Sexy Confrontation 2 chapter 5
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Captain Merxi hurried through the labyrinthine corridors of her ship, rallying her beleaguered crew, desperate to salvage their diminished forces. The ill-fated assault on the human vessel had left them depleted, their numbers reduced by a quarter. The exact count of casualties and captives remained elusive, but Merxi adhered to the unwavering principle that those foolish enough to be ensnared were beyond salvation. Only a fortunate few had managed to elude capture, but their escape would be scant consolation.

Having quelled the overpowering effects of the captive human's pheromones with a hastily ingested suppressant, Captain Merxi wasted no time in issuing a shipwide decree, mandating the administration of the lust-blocking agent to every member of her crew. A mere whiff of the human's scent had nearly driven her to the brink of madness, affording him ample opportunity to infiltrate their systems. His value in the eyes of potential buyers continued to skyrocket, and if he proved to be the elusive type, perpetually eluding captivity, he would undoubtedly become a recurring investment. The pursuit and covert recapture of a runaway slave promised considerable financial gains, especially if his pheromones possessed an addictive quality beyond mere bonding. Each subsequent capture would command an exorbitant price, not to mention the initial sale.

Initially, they had managed to track the human's newly acquired key chip, but he had swiftly caught wind of their surveillance and swiftly migrated to another terminal. He had effectively vanished from their grid, forcing them to scour every nook and cranny of the ship. Compounding their frustration, he took fiendish pleasure in wreaking havoc upon their systems each time he approached a new terminal, an occurrence that grew alarmingly frequent. Their meager contingent of computer technicians found themselves locked out of the system, rendered powerless within a ten-meter radius of any terminal. Sending anyone near a terminal triggered an immediate shutdown, only for the power to be restored, initiating a shutdown sequence if any of their chips were detected nearby.

His resourcefulness both impressed and infuriated Captain Merxi. Once she had dealt with him for the audacious affront he had perpetrated in her own quarters, humiliating her in front of their primary source of income, she would extract every last detail of his methods. Not only would she punish him for his transgressions, but she would ensure that each of his next twenty offspring grew up despising their sire.

"Captain?" Tury, her helm officer, interjected over the open channel, rousing Captain Merxi from her seething thoughts. The communications officer, despite her species' inherent limitations, was adept at her role.

"What is it, Tury? Any sign of the prisoner?" Captain Merxi inquired, her voice tinged with urgency.

"Not yet, but there's a vessel approaching. You mentioned some secret allies who would lend a hand. They will provide much-needed relief," Tury relayed.

"What allied vessel?" Captain Merxi snapped, her blood running cold at the revelation.

"This... this colossal battleship. You explained it to me in writing, ensuring the prisoner couldn't eavesdrop..."

"You imbecile! How close is that ship? We must engage maximum propulsion immediately and escape this infernal grip!" Captain Merxi exclaimed, her anxiety palpable.

"They have already activated the docking clamps," Tury confessed, her voice laden with remorse.

"And they're so colossal that any attempt to break free would rend this vessel asunder. You have lost, Captain. I hold all the cards, and I have regained control. Furthermore, your feeble attempts at accelerating will prove futile. I have established a veritable base camp near the engines," the captive human taunted over the ship's intercom, his voice dripping with smug superiority. "Moreover, I have disarmed your weaponry, rendering them vulnerable to centralized attack and sabotage. Your mech units are swiftly powering down."

"Damn you!" Captain Merxi bellowed in frustration, her claws curling into tight fists as the ship trembled beneath her. The sound of manual overrides engaging on the airlocks reverberated through the corridors, signaling an ominous turn of events.

"What do we do, Captain?" Tury implored, her voice trembling with trepidation.

Captain Merxi's mind raced, grappling with the sudden reversal of fortunes. She, as the self-proclaimed Commander, mustered her resolve and contemplated the only viable option. "Well, I suggest we surrender, Tury," she conceded, her tone laced with resignation. "Prepare to negotiate and cooperate with our captors. My kind believes in redemption and clemency, and if we navigate this situation with tact, there might yet be an opportunity for us. An opportunity that will appease not only ourselves but also the Admiral. Trust me, it's a prospect you'll appreciate almost as much as he and I will."

"What kind of opportunity?" Captain Merxi inquired, desperately seeking a glimmer of hope amidst the chaotic situation. Her mind raced, attempting to discern any possible means of escape from their impending fate. Yet, as her eyes met his, he chuckled, a knowing smirk dancing upon his lips.

"I'd prefer to obtain the Admiral's clearance before revealing the details," he teased, savoring the suspense. "I wouldn't want to raise your hopes without reason. Nonetheless, if we cooperate amicably with the armed and thoroughly unamused individuals awaiting us, they shall reciprocate in kind."

A nearby maintenance panel creaked open, and he stepped out, a small weapon brandished in his hand. The electrical cannons, now rendered useless, were held instinctively by the captives, their reflexes betraying their helplessness. "I have eleven hollow point rounds in this weapon," he warned, his voice carrying a cold, calculated edge. "Each bullet has the power to rend your internal systems apart, impervious to energy shields. These are kinetic, my dear adversaries."

He reached for something on his belt, revealing a grenade. "And this, my friends, is a chemical explosive capable of unleashing havoc and death in these confined quarters. One simple activation, and we all meet a swift demise."

Tense moments passed as the airlock swung open, revealing the arrival of black-clad, armored soldiers. "Contacts! We have our man here!" one of them declared, prompting the former prisoner to lower his weapon. The soldiers cautiously approached, their focus unwavering.

"Are you injured?" one of the soldiers inquired, their voice tinged with concern.

"Negative," he replied, his tone steady and resolute. "I have infiltrated the enemy vessel, acquiring a wealth of information. I urgently need to speak with the Admiral. We stand at the precipice of a potential turning point."

The soldier gestured toward his radio. "Use mine," he offered, maintaining a watchful gaze over the remaining captives. The former prisoner gratefully accepted, ensuring the soldiers' trust in his cooperation.

"This is Regal Brook, code Pino, Araekh, Beta, Nine, Zero, One, One, Seven. Confirm," he stated firmly into the device, a burst of static serving as the response.

"Code confirmed. It's good to have you back, soldier. Report to medical, please," came the voice from the other end.

"I'm heading there, but I must speak with the Admiral in person at the earliest opportunity. We have a unique chance before us, one we cannot afford to overlook," he conveyed into the radio, a sense of urgency palpable in his voice.

"Confirmed. Get moving. He'll see you there," the voice on the other end commanded.

"On my way," he replied resolutely before tucking the radio back into the soldier's shoulder strap and swiftly departing, his sights set on the rendezvous with the Admiral.

"Alright then, ladies. Nice and steady. Any sudden movements, and we'll start piercing holes in people," the soldier warned, his tone firm and commanding. With controlled force, he guided them through a reinforced hallway and into a sprawling cargo chamber, where an array of ship-grade weapons were pointed directly at them.

To Captain Mura Merxi's surprise, her entire crew, including the boarding team she had presumed lost, were marched into the chamber. Their eyes glazed with desire, they moved clumsily, consumed by an overpowering lust. It appeared that the ship was indeed predominantly populated by men.

No questions were asked, no interrogations conducted. Time stretched on, allowing the effects of the lust suppressant to wane. Just as the pheromones in the air began to make everyone squirm, not solely the returning boarding crew, the doors swung open, revealing a small crowd entering the chamber. Had this been a calculated move to put them at a disadvantage?

Leading the group was a man in a formal uniform, his hair graying and his glare exuding an aura of intimidation and unyielding authority. He possessed the air of a ruthless leader, reminiscent of those depicted in melodramatic films, where societies of warrior men were discovered. Perhaps such a society had been discovered in Callous Space.

"Captain Mura Merxi?" the high-ranking human addressed her, his voice devoid of warmth. She nodded in acknowledgment.

"I am Admiral Rudol Eigier, leader of this operation. Your ship and crew are now at my mercy," he stated matter-of-factly, prompting Captain Merxi to glare at him. "But rest assured, it is a mercy that will grant you ample opportunities."

Intrigued, she leaned forward, curiosity sparking within her. "Commander Brook, my soldier, has brought to my attention our dire need for additional ships, more crew members, and local intelligence, particularly within the unsavory realms of the galaxy and the less lawful societies. At present, my species relies on one oversized troop transport, and that simply won't suffice," Admiral Eigier explained, his words tinged with a hint of recruitment.

"To that end, I propose to sponsor your band of miscreants as privateers. In exchange, you will willingly share all relevant information with us. Outwardly, we shall vehemently deny any affiliation, but in secret, we shall provide you with supplies. Our ships will only engage yours if we are under the scrutiny of other entities, meaning many potential encounters will be left unscathed," Admiral Eigier continued, outlining his proposition. Captain Merxi's jaw dropped in astonishment. Collecting herself, she exhaled sharply.

"And what, may I ask, will you require of me and my crew? While I don't object to having a sponsor to keep us afloat, what will be our losses in this arrangement?" she pressed, her tone tinged with caution.

"Ten of my men will be aboard your ship, wielding veto power. If they deem a certain target unfit for attack, you shall respect their decision. Additionally, we shall have first refusal of any captured loot, meaning you must first offer it to us for purchase. Rest assured, we shall compensate you fully. This will also guarantee a market for your gains, my dear ladies. Lastly, we shall establish an information-sharing network and occasionally call upon you for special missions. Naturally, you shall be richly rewarded for such endeavors. The commanders we assign to your ship will serve as our intermediaries. Should you wish to communicate with us, you shall do so through them. Likewise, if we need to reach you, they shall act as our conduits," Admiral Eigier concluded, his eyes fixated on Captain Merxi, waiting for her response.

Captain Merxi's mind raced as she contemplated the offer before her. The admiral's proposal was both enticing and perilous, holding promises of resources and protection, but also the loss of autonomy and potential consequences for disobedience. She couldn't deny that the thought of securing her crew's future and acquiring the necessary means to keep their ship flying was tempting. However, she couldn't ignore the risks and the sense of servitude that hung in the air.

"And what guarantee do we have that we won't simply take everything you're about to offer us and vanish, never to be heard from again?" Captain Merxi challenged, her voice laced with defiance.

The admiral's eyes narrowed, a steely resolve gleaming within them. "Because, my dear captain, should we fail to receive a monthly report from our assigned commanders, containing the proper code phrases, we shall hunt you down mercilessly. Every member of your crew will find their fate sealed, cast into the fiery embrace of the nearest star. And with convincing replicas of your ship and crew, we will continue raiding, spying, and assassinating in your stead."

"Servitude or death, an exquisite choice you present," Captain Merxi growled, her hackles raised.

The admiral met her fierce gaze with unyielding determination. "You can choose to maintain your standards and thrive, or forsake your dignity and revert to mere savagery."

A flicker of intrigue danced in Captain Merxi's eyes as she considered the options laid out before her. She couldn't deny the allure of the admiral's words, and the confirmation that his men had been tested and were clean, fertile, and capable added another layer of temptation.

"That one," Captain Merxi declared, pointing a clawed finger toward her former captive with an unmistakable leer. "The one we captured and brought to you. I want him."

Rather than recoil, the man she had singled out raised an eyebrow and smirked, meeting her gaze with a mixture of confidence and intrigue. The exchange sent a ripple of interest through the room, as if the participants had momentarily returned to the realm of normalcy amidst the chaos.

The admiral's gaze shifted from Captain Merxi to the chosen man, a subtle smirk forming at the corner of his lips. "Very well, Captain. Consider him yours."

A flurry of emotions surged within Captain Merxi—ambition, desire, and the promise of power. As she locked eyes with her chosen captive, a world of opportunities opened up before her. In that moment, she sensed a bond forming, a union that could reshape their fates and propel them to greater heights.

The room fell into a tense silence, filled only with the unspoken anticipation of what lay ahead. Captain Merxi knew that accepting the admiral's offer would irrevocably change the course of her life and that of her crew. But in that pivotal moment, with the weight of the decision heavy upon her shoulders, she made her choice, fully aware of the risks and rewards that awaited her on this treacherous path.