Chapter 53
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---Sylvia's pov---

1 month has passed. After the first week, Deverick taught everyone how to channel mana in a specific way to strengthen the muscles in the body for a short period. The technique is very interesting. It stimulates the latent potential of the body for a burst of strength and speed, but it puts a big strain on the parts. In a way, the technique used mana to overload the muscles to unleash the power in an instant.

Because of this logic, the stronger the body the greater the boost. Likewise, a stronger physique also leads to a longer duration of power. At first, this technique was very unpleasant to use as many of us were paralyzed by the pain that came afterward, but Deverick kept forcing us. After a while, our bodies got used to it and the pain lessened, leaving only fatigue. As we got more proficient with it, we started being able to stimulate only a part of our bodies rather than the whole, leading to a smaller breakdown.

I suspect that part of the reason our bodies got used to the boost so easily was that when our bodies heal, they become stronger. I guess our muscle fibers broke down more thoroughly when we first used it so the increase was the greatest at that time. I say that because the growth of our bodies has slowed down compared to before. 

Other than that, Deverick also went over a technique to coat our weapons in mana. Apparently, it was a more advanced application of mana strengthening, but no one in the class has been able to use mana coating yet. Deverick said something about us not having good control of our mana, but does he have any idea how difficult that was for us? He has to realize not everyone has the same mental capabilities as he does.

Furthermore, there is talk about there being a level above that. Deverick wouldn't tell us what that level was as according to him, "We don't need to worry about it yet."

At the time, the whole class wanted to know, I was not an exception. Since he refused to tell us, we tried to find the information online. After an hour of futile research, we turned to Nemesis since that has more professional-related knowledge. That was several more hours that we could have spent differently. No matter how we looked, we just couldn't find any mention of this system of mana manipulation. The main topic we keep finding was the main one that defines the complexity of all mages.

It was interesting to see the equivalents of each level around the world, but it wasn't what we were looking for. That was when I realized that this system might be an original creation of Deverick's. A shocker considering this system of combat he was teaching us was old news. When I asked him about it, his response was typical of him.

"Of course, I developed this system. So far, the only system we have was based on spell complexity. There was no system defined by how well one can manipulate mana and the boost of combat power it grants. So I just created my own. The current power system is still in its infancy stages, but I have hope that it will become a major power in the future. I don't know how long it will take, but I want to see how far I can push it."

That pretty much made it so that we have no way to satisfy our curiosity. We can only be diligent in our practice until Deverick deems us worthy of knowing the next step in this system. 

On this day, I was walking around with Lia as our girl's day out. You know, normal things. Hanging out with our friends, shopping, and having fun. At least it would have been a normal day until we met Selena.

"Oh, Sylvia. Nice to see you here." She was way too happy for my liking. 

"If only I could say the same."

"Nah, don't be like that."

She wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

"Aren't we good friends after a month?" 

"We would be if you didn't constantly bother me about Deverick."

"Come on, don't blame me. How can I not when he's my idol? Back me up, Lia."

"Are you really asking me to support someone that I classify as my brother's stalker?"

"He's your brother?!?! Wait that's beside the point. I'm not a stalker. I am an admirer."

"Same difference."

"No, it's not."

"Say that to his cult."


"He keeps denying it, saying it's his fan club and not a cult, but they treat his works as a holy text. How else do you describe such fanatical behavior?"

"Uhhhhhhh. I have no idea what you're talking about."

"And don't you dare tell anyone that! Having one person chasing after him is already tiring enough," I snorted. 

"That explains why you give me the attitude every time we meet. But you should really control yourself. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought you were obsessed with him."

Of course. After all that he has done for me, how can-

No! Don't you dare lump me together with you. I am not like you. I have certain standards, you know. And it's not me obsessing over him. He offered me a position. That means he doesn't mind my presence. Unlike you, who transferred here, but never got any special treatment, I am treated differently compared to everyone else. If I don't help him chase away weirdos like you, then who will? Yeah, that's it. 

"Of course not. That would be silly." I decided to give the most straightforward response.

The two of them looked at me with a hint of doubt in their eyes. I determined that the best response is to ignore it. If I overreact trying to defend myself, then I would only appear more suspicious. And maybe I am just being paranoid when I thought I saw the doubt. Calm down, Sylvia. An honest person doesn't show signs of guilt. Calm down. Yes, deep breaths. 

"Anyways. What were you two doing?"

"Just having our girls' day out," Lia replied.

"Cool. Mind if I join?"

"I don't why not. Sylvia?"

"I don't mind."

Yes. Calm down. No need to overreact. Just be normal. Normal Sylvia.

"So where are we going?"

"Well, Lia and I were about to get something to eat. After that, we will call it a night."

"That sounds great. Do you have any places in mind? If not, I know this place that serves really good pies for dessert."

That sounds interesting. I haven't had a good pie in a while.

I looked at Lia.

She shrugged.

"I guess we are in."

"Ok. I promise this will be the best pie you will have."

She started leading us to a small restaurant that is on a back road. I looked up at the shop with giant glass windows. Looks classy, to say the least. We entered and a waiter greeted us.

"Welcome, table for 3?"


"Follow me then."

The waiter then led us to a table for 4. I guess they don't have tables for 3. Makes sense. This was a small place so we can't expect complicated arrangements. We sat down and started looking at the menu. There weren't that many items and the names were plain sounding, but the descriptions were good. They gave a homely vibe that people crave when they returned from a long trip. 

"What can I get you all?"

"Any suggestions, Selena?"

"Mind if I order for all of us then?"

"Go for it. You know the menu better than we do."

"Very well. Can we get 3 dinner platters with chicken?"

The water scribbled the order on his notepad.


I pondered on that. Never considered it, but I am not against the idea. I looked at the soup section and picked the first one out of three.

"Lagasana Soup for me."

"I will do the same," Lia decided to copy me.

"Then I will do the beef soup."

The water nodded.

"And before you go, can we also have apple pie for dessert?"

"3 servings?"

"A whole one. Thank you"

After the water left, I asked a question to generate something to talk about.

"Why did we not see dessert on the menu?"

"That's because they would bring us the options after we are almost finished, but since we know what we want, I just gave them the order now."

"Makes sense."

"Anyways Lia, since you are my idol's sister, can I ask you some questions?"

"As long as it's nothing too outrageous."

"That's fine. Just answer what you can."

"Then go ahead."

"I was always curious, but how did Deverick react when his poems became famous?"

Hearing this question, Lia smiled. It seems like those were fond memories. I guess everyone in the family must have celebrated when that happened.

"He was annoyed at the attention and the reactions of a certain Elder."

Huh? Why was that so different from my expectations? 

"At the time, mom thought it would be a great idea to publish some writings that she found in his room. I even remembered her talking to grandpa about it. And when Deverick came back from his camping trip, he realized everything had spiraled out of control. Mom was quite proud of the achievement, but dad laughed his ass off that day."

Her smile widened at that memory. 

"So you're telling me everything was an accident?" Selena was very interested in this gossip.

"Pretty much. Everything was a series of coincidences. From dad interrupting Deverick to him leaving his writings on his desk. Then while they were gone, mom decided to clean his room despite him being quite organized. And my uncle just happens to own a publishing company and you know the rest."

"Then what about his later works? I am pretty sure 8 months after that incident, more of his poems were released online."

"Well, something changed about him. It might have just been that he accepted the fame and went along with it. I honestly don't know because I never asked."

We continued to chat for a few minutes until our food was delivered. I looked at the plate of beans, chicken in gravy, and some shredded vegetables. We dug in and I have to admit, the food was healthy and comforting. The soup was especially a good contrast for everything. After we finished, someone brought us desserts.

I looked up to see a girl around our age carrying a pie pan. When Selena saw the girl, she got up in surprise.

"Demise, is that you?"

The girl looked at Selena closely before recognization flashed across her eyes.

"Selena? It's been so long!"

"I know right?"

"You two know each other?" I asked.

"Yeah. We were neighbors at one point, but her family moved away a few years back. Here, Demise. Let me help you with that."

Selena got up from her seat and took the pan.

"No, it's fine."

"Don't be shy. It's been so long. We have so much to catch up on. Come one. Join us."

The girl hesitated for a few seconds.

"Ok. Let me tell my manager first."

"Sure. I will wait for you."

Selena started walking towards us with the tray in one hand, but something happened when she was a few feet away from the table. As her left foot was about to land, someone accidentally bumped into her, causing her to trip. The only problem?

"Sylvia watch out!"

When I turned my head to see what was happening, I was greeted with a certain pie. 


I froze. What just happened? I stared at the crust on my face. A second later, the pie fell down and I saw Selena getting up. She quickly grabbed some towels and came over to dab them on my face. After a few seconds, I started to feel the gooey apple filling slide down the side of my face. It was at this moment, I realized what had happened. I just got pied in the face. 

After the talk a while ago, I had the impression that you weren't so bad. I was about to stop bothering with trying to keep you away from Deverick, but this has become personal, Selena. 

As she cleaned up most of the filling, the stickiness of everything replaced that gooey feeling. I stared at her with a dead look. 

"What's wrong?"

Just you wait. Things aren't over. 

Now we have a grudge on top of the rivalry. What could possibly go wrong?