Boys Cannot Be Saintesses Part One
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A few weeks later, Noir woke up in the early morning to train before accompanying Sir Monet and Hillarie to arrive at the Mage Guild to be tested. She wore a simple white blouse and fitted black pants. Her long, coiled hair was tucked neatly in a single braid. 

As young as she was in the recent few weeks her height had been increasing, to the point, she was sure she’d be measured at 165 CM). She grew faster than she did in her previous life, which was a should be concerning but, then she’s reborn within the world of a novel so stranger things have happened to her as of late.

Hillarie was adorned in whites and golds, wearing something akin to a frilly baptismal robe. The child wore a grin, snuggled to her chest as he slept through the carriage ride. Poor thing; he must’ve been tired out--although he was a bit small for a six-year-old still, she could tell he was gaining a healthy amount of weight.

He was eating properly, though he'd only eat his food with her--she didn't mind it much, however, since she enjoyed the company.

He doesn’t protest much or threw any tantrums. While it wouldn’t concern her normally, as he was well-behaved, but she was afraid he was suppressing his emotions. Growing up his mother’s hold could’ve influenced him--him being an illegitimate child opened to abuse that was over-looked and encouraged. 

His face, just like the woman who seemed to have captured the Emperor's affections. 

His smile, like the ones that the woman gave to her husband. 

His charms though boyish even stole away her husband as well. 

She hated him, she wanted him dead...and almost succeeded in it, due to Noir's interference.

She was already changing the story, though it was her intentions, she was afraid of the future.

Noir sighed.

The maids must’ve had fun dressing the boy for his magical christening--pity, if this were the modern world she’d like a phone to take pictures of him. 

Oh well, she had her memory.


“Yes, Sir Monet?” The older man grimaces at the word Sir, crossing his legs with dissatisfaction.

“You’ve been my son for nearly six months—I deserve the title a parent should have.” His lips were pursed in a slight pout, which Noir felt powerless against. A beautiful man acting cute to be acknowledged and a clingy little prince, it was simply too much for a young girl like her to take.

“Then, Father? What’s the matter?”

“I’m aware that you aren’t from this country--as you know, in this country we test those from Nobility and royalty of their magical ability. As my adopted son, despite being well past the testing age, will have your ability measured as well.”