Bus Crash (2)
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As if sensing his unease, Veronica interjected from her seat, her tone laced with derision. "Geez, Alex, you're such a baby. It's just a tunnel."

Heat flushed Alex's cheeks as embarrassment coursed through him. He quickly averted his gaze, feeling foolish for succumbing to his irrational fears. He was acutely aware of how ridiculous his reaction seemed, yet the tunnel evoked memories he fervently wished to forget.

As they ventured further into the dark abyss, Alex closed his eyes, seeking solace in controlled breaths. He refused to let fear dictate his actions. He had to conquer it.

At last, the bus emerged from the tunnel, and Alex released a relieved sigh. The sunlight flooding through the windows felt like a gentle embrace, coaxing tension to relinquish its hold.

Alex's body trembled as he struggled to regain his composure. The unexpected turn of events had left him shaken, his nerves frayed. He turned to Alexandra, who stood by his side, her touch offering a reassuring anchor in the midst of the chaos.

"Are you okay now?" Alexandra asked, her hand on my shoulder.

With a nod, he mustered a weak smile. "Yeah, thanks. Sorry for freaking out like that."

Veronica rolled her eyes, "Whatever, let's just get to the beach already."

Veronica's dismissive remark brushed against his vulnerability, but he chose to push it aside, focusing instead on the soothing warmth of the sun on his skin and the distant melody of crashing waves. Perhaps this beach trip would serve as a reprieve, a chance to forget the burdens that weighed heavily on his shoulders.

Then, everything went wrong.


Al's urgent cry pierced through the air, and Alex's senses sharpened in response, his gaze shifting to the front of the bus. Before he could fully comprehend the situation, the world around him erupted into chaos.


The bus jolted to an abrupt stop, unleashing a maelstrom of terror and confusion. Alex's body propelled forward, crashing against the seat ahead with bone-jarring force. Pain coursed through him, stealing his breath and leaving him disoriented amidst the cacophony of shattering glass, twisting metal, and anguished cries.

The vehicle continued to tremble and groan, as if the very fabric of reality threatened to unravel. Fear gripped Alex's heart, his mind racing to comprehend the impending catastrophe. He braced himself for the impact, his entire being tensing, preparing for the worst.

In those fleeting moments, time blurred into a haze of despair. The bus became a scene of anguish and bewilderment. Emily lay crumpled on the floor, nursing her injured arm, while Nugget remained motionless in her seat, trapped in an unconscious realm.

Finally, the bus ground to a halt, and a deafening silence descended. Alex attempted to rise, only to find his legs weak and unsteady beneath him. The world spun at an odd angle, denying him the stability he desperately sought. Meanwhile, Veronica's voice filled the air, piercing the quiet with her shrill screams and trembling hands clutching at her head, a mirror of her inner torment.

As the initial shock subsided, pain claimed its place. Alex's head throbbed relentlessly, each pulse a reminder of the collision's brutal impact. A dull ache radiated through his body, stealing his focus and numbing his senses. In that moment, the pain dominated his awareness, overshadowing all else.

As the dust settled, revealing a twisted and broken interior, Alex's gaze shifted beyond the bus's shattered windows. He glimpsed the serene beauty of the surrounding wilderness—the swaying trees, the sunlight cascading onto the forest floor. Nature's tranquility contrasted sharply with the wreckage that held them captive.

Surveying the other passengers, Alex took in the collective aftermath of the crash. Each face bore the scars of the ordeal, battered and bruised but thankfully spared from severe harm. Yet, the incident had stripped away their veneer of invincibility, leaving them exposed and vulnerable amidst the unforgiving wilderness.

The ringing in Alex's brain persisted, a discordant symphony of confusion and disbelief. The memory of the crash lingered, fragmented and jumbled, like shards of a broken mirror. He gingerly rubbed his aching head, the pain a stark reminder of the violent upheaval that had just unfolded. As he peered through the cracked and smashed windows of the bus, his eyes widened in disbelief.

Before him stretched a picturesque clearing, vibrant with a colorful tapestry of fauna that defied comprehension. The scene bore no resemblance to the desolate and rocky terrain they had traversed moments ago. Instead, it was a haven of lush greenery, adorned with exotic plants and flowers that whispered secrets of a realm unknown. The verdant canopy of trees cast dappled shadows upon the ground, while the air carried the intoxicating fragrance of blooming flowers. The harmonious melody of rushing water and the gentle symphony of birdsong filled the air, as if nature herself sought to welcome them into this mystical sanctuary.

Beside him, Alexandra, too, struggled to make sense of their strange surroundings. The perplexed furrow of her brow mirrored his own bewilderment. Their gazes met, and in that silent exchange, a shared determination took root. They needed to escape this surreal tableau and find help.

"What's going on?" Alex's voice trembled, betraying the fear that gripped his heart.

A flicker of uncertainty danced in Alexandra's eyes before she replied, her voice steady. "I don't know. But we can't stay here. We have to find a way out."

With a gritted jaw, Alex attempted to rise, only to be met with searing pain shooting up his ankle. He crumpled back onto the bus seat, a groan escaping his lips. The anguish resonated through his body, amplifying the disorientation that threatened to consume him. "I can't," he gasped, his voice strained. "My ankle."

Sympathy softened Alexandra's expression, her touch a balm upon his trembling shoulder. "It's okay, Alex. Just stay still. We'll figure something out."

A weak nod was his only response as he fought the rising tide of nausea and confusion. The crash had left him rattled, his world unhinged, and this abrupt shift in scenery only heightened the vertigo of his senses. Desperation etched lines upon his forehead as questions tumbled from his lips, seeking elusive answers. "What happened? How did we end up here?"

Veronica, her voice tinged with panic, interjected from across the aisle. "Did we crash into some kind of portal? Is this some sick joke?"

A groan emanated from behind, accompanied by a voice dripping with skepticism. "Portals? Don't be absurd. Such things don't exist."


I will only be updating once-twice a week for this short story, so if you think that's too long for you, please check my patreon to read the entirety of PART I. 

Part II of [Reversed Sexual Morals: But In An Alien World?!] will be out on May 20th, so pre-subscribe to my [Venerable Audience II tier] ahead, so that you won't miss out on the deal of your lifetime again!

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