96. The first Victory.
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The thunderbolt stuck as the soldiers were waiting for the stones with their shields above their heads. The sudden lightning shocked them so much that they failed to realise that a new life had arrived in the middle of the camp with it. And it was not like it was normal things to happen.

Thyra looked around her and mumbled, “[Storm Zone].”

The next instant, a barrage of lightning began to wreak havoc on the area around her. It lasted no more than five seconds, but by that time, the 100 meters area had been ravaged by hundreds of thunderbolts. 

It wasn’t that the effective area was limited to 100 meters around Thyra, but Thyra had realised that an increased area would lower the efficiency.

Even if the thunderbolts hit only 100 meters around her, the sound of hundreds of thunderbolts resonating throughout the camp for five seconds was too much for the soldiers to handle. Those who were too close to the area of effect were knocked out cold, with some of them having blood coming out of their noses and mouths.

Even those who were almost at the edge of the camp weren’t any good either. Extreme nausea hit them; they couldn’t hear anything even after the thunderbolts stopped. There was no one left standing on their feet.

No one except Thyra. She stood in the middle of the camp, looking around in awe and smelling the stench of burning skin around her.

Thyra, too, was nauseous. The orange-level skill had sucked one-fifth of the energy out of her body. And it happened so suddenly that she was needed at the moment before she could move again.

“The effect is still so frightening.” Thyra couldn’t control the skill perfectly. Still, it was enough to create such destruction. Thyra was sure that if she could control the skill perfectly and hit soldiers directly with each bolt, she really could have destroyed the entire battle in seconds.

However, it wasn’t possible for her right now. The thunderbolt hit randomly, and the longer she used the skill, the quicker her mana was consumed. Right now, she can only use it for 14 seconds.

However, Thyra didn’t get to enjoy the fruit of her labour. The sky had started to brighten. And her work wasn’t over yet.


And Thyra disappeared from the camp. The camp remained eerily silent, and one couldn’t even hear the sound of insects. Nobody knows how much time passed before one of the soldiers started moving toward the edge of the camp.

Even if he couldn’t walk straight, he dragged his body and moved close to the longhorn instrument near the camp gate. He put his lips on it and blew. He couldn’t hear anything. He shook his head before taking a deep breath and blowing the horn again with everything he had. 

He still couldn’t hear it, but his friends, still fighting at the enemy camps, had heard it loud and clear. The general, who was also the second in command of the army, couldn’t understand why the commander was suddenly ordered to retreat. And they were so close to victory.

The kingdom's force had about 600 soldiers. And they attacked with double the number. He didn’t expect that the time they took to attack the base would be enough to erect a fortification around the camp. 

As a result, they lost too many people to break through the fortification. But after hours of fighting, They lost about 500 soldiers, while the enemy lost over three hundred of them. But they were still left with almost three times the number of enemies. There is no way they could lose.

“Your order, general?” One of the commanders asked.

“What is there to think? We will annihilate the enemy before returning to the camp.” The general paused for a moment before adding, “Send a squad to check the situation at the camp. We need to make sure the thing we heard a moment ago…”

He couldn’t finish his sentence when one soldier rode towards them and said, “General, the enemies had another force. They are attacking our rear unit.”

“What? Didn’t you see them coming?”

“The enemies started attacking with slings even before they came close. It was still dark, and we couldn’t see them. When we did, they were already charging at us.”

“How many of them?”

“The infantry is less than hundreds. The cavalry unit is about fifty.”

“Is it knights?”

“It looked like normal cavalry. They were wearing cloth armour.”

“Bastard,” The general cursed. Turning toward his vice commander, he said, “You stay here; don’t stop pushing forward. There are just 200 of them left. End it within an hour. I will take care of the rear.”

The general turned his horse around and followed the soldiers. However, they weren’t even able to go about a few tens of meters, and *Bang*

The thunderbolt hit the soldiers whom the general was following. Even before the general could comprehend what was happening, the horse burst, splattering blood and flesh on everyone around them.

“Are you the commander?” The woman who appeared in front of him asked. 

“Who are you?” The general pulled out the sword.

“General,” The vice commander, who was left in charge of the attack, rushed towards the general. However, he was in shock when the woman smiled at the general, saying, “So you are the right one.” And *Bang*

The general raised his sword to kill the woman, but lightning struck, knocking the weapon from his grasp. Then a second followed. The third and fourth thunderclaps struck before he could recover, and the chain of lighting continued.

The general was a fifth-level knight with a rare essence. Since he was not the strongest, he was still in the group that would be easily defeated. Even so, he witnessed in horror as successive bolts of lightning struck him, shattering his energy shield and transforming him into charcoal before he could escape.

Every soldier had witnessed the scene unfold before their very eyes. Even if they want revenge, the horror has rendered them useless.

But the most calm one was the woman. She casually walked to the commander, asking, “Are you willing to surrender?”

The vice commander was still holding the hilt of his sword, not daring to pull it out. Even a fifth-grade knight couldn’t survive in front of this monster, and he wasn’t sure if he could.

“I…” He wanted to say something. But before he could, he saw the woman smiling, and the next second, he felt burning pain all over his body. He didn’t even understand what had happened before his consciousness faded.

Thyra kept smiling, looking at all the soldiers around her, and saying, “You have ten seconds to decide.”

The soldiers were at a loss for a split second, but then one of them jumped off his horse, put down his sword, and fell to his knees. And it started the chain reaction.

However, the soldiers who were fighting at the front and back of the army didn’t know what had happened. Although they knew there was a fight, they didn’t have the luxury of checking.

Thyra sighed, understanding why Hure had told her to bring it. She pulled out a magic scroll and tore it. The next moment, her voice was resonating on the battlefield.

“I, Thyra Hoax, royal knight of Ardour kingdom, commander of the Thunder Bull unit, have slain your commander. Your main camp has been destroyed, and you are surrounded. You have one minute to surrender or be prepared to face annihilation.”

The empire’s soldiers were confused. However, as soon as they noticed the flag of the general or empire wasn’t flying, they surrendered. There was a moment of silence before loud cheering broke out from them at the kingdom’s army camp.