60. Punishments and rewards
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"You have an interesting way of tackling your problem." Tier said.

"Thank you, your majesty." Thyra didn't dare to look up. She is alone in the room with Tier and Brog. 

"Is the evidence you have submitted real?" Brog had a very serious expression on his face.

"Other than the emblem, all of them are actually related to the bandit incidents."

"And the emblem?" Tier asked.

"My mother is from the Ducal family. It was her emblem."

"Your mother?"

"The first wife of Viscount Justin is part of the ducal family." Borg explained, "She is the daughter of Lord Justin's second wife. She died during her birth."

"Did she lend it to you?" At Tier's question, Thyra only gave a smile.

"Interesting," Tier said. "Your mentality doesn't match your age. Then again, you have to be mentally strong if you have to absorb beast essence before the coming-of-age ceremony."

"Thank you for your compliment, your majesty."

"Then let me ask you, do you really think I am unaware of their movements?"

"I don't think so," Thyra said with a smile.

"Then why did you decide to come out and waste all the plans?" A chill went down her spine as Tier's voice transitioned from happy to severe. She again felt the pressure on her body.

"I have no intention of doing so. I gave Jullia two pieces of armour and sent her to my ‘father’. I had also asked him to have a private meeting with your majesty."

"However, it looks like the ducal family had a hint of my plan and decided to frame us." Thyra stole a glance at them, adding, "I don't think anyone was willing to help me if I didn't put out good enough evidence on the table."

"She is right," Brog said. However, the pressure on her body didn't decrease at all. 

"You will be posted to the vanguard when the war starts." Tier said.

"But your majesty," Tier didn't gave Borg the chance to complete his sentence. 

At this moment, Thyra could only sigh. After all, Thyra didn't think she could escape without any punishment. So, this much is to be expected.

Although the heirs of noble families were ordered to join the army, they would mostly serve as backups for the main army. After all, sending newbie soldiers to the frontline would also be disastrous for the kingdom.

Thyra was the only one who wasn’t worried because she knew that the war would be a bloodbath whether frontline or rear. Whether it was the vanguard or rear-guard, it didn't matter for her. However, Tier wasn't done with her.

"I shouldn't only be punishing you. Good work should also be rewarded."

"Let's see… being an essence bearer at such a young age… From this day on, you will be a Royal knight."

‘It was an unexpected gain.’ Thyra couldn't help but be happy. However, she couldn’t help wondering if any other royal knight had become one with such casual remarks.

She was already a knight. After all, any noble can bestow the title of knight. It was the only landless noble title and was easy to acquire.

Nearly all male heirs to affluent families were given the honorific "knight" after their coming-of-age ceremony. 

As it was the most common noble title, it was also the most disrespected. The nobility of the title would depend on the noble who bestowed it. A knight of the Duke family would have much more authority over a knight from the Count family.

So, in such a world, a royal knight is the ultimate knight title. Although the title had no land, the king still bestowed it.

"You did quite a good job fighting those empire bastards. Then what should I give you?"

"Money." Thyra wanted to say it out loud, but she knew that wasn't what the king wanted to hear.

“You did say that you were instructing a hundred soldiers, right?” Receiving Thyra's nod, he added, "There are still three months till the winter ends."

"They will attack before the winter ends." Again, Thyra didn't say it out loud.

"A knight is supposed to lead 100 men. How about I increase the number to 200? I will provide the training fund. Can you do it?"

"I will try my best, your majesty."

"Good, leave." 

‘Huh!’ Unlike how they acted in the royal court, Thyra felt her real ‘father’ was a very casual person.  

As soon as he said it, the pressure vanished. Finally, Thyra was able to take a deep breath of relief.

Although she wanted to know what would happen to the ducal family, she didn't dare. However, there was still something she needed to ask.

"Your majesty, if I may."

"What is it?"

"Can I be provided a flying mount?"

"Brog will take care of it."

"Thank you, your majesty," Thyra bowed and left.

Right outside the door, the two knights were still waiting for her. Only after they had escorted her out of the palace did they leave. However, the problem was that she didn't know where to go. 

Although the Hoax Viscount has a mansion in the capital, she needs to find out where it is. And even if she went to the mansion, Justin wouldn’t be there. After all, he was still in custody.

Right outside the palace wall was the Nobel District. Although there were people, almost all of them were moving by carriage. And the few walking weren't too willing to talk to her. 

Ultimately, she decided to change her outfit before deciding what to do. However, the problem was that the capital wasn't designed with people in mind.

At the capital’s centre was the palace. Around it was the Noble District and barracks for royal guards. The third outer circle contains the business district, entertainment district, and everything else. That is also where normal people live.

In the end, she decided to stay at an inn in the outer circle. But she had to walk almost an hour to leave the noble district.

'There are two groups who are following me.' Thyra could feel it. But before she could decide what to do, someone bumped into her.

'Pickpocket.' That was her first thought. After all, she wore a casual knight's dress, not a lady's one. It was a child. Thyra was quick to grab his hand. The child had a frightened expression. 

Looking at him, Thyra couldn't help wondering why these children even dared to pickpocket a knight. A normal human would have been a better choice.

"Let me go." The child cried as he struggled. As the commotion continued to draw attention and the child failed to get anything, Thyra let him go.

As soon as she did, the child jumped back, glared at Thyra, threw something at her, and ran away.

His action surprised me a little, and she was ready to give him a chase. However, she quickly realised that the thing the boy had thrown at her was nothing but a piece of paper.

Thyra quickly took the paper and opened it. As soon as she did, a smile appeared on her face.

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