Chapter 1
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I cut through another arcane elemental with a single stroke of my mythril glaive. Its blade was coated in a thick layer of the creature's corrosive arcane blood, and soon it was reduced to nothing more than a chunk of metal. 

Dropping the useless weapon, I grasped a black falchion from its place on my back. The blade felt like an extension of my arm as I swung it viciously against another elemental, shattering the being into an infinite amount of pieces.

The distant roar grew louder, a fusion between thunder and metal scraping across cobblestone street. With eyes wide open, I finally caught sight of the source--an entire force of creatures marching forward, brandishing their weapons like toys. They numbered at least thirty; some taller and bigger than others but all as daunting as death itself. There were beings made out of gold covered in spikes and flames, rock monsters with arms of pure energy--a collective comprised of random entities that moved with an eerie cohesion.

A twisted delight surged through me as I sprinted towards them, mowing down many with one swing of my sword. They roared and screeched in indignation as I proved to be too fast and strong for them to do anything about it. My body felt like a unstoppable juggernaut as I ran across the battlefield, cutting through each terrifying creature without hesitation.

I roared out a battle cry as I ran through their ranks, slicing and dicing any creature that dared stand in my way. Every one of them withered away, vanquished by the sharpness of my sword, which shone with a brilliant golden light from the magical components within. I was an unstoppable force, ruling over these creatures with an iron fist and no mercy. 

Every step brought me closer to the tornado at the center of the battlefield. The line of enemies dwindled into nothing until only corpses were left behind. A wave of eerie silence spread across the battlefield, interrupted only by the howling winds that battered against me like icy daggers.

I stood in defiance of this harsh weather, feeling neither fear nor exhaustion. Instead, I felt strength coursing through my veins, empowering me to face anything that challenged my path. With renewed determination, I lifted my sword high and charged forward into the unforgiving tornado, determined to reach the end of this journey and claim what was deservedly mine. 

I clenched my fists as I stood atop the golden nexus of raw arcane energy, a blazing blue aura radiating from my body. Despite the raging whirlwind that engulfed the field, an unnatural stillness seemed to hang in the air. Shards of crystallized mana fell like daggers from the sky, reminding me of the darker days when I would fight and kill for just a sliver of this powerful material.

Beside me stood Cassiopeia, her light violet skin glimmering in the light. Her horns curved inward before fracturing outward again at their ends, a testament to her Abyssal heritage. Oh how she had loathed it when I called her 'Cassie', yet now her lips almost curled into a smile whenever I uttered it. It was such a shame - I had enjoyed teasing her with it.

We both had fought tooth and nail to reach this place. The Cradle - where opposing elements of order and chaos came together to create the mana that birthed and shaped the universe.

And here we were, ready to commit the most heinous blasphemy ever known -

Apotheosis; ascension to godhood.

I clenched my fists and stared at my comrade, savoring the triumphant grin that was plastered on her face.

After a journey of treacherous battles against monarchs and mythical creatures, we had finally done it.

"So," I uttered breathlessly, breaking her trance, "We made it."

Her smile sparkled like stars in the night sky, brighter than any I had ever seen before.

"Yes," she announced with delight, striding up to me, "We did it."

I couldn't contain my joy any longer, and enveloped her within a fierce embrace, our bodies shaking from laughter and tears combined.

"We fucking did it!" I cried out elatedly, "We're unstoppable!"

"Fucking bet your ass!" She bellowed back, excitement blazing within her eyes, "Come on! Let's make this happen!"

Almost reluctantly, I relinquished her from my hold as she hurriedly started preparing the ritual components.

Although I was not well-versed in the arcane arts, the sheer magnitude of mana that began radiating from her every pore sent a shiver down my spine.

She toiled endlessly for several days until everything was ready — runes crafted with intricate detail scattered across the area, almost like intergalactic star maps enchanted with unknown magic.

Darkness crept into the corners of my vision and my heart raced with anticipation. Cassie knew what she was doing but due to my lack of understanding of magical rituals, all I could do was trust her guidance and follow along.

"Take your spot over there," she commanded as she pointed towards an opposing position from hers. "I'm about to start casting the spell."

Rooted in place, I listened intently to her powerful chants while observing the enchanting array of runes hovering and spinning around us. The dearly-won components we gathered disintegrated into small particles of blue dust that soared above us like a sparkling galaxy in motion.

My palms dripped sweat as a strange sensation crawled under my skin and seemed to fill me up with energy — a feeling that I doubted I could ever get used to.

As dazzling white light seared the edges of my vision, I clenched my jaw and fought back with all my might. My skin burned, splitting and rupturing in agonizing waves until I could hardly focus on the woman before me. Her violet skin tore open, a blinding golden radiance spilling forth, as her horns elongated and shone brilliantly. 

The world around me seemed to pulse with vigor, every minuscule detail bursting from the darkness with incredible clarity. The sheer intensity was too much for me; my concentration crumbled and everything grayed out before the brilliant white swept through my vision. 

I watched helplessly, my companion collapsing before me, just before the all-consuming light took over and plunged me into an unconscious state.

Blinding pain shattered my mind, as the sensation of cold chains tore me back into consciousness. The golden shackles of arcane energy clung to my skin, tightening around me and a great white pillar.

Before me stood an elven man, thin and elegant. His robes swirling in coils of rolling magic, reflecting a deep golden hue that stabbed at my eyes. He had his back to us, but I could feel his gaze on the horizon - specifically, on the great blue orb in the sky - Astraeus, my home world.

I heard chains rattle and turned to my companion. Her eyes were wide with anticipation and her hands were awash with powerful mana magic. She shot me a sly grin, before wordlessly freeing us from the binds that held us.

"How the fuck," the Thaumaturge bellowed in disbelief, "did you manage to get out of those chains?"

"Magic," I countered coolly; wasn't it obvious? 

"Of fucking course I know it's magic," he spat venomously, "How did it counteract mine?!"

My companion glanced knowingly at me; so this was some kind of power struggle? "I'll have you know," I began, "she has been trained in-" 

"You're the Thaumaturge, aren't you?" she interrupted me confidently, raising one eyebrow. So there it was; we were dealing with a god. 

The being actually deflated right before us: "Fucking bingo! The fucking god of spells! No-one is supposed to be able to counter my magic!" Anger and embarrassment rolled off of him in waves, each crashing down harder than the last. 

"Fuck it," he spat angrily and dropped his head in defeat, "why not... now let's get back to what I meant to discuss."

An overwhelming force of energy burst out of him, the very power of a god unleashed upon us. My companion and I stood resolute despite this might, and I felt pride swell inside me as I saw fury blaze in the eyes of the god.

"You fools! Do you realize what you have done!?" he roared out, eyes trained on Astraeus. He extended an arm towards it and hissed "Behold your doing!"

A chasm appeared suddenly from where the great continent once stood, splitting it like butter into millions of islands. The resulting chaos that followed was too much to bear - I could only imagine the sheer devastation down there.

I hid a grimace beneath my hand, as I watched both the god and my companion watched the sundering earth in rage and horror respectively.

My whisper seemed to echo a thousand times in the chamber but was still ignored by the god as I asked Cassie what our next plan of action was. She stumbled in her reply, but she quickly regained her composure and looked me in the eyes.

"We need the blood of a god," Her voice resounded inside my head like thunder, "You know what to do,". Grunting, I lunged at the unsuspecting god, feeling his confusion moments before I dug my hand deep into his immaculate but strangely weak body and ripped out his beating heart.

His breathing became erratic and labored as he wheezed, "You... Fucking..."

I held up the shimmering organ in my hands, marveling at its golden ichor which pumped from its chambers. My companion strode forward, grimacing at what we were about to do. From her fingers flew sparks of arcane energy which split the heart into two equal parts.

"Together," She said evenly, and together we both devoured the chunks of the still-beating heart. The flavor that flooded my taste buds was unlike anything I had ever tasted before; awe-inspiring and wrong all at once. Power surged through my veins but it was not enough for either of us.

The dying god's strained words echoed around us as he said, "Welcome... to the pantheon... fucking bastards." His death was a tragedy, but it was worth it if it meant ascending to godhood.

As the last morsel of our meal passed our lips, we felt a powerful surge of energy that seemed to shake the very fabric of reality. A portal then burst forth from the ground, and nine weary gods stepped out into the open air.

Their eyes widened in shock as they took in what lay before them. "What...?" the leader murmured in disbelief, his voice trembling.

Every muscle in my body tensed as I prepared for a fight, but all of their attention was focused on the grisly scene before them. One of them gagged and turned away, retching uncontrollably.

A bright blinding light of golden mana exploded from Cassiopeia's hands, forming into a powerful spear in my own. I locked eyes with the gods before me and gritted my teeth as I heard the sharp crackling of her spellcasting beside me.

Before I could react, one of the gods had already surged towards us at lightning speed. On reflex, I shot out my arm, plunging the glinting point of the spear straight into his skull with a resounding thud. Golden liquid splattered across my face as they crumpled to the ground.

The air seemed to catch fire with their anger as they glared at me, my latest victim lying in a pool of blood on the ground. The king of kings bellowed out like thunder, "You have become a blight upon this world! Your crimes will not go unpunished, we condemn you to an eternity chained within the very core of what you have sundered. You shall never leave!" His voice thundered even louder, shaking the very foundations of reality around us.

The remaining eight gods charged forwards, their weapons raised high and ready to strike. I ducked below a wild swing from the god of alcohol and thrust my spear forward, piercing his chest with a sickening crunch. His eyes were filled with confusion as he felt the life leave his body. All around me, screams of pain echoed as the battle raged on.

The piercing sensation of a sharp blade tearing into my back brought me to my knees. I heard the soft clangs of a broken dagger against the floor and immediately knew what had happened: The beautiful goddess of beauty had tried to turn me into one of her minions with her weapon. The sight of her was enough to make me almost fall in love and forget about my mission - but I refused to be taken under her spell. "No- please, no!" she yelled out as I lashed out and grabbed her neck, using her body as a shield against the waves of arrows from the goddess of war.

My strength was unrivaled as I cast aside the lifeless corpse of the once enchanting woman and raised my spear with such intensity that it could have shattered mountains. Aiming straight for the heartless deity of war, I drove the weapon through her chest with a thunderous roar. "Fucking beautiful work brother," the dying goddess said with a bloody grin.

On and on we fought for what seemed like an eternity, weapons clashing and spells flying in all directions with no end in sight. But eventually, most of our foes lay defeated at our feet. We stood there panting in exhaustion, our bodies battered and bruised but triumphant nonetheless.

I locked eyes with Cassiopeia, both of us illuminated in a radiant sea of golden blood. With a sly smile, she directed my attention towards our last adversaries. The god of craftsmanship and the sovereign of kings.

They had been conducting their own business since the beginning of the battle. Taking no time to spare, I lunged forward and hurled my spear at the king's head, drilling through its center and splattering the god of crafting in shining blood.

The air seemed to freeze around us as we advanced towards the last of the gods, a pitiful and wretched thing that nonetheless I gave my deepest respect. His devoted followers had gifted me clothes, sustenance and enough gold to make a life for myself when I was but a destitute orphan.

"Forgive me," I braced my spear firmly against his crumpled back.

Before I could thrust, I felt an invisible force yank me back. From the body of the god of crafting sprouted an array of chains, with his corpse forming the grisly center. Cassiopeia had pulled me away right before I got trapped.

The mass of chains pulsated with an eerie sentience, its tendrils slithering towards us like famished snakes. I thrust my spear at the monstrous links, but it was a futile gesture--the chains absorbed the blow like it was nothing.

We darted and dodged around the flaying appendages, our hearts thundering in our chests as we searched for a weakness, any way to topple this beast. But then I felt a sudden tug on my ankle.

"Got you..." The Thaumaturge cackled, his body hanging by a thread, fueled only by a meager substitute heart of mana. With a fierce swipe, I decapitated the god, but it was already too late. The chains lunged at me, constricting tight around my limbs and draining me of all energy.

"Valerius!" Cassiopeia's haunting cry echoed in my ears as the chains dragged me back toward Astraeus, deeper into the whirling vortex in the ocean where the Cradle once stood.

The current of the sea shifted around me, sending me tumbling through the torrents with no hint of stopping. I felt the weight of a thousand chains drag against my back, burning through my skin with every movement as it attempted to draw me into the abyss. The heat of a thousand furnaces scorched my soul and I felt my heart shrink in fear as I approached the brink of the void. I wanted to pull away and run, but instead, I was dragged further down, past the edge and into the molten core of the world that seemed like it would hold me captive for eternity.