Chapter 6: The Midsummer Cortege part 1
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While the continent of Koradel was engulfed in the flames of war in the last decade, Sanfegia remained relatively stable.

The kingdom achieved its independence almost a century ago. Its distance from Halidom Nelight, the empire's capital, and the large number of adventurers in the country discouraged the Clergy of Halidom from extending the war for independence for too long.

At that time, the Halidom Empire also dealt with the war against the beastmen of Barun for the territories beyond the Bolenkorfez channel.

The empire remained united for the following century, but with its vassal states becoming increasingly discontented.

About a decade ago, a coalition formed by the nobles of the Marches of Beldeda, the goblinoid tribes of Biragz, and the merchants of the Fiefs of Bolenkorfez overthrew the puppet governments of the clergy in their territories and declared independence.

Falowmia followed suit shortly thereafter. The Principality of Mogia and the Duchy of Madholia, which had just united to form the Principality of Mog-Madholia, also allied with the separatists.

Once again, the entire continent was bathed by the cinders of war.

And even with the end of the war, the disputes have not ceased. The independence of Biragz was not completely formalized, making the region a protectorate with relative autonomy. Not even the allies of the Birazians would know how to deal with a nation ruled by goblinoids.



"Bilos! Bilos!" The high-pitched cry of Brigia could be heard on the first floor of the party headquarters. She descended to the kitchen where Howell was preparing lunch with Judith.

"Where is Bilos?" The warrior-cleric had just woken up with a strong hangover, a messy hair and dried drool at the corner of her mouth.

"He went back to his home last night." Howell replied while rolling some dough.

"Oh shit. I thought he would stay here so we could leave together for the Midsummer Cortege."

"Bilos is not that young anymore." Judith spoke with teary eyes from the cut onions. "He must be at home recovering from last night. You two drank... maybe... a bit too much."

"Maybe?" Howell mutters. "Doesn't your god take offense at you drinking so much and cursing around?"

"Who? The Burning God? Pffttt... He has more important things to worry about... Like... Like... the Greater Evil that lurks in the World." Brigia's voice and gaze suddenly become ominous.

Howell and Judith exchange worried looks.

"Aaany-ways..." The cleric continues, but with her normal tone of voice. "If the dwarf doesn't come to the mountain, the mountain must come to the dwarf. I'll pay a visit to our bearded friend."

"Wait, Brigia!" Judith runs up to the warrior-cleric carrying a lunchbox.

"Since you're heading in the direction of Bilos' house, can you take this to Fayir? He's at the Guild headquarters."

"Aww, how cute. Did you make lunch for your brother?!"

"Well, actually it was Howell who made it. I just wrapped it up."

"Err..." Brigia looks with a disgusted and surprised face at Howell who responds with a threatening look followed by a hand gesture indicating "Just. Go. Now."



The streets of Castelmare are vibrant.

The Midsummer Cortege is the biggest event of the year in the city. In fact, festivities celebrating the Summer are common throughout Erdonya. From Halidom to Hanabi.

It's a way to thank the Sun God Jahaya for His blessings.

Even the tribes of beastmen and goblinoids show respect to the deity. All mortal races fear that the Long Winter will once again fall upon the world.



"Hey Bilos!" Brigian waves to her mate when she sees him in front of his house.

"Rookie! Any sheep bitten?"

"I came to pick you up so we could party at the Midsummer Cortege today."

"No how, rookie. Marva and I are going to spend the festivities at home together." The dwarf speaks as his wife comes to greet Brigia. She's an orc!

"Hi Marva." Brigia greets her with her head down, since her drinking partner won't be able to accompany her.

"Why the goat face, baby girl?"

"She wanted to fool around today. But no how. Today is with Marva." Bilos explains.

"If you want, you can keep us company, baby girl." Marva says with her deep yet sweet voice. She wears a simple dress and apron over her slightly grayish skin. Her black, wavy hair falls to her chin.

The presence of the orc certainly draws attention. Especially in Little Castelmare, a neighborhood mainly inhabited  by dwarves, halvean, and small-sized beastmen.

But not so much because of her being a goblinoid, but rather because of her size. Sanfegia is a liberal kingdom, only second to the Fiefs of Bolenkorfez, where even necromancy is allowed.

"I don't want to disturb you in your love nest."

"Nonsense, baby girl. Since our little Starg went to Biragz, this house has been so quiet. And you remind me so much of him." Marva gives Brigia a motherly hug.

"You two have the same foul mouth." Bilos adds.

"I appreciate the offer. But I think I'll join the Cortege and then hit up a tavern and drink until tomorrow. You two take care."

"What a shame. Don't overdo it, baby girl."

"Drink for me, rookie."

"Bilos!" Marva scolds her husband.

After saying goodbye, Brigia climbs up to the terrace of a house where she sits to watch the Cortege passing by.

She sees couples walking below, hugging, kissing, holding hands.

A bitter taste comes to her mouth. Memories of someone.

She opens the lunchbox that Howell made for Fayir and starts eating the cold but tasty meat pie.

"This... chomp... idiot... chomp.. is doing it again..."



"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting for so long, Captain." The guildmaster greets Fayir.

"You don't have to call me Captain, Mr. Hogan. I don't even have a boat yet. Yet..."

"So you're still interested in one of those flying boats?"

"I'm saving up funds to acquire one."

"The best place to buy it is in the Fiefs of Bolenkorfez. They are quite common there, since the waters in that region are infested with sea beasts."

"My father always said that the Bolenkorfez Channel is quite dangerous. He only sailed through there once in his entire life."

"And to think that the halidomite clergy used to make us cross those accursed waters to fight against the beastmen of Barun." The guildmaster does not hide his grudge.

"Speaking of the clergy, I heard that you sent a gold-ranked cleric to attend a quest in a village in Mog-Madholia."

"The problem with  shadow beasts..."

"Exactly. My party dealt with most of the shadows attacking the village. It didn't seem like such a serious problem to send a high-level adventurer."

"So that's what you wanted to talk about..."

"Some strange things have been happening lately. And I believe the village is somehow..."

"Fayir, halt! This is not a problem for you or your party to deal with. And the less you know, the better."

The guildmaster looks quite dismayed.

"It's Midsummer. Take your group and enjoy the festivities. Soon the rainy season will come and we'll need all available adventurers for the sewer purge... Look! It's already past lunchtime. Go enjoy the festivities with your companions."



Dejected, the buccaneer returns to his party's headquarters.

When Howell and Judith find out that Brigia never delivered his lunch, the group goes out to eat something at the Cortege since the food they made ran out.

Not far away, an ominous figure stalks the adventurers. The hooded spellcaster is accompanied by a shadowcat on his shoulders.

"Why are we following them instead of simply taking the boy's belt?" The feline asks.

"Because he alone would be something difficult to deal with. In a group with two clerics and a paladin, it's much more difficult. There's a chance that any spirit I summon will be banished. Including you, Lontur."

The evil god, now turned into a pet, squints his irisless eyes in disgust.

"For now, let's just gather information. Then we'll move on to the next target. When the time comes, I shall claim the belt. Now go. Follow them."

With its master's command, the cat transforms into a shadow and crawls through the streets unnoticed.

"When the time comes, we will meet again, old friend. But not now."

And thus, the caster walks back to a quiet alley as he disappears leaving a trail of faint red light.