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As Mike slowly opened his eyes, they squinted against the assault of bright light. After a moment of adjusting, he realized he was lying in an open field, a gentle breeze brushing against his skin. It wasn't the beauty of the surroundings that startled him; it was the fact that everything was entirely unfamiliar. Just moments ago, he had been staring at his phone, waiting for his shift to end. It was the early hours of the morning, and the usually bustling streets were quiet. His shift had been uneventful, like most of his previous ones. While working, Mike had found solace in reading "The Observer," a book about a man who had the chance to walk the path of an immortal, traveling across the universe and observing civilizations. He often daydreamed about such an opportunity, even though the reality of his life as a struggling student was far from it. Having come from a humble background in an impoverished country, hardships were a norm for Mike. Books became his form of escapism, a respite from the harsh reality he knew to be true. Webnovels had become his treasure trove since getting physical books or access to a library were luxuries he couldn't afford. Since high school, he had immersed himself in the world of magic, time travel, cultivation, and monarchs, navigating countless books and websites on the Internet.

As he looked up from his phone after finishing a chapter, he noticed a man entering the convenience store. The man appeared to be in his mid-forties, with a haggard look and a wrinkled white shirt stained from a night well spent. Mike bet that he would buy a pack of cigarettes or a quick snack like most people who looked like him. "Give me a pack," the man said in a slightly slurred tone, placing money on the counter. Mike couldn't help but notice the tattoo on the man's right hand and remarked, "Nice ink." The man responded with a light chuckle. The tattoo depicted a silhouette of a man walking into a sunset, and the clever design gave the illusion that the ink was alive. As the man left the store, Mike realized he had forgotten his lighter. The lighter was custom-made with engravings that seemed to be in Latin or some other language that Mike couldn't decipher. Acting quickly, he rushed outside, but to his surprise, the man had vanished into the night, leaving no trace behind.

Returning to his usual spot, Mike placed the forgotten lighter inside the drawer, making a mental note to inform the person taking the daytime shift to be on the lookout if anyone came asking for it. Opting for some music to pass the time, he wondered if he should get a tattoo like the one he had seen. As "Tadow" played in the background, Mike allowed himself to drift off, embracing the comforting sensation. The next thing he remembered was awakening in the open field, surrounded by the beauty of nature. Confusion washed over him, and he couldn't help but wonder aloud, "Where am I?"

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