almost the entire way, mostly at the lightest setting but making it impossible to forget the vibe sitting inside them. The vibe that Tina would almost certainly be turning up while they were walking among a crowd of strangers. Surely she wouldn’t turn it up all the way and reduce them to a whimpering mess but the possibility that she could have them both breathing through their teeth as they parked. They weren’t the only ones making a puddle on the seat, either. The mistress displayed her cock to the review mirror, and it took Angelica a fair bit of work before it would fit back in the speedo.

The panthress hesitated getting out of the car until Tina took the clicker out of the absurdly small clutch she carried.





Angelica obeyed, snagging treat pinched between two clawed fingers.

Together they walked toward the store with Angelica between them. They hadn’t even gotten inside before they’d turned heads and stirred whispers. 

“Two heads?!”

“Is that a sphinx? What on earth is she wearing?”

“Who the hell did that to them?”

Yet, most whispers and stares weren’t directed at either the maids or Angelica. It was Tina who drew the eyes as she sauntered into the cart corral. Perhaps they didn’t see the bikini or the clutch. The greeter, a scrawny and pale elderly man gaped, as he skittered out the way. It wasn’t until she had pulled a cart from the row and pointed it at the entrance did people relax. Such behavior is generally reserved for people, not monsters. Although if she showed her teeth, all bets were off.

Her tail swung and bumped Steph and Steve’s rump.

“Fetch a cart, will you dears.” She asked in a soft rumble.

“Yes mistress.” Steph and Steve hurried over to claim their own cart. Steve wondered if Tina had decided they needed to get more food, but the true purpose became clear as soon as they grasped the handle. The vibe kicked on, catching them totally off guard. They managed to strangle their cry down to a high, “Mmph!” Prim and proper, Steve reminded herself as the waves of pleasure radiated up their torso. The sensations quickly amped them up to the point they had been before they got out of the car. With combined effort they straightened up and smiled. If anyone found their expressions strained, no one would blame them.

“Coming?” Tina asked with just a tiny bit of mischief in her voice.

“Soon mistress.” Steph said, as they pushed the cart towards her.

“Grrk,” Tina’s jaw trembled a moment before she exploded into loud hyena laughter, “Nak nak nak nnak!” It drew every eyeball in the vicinity right back to her. Using a pawhand she forced her jaws closed, muffling the laugh do to a chuckle. “Good one.” She whispered to her maids before rounding on the greeter and loudly wishing him a wonderful day.

Steve and Steph followed her into the store, focusing on her long swaying tail. That was the extent of their perceptions because walking with the vibe on proved to be a far greater challenge than standing with it. Every step shifted it around, exposing new spots to its smooth surface. They made it about halfway down the entry aisle before the orgasm came crashing down onto them.

Despite steeling themselves for it both sisters made small sounds, Steph a tiny woof and Steve a high-pitched chirp. Their back hunched but otherwise remained standing, although they stopped walking. The vibe switched to low but that was still enough to set off aftershocks. Fortunately, the mistress halted to grab a stack of chocolate cupcakes while Steph and Steve recovered. Tina gave them a quick glance and a smirk that set their already racing heart up into their ears. Steve desperately tried to stop their tail from wagging but it only sped up to the point their hips wiggled.

“Stop it.” Steve whispered to Steph.

“I’m not doing it. You are.”

“You’re blushing.”

“So are you.”

“Well nobody can see my blush.”

“The inside of your ears are bright red.”

They argued back and forth out of the corners of their smiling mouths but they were totally helpless to stop broadcasting their delight. Mistress would surely punish them for this breach in her prim and proper. Steve began imagining what sort of punishments they’d be subjected to. Tied up and impaled on Cerberus? Bent over the knee and spanked? That seemed unlikely. Mistress seemed focused on not causing a scene but maybe she’d take them back to the car and…

Steph bit her. Nipped the underside of her jaw. Steve mewed and flinched away, causing a few eyes to shift from Tina to them.

“Stop thinking naughty thoughts!” Steph scolded once the attention waned, “Your gonna make us drip through our panties.”

Steve giggled, “Wait, you're telling me not to be naughty? I thought you were my hedonistic id.”

A soft growl. “Mistress told us to be prim and proper. We should be good girls for mistress.”

“I’m trying!” Steve protested and attempted focused her attention on their surroundings. They made it through an initial entry aisle that were lined with heavily, discounted products before opening up into a large produce section. The fruits and vegetables didn’t interest her much at all but the people drew her eye. Among the two dozen, she counted three with minor magical augmentations, one tall man with purple skin and hair, a petite woman with cat ears and a full on MILF sporting fox ears and tail who was absolutely poured into her jeans. Steph had to nudge her to stop staring.

“I can’t help it.” Steve whined. “I’m a foxsexual.”

That cracked Steph up so badly that she buried her giggle in a paw. Steve smiled as she pondered her unexpected twin. The game seemed to treat them differently now, with changes applying more to Steve’s own head than Steph’s. Their mismatched faces were the most obvious one but the loosing of inhibitions from the naughty doggo card seemed to only affect Steve but perhaps Steph had no inhibitions to lower in the first place? Steph remained more eager to please than the two of them. Steve would chalk that up to her gaining a bit of feline stubborness, but breaking out the dog braining had been all her. Steph hadn’t minded it one bit.

Thinking of Angelica, Steve regarded the brightly spotted sphinx. She stuck close to Tina as a shadow and avoiding most attention. Still, she seemed to be enjoying herself, whenever Tina stopped to sniff at the produce one hand would fall on Angelica’s head to scratch at her ears or the base of her horns. With an ear pointed in her direction, Steve could hear her purr. Then nearly died of embarrassment when Tina invited a brave child who had broken away from his mother to pet her. Steve wasn’t sure she’d ever trust Angelica enough to list her on their clock as mistress, but as an equal she was easy to love.

“Excuse me, uh, misses?” A voice stirred Steve out of her thoughts and they found themselves with the purple man. “Those are incredible augs you have. Can I ask who did them?” Broad and handsome with straight bangs that almost but not quite covered one eye. Not handsome is the same way as Tony had been, Steve didn’t want to jump his bones immediately. Although she could be convinced.

“Ah hello sir.” Steph answered brightly while Steve eyed him up and down.

“I’m sorry but we’re not at liberty to say much about our origins,” Steve said, squashing an urge to tell him all about their magic card game.

“Well you’re very pretty and your friends are amazing looking. Do you live in the area or you visiting?” He asked with a practiced, easy smile.

Holy crap, we’re getting hit on in a grocery store. Steve’s ears heated to the point they’d fry eggs.

“Thank you so much sir.” Steph said, “We are in a… transition at the moment but we hope to stay in the area. Perhaps you’d like to show us around sometime?”

The man blinked in surprise then laughed, his cheeks darkening. “Ha. I was leading up to that. Planned a few more witty lines before dropping the ask.”

Steve laughed, “That’s my sister. She doesn’t beat around the bush.” She managed to shut her mouth before the rest of the thought came out. She prefers you beat the inside of our bush.

“Well I’d be honored to show you ladies around, in either a professional or casual capacity.” He pulled a card from a pocket.

A shadow fell over them as pinched the card between two digits. The man, a Ryan according to his card, looked above their heads and swallowed hard

“Girls,” Tina said as she placed hand on the pair’s shoulder, “We are shopping, not flirting.”

Steve and Steph flinched, although not due to the possessive hand placement, but the vibe bursting into a full force whirlwind for a second before stopping entirely. To breathless to reply Tina continued.

“Since your cart is still empty, go to the meat section and fill it to the brim. Make sure you pick the freshest stuff. Depending on how this week goes, we might even serve some of it at the party.”

“Yes mistress.” They both answered and somehow Steph had kept their grip on the card. They glanced at it before dropping it into an apron pocket. Real estate agent. They dropped into a curtsy to the purple man.

“Excuse us Sir Ryan,” Steph said.

“Duty calls.” Steve echoed as they took the cart and wheeled it around.

“A pleasure,” He said, recovering well from Tina’s intimidating appearance. As they strolled of toward the back of the store they heard him ask Tina, “So your having a party?”

“So if we pull him under the plume tree do you think he’d be a bear?” Steph whispered.

“He’s in real estate so I’m thinking rat or snake.” Steve quipped although she hadn’t gotten those vibes at all. The way he’d swooped on them called to mind more of an eagle or hawk. 

“Thats not fair, besides real estate means money.” Steph said, “We could use some jewelry to accent our dresses.”

“Stop.” Steve shook her head, the last thing she wanted to think about was finances. Those were Tina’s problem now and she was more than happy to leave that all to her.

They roamed back and forth among the open refrigerated bins that displayed plastic wrapped packages of meat. A scene of utter mundanity but the scent of it all changed it into a novel experience. Holding a package to her nose brought a mealdly of notes or flavors in the scent of the meat. The balance of fat to lean? The freshness? Steve couldn’t precisely put word to the notes in the scent but combined some packages smelled better than others. So they pawed through the bins, sniffing at each package before deciding which ones were worthy of the cart. Apart from Tina the pair of them gathered a small crowd of onlookers. Steph made small talk with a few of them, answered a few questions to the curious while letting Steve fill the cart. As it approached capacity, a flash of burnt orange caught her eye. The hippy fox tailed woman waited in line at the deli and fish counter.

“We should get some fish.” Steve told her sister, piloting the cart towards the counter.

Steph giggled, “I don’t think the tail you're really after has scales.” Steve merely huffed and pushed up beside the woman.

“Your tail is lovely.” Steve told the woman when she glanced in their direction.

“Aww thank you. You look fabulous hon, uh hons. Way too extreme for me, though.” She said with a little shiver. The worker behind the counter called on her and she went to place her order. 

Their tail, which had settled into a slow wag while they shopped, stilled for the first time since entering the store. Steve had no time to stew in her disappointment because the vibe woke up, feather light within them. They didn’t turn around to find Tina but steeled their spine and spread their toes. Sure enough, as soon the as deli worker called on them the vibe kicked up a notch. They weathered its initial pulse with barely a shiver but couldn’t do anything against the concentration shattering pleasure the rippled through them. Carefully, they wheeled their cart closer to the counter. The worker, a graying woman regarded them with a jaded expression. 

“Hi, could I-uh, sniff your salmon?” Steve said, trying to float above the buzzing within them.

“You wanna do what?” The woman asked with narrowing eyes.

“I need to smell it for freshness. To,” Steve paused as their insides started to quiver, taking a deep breath. “Assure its suitable for my employer.”

“One moment.” The worker rolled her eyes and the moment she turned away the first orgasm cascaded through them. They weathered it with the barest squeak and forced their pants through their flaring nostrils. The worker returned with a fillet of salmon on a sheet of wax paper. “How’s this?”

Dutifully they leaned in and inhaled the fishes scent in great huffing breath trying to focus on it and not the scent of their own wetness. They placed one paw on the glass and curled their toes as bliss shiver through them.

“Thaaaat will do.” Steph managed to say.

“We’ll t-take the whole filet please mew,ma’aam,” Steve struggled to school her tongue but could do nothing against the rising purr in her throat.

“Furries.” The worker chuckled ruefully under her breath as she wrapped the fish.

Then something brushed their leg and the unexpected sensation broke their brittle concentration. Steph barked while Steve slammed a paw over her mouth to muffle a yowl as their innards clenched on the vibrating bar. Yet they held it together.

“Angelica! You sstartled us.” Steph said as Steve tried play off the yowl as a yawn. The Sphinx sat beside them pawing at their knee, a sly smile on her face. “We’re ha-haaa-happy to sssee you.” 

“Mewtress wants fried ch’cken for the mewrive home.” She said. “Then she mewant your mewpinion on mutter. Mew mean butter.”

Butter? Steve glance down the back wall of the grocery store and sighted Tina’s hunched shoulders in the dairy section at the opposite end of the store. Surely she’d tone down the vibe before she made them walk that far. Surely…

The worker handed them the wrapped fish and they clasped it between two paws with only a slight wobble to their legs. If it weren’t for the mistress's command, they’d both be screaming at this point but they fought the temptation to give into the pleasure with every scrap of willpower they could muster. Requesting four buckets of fried with only slight breathlessness to their voices to betray them. Once they secured the chicken and the worker’s eyes were off them they brace against the cart and let the orgasm they’d been holding back rip. They choked back their yowl and howl to muffled whimpers and bit their lips. The wet of their juices overflowed their panties and soaked into the fur coating their inner thighs. 

“Chicken smells good.” Steve ground out, trying to pass their hunching over the handle of their cart.

“Mew smells somew-thing hot and juicy.” Angelica licked her chops. Nobody else’s comments filtered through her pointed ears, they were really getting away with this?!

Steve didn’t dare look at the fellow shoppers, she kept her eyes on the cart as they wheeled it around. Their cheeks touched, as they nodded against each other. Together they took a careful step forward, then another but on the third the vibe shifted a tiny bit, touching a fresh bit of sensitive inner wall.

A mew escaped Steve’s mouth. They didn’t stop, but the pleasure chipped away at their composure with every step. Steph lifted a paw to conceal the way her tongue stretched further and further over her bottom lip. Steve made little gasping meows and purred with every inhalation. Steering the cart with one arm, they slowly bent over it, putting so much weight on it the cart threatened to pop a wheelie. Their tail wagged so hard it add to the jostling.

The little quivers of orgasms stopped all together as they crossed into the dairy section, building towards a screaming release that neither of them would be able to stop. Thoughts narrowed. The mistress, they had to reach the mistress. Had to hold it back till then. The mistress meant relief, they needed their mistress, now. Right now.

“Mistress? Mistress?” They chanted, panted as they steered through the aisle.

And there she was. Steve and Steph the pleased look on her face turn to surprise as they abandoned their cart and broke into a run. They only saw the sanctuary of her arms.

“Mistress! They shouted. Covering the last twenty feet at a dead run, their front paws slapped against the tile flooring once before they leapt onto Tina, wrapped their arms around her thick neck and buried their faces in her chest. As arms lifted them from the floor the bomb of pleasure exploded within them and the pair screamed in the Yeen’s thick fur.

“Aww, what’s the matter girls? Was some one mean to you?” Tina said as if she were comforting children as she pivoted her body, placing them between her and a wall. “I’m sure they didn’t mean it.”

“Mrrrrowwstress!?” Steve grasped as one Tina’s arms pressed their faces to her breasts. 

The vibe exploded into writhing movement within them. Delivering four pulses of buzzing bliss that cause stars to explode in the dark of Steve’s eyelids. They quivered as they cycled between new strain and shuddering orgasms.

Finally, the vibe went still. Steve and Steph went limp, falling into a thoughtless haze as Tina cradled them against her.

“Yes.” Tina laughed into a cell phone she held against the corner of her jaw. “We’re nearly done. Oh! Girls had a little bit of a melt down… Don’t worry! They’re okay. They’re the most delicate of flowers, crying if someone looks at them the wrong way. Hehehe. Right talk later.”

Tina lowered the phone and carefully dropped it into her tiny clutch purse. Then those smaller hands started petting Steve and Steph, stroking their soft ears until they twitched beneath her touch. “Nak nak nak,” She laughed before whispering, “What happen to prime and proper?”

The conjoined sisters blinked, the question stirring their blanked out minds and they whimpered apologetically.

She laughed harder. “Good girls. I’m going to put you down now.”

Steve and Steph’s legs wobbled but held. Only problem was that the front of their skirt had fallen between their soggy legs, creating a wet spot on their apron. Tina had a similair problem, her cock escaping out the top of her speedo. She shoved it back in but it looked like she was smuggling out a Pringles can.

The first words that returned to Steve’s sex stunned brain as they were moving toward the checkout were Tina calling them the most delicate of flowers. Her ears burned all the way to the car.

They exploded from her mouth as soon as all the doors safely shut out the rest of the world. “Delicate Flowers? Really Mistress?!”

Tina only laughed, “I had to come up with something, and you did have a bit of a meltdown. Besides…” She locked eyes with Steve in rear view mirror. “Call you a bad girl once and you whimper. If I did it three times I bet you’d cry but not to worry. You both were very very good girls in the store. Although,” She reached up between the seats, slipped her hand beneath their skirt to stroke the damp fur. “Your kinda a wet and soggy excuse for maids.”

“Mistress…” The high of the praise crashed into embarrassment that had Steve mewling.

Steph merely smiled, “Shall we take you home your highness?”

“Please,” Tina said, settling back into the car. “I want to go home and practice my knots before tea time. The cat needs some attention.”

“Mewp?” Angelica gulped. 




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