Chapter 18 – Revival
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Changing Aura to Mana.

*3rd Person Pov*

Everyone Gathered around Ryota as he held out his hands above the Lifeless bodies of Akeno and Issei. With his hands above them Ryota let out a bit of his Mana resembling the starry sky. 

When Ryota let his Mana out the surrounding people felt the density and the pressure of his power and started whispering between each other wondering who he was and what he was doing, meanwhile feeling Ryota's power The Satans, Azazel and Michael realized that Ryota wasn't fighting Gader'ial and Ananel Seriously. 

Few seconds after Ryota Released his Mana a silver magic circle appeared below Ryota and the two lifeless bodies. With the Appearance of the sudden complex magic circle that gave off similar pressure as Ryota everyone stopped their mutterings and watched on in surprise. 

As They watched on they saw that the magic circle was getting Brighter and brighter. Before long The body of Akeno and Issei started to glow as well.

Seeing the glowing body of Akeno and Issei, Rias clenched her hands together in hope. The rest of her Peerage came closer to her and Koneko asked Rias what everyone was wondering about. 

"Um President what.. is he doing?" (Koneko)

Everyone focused at Rias waiting for her answer.

With a bit of hope in her voice Rias said "Ryota said that.... he may be able to bring them back."

"Bring them back?! As in revive the Dead??" In shock Azazel asked back. Giving a nod at Azazel's Question Rias continued.

"Yes Azazel-Sama, That's what he said. He also said not to have high hopes for it as souls are strange." (Rias)

"Hmm even if he cant revive both of them, someone this strong and capable of interfering with something abstract like souls.... how have we not heard of someone like that." (Sirzechs)

"Yes. I don't think I have ever received any reports on someone like Ryota-Kin. What about you Brother?" (Michael)

"I haven't Either." (Azazel)

"Because he is not from this world Nya." (Kuroka)

Seeing as how the Faction leaders was wondering about why they never heard of Ryota, Kuroka thought to her self for a moment and decided to tell them why they never heard of him before.

Hearing Kuroka's words everyone looked towards her in surprise. 

"What do you mean by that Kuroka?" (Sirzechs)

"Well Nya.." 'mm Ryota nya didn't seem like he was planning on hiding his origins and power.... but just in case ill just tell them this part only.'

Shrugging her shoulder Kuroka Continued. "Its as I said Nya. He is not from this world. Well nya i know that sounds crazy but he has taken me on a date in another world nya"

"Not from this world huh?" Rubbing his chin Azazel said. "Could you show us some proof?"

"Sure nya." Saying so Kuroka reached into a pocket within her Kimono and grabbed her smartphone. Opening her phone she went to her gallery and showed them the pictures and selfies she took while in Danmachi. 

"This world is a medieval world nya, a world where adventures live and a dungeon exists nya." (Kuroka)

"If you don't mind me asking what is Ryota-kun?" (Michael)

"That you will have to ask him nya. I don't think he has any plans on hiding who he is nya so I'm sure he will tell you." (kuroka)

As Kuroka gave her phone to the leaders for them to view the pictures Koneko moved closer to Kuroka and pulled on her Kimono. 

"Nee-sama." (Koneko)

Seeing Koneko walk up to her and talk to her first surprised Kuroka but she Happily answered her.

"What is it Koneko-Chan~?" (Kuroka)

"Is Ryota your Boyfriend?" (Koneko)

Her sudden question surprised Kuroka and as she was about to answer her little sister the light from the body of Akeno Shined brightly surprising everyone. When the shine disappeared Akeno was laying there with out any light on her. 

As everyone thought it failed, her body jolted up inhaling a lot of air before sitting up coughing.

"Huff .. huff.." (Akeno)

Seeing how her Bestfriend was sitting up Rias Ran to her and hugged her shouting.

"AKENO!!" (Rias)

"Rias-" (Akeno)

"AKENO!!" Hugging her tightly Rias silently Cried.

"Rias? what happened?" Looking around Akeno saw that everyone was surrounding her, Including her Juniors from the peerage who was crying and the relieved faces of the Sitri Peerage. She noticed that there was an unknown Black haired man next to her. She also noticed the body of Issei next to him as well.

"Issei? Rias what's going on?" Patting Rias on the back she asked again for Explanation of the situation. Hearing her bestfriend, Rias raised her head while wiping her tears and asked Akeno what she remembers last.

" umm All I remember is fighting magicians before ... before... I don't remember what happened next... I Remember Feeling a warm and relaxing touch before waking up." Turning her head towards Issei and Ryota Akeno Continued "Um who is that person and what happened to Issei-Kun?"

With a complicated face Rias was thinking  on how to explain. But before she could Azazel answered Akeno's question. 

"Well Akeno-Chan basically you and The Red Dragon Emperor laying down over there died." Azazel bluntly said which made Akeno Surprised and confused. "And that boy over there basically brought you back and is trying to bring the red Dragon Emperor back."

"Rias?" (Akeno)

Looking over to her King and Best Friend Rias, She saw her Nod and said "His name is Ryota."

"I don't remember dying..." (Akeno)

Scratching his head Azazel said "Its probably his doing I guess, I think he didn't want you to have any trauma."

"I See.." Akeno looked at the face of Ryota and saw that he looked the same age as her. 'Ryota huh'.

"Seeing how Ryota-Kun revive Young Akeno, I'm sure he can Revive Young Issei too."(Michael)

"Let hope so." (Sirzech)

Afterwards everyone waited Quietly waiting for Ryota to Revive Issei. As 5 Minutes passed Akeno Noticed Ryota had Sweat on his face. Seeing that to the surprise of Rias and everyone she stood up and walked towards Ryota Before kneeling down and wiping his sweat before returning next to Rias.

As 10 minutes has passed they saw the light surrounding Issei Disappear including the magic circle.  Afterwards Ryota Opened his Eyes.

*Ryota Pov*

Opening my eyes I saw Issei still on the ground Lifeless. *sigh* guess I was only able to bring Akeno back. Sighing once again I turned around and saw that everyone was waiting Around me. Nearby some Distance Away from me was Rias and Akeno.

Akeno seemed fine other than for the fact she was confused. As for Rias her expression didn't seem too good. Seeing Issei not wake up, she probably knows he cant be revived.

Looking at her and the rest of Rias Peerage and Irina, I said sorry.

"Sorry.... I cant revive Issei. I couldn't find his soul."

With a face full of Sadness Rias said "But you were able to Revive Akeno, What happened with Issei."

Scratching my head I wondered on how I will Explain to them how souls work as I don't even know how it works.

'Don't worry I'm sending information about Souls to your head right now.'

Oh okay. In a second I left new Information fill my head. Skimming through them I understood a bit on what happens to dead people soul and what Lake of souls and Sea of Souls are.

'Thanks Luna, Ill go over to you guys in a few days.'

'Hurry okay? I miss you.'

Smiling I thought to my self that it hasn't been even 3 says. Looking at everyone I sat down and started explaining a bit on how Souls work.




*3rd Person Pov*

Meanwhile in a realm similar to outer space there was a silvery sea. Looking closer One would see the sea wasn't made from any liquid, Instead it was made from uncountable amount of glowing orbs. The Sea wasn't large, From some distance away the sea ends but you can see glowing orbs coming out of no where and joining the sea. These Orbs are the souls of the dead. Making this sea called The Sea of Souls.

In the center of this Sea was a enormous tree, It was bigger than any planet, bigger than the sun it self. The Branches were long and sturdy. The leaves was glowing in Light bluish silver color and were big fitting for such enormous Tree. From these Leaves specs of glowing light come out before disappearing. The Tree is Called the World Tree or the Tree Of life.

The Sea of souls is located near the roots of the tree. From the sea there were multiple streams of Souls Floating into the trunk from multiple areas. And these Souls go up the trunk into various branches before leaving through the leaves and reincarnating. 

On one of the Branches was woman who gave of a Ethereal and calm aura. She was happily humming with her soft and delicate legs dangling of the edge.

She had long straight blonde hair falling behind her and had glowing emerald branch like horns that cut through the white veil that shaded her Ethereal like Emerald serpent eyes. Her Ears was decorated with long intricate jewelry connecting to her veil. She was wearing clothes similar to Arabian dance dress. The veil was connected to her tightly fitted light green top that only covered her two Pairs of her modest breasts and left her abdomen and navel completely open showing her slim waist and Emerald colored runes located on her navel.

Similar to her breasts she didn't have 1 pair of arms she had two instead. one pair was used as support as she laid back and her other hands played a beautiful harp. Her hands were decorated with matching jewelries and she had emerald colored runes on her upper arms and forearms.

Below she was wearing Transparent light green Harem pants that's had slits on both sides showing her smooth fair legs. her ankles was decorated with golden jewels as well. And from her ankle to all the way to her upper thighs were emerald colored runes spiraling her legs. Her below privates was barely covered with a white clothe that tied around her hips.

This mysterious woman suddenly stopped her humming and looked towards her left and brightly smiled. Softly Laughing she talked to her self.

"So he finally learned how to interact with souls....hehe its a shame he didn't have the authority to interact with the sea, I would have loved to see him again~ hmmm~ Next time I sense him interact with the lake I will teleport him here~"

 Closing her eyes she went back to humming to the melody of her harp. 



Ngl couldn't resist tryna do a sketch of her. Dont mind my bad drawing skill. 

Basically she looks like this, Similar look to Yaoshi from HSR. 
