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  The earth is dying. No longer will it support life. Instead, it devours. Rivers that ran through the valleys, forests, and mountains like the lifeblood of our dear mother, giving us the life-sustaining water that we needed, are now flowing with toxic sludge. 

  Once oxygen-giving and beautiful, the trees stand as decrepit lifeless reminders of what we have allowed. Lush green forests have been reduced to ashen wastelands, where the earth has turned to coarse dry sand, Never to bloom again.

  The human race, or those who could afford it, have taken to the stars. Abandoning the rest of us on this desolate, irradiated rock, they have all but ruined.

  Babes are born and die, having never seen the sun through the smog-filled skies or seen anything through their diseased eyes. And still, we struggle against all odds.

  Some of us have taken to the depths of the earth in hopes of finding some form of mother earth's bounty left untouched, untainted by the hands of men who sought only to profit from her riches.

  Some dream of a time when those who left would come back and save us from this hell they have created, but these are the dreams of people not yet born when the greedy and blackhearted walked among us.

  They did not see them as they were, Monsters, men and women so twisted by greed and power, they felt nothing watching us eat one another alive.

  Those who remember the violence, the lottery, the contracts, and the coercion do not dream of salvation. We dream of revenge. We dream of the day when our hands can wrap around their necks to suffocate them, just as they have suffocated us.

These are The end times.