The Path to Perfection
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Have you ever imagined the unsettling feeling of being trapped in a dark and infinite void? It's a deep question that makes you question the very meaning of life. But let's simplify it: Have you ever wondered what it's like to die?

Contrary to what many people think, death isn't just about feeling sad and scared. It's more like suddenly waking up to realize all the mistakes you've ever made. Every wrong turn, every bad choice, every word you wish you hadn't said—they all come rushing back to you like a movie you can't turn off.

In death, time seems to stretch on forever, giving you plenty of time to think about everything you wish you could change. It's like being stuck in a never-ending loop of regrets that you can't escape from.

But even amid all this reflection, there's a strange sense of clarity. It's like suddenly understanding the reasons behind everything that's ever happened to you. You see how every action leads to a consequence, whether good or bad. It's a bit like lifting a veil and seeing the big picture for the first time.

So when you're faced with death, you're forced to confront the reality of your own life. You have to come to terms with all the things you've done, both good and bad. It's a heavy burden to bear, knowing that you can't go back and change anything.

In the end, it's not the fear of the unknown that stays with you—it's the knowledge of what could have been if things had been different. It's a sobering thought, knowing that your choices shape your destiny and that once you're gone, there's no going back.

"Damn, I should've paid Jim," echoed through my mind incessantly, a revelation that not only plagued my thoughts but sparked a sense of devotion worthy of contemplation. Our relationship, born from the literal worst beating of my life, was an enigma. Yet, in the aftermath, it transformed into something akin to brotherhood, or perhaps even a master and his pupil. The experience of dying may have skewed my perception, but there was no denying the profound impact of Jim's words—they were something I didn't realize I needed until they reached my ears.

In my previous life, I wasted countless hours as a bystander, content to watch others achieve greatness while foolishly hoping their success would somehow rub off on me. But now, with clarity brought by death's doorstep, I saw the twisted nature of that mindset.

I hadn't witnessed the gruelling hours of training they endured on a near-daily basis, nor had I glimpsed the struggles behind the curtain or the lows that weren't part of their stage persona. At best, I was a fan, and at worst, an obsessive stalker. But those were chapters of my past life, and I was determined to leave them behind as I faced the uncertain journey ahead—a journey hinted at by the glowing blue screen before me.

Loading up pre-recorded message




"Greetings, esteemed Host!

In the tapestry of your seemingly mundane existence, you've woven a thread of extraordinary resilience—a thread that has unravelled the fabric of the ordinary and propelled you into the realms of the unusual. Yes, you, with your unwavering determination and relentless pursuit of greatness, have embarked on a journey unlike any other—a journey that defies the constraints of time and space.

But fear not, for this transcendence is not an anomaly reserved for the chosen few. Nay, it is the mark of individuals such as yourself—individuals imbued with an innate drive to carve their path, to shape their destiny amidst the chaos of existence.

And so, as a testament to your boundless potential, you find yourself standing at the threshold of a new world—a world brimming with possibilities and ripe for exploration. But this is no mere happenstance; it is a gift bestowed upon you by the very forces that govern the universe.

As you step into this new reality, know that you do so not as a mere spectator, but as the architect of your fate. You have been endowed with a system—a system meticulously crafted to align with your deepest desires and loftiest ambitions. It is a tool, a device, a guiding light in the vast expanse of the unknown.

May your path be illuminated by the radiant glow of your potential, and may your adventures be as boundless as the stars themselves."


Pre-recorded message complete!

"So, I've got a system? To think they were real, damn," I muttered to myself, unable to contain the bubbling excitement coursing through my veins. It was as if a doorway to infinite possibilities had suddenly swung open before me, and I couldn't help but marvel at the sheer potential that lay within my grasp. I would have to be an idiot not to recognise what a system is with all the various fanfics I had read about all my favourite stars.

Systems are akin to tools that empower users with game-like abilities to pursue their ultimate goals. Initially inspired by the JRPG genre, these systems boasted features such as stats, inventory management, quest logs, and more. However, over time, they have evolved into a diverse range of forms, with some systems streamlining certain concepts while others expand upon them.

From villainous systems to those tailored for shopkeepers, the diversity is vast. Yet, the consensus remains clear: having a system at one's disposal greatly enhances their chances of success. After all, in a world where challenges abound, the assistance provided by a system can be the key to overcoming obstacles and achieving greatness.

"Erm, could you load my stats?" I asked in a questioning manner, it was always best to see what I was working with in general before I was to accidentally load myself up into the next world.

『Haruki Takahashi』

  『Title: /NA』

『Potential: /NA』


『Skills: /NA』






Due to the absence of any note-worthy skill, the user has been given the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to roll on the Universal Skill Table.


The skill table rewards are varied to a degree of both negative and positive rewards and all skills are permitted.

Would the user like to accept the Universal Skill Table Roll?


Firstly, one immediate observation was the absence of any information on my stats, other than the name which didn't belong to me, given my Western background and that of my family. Although the title made sense, crucial listings such as potential and even skills were notably missing. Even if I had abysmal potential, a rating should have been present, but that was something I would have to question later, as my main concern lay with my skills.

I was typically not one to take risks in life, hence my rather stagnant progress in anything unrelated to idols. Due to this, I felt rather hesitant to accept the skill roll entity. What if I gained a skill with only negative connotations, like one that turned everything I touched into useless junk, or made me a target for dangerous individuals? Although the possibilities were out there, there was also the chance the skill would grant me wildly beneficial talents, such as giving me an angelic voice to further my idol goals or other benefits.

The risks seemed evenly balanced overall, but if there was one thing Jim's beating had taught me, it's that the world is far ahead of me in every sense. There exist people who are stronger, more gifted, and harder workers than me, especially in the idol industry. So if I wanted to become an idol, I would have to seize every advantage I could, regardless of the consequences I might face.

I was determined to become an idol in this world no matter what, and I would take whatever help I could get. As my fist bashed in the acceptance section, I saw a list of skills flash past my eyes, faster than I could read. It felt like a whole minute passed as the wheel of skills spun slower and slower, eventually landing on a skill I had never heard of before, even in all my gaming experience.

『Skills: 1 』

•  Slice of Perfection,『Rank 5』 - You stand alone as the sole beacon of perfection in the eyes of all!』

"Is that all?" I queried, my voice echoing in the void of uncertainty as I awaited further elucidation. Yet, the silence of the system persisted, leaving me stranded in a sea of unanswered questions.

What in the world was a rank 5 skill? Did skills even have rankings, and if they did, where did 5 fall on the spectrum of significance? However, just as these inquiries swirled in my mind, the system seemed to anticipate my confusion, offering a solution in the form of an additional screen delineating the various skill rankings.

"So, skills are evaluated in two distinct ways," I began, trying to make sense of the system's intricacies. "Firstly, there's the experiential rating of the skill, graded from F- to A+, which indicates the proficiency level and how close one is to advancing to the next rank. Then, there's the skill's actual ranking, denoted from 1 to 4, which signifies its potency and effectiveness."

"Rank 1 skills are rather commonplace, offering minimal utility, while rank 2 skills are rarer and typically acquired after dedicated training. As we ascend to rank 3, we step into the realm where the line between the ordinary and extraordinary blurs, as these skills are reserved for seasoned professionals. Finally, rank 4 skills are the pinnacle, achievable only by those who have mastered their craft, distinguishing themselves as the absolute best in their field."

I paused, feeling a surge of frustration bubbling within me. "But why, then, is my skill ranked 5? And where is its rarity rating?" I questioned aloud, the sense of bewilderment gnawing at my mind. It seemed logical to assume that since I acquired the skill from an external system, divorced from the natural order, its rarity would be incomparable. However, the absence of an actual rank 5 designation and the lack of clarity surrounding its implications left me vexed and uncertain

With a calming exhale, I decided to bring closure to my time in this mysterious limbo, recognizing that lingering here only compounded the stress already weighing on my mind. As I patiently studied the enigmatic skill before me, searching for any hidden insights it might reveal, I sensed a subtle shift ripple through my body—a signal that my departure was imminent.

At that moment, a surprising sense of peace washed over me, offering a tranquil send-off as my consciousness began its gentle drift away from my physical form and into the boundless void that enveloped me. With my final moments playing out before me, I couldn't help but entertain one last thought, filled with anticipation for the journey ahead.

"I can't wait to become an idol," I whispered with a heart brimming with anticipation, as the ethereal embrace of oblivion enveloped me, and my consciousness melted into the infinite expanse of the unknown.