37. “My lady your sword is poking me…”
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"He wants my team to take care of the bandits? They only trained for six weeks." Thyra removed her cuffs and used the clothes to clean her sweat.

"It's not Justin. I think she had pulled some strings." Jullia added, "but don't you think it's a good chance to check their improvement?"

Thyra thought for a moment, adding, "Select twenty of them and order them to be ready in the morning."

The sun is already setting. Winter is already here, and the days have shortened. However, none of the recruits intended to be lethargic during training.

Thyra could smell the reason as she walked by the canteen. Besides commissioning the training equipment, Thyra used most of the money to provide good foods, clothes and warm beds.

As a result, she was running low on gold. However, Thyra no longer needed to control the gold after the haul at Creama.

"The next batch of meat will be arriving soon. We won't need to worry about the food for two weeks." Observing that Thyra was looking at the canteen, Jullia notified her.

But she couldn't help asking, "Do we really need to give so much food during the winter? The other recruits won't even get meat once a week."

"I wanted to give them a balanced diet, but vegetables are scarce during the winter. Still, this much is needed. Their body is building. They are training all day long if we don't give them this much…" Thyra stopped as she pushed open the door, only to find a couple of people waiting inside.

Kaya bowed to her as soon as she noticed her, but the woman sitting in front of her was a little slower. Still, she followed the proper ethics before bowing to Thyra. "This wife will greet my lady," she said.

Thyra took a moment to remember her name before asking, "Why are you here?"

'I am here to see you.' Nisa wanted to say it out loud, but she wasn't sure she should say something like that. She clutched her cloth tighter, worried that her response would anger Thyra.

"It's too cold here. You should have stayed at the mansion. That place was nice and warm."

'She isn't angry. She is just worried about me.' As soon as she heard Thyra's response, a smile blossomed on her lips.

"My lady, I…" Nisa hesitated as she looked towards Thyra, adding, "If it is not much of a problem, I want to share a meal with you."

Although her head was lowered, Nisa was still checking Thyra's expression from the side of her eyes.

On the other hand, Thyra continued to stare at Nisa for a moment before turning towards Jullia and saying, "Tell them to serve our food here."

Jullia nodded and left the room, with Kaya following her. Thyra took off her training armour, and it fell to the ground with a thud.

'She wasn't lying,' Nisa thought as the tremor spread across the wooden floor. Nisa looked at the edge of her eyes as Thyra took off her padded jacket and then a piece of cloth she had never seen before.

'Why is she stripping? Didn't she notice that I am still here?' A tinge of deep red appeared on her cheeks, and Nisa quickly moved her face away from Thyra.

"Why are you looking away?"

Hearing the question, Nisa looked at Thyra instinctively, only to find that she was also taking off her pants. Nisa quickly covered her eyes, yet she still peeked through the gap between her fingers.

The only thing she could see was Thyra's white ass and her thick thighs. Maybe she had moved too much, causing her underwear to get stuck in the gap.

But her view was cut short. Thyra wrapped a long fur coat around her and smiled at Nisa, asking, "Did you like what you saw?"

Thyra smiled at her. She moved to the drawer, pulled out a contract, and put it in front of Nisa. A veil of horror appeared in Nisa's eyes when she realised what it was.

"If your father and I fight, who will you support?"

Nisa looked at her, not understanding what she was saying. She hesitated, saying, "As a wife, I will follow you."

"What if I kill your father?"

"I…"Nisa tried to understand if she was joking or not before adding, "I will follow my lady."

She was fond of neither her father nor her old family. Even if she was the daughter of that family, her status was worse than a servant's. It became more apparent after her father became a noble.

"Good." Thyra nodded, adding, "Put a drop of blood on the contract."

Nisa's gaze remained on Thyra as she wondered about the reason for the request.

"The number of my enemies is much higher than that of my friends. Everyone you have seen at the mansion has signed it." Thyra looked at her, adding, "It's okay if you don't want to. I won't throw you…"

Thyra didn't need to complete her sentence before Nisa slit her finger and dropped her blood on the contract.

When the contract went into flame, Thyra added, "Now that you have signed it, all you need to do is not expose my secret to anyone. Also, don't do anything to hurt me. If you do…"

"I wouldn't dare." Nisa didn't let her complete her words. "I would never hurt my lady."

Thyra smiled as she sat. She raised her hand, signalling to Nisa, "Come here."

Nisa didn't know what Thyra was asking her to do but walked towards Thyra nonetheless.


Nisa instinctively looked at the door, only to be grabbed by Thyra and pulled onto her lap.

"UUU." Nisa grasped as she fell onto Thyra's lap. She tried to stand up, only to realise that a hand was wrapped around her waist.

"Don't move," Thyra whispered in her ears, kissed her cheek, and ordered, "Come in."

Jullia was the first to enter, only to see Nisa sitting on Thyra's lap with a face redder than a beetroot. Jullia smiled, not forgetting to tease, "Looks like all this training has generated too much energy for my lady."

Jullia then looked at Nisa, adding, "You have a long night ahead. You have to work hard to satisfy this beast."

Nisa quickly avoided her eyes, trying to move away again. But the restraint on her waist was tighter than ever.

"Don't move," Thyra ordered before turning towards Jullia, "Did you tell them?"

"I have informed the barbarians. They will lead you to the forest. They are more accustomed to that place."


"There are 14 more who would be ready the first thing in the morning."

"I don't think Justin is doing his job. Sending my untrained army to fight!" Thyra shook her head.

"Justin was again summoned to the capital. If he were here, this wouldn't have happened."

"Shouldn't he be planning ahead of time, so that there would be no such problem for me?"

Nisa wasn't sure why Thyra was calling her father by name. However, before she uncovered the truth, she felt another problem pressing against her bottom.

She was sitting on Thyra's lap and didn't dare to move too much. Even the littlest movement made her feel the hard thing pushing against her ass.

'Is it my lady's sword?' That was Nisa's first guess. However, after not being able to find a suitable position, Nisa said in a small voice, "My lady, I think your sword is poking me."

The winter night was silent, to begin with. As Nisa spoke between the gaps in their conversation, they both heard it loud and clear.

"Sword?" Jullia looked at Thyra while trying to control her laugh.

"My lady, I will leave your food here." Before innocent Nisa could understand what was happening, Jullia bowed and left, saying, "I think you should use your sword moderately tonight. You have to leave for the mission tomorrow."