Ch:8 – Cycle One
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"Care to explore the mansion?"

"Can I really?" my eyes twinkled as my heart didn't hold back any excitement for her suggestion, after all, I never had set foot in one.

"As long as you don't run away, you can do anything you'd like. This is not a prison."

"Alright, thank you. Please show me the way, miss maid."

"I'm Lia," she told me again as if wanting me to memorize it. Her hands reached out for the door opening it, and before going through, she held it till I went through.

"Thank you, Lia. Be right back," I ran to the one in front entering the bathroom.

"It stinks!" I shouted annoyed at the freaking smell of shit. It was so bad it almost made me throw up, the toilet was a freaking hole with barely any support to take a seat on. While gripping my nostrils together, I breathed through my mouth, avoiding the worst possible scenario after having enjoyed such a great meal. I pulled a nearby rope, causing a part of the ceiling to open and a bit of water to fall down.

"Now that's interesting," it made me wonder why there was a container on the ceiling in the first place.

Still, thanks to that it was easier for the nose, the scent had reduced a tad. Slowly, I peeked at the hole finding it to be quite deep. I knew for a fact this was the second floor, but it made me wonder how did they clean this tunnel. Did they create sewers in this world? How far were they scientifically advanced? Weirdly enough, the unknown made me excited, and it gave me some ideas. Perhaps if I could come up with some invention Farnese could become rich, that way, she wouldn't need to sell me anymore!

I grinned, fully pleased with the little ideas that my mind decided to think of. Though there were some problems regarding this theory, 'I lack resources, Farnese trust, and the knowledge to make things.'

After washing myself I headed outside, meeting Lia who awaited me patiently.

"Are you good to go?"

"Yes! Show me the way, please."

She showed me the long hall whose doors were used by the servants and the guests. Apparently, the nobles stood on the first floor for being closer to the mansion exit, and it was one less set of stairs to go through every day.

'Lazy pigs,' I thought to myself, ridiculizing my master's six step-siblings: the four young men and two women from before. 

"Tell me more about this family."

"Sure. What would you like to learn?"

"Anything related to Farnese will do."

"It's good for a servant to know more about their master," she grinned, feeling not only like a tutor but like one of those senior disciples from the ancient sects. "Let's start with the basics, her name."


She chuckled at my question, "yes that too." Her hand raised in the air as she showed me a different number of fingers as her explanation went on, "As you heard in the summoning ceremony, her name is Farnese Von Han, the first name is what people call her. The second one is the lineage she belongs to, and the last one corresponds to her blood purity."

"That's a little confusing."

"Because her mother was a peasant, her last name is not the same as the rest of the family, but the second name is pure like her noble father, Frederick Von Ain." 

"Does that mean Von and Ain were from his father and mother?"

"Indeed! And they were both from pure noble families," she grinned as if this subject really appeased her.

"Then... what's the difference between pure and impure nobles?"

"Basically only aristocracy can summon spirits and the result with vary depending on the purity of the blood, meaning Farnese's result was expected to be bad."

I gulped at those words, understanding that my master was at the very bottom of nobility.

"Is she... hated?"

Her gaze turned sharped at my question, "to some extent by her step-siblings if anything."

"I see..."

"She's also last in the line, so she often gets ignored by them, not much as receiving bullying."

From her humble explanation, I got to learn some interesting things, possibly even the reason she had that behavior. But the way she acted so aggressively, possibly meant something worse, a darker secret that I had yet to lay my hands on.

"Do spirits get many names?"

"They get as many as peasants do, one."

"Where to?"

She pointed further ahead, "we'll go through the stairs to the ground floor."

"Alright," I added briefly wondering what else could be interesting to ask next.

The wooden floor of the steps cracked making me uncomfortable, 'what wicked wailing.'

It sounded like something out of a horror movie. 

"Won't they repair these?" Yet to my question there was no reply, causing me to grow silent.

Once we descended, she pointed at the nearest door to the right, "that's the exit, and that way," she faced the left side. "The kitchen for whenever you're hungry."

"Thank you for guiding me." 

"You're welcome. I have to go work now, see you at night," she headed to the kitchen while making a ponytail with her black straight long hair.

As my hand reached out for the door, I heard her voice coming from behind, "don't run away or you'll lose your place in this mansion."

At that I waved my free left hand in the air, turning the handle with my right one.

To my surprise, the purple sky and the blue dark clouds were nowhere to be found. Only a clean white sky remained with barely any white fluffness in it.

I inhaled deeply the freshness of the vast greenery that expanded endlessly, giving way for trees and flowers, but mostly unattended grass.