Chapter 15
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---17-Year-old Deverick---

In the last year, something amazing happened to Lia. All her hard work paid off as Ganora of the council decided to take her as a student. To understand why this is a big deal, one only needs to hear her title. Known as the Magic Smith, it can be seen that Ganora is one of the best in her field. 

As a result of this encounter, Lia decided to take a gap year. She wanted to spend the year traveling around the world with her teacher, learning everything she can. After that, she will decide on a college to enter and pursue her own path. A choice that even Ganora supports. If Lia had decided to put off college and fully dedicate herself to following Ganora around, the elder would not have taken her as her student.

On the day they are setting off, Deverick came out of his lab to say his goodbyes. Sarah, Lia's personal maid was by the side, crying. 

"Now now Sarah, it's only a temporary separation," Lia consoled her.

"Young lady. Whaaah," Sarah started crying harder. "I'm so proud of you."

Lia just smiled, not sure how to calm the maid.

"It's fine Lia. Go out into the world and do your best. I am sure we will hear each other's names even if we rarely see each other," Deverick hopped into the conversation. A very good way to cut off any further drama that he doesn't want to see.

After that, the only other noticeable thing that happened in the last year was the Nemesis auction. Taking advantage of his new ability to teleport items anywhere he wants, Deverick decided to expand his platform a little more.

Most of the items were unique little gimmicks that are made as toys, but to everyone else, a treasure that represents unlimited possibilities. After letting Opus have fun playing the auctioneer for a few hours, Deverick decided it is time for the grand finale. When the final item came out, the entire world was shocked.

"How is that possible."

"A revolution"


The reactions were not unjustified. This is because the final item is a spatial ring. A median-sized one at that. 

"I know how unbelievable this sounds, but it's the truth. Let me demonstrate." The avatar on-screen poured mana into the ring. The runes started shining. Then he reached out into the air. A portal formed in front of the hand. BlackJester reached into the portal and pulled out a piece of metal.

"As you can see, spatial storage." He then took out a business card. 

"And to further prove it, I will leave this in the storage. If the winner of this auction does not find this in the ring, they can demand twice the refund, all in contribution points."

This claim confirmed the authenticity of the ring. Now it is not a question of if it sells, but how high. This is because the amount of points they will get if it's false is a safety net. A very big one at that. Big enough to buy any item on the exchange and still have points to spare. 

Realizing this, the crowd fell into a frenzy. They must win this! No matter the cost.

After the auction, Opus commented on the small scheme.

"Very clever of you. That promise of yours probably made the final price at least triple compared to if you didn't say it."

"I wouldn't do something if there is no benefit for it. And you have to realize that was an intermediate-level ring. If that goes for a small amount, then wouldn't we have made a huge loss when they manage to make low-level ones and sell them for a high cost?"

"But that is not even going to happen anytime. It will take at least ten more years before they can even attempt it."

"Exactly. But that doesn't mean we can't brand the ring as a super luxurious item. We would be the ones to profit. Now I am sure the people are anxious about never getting instructions on how to get their items."

"Should I make an announcement?"

"Keep it vague. It's a surprise after all."

Just as the winners felt something is not right about the situation, they saw a video on the front page.

"For the winners of the auction items that are suspecting us of fraud, you are correct. We would totally take your money and run after years of hard work establishing our reputation. Just imagine how many people fell for our plan and converted so many contribution points. Now we will disappear with 2 years worth of profits. Not. Are you kidding me?!? Who would be stupid enough to do that? By the way, you should be getting your items in..."

He paused and gestured for the camera to come closer. For a couple of seconds, there was pure silence. The audience leaned in, anticipating what he would say. He opened his hands and faced them upward. 

"You people might want to do this as well."

Confused at what Jester is trying to do, they obeyed.

"Because it will be about... Now."

When he finished his sentence, all winners saw a box appear above their open hands before gently falling on them. 

BlackJester nodded and the video ended.

"Another great show."


---18-year-old Deverick---

Deverick turned 18 this year. Honestly, he felt lost. Lost in what to do from now on. He already lived a grand life. Born in a rich family and working his way up, he now reached the top. At least in terms of research abilities and magic. Don't get him wrong, he enjoys what he does. But is that all life has to offer? All the fame and creations seem like a matter of time now. The original sense of challenge has disappeared and what replaced it, was a feeling of melancholy. Melancholy for the lack of difficulties in life. Melancholy for a lack of a goal.

An uneasy feeling. Maybe he should have gone to school. He could have made friends his age. He could have basked in their silliness. He could have done so much more. Now he feels like an old man. Having done everything he ever wanted, existing any longer seems just to prolong the idleness. The idleness of boredom. The idleness of experience. The idleness of emotions. A very strong idleness.  

Then, as if answering his depressed thoughts, something in the world sounded. No, it was someone. Someone who is a friend.

*Knock knock*

"Come in."

"Hey, Deverick. How are you doing on this- Oh man you look depressed." 

It was Lilith, the inexperienced dean of Star Bound.

"Hey, Lilith."

"What's wrong? Come on. You can tell me. I promise I won't judge."

"I feel lost."

"How so? You need to say more than that man."

"I achieved what I set out to do."

"Oh, the emptiness from achieving the goal that you worked so hard for."

Deverick nodded. 

"But shouldn't you at least feel happy? Like you achieved your life goal."

"All the emotions have been experienced"

"Ok, you need to stop thinking so much. You are starting to sound like an old man. But I get you. That feeling."

"How do you deal with it?"

"Everyone does it differently. But I find a new goal."

"I don't know of any."

"Then make it your goal to one-up yourself. To do something the current you can never think of. To show the world something they have never seen."

Light returned to Deverick's eyes. "To show the world something they have never imagined. What a peculiar way of thinking. To make the world my show and the world my audience. Yes. That could work."

"Glad to see that helped."

"Yeah. But I still don't know what to do. I found a new goal, but how should I go about it?"

"Hmmm. Are you by any chance interested in becoming a professor?"

"Excuse me?"

"Come be a professor at Star Bound. We could use someone of your abilities."

"That's something I didn't expect. Sure. If you can convince the school board, I'm in."

"Don't worry. I'm the dean. I will convince them one way or another. I will let you know the details in a couple of weeks."

"Thank you."



A few weeks later, at a school board meeting. 


"Look Lilith, this is ridiculous," an administrator got up and slammed his hand on the meeting table. 

"How so?"

"Do you even hear yourself? There is no way we would allow someone so young to be our professor. Not to mention the fact that he has no indication of even qualifying for the position."

"Since when do we discriminate against age?"

"This is not a matter of discrimination! It's a matter of reputation!" The elder man yelled in frustration. "We can't take in just anybody for god's sake. We are the most prestigious academy in the world. We are Star Bound!"

"He's not just anybody. He is the son of the Mordesins and Adinilinis."

"Cap it. You know background means nothing here. All we care about is ability."

"And I say his ability is adequate for the position."

"Are we just supposed to take your word for it? What happens if he is not good enough?" 

"Ok, shut it. Let's get straight to the question. Are you going to let him be a professor or not?"

"Isn't that obvious? You might be the dean of this academy, but there is no way I will let you run this place to the ground. The legacy will not decline in my generation!"

"Fine. What will it take to change your mind?"

"Nothing. I refuse to believe a brat of barely legal age has the ability to teach here."

"What if I put my position on the line?"


"If he is as unqualified as you think, I will stop my stubborn ways and fully listen to your advice from now on."

This changes things. In the last three years since Lilith took the position, she has been adamantly against some of the traditions of the Academy. Constantly saying that to nurture the best, the academy needs to give them support when the students need it. Not everyone is able to survive in this ruthless competition. If they let go of anyone who fails, they are giving up a lot of potential. Lots of untapped potential. Doing so could mean burying a talent that the world might need.

A different view compared to what everyone was used to. But if it meant Lilith would stop insisting on her wrong ways, the elders won't mind indulging her. Although the academy will lose some reputation when the word gets out that they let someone in through connections, it is a price they are willing to pay. There is no one else for the position right now. A position as important as the dean can't simply be changed because they are frustrated with her.

Since they can't replace her, the only option left is to guide Lilith on the correct path. That is the only method to ensure the continuation of their tradition. Otherwise, when they retire, they might not be able to rest in peace. 

"Why go so far for him?"

"Unlike you, I know him. I know what he is capable of. His ability to teach is something seen only in those experienced professors. I know the depths of research he reached. I know the amount of hard work he has put in over the years. I have seen the expression of a man that has reached the top and has become aimless in him. The expression of absolute boredom only comes when there is no more progress to be made. Something in me is telling me that if I miss this opportunity, I will regret it. I will regret having missed such a genius when I had the chance. This feeling is so strong that I am willing to gamble my career on him."

"If you are that determined, we have nothing to say anymore."

One by one, the members got up and walked out of the meeting room. It is obvious the administration is not happy with this decision, but they decided they will be there to clean up this mess when it happens. One elder is even prepared to take the fall and step down when this fiasco happens. Everything is for the academy and they are proud of it.

Background is done. Now let's actually get into school life.