62. To meet the customer*
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{The form Thyra had taken was that of a male. So, from now on, I will denote Thyra as ‘he’. I will revert to ‘she’ after Thyra undo the skill.}


‘And the Mother she was referring to wasn’t his actuarial mother. Instead, it was the manager of the brothel who was called mother.’

Thyra could only sigh into his heart. It was his fault for expecting too much. And to make matters worse, he wasn’t even a pimp but a male prostitute.

“Now, you dare to come back.” The ‘mother’ said.

With one look at the woman, Thyra knew she was one hot woman during her younger days. And if it were his previous world, she wouldn’t have much problem fishing for a few.

“Haven't you eaten anything for two days?” The mother looked at her servants, ordering them to prepare soft food and porridge for him.

“This idiot doesn’t even know how to care for himself.” The mother continued to check his body for any injuries. At her signal, the servant came to remove his dress.

“What are you doing? What is there that I didn’t see?” Seeing Thyra resist, the mother added, “Did you go out and do something silly?”

The mother became aggressive and started to strip Thyra herself. Soon, he was standing naked in front of her. 

Although Thyra could escape any moment he wanted, he felt strangely excited. He had never been to a brothel in this world. He was curious about how it operated. However, he was more excited to see what male prostitutes actually do or what types of women hire them.

‘Worse come worst, I will just run away.’ As Thyra made his plan, the hand mother moved all over his member.

“Oh! My!” the mother exclaimed, “Did it grow bigger or something?”

“I am also thinking about it.” The servant’s eyes were also glued to his nether.

“Did you eat something freaky? Can it even stand?” The mother couldn’t take her hand off Thyra’s flaccid wand.

“Why doesn’t ‘mother’ check it?” Unlike Verlan, Thyra didn’t care what the mother thought about him. He even wouldn’t mind if he had to plough her old hole.

“So, you learned how to talk,” The mother squeezed his sack tightly, making him jump. “Don’t you think just because you are popular, you always will be?  And you know you won’t be able to see her again if you don’t listen to me.”

The mother said this and walked to the water basin. She washed her hand before turning towards Thyra, saying, “Just because I forgive you this time doesn’t mean you can do anything you want. Remember, I am the only person who can save you from that man.”

‘Okay, that type of thing also happens here.’ But Thyra knew he would jump out and escape if he had to serve an ugly bastard in this form.

He could only hope to get a cute girl, have fun with her, and leave first thing in the morning. Who wouldn’t like free lodging with some action? More importantly, those following him wouldn’t be able to guess where he was.

“Why is he standing there?” The mother shouted, “Clean him up, give him a good bath, feed him, and prepare. Tonight there will be a special guest from that place.”

Thyra looked outside, not understanding what she was pointing at. He could see the entire capital outside the window. Even the palace could be seen from here.

As Thyra was thinking, the young servant pulled Thyra’s hand. He had no problem following the young girl but could hear the mother say, “Don’t do anything naughty in the bath. He has to work the whole night.”

Thyra didn’t worry about that. If needed, he would be happy to work all night long. And Thyra left the room.

While cleaning him, his two servants kept sneaking peeks at his love wand. He would have played with them if he wasn’t too worried about his skill.

Although the food was enough, the variety wasn’t there. He could then sleep for at least the next couple of hours. As the sun started to sink, a knock woke him up. 

He reactivated the skill and turned himself into Velran. The innate mana of Velran had faded a long time ago. He had some control over his own mana, but it was not as refined as Velran's original mana.

However, he didn’t need to. He didn’t think someone would just come and cheek his mana. Everything would be okay if his outer appearance were similar to Velran.

So, before he went to sleep, he looked over his whole body and tried to remember as much as he could about it. Now, he only had to worry about not changing back to his original body during the main scene.

*Knock* knock*

The impatience of the guest grew as Thyra opened the door. It was the servant who stood beside Mother. As soon as he opened the door, she burst in.

“Put it down, there.” Only when the servant ordered Thyra realise another servant was behind her.

“Mother told me to dress you up.” The first servant said. But based on how the other servants reacted, Thyra was sure that was not the case.

“What are you doing? Leave,” She yelled at the other servant after closing the door behind her.

“Strip for this sister.” As soon as the door closed, she ordered.

Thyra smirked and did as he was told. She held it, exclaiming, “It had gotten so big! You are already twenty-two; how can it grow again? I wonder how much it grows if you get excited.”

She looked at it as if she were about to swallow it any second. In the end, she sighed, saying, “I truly wanted to taste this one. But you might end up serving a big client tonight.”

“Big client?” 

“Didn’t Mother say it? She is coming from there.” She pointed at the top as she said it.

“What is above there?” Thyra couldn’t understand.

“You don’t need to know. All you need to do is serve the client until they are happy. You might be able to see that girl again if they are pleased and if you have enough gold.”

‘Is the woman this man is seeing another prostitute? She may be a high-class prostitute.’ However, Thyra didn’t think about it. He simply stood still as he was being dressed.

‘Dress’ might be too big of a word to describe the simple underwear he was wearing now. A thick strand of white silk was tied to his waist, while a piece of red cloth was hanging from the strand of silk in front of his nether region.

Thyra was confident that if he made any sudden movements out of excitement, everyone would be able to see his prized possession. 

A similar strand of white silk was tied on his forehead, and a matching red cloth covered his face. After that, the woman poured a light fragrance on him before leading him out of the room.

Daily release time: Beween 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

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